How to set Neovim to use the full width of the terminal? - neovim

I am trying to resize the Neovim terminal width such that it covers full with of my terminal, but it is not covering the full width. I have also changed the background of Neovim to my background of the terminal, but nothing happened. I have also tried :resize, but nothing happens.
I am using Kali Linux 5.10.0 and it is the default terminal emulator of Kali Linux (Qterminal) with Neovim version 0.5.1.


neovim onedark colortheme displaying wrong

I have recently downloaded neovim to start developing there, and I wanted a color theme the one dark from atom, but for some reason doesn't work properly, the whole screen comes blue, I searched in other places but I didn't see anyone with the same problem, I'm in macOS 12.5.1, I even tried to run the theme in a ubuntu machine, in a docker container and is the same problem, Has anyone had this same problem?
Here's a picture
screenshot of neovim
There's no solution I was using the default mac Terminal, it appears that the Terminal is stuck in the 1970's and doesn't process termguicolors, as a remedy.
I'm using alacritty know, and works fine know.

VSCode on Linux Mint, integrated terminal not able to type anything

Hi I'm running Linux Mint 19 and I have just installed vscode using the snapd package manager. I've not used vscode on linux before as my usual editor is emacs. However, on a fresh new install of vscode, the integrated terminal does not work, there is just a non blinking cursor in the top left of the screen, but no prompt and no keyboard strokes are registering. This appears to be a common problem as there are a lot of posts about it if googled, but they are all for Windows versions and none of the solutions that I'm able to try do anything. I've tried to open a new terminal window, but the same thing happens I just get two terminal windows that I now cannot use. I've also tried checking the box that says Code-runner: Run In Terminal, but that does nothing either. What can I do to get this to work please, I looks to me like it is just not connected to either a bash or Zsh(which I normally use). Any help on this would be appreciated.
Instead of starting vscode with its default shell script (usually located on /usr/share/code/bin/code), the integrated terminal only works for me when starting it directly from the compiled binary (typically found on /usr/share/code/code, which is the same as the launcher created by the installer:
/usr/share/code/code --no-sandbox --unity-launch %F
While I searched for a solution in the past I've also noticed that lots of folks solved similar problems just by adding --disable-gpu flag, so might be worth checking out as well.

How can I make the vscode gui visible?

I am using CentOS 7.7.1909 version.
I installed vscode via yum, the window pops up but nothing comes up like the screenshot. What should I do?
Try running it from the command line with the following flag:
code --disable-gpu
The Electron shell used by Visual Studio has trouble with some GPU hardware acceleration.

Visual Studio Code can't run in Ubuntu 18.04

I have been using VSCode for a while and never had any big problem with it. Today I tried to start my VSCode from left taskbar on my Ubuntu 18.04 and it not showing up. Also, I tried to run in terminal as 'code .' again nothing.
VSCode version is latest 1.23.1 I tried few time today with install/remove and nothing. Somehow I am thinking maybe it something with permissions but not sure.
When click on task bar icon its shows like loading on top taskbar in ubuntu 18.04 for a few seconds and stops.
Also when tried to run in terminal as:
$ code . --verbose
[15027:0603/] Gtk: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
[15027:0603/] Gtk: GModule (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/ initialization check failed: GLib version too old (micro mismatch)
[15027:0603/] Gtk: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed
pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:07:00.0/resource: No such file or directory
just getting an error, but not sure is this error connected with problem I did some investigation and Gtk is already installed and works well on my OS.
Fixed it with "delete the /home/user/.config/Code folder"

Emacs window unexpectedly moves around using cygwin

When I use Emacs 25.3 in Cygwin and XOrg on win10, the window moves around unexpectedly. If I snap the window to the left side of the screen and then open the minibuffer, the window slightly shifts, and covers part of the window on the right. This behavior does not happen with MS Windows Emacs. If there a way to fix this?
EDIT: I followed the guide at to setup embedded browser support, so I built the linux 25.3.1 version in Cygwin.