Technique/script to extract AD and computer information and UEFISecureBootEnabled status - powershell

Get-ADComputer -Filter 'enabled -eq "true"' `
-Properties Name,Operatingsystem,OperatingSystemVersion,IPv4Address |
Sort-Object -Property Operatingsystem |
Select-Object -Property Name,Operatingsystem,OperatingSystemVersion,IPv4Address
I believe somehow combining the script above and below using a for loop.
Get-ItemProperty ` -Path hklm:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecureBoot\State ` | Select-Object UEFISecureBootEnabled
In time I'd like to "assemble" other commands to extract reports/data. I'd like help to learn and create a script I can modify with other commands.


Getting AD info using Get-ADGroupMember not working as expected

So i am trying to write a script that basically gets a list of AD groups, and then with each group, gets the members and memberof.
So far i have this :
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$groupList = get-adgroup -filter *| select-object Name | sort-object -property name
Which works fine. nice and simple. No problem. When i run write-output $groupList, it spits out the list of my AD groups. Happy days!
Then I add this :
foreach($group in $groupList){
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group
So my code block looks like this :
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$groupList = get-adgroup -filter *| select-object Name | sort-object -property name
foreach($group in $groupList){
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group
And get this error :
Get-ADGroupMember : Cannot bind parameter 'Identity'. Cannot create object of type
"Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroup". The adapter cannot set the value of property "Name".
I have also tried this :
Get-ADGroup -filter * -Properties MemberOf | Where-Object {$_.MemberOf -ne $null} | Select-Object Name,MemberOf
Which works great in Powershell:
Image of working script results
Yet strangley, when i then add the export-csv on the end, that same error returns :
Exported-CSV image
Can someone please educate me, as no doubt its myself being a little stoopid.
$groupList does not directly contain an array of strings / names.
Use the following command to get only the names:
$groupList = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Sort-Object -Property Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
MemberOf and Members are arrays. Export-Csv does not know how to export them into a file. Here an example, how to handle this.
Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties MemberOf, Members | `
Select-Object -Property Name, #{Name = 'MemberOf'; Expression = {$_.MemberOf -join ';'}}, #{Name = 'Members'; Expression = {$_.Members -join ';'}} | `
Export-Csv -Path 'path' -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation

How to find the MAC Address of Active Directory Computer Objects?

I am trying to get write a script where I can get all of the machine within my domains. here is what I found so far however I need to add additional information and still unable to get the correct information to get pull out. If someone can help me this will be great.
Get-ADComputer -Filter 'operatingsystem -like "*Windows server*" -and enabled -eq "true"' -Properties Name,Operatingsystem, OperatingSystemVersion, OperatingSystemServicePack,IPv4Address | Sort-Object -Property Operatingsystem | Select-Object -Property Name,Operatingsystem, OperatingSystemVersion, OperatingSystemServicePack, IPv4Address| ft -Wrap –Auto
I still need to be able to grab the MAC Address from all machines as well domains the machine belong to. and to make it worst I need to figure out how to export all of the data to CSV.
You will need to loop over the computers and get the MAC address individually inside the loop:
# Get-ADComputer returns these properties by default:
# DistinguishedName, GroupCategory, GroupScope, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID
$props = 'OperatingSystem', 'OperatingSystemVersion', 'OperatingSystemServicePack', 'IPv4Address'
$result = Get-ADComputer -Filter "operatingsystem -like '*Windows server*' -and enabled -eq 'true'" -Properties $props |
Sort-Object OperatingSystem | ForEach-Object {
$mac = if ((Test-Connection -ComputerName $_.Name -Count 1 -Quiet)) {
# these alternative methods could return an array of MAC addresses
# get the MAC address using the IPv4Address of the computer
(Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='True'" -ComputerName $_.IPv4Address).MACAddress
# or use
# Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.IPv4Address -ScriptBlock { (Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Up'}).MacAddress }
# or
# (& getmac.exe /s $_.IPv4Address /FO csv | ConvertFrom-Csv | Where-Object { $_.'Transport Name' -notmatch 'disconnected' }).'Physical Address'
else { $mac = 'Off-Line' }
# return the properties you want as object
$_ | Select-Object Name, OperatingSystem, OperatingSystemVersion, OperatingSystemServicePack, IPv4Address,
#{Name = 'MacAddress'; Expression = {#($mac)[0]}}
# output on screen
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap
# or output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\Wherever\ADComputers.csv' -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
Active directory computer object doesn't contain the MAC address attribute , so you will not be able to get the info needed using active directory object only; but instead you can use the "IPv4Address" attribute of the AD computer object and query the DHCP server to find the machines MAC address and place the output data as "custompsobject" then export the result as C.V sheet.
Also if you have System center configuration manager "SCCM" you can query its database to generate a report with all needed data (Name,Operatingsystem, OperatingSystemVersion, OperatingSystemServicePack,IPv4Address and MAC address)

