Why doesn't my own GitHub page show my project? - github

This is my first GitHub page; I have created repository and even pasted my project into it, but when I enter the URL it gives me 404 error with "There isn't a GitHub Pages site here" description.
My project called 'weather-app' and the URL: https://salehghari.github.io/
So it should be like this: https://salehghari.github.io/weather-app/weatherapp.html

I checked your repository on Github and all the Builds under Actions are marked as Failure with the following error under Deploy:
Error: No uploaded artifact was found!
Under Build I see this:
Error: fatal: No url found for submodule path 'weather-app' in
.gitmodules Error: The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code
You are using a submodule but I don't see a clickable link on the repository, are you sure that is correct ? Check if this submodule is correct, there is also an issue on Github Community about this topic.

You need to configure the branch you want to use for your GitHub pages site.
These are the steps you need to follow

I deleted that repo and created another. that un-clickable folder in previous repo was caused the 404 error. Because I had pushed that folder on GitHub once so it means It had had a .git file in it. Thank you every one I appreciate your helps


Github Build and Deploy Error: No uploaded artifact was found

I am trying to deploy a github.io blog but having an issue with build and deployment. I can build the files without any issue on local server, but when I try to publish it on github server by pushing it, it throws a build and deployment error saying:
Error: Error: No uploaded artifact was found!
Here's my git repo link for more info: https://github.com/dailyole/dailyole.github.io/runs/4677505925?check_suite_focus=true
I was able to publish the same files on github.io without an issue a few weeks ago, but it throws an error now.
In my case my problem was caused by some bad submodule references:
No url found for submodule path 'teaching/epit2018' in .gitmodules
This seems to be a common issue these days:
It fixed it with some commands like this:
git rm --cached teaching/epit2018
This doesn't seem the problem for you though.
solved it by change the theme of blog.
methed 1: change it in web by settings.
On GitHub, navigate to your site's repository.
Under your repository name, click Settings.
In the "Code and automation" section of the sidebar, click "Pages",
then, click "change theme"
change theme
select one theme, and click "select theme"
methed 2: change in the file
vim _config.yml
change the line
theme: jekyll-text-theme
to a new theme, like
theme: jekyll-theme-cayman
: sorry for I need at least 10 reputation to post images
Realized this issue occurs when there is an empty submodule in your GitHub repo. Removed the empty submodule and it's working now.
As far as I can see, your problem is different than mine though:
github-pages 223 | Error: The jekyll-theme-hydejack theme could not be found.
I also meet the question, and my git repo is: github-pages 223 | Error: File to import not found or unreadable: mixins/reset-filter.
Then I see the path that have the problem, I found this file isn't uploaded. The folder contains too many files and I didn't check it again. May be you need to check if some files are not uploaded.

No '\docs' folder was found to build GitHub Pages message

I'm new here.
I'm learning Git and Github and here's my first question : I got this message in my e-mails because in my settings on Github I've chosen for the source branch:main and folder: /docs
The page build failed for the main branch with the following error:
No /docs folder was found to build GitHub Pages. Check the source
setting for this repository. For more information, see
My question is why do i have this message ? I know that I have to create a docs folder or chose root folder but where do I have to create it (if I have to)? And do I have to create it ?
Sorry, it's maybe a noob question ... I just want to understand why.
I resolved this problem by choosing folder /root but I just want to understand...
Can you help me please ? ^^

github desktop error “The repository does not seem to exist anymore. You may not have access, or it may have been deleted or renamed.”

I have installed GitHub Desktop as the uploaded local project tool, I uploaded a project "F:/test", and it could show successful in my GitHub homepage, then I delete this repository.
But I re-publish this project to GitHub.
Github Desktop shows this history of the repository, and prompt error
The repository does not seem to exist anymore.
You may not have [enter access, or it may have been deleted or renamed
How can I get past this error message?
This error was keeps on occurring to me. Turn out I was not added as the Contributor on the GitHub project.
The repo owner should be able to see and list of Contributor for the project. You can request him to add you in contributor list and this error will disappear.
I was facing the same issue, I simply sign out from Github Desktop app in File > options > Signout
In my case I accidentally changed the push Url, so I executed:
git remote set-url --push origin https://github.com/username/repo.git
After that I checked with:
git remote show origin
your Fetch Url and Push Url must look like the same URL where you cloned the project.
As shown in this error, it is the result of an invalid local path. Either because it includes invalid characters, or because you don't have write/admin access to it (read access is not enough).
If you can, clone again that repo in a different path and open it with GitHub Desktop, and see if the issue persists.
I had the same issue. I deleted my repository from remote as well and then recreated.
If you aren't worried about the change trace being lost, then you can simply remove the .git folder (you will need to enable hidden files in windows) and then re-initialize the repository in the project folder.
This resolved the problem for me!
In my case I have used more than one account. Just sign out from GitHub Desktop and sign in back to the specific account. You might sign out any logged GitHub session on the default web browser if the account is not what you want.
Since I had a forked repository, I had spelled my url wrong in
github desktop -> repository -> repository settings...
I had a link called github.com/myname/myproject.it
but instead of it I hade to write git.
I was logged in with the wrong account! I had to sign out of Github in the browser first, then sign out in Github Desktop and re-sign in

post_url causing build failure with github

I am trying to link to another post in my blog. The markdown for both the blog resides in the same folder under _posts. However, when I try to use post_url I always get a build failure with github.
This is how i am declaring it in my markdown.
[Part2 - Details about PyVM and the execution of VM]({% post_url 2016-01-06-PyVyM-Part2 %})
I am adding the code for the post_url in the PyVym-Introduction file.
My .config.yml looks like this.
# Build settings
markdown: redcarpet
pygments: true
permalink: pretty
highlighter: pygments
If I remove the post_url code then there are no build failures. Can someone point me to the mistake here ?
[edited]: github failure email has no error message. It just says build failed.. Exact message below..
The page build failed with the following error:
Page build failed. For more information, see https://help.github.com/articles/troubleshooting-github-pages-build-failures.
Are you using another repository named "pretty" with a gh-pages branch?
Github warns of duplicating these URL's here
If you are having issues with your Jekyll Pages, make sure you are not using categories that are named the same as another project, as this could cause path conflicts. For example: if you have a blog post named 'resume' in your User Page repository and a project named 'resume' with a gh-pages branch, they will conflict with each other.

git-upload-pack not found while adding new repository to Eclipse Git

I use Eclipse with GIT plugin. I try to add a new GitHub repository, by copying the GitHub URL to the clipboard, then going to the "Git Repositories" view and right-clicking "Paste Repository Path or URL".
I get the following error:
https://github.com/rothariel/aimnegochat: https://github.com/rothariel/aimnegochat/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack not found
This is strange, because I already have some repositories in this view...
From Erel's answer to my question in the comment section, it turned out the mistake was the copy of the wrong url. So, instead of copying the url provided by github, Erel copied the url in the navigation bar. The solution was to change the repository address to https://github.com/rothariel/aimnegochat.git
For users of EGit/Eclipse who get the same error when clone from Visual Studio Online, be careful
the repo URL is not:
- https://[alt-name].visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/[your_repo]
the correct one is:
- https://[alt-name].visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_git/[your_repo]
I had this message before
service=git-upload-pack not found
Seems the gitlab user & password I used for that git was wrong.
I changed it to the right one and it worked just fine.
Yosi Lev