Test SendGrid Upsert Cron Job - sendgrid

Just trying to get the best method for testing adding/updating contacts via a cronjob without interfering with the current contacts list. Will I need to create a new account specifically for testing?

Twilio SendGrid developer evangelist here.
If you want to make requests to the API as part of your testing (which I normally advise against, as testing 3rd party services should be unnecessary), and you don't want to affect your data, then you don't need a completely new account, but you can use a Subuser account.


Is it somehow possible to get transaction details from any paypal user using my service?

Assume the following situation:
I have a 3rd party service offering some kind of analytics/report/whatever... on a paypal user's transaction history.
Is it possible to fetch payments (only amount - in case that matters) of private paypal accounts (ofc assuming they somehow granted access by registering to my service), even though they didn't buy anything of me directly?
I hope the situation is somewhat clear, unfortunately I coulnd't find any matching questions on the web.
Thanks in advande!
It's easier to download activity and import a CSV than to query transactions via API, but there is a Transaction Search API that can be used.

Send emails from static website hosted on google storage (using google services)

I just created a static website that is hosted on google storage. My domain is also registered with google domains and I have a business G suite account.
My static website has a 'contact us' form and I wonder if it is possible to use gmail or gsuite (or any gcp services) to send the content of the form as an email to my gmail address.
I know there's services like mailgun, etc. But I'd rather do it using tools from google if possible.
Does anybody know how to do this?
There is a very good option that you can use, within the range of Google products, to achieve the goal of sending emails via Contact Form, with your static website.
This option is actually easy and very simple to configure, I would say, which it's to use the serveless product Cloud Functions. To provide some context on it, you can make the functions trigger via HTTPS request, so it works with your site and you will be able to use it for free, for up to 625 thousands forms submissions per month. I would recommend you to give a look at it, in this complete tutorial here, where you can find the steps.
In addition to this option, you can use Mailgun as you mentioned, but in association with GCP products, to give you this service. You can use Mailgun to send the emails, Cloud Datastore to keep records of it and Cloud Functions to work with these two services. More information can be found in this similar case here.
To summarize, as you would prefer to use tools from Google, to follow the first tutorial, where you will be using Cloud Functions only, to configure your service.

Twilio Push credentials with multiple accounts

At our company, we have a telecommunication platform based on Twilio with multiple sub-accounts. Now, that we want to switch to VOIP, we have a little problem on how to properly setup the Mobile Push Credentials.
Is there a way to set it up on the master account ?
or the process of creating, signing up the certificate should be done on each account separately ?
I did not found anything on the documentation regarding this issue.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Master and sub-accounts are best for separating billing amongst customers that you have, so it is not possible for sub-accounts to use resources from the master account.
You could automate the process of creating the certificates for each sub-account using the Credentials REST API though.

Trigger script across multiple Google accounts? (Google Apps Script)

I know I can use Google Apps Script to send an email from the account that is currently logged in. I'm wondering, is it possible for a "master" Script on one account to push a trigger of some kind out to a series of other Google Accounts, telling them to run their scripts?
Essentially I need to send a bunch of emails from various different accounts, and the user who runs the script won't be able to log into all of them. I'm looking for a way to make all these accounts listen for a central signal to run their scripts.
Does this make sense? Any thoughts?
Thank you,
Pacific 231
The short answer is yes...
You will have to write one script for each account that will run as a service (deployed as webApp with its own url) and your master script will have to call each of them using an urlFetch with some parameters added to the url telling them what email to send. You'll have to add some security feature to these calls.
Every webApp service will run as the user who wrote the script and will be accessible to anyone (if in a Google Apps account you will be able to restrict the use to members of the Google Apps community).
This is not too hard to do but will require some work though...
We'll be glad to help you if you meet specific issues.

New PayPal API - how to set up live application? Not Sandbox

It has been some time since I last set up PayPal payments on a website.
After I opened the new PayPal API and honestly, I am a little bit confused. At the moment, there is each new website considered by PayPal support?
On the following page, https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications, I found Test credentials, but I want to set up Live credentials.
In the block with Live credentials, it is written:
Live credentials (currently for U.S. businesses)
We'll email you when your live credentials are ready.
How much it usually takes? And also, what everything is needed for being approved? Is there any way to make it faster or the only thing I can do is to wait?
The first part of your question about new websites is unclear. But I would guess that the Classic APIs might be a better choice for your use-case, as the new RESTful API is still in a beta stage with limited features.
I see this is tagged as paypal-adaptive-payments. Adaptive Payments is its own separate API and you can read information on going live with it here: https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/going-live-with-your-application
For the second part of your question, I am not sure how long it takes but my best guess from similar processes is two business days (Monday-Friday)
Live credentials are only available for US accounts right now as we currently only support America.