Cursor Movement Cell to Cell Responsive Table - sapui5

We have a requirement to move the cursor from one editable cell to another automatically in sap.m.table .
I tried all the previously answered blogs but none of the code works.
Has anyone tried similar requirement before ?

I had this requirement before. I had to automatically focus from input field in column A to the next input field in column C in my sap.m.Table.
How I solved it was like this:
I detected the change of my input A by defining an event handler on the view XML. Then I get by id the input C and use jQuery method to put focus on its HTML inner element.


PowerApps Get Selected Item from Lookup to make a Button Visible at the Command line bar

I want a button from the command line bar to be visible or invisible depending on whether a record has been selected in the lookup field from the main form or not.
If no record has been selected, then the button should be displayed. Otherwise not.
For this problem, I want to use the Power Fx in PowerApps, but I haven't found a command yet, which shows me the content or something like that of the lookup field. Other field data types like text have worked without problems.
With Javascript, I already managed it without problems, but I would like to do it also in PowerFx if that should work.
The records come from the Table Company, where the attribute is Companyname.
Commands where I think they might work:
If([Selected Record];true;false);If(IsBlank([Selected Record]);true;false);If(IsBlankOrError([Selected Record]);true;false);If(IsEmpty([Selected Record]);true;false)
I guess there are 2 scenarios:
The Lookup form control element is a Dropdown with a Selected output property. Then your approach would work like If(IsBlankOrError(DataCardValue1.Selected),true,false)
If your form control element is a ComboBox then you could use If(CountRows(DataCardValue1.SelectedItems)>0,true,false) or the above described IsBlankOrError.

How to add another Text Field in VISIO?

As soon as we drag and drop any component we can see the component's name in a text field.. Similarly I want another Text Field with some numeric value like 1.0 , 2.0 to be generated and show it with the Component.
the issue is I am getting only 1 TEXT FIELD option.. Can you help me to understand this.enter image description here
You can have as many text fields as you want, you need to be in the shape text editor (hit F2 first so that text edit is opened, and then insert fields). Here is a video. Please note that this is not a programming question, probably should be closed here as offtopic.

Focus handling in SAPUI5

We have a requirement that of using a "tab" key in the table control to navigation across only input fields.
1. Every table row has atleast 6 to 8 fields - 2 of them are input fields and rest could be text,select etc.
2. By clicking tab i navigate across input fields in a row on clicking the last input field of a row i should move to the first input field of the next row.
I have the code for the following but i can see the focus method of the input control focuses the UI to subsequent input field of the input to be focused.
Jsbin -,output
I tried to set styles like .sapMFocus and also document.getElementbyId().focus and they dont work either.
Can you suggest some pointers on this.
Thanks and Regards,
I have exactly the same problem and started looking into it. I found out that the navigation within the table is possible and performed by class sap.ui.core.delegate.ItemNavigation (at least in v1.26).
However, what I consider really non-intuitive:
On Mac (Chrome or Safari) you have to hold the ALT key while pressing TAB to cycle through the input fields of your table.
I haven't figured out how to do it on Windows
I checked in your JSBin example, somehow the fields get focused in a weird order. I have prepared my own example - - where you can cycle through the input fields row by row using Alt+Tab.
Update 1
I have found the blog SAPUI5 Table Navigation with Tab Key by Klaus Kronawetter which adds extra keyboard handling to a sap.ui.table.Table. I adapted his code for a sap.m.Table which you can find at
Update 2
After further investigation, I decided that the solution from update 1 above is too much hassle.
Instead, I adapted the class sap.ui.core.delegate.ItemNavigationmentioned above, which is internally employed by sap.m.ListBase. In essence, you can cycle through the input fields with up and down arrow keys.
I have prepared an example at The relevant code is
var fnPatchedItemNavigationsetItemDomRefs = sap.ui.core.delegate.ItemNavigation.prototype.setItemDomRefs;
sap.ui.core.delegate.ItemNavigation.prototype.setItemDomRefs = function setItemDomRefsPatched(aItemDomRefs) {
// 'this' is now the instance of sap.ui.core.delegate.ItemNavigation"Patched version of sap.ui.core.delegate.ItemNavigation.setItemDomRefs");
var aInputFields = $(aItemDomRefs).find("input:enabled").get();
if (aInputFields[0]) {
// There is at least one enabled input field in this table, aInputFields);
} else {, aItemDomRefs);

DataGridViewComboBoxCell selectioindexchange event

I have a data-grid and three column in it. one column is type of DataGridViewComboBoxCell, three items are in this grid combo box, now i have to invoke selection index changed event to change value according to combo value change in grid.
also help me to make a new event ....
please help...
I really can't understand your question.
But maybe these informations can help:
A ComboBoxColumn has always two kinds of controls. A presenting one (in most cases a label) which is individually for each row. And a editing one that will be shared for the whole column. So take a look into this documentation and the IDataGridViewEditingControl Interface.
Maybe these will give you a starting point on how to solve your problem.
In the Load event for the form, you need to get the cell that you want to add the handler to and cast it as a regular combo box. You can then add the event handler on SelectedIndexChanged, but it must be done programmatically, and depending on the language you are using.

Creating columns with editable cells in Gtk treeview using Glade

I am trying to create a simple GUI with table containing x and y coordinates of samples. I use treeview, and I want the cells of the table to be editable by user. Is it possible to specify if the cells should be editable directly in Glade in cellrenderer properties, or do I have to specify it in my code? I use Glade 3.6.1
I have just found out that unticking box "Editable" in the Tree View Editor when editing my treeview, enables me to specify whether the cells shall be editable or not, because if the box is unticked, the cells editable property is no longer connected with the model.
But if I run the program, cells are editable, but the value that I write inside disappears. How can I fix that? Why doesn't the cell store the value I type inside?
Thanks for any hint
For anyone dealing with a similar problem, I have solved it - whenever a cell is edited, appropriate record in the model needs to be changed, example code in Python:
cell.connect("edited", self.text_edited, model, column)
def text_edited( self, w, row, new_text, model, column)
model[row][column] = new_text
I found I had to do something just a little different, but I am also using Ubuntu's Quickly development environment. I did have to go into Glade and uncheck the "Editable" box in my cellrenderer, which then brought up a toggable "Yes/No" button. Then my code looks like:
#psuedo-code function definition
cellcolumn_widget.connect("edited", self.function, list_or_treestore, columnnumber)
#actual code, editing second column so column is passed as 1
self.builder.get_object("cellrenderer_chapter").connect("edited", self.cell_edited, self.builder.get_object("liststore_chapters"),1)
def cell_edited(self, widget, row, new_text, model, column):
for python GTK, by default, text in Gtk.CellRendererText widgets is not editable, you can change this by setting the value of the “editable” property to True:
renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText();
renderer.set_property("editable", True);
then you can connect to the “edited” signal and update your Gtk.TreeModel and/or database accordingly:
renderer.connect("edited", self.entry_edited);
def entry_edited(self, widget, path, text):
self.listStore[path][number_of_row] = text; # put the number_of_row to be edited
check this tutorial for more information python gtk 3 tutorial - CellRendererText