get deactivated computers in ad from csv list

i'm tryin to figure out which computers are deactivated. for that i provide the computer names in a csv list. i just want to output the computers which are deactivated. this is what i have. unfortunately i get all deactivated computers. but i only want that names provided in the csv
Import-CSV -Path "C:\pc_names" | Select -expand Name | Get-ADComputer -searchbase 'XXX' -Filter {(Enabled -eq $False)} -Properties Name, OperatingSystem | Export-CSV “C:\Temp\DisabledComps.CSV” -NoTypeInformation
The problem is likely in the Get-ADComputer command, you specify a SearchBase (assumedly an OU), and a filter for all disabled computers - but never actually include the name of the PC that you piped in from the CSV, so it just returns every disabled PC under that search base.
Try something like this instead;
Import-CSV -Path "C:\pc_names" | Select -Expand Name | Get-ADComputer -SearchBase 'XXX' -Filter {(Enabled -eq $False) -and ($_.Name)} -Properties Name, OperatingSystem | Export-CSV "C:\Temp\DisabledComps.CSV" -NoTypeInformation
Note the $_.Name in the filter.
I've probably got that filter syntax wrong - but that should be the cause.
There is no way you can test if the computername is to be found in an array of names using the -Filter parameter..
You need to first collect computer objects within your SearchBase OU and filter the disabled ones only.
Following that, you filter out the ones that can be found in the $pcNames array using a Where-Object clause:
$pcNames = (Import-Csv -Path "C:\pc_names.csv").Name
Get-ADComputer -SearchBase 'XXX' -Filter "Enabled -eq 'False'" -Properties OperatingSystem |
Where-Object { $pcNames -contains $_.Name } | # or: Where-Object { $_.Name -in $pcNames }
Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\DisabledComps.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Note: Get-ADComputer by default already returns these properties: DistinguishedName, DNSHostName, Enabled, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID, UserPrincipalName. That means you only have to ask for the extra property OperatingSystem in this case
It's pretty obvious that something like this ignores what's piped in and returns many computers.
'comp001' | get-adcomputer -filter 'Enabled -eq $False'
If you wait until the end, there is an error message:
get-adcomputer : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its
properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
At line:1 char:13
+ 'comp001' | get-adcomputer -filter 'Enabled -eq $false'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (comp001:String) [Get-ADComputer], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADComputer
You can do get-adcomputer inside a foreach loop and test Name as well:
$list = echo comp001 comp002 comp003
$list | % { get-adcomputer -filter 'Enabled -eq $False -and Name -eq $_' }

Get entries of a file from a filtered list

I am trying to grab the host file entries of servers in mulptiple OUs here to show the host file entries and server names
$OUpath =
$ExportPath = 'c:\servers.csv'
$OUpath | Foreach {
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $OUpath} | Select-object DistinguishedName,DNSHostName,Name,Description | Export-Csv -NoType $ExportPath
Part A up ran fine...How can i get the entries of the results. I am tending towards content but hope to have it all in one script. Any help would be nice.
An alternative to #FoxDeploy's helpful answer, here is how you can do the same using the pipelines with ForEach-Object.
Note that Description is not a default property for Get-ADComputer you will need to add -Properties Description to see it's value.
Another point to consider, by default, if you don't specify the -SearchScope, Get-ADComputer will perform a SubTree search, meaning that it will bring all computers of the specified OU and all computers on all the OUs contained in the Base OU. If you just want to bring the computers in the OU without going down in recursion, you should add -SearchScope OneLevel.
) | ForEach-Object {
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $_ -Properties Description
} | Select-Object DistinguishedName,DNSHostName,Name,Description |
Export-Csv 'c:\servers.csv' -NoTypeInformation
I think the primary issues were the array getting declared incorrectly, and incorrect syntax for the ForEach-Object cmdlet
$OUpath = #(
$ExportPath = 'c:\servers.csv'
$OUpath |
ForEach-Object {
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $_ -Properties Description
} |
Select-Object DistinguishedName, DNSHostName, Name, Description |
Export-Csv $ExportPath -NoTypeInformation
You have to use $_ in this context where you were using $OUpath previously. Select-Object can take the the piped output from the ForEach-Object loop rather than being in the loop, which should be more efficient. Likewise for Export-Csv.
As implied by FoxDeply's very good answer that might signal an attempt to use A ForEach(...) loop construct instead of ForEach-Object. But if we are going that route I think it's slightly better to let PowerShell populate the array for us.
$OUpath = #(
$Servers =
ForEach( $Path in $OUpath )
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $path -Properties Description |
Select-Object DistinguishedName, DNSHostName, Name, Description
$Servers | Export-Csv $ExportPath -NoTypeInformation
Alternatively you could skip the Select-Object inside the loop and add $Servers = $Servers | Select-Object ... right after the loop. Although the difference is probably negligible.
With some minor restructuring, this should get you past your issue
$OUpath = (
$ExportPath = 'c:\servers.csv'
$servers = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
ForEach($path in $OUpath){
$ouServers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $path | Select-object DistinguishedName,DNSHostName,Name,Description
$servers.AddRange($ouServers) | Out-Null
"found $($servers.Count) servers!"
$servers | export-csv $exportPath
I made the list of OU Paths a PowerShell array, then iterate through them using the standalone ForEach loop. Then commit the items to a variable that will persist ($servers) and output the CSV.

Pull User Info From AD

I'm trying to pull a list of users (first name and last), their email addresses, and which container they're in, but unfortunately it's not coming up with the data I need. I can get most of the information, just not the container name.
Get-ADUser -SearchBase 'DC=DOMAINNAME,DC=COM' -Filter {(mail -ne "null") -and (Enabled -eq "true")} -Properties emailAddress |
Select givenName,surName,OU,emailAddress |
Format-Table -AutoSize |
Out-File 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\Lists\Users_List.txt'
You're looking for the attribute DistinguishedName, but to just get the OU you would have to do some formatting. If you ran Get-ADUser | Get-Member you would see there is no property called OU.
Get-ADUser `
-Filter {(mail -ne "null") -and (Enabled -eq "true")} `
-Properties emailAddress `
| Select givenName,surName,#{Name='OU';Expression={$_.DistingishedName.Replace("CN=$($_.Name),","")}},emailAddress `
| Format-Table -AutoSize `
| Out-File 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\Lists\Users_List.txt'
Article on Understanding PowerShell Custom Properties with the Select-Object cmdlet
I would change your mail filters to $false, and $true. I don't have a computer with the AD module installed on it to test out my answer, otherwise I would have provided more.