Simple http request with basicauth stucks - flutter

I don’t really want to do anything other than a simple HTTP-request with a GET parameter and Basic Auth.
For this, I have written the following small class. However, not much seems to happen here. The request is started but it doesn’t seem to return any result. It runs and runs and should timeout or something like that.
class HttpService {
Future<List<Post>> getPosts() async {
final queryParameters = {
'data_type': 'temps_today',
String username = 'user';
String password = 'password';
String basicAuth =
'Basic ' + base64Encode(utf8.encode('$username:$password'));
Response res = await get(Uri.https('', '/gartentemp/api/get_temp_data.php', queryParameters), headers: <String, String>{'authorization': basicAuth}); //stucks here
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
List<dynamic> body = jsonDecode(res.body);
List<Post> posts = body
(dynamic item) => Post.fromJson(item),
return posts;
} else {
throw "Unable to retrieve posts.";
In the browser, a JSON file is delivered without any problems.
What's wrong with my try?
Thx niesel


Flutter/Dart http request response with a value

I have an app which is using http request for php server.
But I have a problem here.
Future<List<Photo>> fetchPhotos(http.Client client) async {
final response =
await client.get(Uri.parse(''));
// Use the compute function to run parsePhotos in a separate isolate.
return compute(parsePhotos, response.body);
// A function that converts a response body into a List<Photo>.
List<Photo> parsePhotos(String responseBody) {
final parsed = jsonDecode(responseBody).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
return<Photo>((json) => Photo.fromJson(json)).toList();
I have a code like this. I am getting datas from the server. But I want to send a value to php server. and get datas depend on the value.
For instance, I will send username to the php server and I will get the datas about the username parameter. My php codes works but the problem is in flutter code.
Thanks for your helps
If youre tryting to send parameters over a get, you could use something like:
Future<List<Photo>> fetchPhotos(http.Client client) async {
final response = await client
if (urlCallResponse.statusCode == 200) {
// Use the compute function to run parsePhotos in a separate isolate.
return compute(parsePhotos, response.body);
} else {
// A function that converts a response body into a List<Photo>.
List<Photo> parsePhotos(String responseBody) {
final parsed = jsonDecode(responseBody).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
return<Photo>((json) => Photo.fromJson(json)).toList();
Here is an example on how to do a post:
final response = await post(
headers: {
'authorization': getBasicAuth(username, password),
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
body: json.encode(jobFormValue),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
getBasicAuth function:
String getBasicAuth(String username, String password) {
return 'Basic ${base64Encode(utf8.encode('$username:$password'))}';

Flutter mockito post always return null

I'm trying to test my code that makes a post to login from an API using a mocked http client, but instead of returning what I asked for, it returns null, I did the same test but changing the endpoint and method to GET and it worked perfectly. I'm currently using flutter's http to make the requests, but I've already tested it with Dio and the result was the same, below is my code
Future<String> signIn(String email, String password) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> body = {"email": email, "password": password};
final String url = url_base + Urls.auth_login;
final Map<String, String> customHeader = {
"Content-type": "application/json",
String returnCode;
try {
var x = jsonEncode(body);
http.Response response = await, body: x, headers: customHeader);
var parsedJson = json.decode(;
if (parsedJson.containsKey("token")) {
returnCode = parsedJson["token"];
} else {
returnCode = parsedJson["non_field_errors"][0];
}catch (e) {
throw ServerException();
if (returnCode == null) {
throw ServerException();
} else {
return returnCode;
and the test case:
class ClientMock extends Mock implements http.Client {}
void main() {
RemoteData remoteData;
group('Test signIn', () {
test('Login with email and wrong password', () async {
final clientMock = ClientMock();
remoteData = RemoteData(client: clientMock);
String jsonMockResponse =
'{non_field_errors: [Unable to log in with provided credentials.]}';
.thenAnswer((_) async => http.Response(jsonMockResponse, 400));
String loginReturn =
await remoteData.signIn('', 'password123');
expect(loginReturn,throwsA(const TypeMatcher<ServerException>()));
I've already tested some things like changing 'any' for exactly the same thing the real function gets and it didn't work either.
The actual test return 'Instance of 'ServerException'', an in debug mode i could see that the return is null, and the last if is the one who throws this exception.

