Kite is not working VS code but showning no error - visual-studio-code

I have installed both kite extention and engine and it is showing that everything is ok but autocompletion doesn't work in VS code as you can see below:
I have installed latest versions of kite and vs code in previous I used tabnine.


JavaScript (ES6) code snippets doesn't work with Vs Code version 1.75

Recently, I updated my VS code, and JavaScript (ES6) code snippets stopped working. The current version of VS Code is 1.75.
I have uninstalled the extension and installed it again, but nothing works.

visual studio code - couldn't start client language support for java

Visual Studio code was working fine with maven projects, and suddenly stopped after I installed a new extension (Lombok).
I can't seem to get it to work anymore, even if I'm not using Lombok, and have the plugin disabled.
As soon as I start Visual Studio Code, it complains with
Couldn't start client language support for java
How can I fix this?
To solve this, I did the following:
Went to the installed extension (Command Pallette, Extensions: Installed Extensions)
found "Language suppoort for Java(TM) by Red Hat"
Clicked on the drop down arrow by "Uninstall", and chose "Install another version"
Chose a recent version, and restarted Visual Studio Code
it worked - I assume I could upgrade to latest again, but haven't done so yet.
Note: I feel that somehow I broke my settings.json file, and doing this fixed it up.

Do I need Visual Studio Code Insiders to install jupyter Notebook extension?

I run the latest Visual Studio Code (1.56.1 windows 10 professional, as of today) but the jupyter extension file ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.6.832913620.vsix complains with:
Unable to install extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter' as it is not compatible with VS Code '1.56.1'.
How do I find out what is the latest version of jupyter compatible with VSC stable?
The latest compatible build of the Jupyter extension for VS Code 1.56.1 is 2021.6.832593372. v2021.6.832913620 requires VS Code 1.57.0-insider.
Unfortunately the VS Code marketplace doesn't currently indicate which version of VS Code you need to install a specific VSIX. There's a feature request for this: In the meantime it's recommended to install extensions from inside VS Code wherever possible, as VS Code version requirements are correctly resolved from there.
Latest version (2021.6.914258744) seems broken, but this one 2021.6.832593372 works.
Working setup as of June 9, 2021 (full offline install):
SHA1: 7F9DA2C7A35BA29778ECB36A2D3D81CBCCD3060D
ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.6.832593372.vsix +
ms-python.python-2021.5.842923320.vsix = OK SHA1:
ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.6.914258744.vsix +
ms-python.python-2021.5.842923320.vsix = Broken SHA1:

VSCode with Python Extension April 2019 - "Python Extension Loading..."

I am unable to get Python extension working with fresh install of VS Code / Python 3.7.3 on Windows 10.
VS Code status bar shows a message 'Python extension loading...' continuously.
Python is installed in a non-standard path at c:\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python
Have uninstalled both VSCode and python several times and had installed afresh.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>which python
When developer tools is opened, the following error shows up in console.
property 'length' of undefined
at g.update (c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:83:373818)
at g.initialize (c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:83:381134)
at new g (c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:83:372522)
at Function.getInstance (c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:83:372729)
at h.getSettings (c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:83:370264)
at b.initialize (c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:83:624877)
at c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:9:93210
at c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:9:93877
at module.exports.t.activate (c:\Users\APCIT\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.4.11987\out\client\extension.js:9:96601)
at Function._callActivateOptional (c:\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\services\extensions\node\extensionHostProcess.js:719:166)
at Function._callActivate (c:\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\services\extensions\node\extensionHostProcess.js:718:872)
at define._doActivateExtension.Promise.all.then.e (c:\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\services\extensions\node\extensionHostProcess.js:718:79)
(Posted solution on behalf of the question author).
OK - I deleted the VS Code profile folder
and installed fresh extension along with miniconda, and it is working fine.
This seems to be an annoying problem that is caused by other extensions. Best way I fixed mine was:
To disable all the extensions
Enable ms-python extension
Reload vs-code and voila, it's all fixed
I also had this problem. But I fixed it by changing the location of the python file.

Visual Studio Code OSX Snippets Not Working

I have a MacBook Pro and and iMac, with the same version of Visual Studio Code installed on both. And on both I'm experiencing the same problem. Intellisense stops recognizing my user-made snippets at some point and I have to do a restart (which sometimes doesn't work).
I'm not using an extension for the snippets, but am manually entering them in preferences > user snippets, in the appropriate languages.
Anyone else have this problem?