Flutter print any http request automatically - abstract HTTP class

in short words I want to print in my console any Http request that my app is requesting without putting print command after each call I'm making for example :
let's say I have service with http.Client.get and I have another 100 service like that.
what I'm doing now is I'm waiting for the response in each service and then I'm printing it like this print('response is ' + response.body);.
what I want to achieve is that will be automatically be printed out for me without me writing print 100 times in after each request I'm making, any good architect would you recommend to follow ?
hope I cleared the idea well.
You can try the http_interceptor package which allows you to catch all the requests & responses from your http requests (change headers, params etc..)
If you add LogInterceptor, Request and Response URLs and request body are printed. Try ...
final logInterceptor = LogInterceptor(
requestBody: true,
responseBody: true,
error: false,
requestHeader: true,
responseHeader: true);
well here is my last approach for this.
for every one is seeking for making it with abstraction or let's say wrapping;
first what I did is kind if wrapping for the HTTP class and used my class everywhere instead of the original Http Class.
so the code would go like this
class MHttpClient {
final http.Client client;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
MHttpClient(this.client, this.sharedPreferences);
Future<http.Response> get(
{String path = "", Map<String, String> extraHeders}) async {
printWrapped('get Path: $path');
final response = await client.get(
Uri.parse(getBaseURL() + Version + path),
headers: getHeaders(extraHeaders: extraHeders),
printWrapped("get response : \n" + utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes));
return response;
Future<http.Response> post(
{String body = "",
String path = "",
Map<String, String> extraHeders}) async {
printWrapped('sended body: \n');
printWrapped(' ${json.decode(body)}');
final response = await
Uri.parse(getBaseURL() + Version + path),
body: body,
headers: getHeaders(extraHeaders: extraHeders),
printWrapped("post response : \n" + utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes));
return response;
Future<http.Response> put({String body = "", String path = ""}) async {
printWrapped('put body: \n ${json.decode(body)}');
final response = await client.put(
Uri.parse(getBaseURL() + Version + path),
body: body,
headers: getHeaders(),
return response;
Future<http.Response> putImage({File image, String path = ""}) async {
printWrapped('Image Path: $path');
final response = await http.put(
headers: getImageHeaders(),
body: image.readAsBytesSync(),
return response;
String getBaseURL() {
if (Foundation.kDebugMode)
return BaseURLSTAGING;
return BaseURL;
String getApiKey() {
if (Foundation.kDebugMode)
return ApiKeyStaging;
return ApiKey;
String getToken() {
String cashedToken = sharedPreferences.getString(CACHED_TOKEN);
if (cashedToken == null) cashedToken = "";
return cashedToken;
Map<String, String> getHeaders({Map extraHeaders}) {
Map<String, String> headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'x-api-key': getApiKey(),
HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'Bearer ' + getToken(),
if (extraHeaders == null || extraHeaders.isEmpty)
return headers;
else {
return headers;
Map<String, String> getImageHeaders() {
return <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'image/png'};
void printWrapped(String text) {
final pattern = RegExp('.{400}'); // 800 is the size of each chunk
pattern.allMatches(text).forEach((match) => developer.log(;
and then I used MHttpClient else where
final MHttpClient client;
final response = await client.get(path: path);
and in this case I don't have to warry about anything else ,
and when you need to change one thing you will change it in one place only, and every thing will stay the same and work as you want without braking changes you have to do for all you requested.

Register to aqueduct backend from Flutter frontend

I'm having a bit of difficulty with registering to aqueduct backend from my Flutter frontend
Here is my code in my frontend:
Future<void> signUp(String email, String password) async {
final body = "username:$email,password:$password"; //<- return request entity could not be decoded
//final body = {"username": email, "password": password}; //<- return bad state: Cannot set the body fields of Request with content-type "application/json"
try {
final http.Response response = await
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
body: body);
final jsonResponse = json.decode(response.body);
if (jsonResponse["error"] != null) {
throw HttpException(jsonResponse["error"]);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
There must be some silly mistake. I believe it is with formatting body so I tried 2 options and both throw different http exception (as in comment).
Here is an example of connecting to an Aqueduct server from a Flutter client. (This isn't really a server question, though, since the client and server are independent of each other.)
Here is an example of registering:
void _register(String email, String password) async {
Map<String, String> headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"};
final jsonString = '{"username":"$email", "password":"$password"}';
Response response = await post(YOUR_URL_HERE, headers: headers, body: jsonString);
print('${response.statusCode} ${response.body}');
In your example you aren't encoding the JSON correctly.
And here is another example of signing in. The class is a view model architecture that I talk about here.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class LoginViewModel extends ChangeNotifier {
String _token = '';
bool _isLoggedIn = false;
bool get isLoggedIn => _isLoggedIn;
String get token => _token;
Future onLoginPressed(String username, String password) async {
if (username.isEmpty || password.isEmpty) {
_isLoggedIn = await _login(username, password);
Future<bool> _login(String username, String password) async {
var clientID = '';
var clientSecret = '';
var body = 'username=$username&password=$password&grant_type=password';
var clientCredentials = Base64Encoder().convert('$clientID:$clientSecret'.codeUnits);
Map<String, String> headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'authorization': 'Basic $clientCredentials'
var response = await, headers: headers, body: body);
final responseBody = response.body;
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
return false;
final map = json.decode(responseBody);
_token = map['access_token'];
return true;

How To deal with Response after post request dart httpClient

So I was having issues with flutter http package when it came to making a post request so I used dart HttpClient. I made a post request according to what was described somewhere but I am having issues getting response. Here is my code
Future<HttpClientResponse> submit() async {
Map<String, dynamic> data = { 'title' : 'My first post' };
String jsonString = json.encode(data); // encode map to json
String paramName = 'param'; // give the post param a name
String formBody = paramName + '=' + Uri.encodeQueryComponent(jsonString);
List<int> bodyBytes = utf8.encode(formBody); // utf8 encode
HttpClientRequest request =
await HttpClient().postUrl(Uri.parse(''));
// it's polite to send the body length to the server
request.headers.set('Content-Length', bodyBytes.length.toString());
request.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return await (request.close());
How do I get the response from this request?
HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
response.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((contents) {
print(data); // <- response content is here
This will return HttpCLientResponse, more info
I have found this from the docs
new HttpClient().get('localhost', 80, '/file.txt')
.then((HttpClientRequest request) => request.close())
.then((HttpClientResponse response) {
response.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((contents) {
// handle data
Or Use http library
I have create a common method which can handle all get Request,
Future<String> getRequest([var endpoints, var queryParameters]) async {
var uri = Uri.https(NetworkUrl.BASE_URL_1, endpoints, queryParameters);
uri.replace(queryParameters: queryParameters);
var response =
await http.get(Uri.encodeFull(uri.toString()));
//Retrun reponse here
if (response.statusCode == 200) return response.body;
To get a response from the above method,
Future<String> deletePostApi() async {
await NetworkRepository()
.getRequest(NetworkUrl.deletePost + '${widget.mFeedData.post_id}')
.then((value) {// <=value is json respone
var dataConvertedToJSON = json.decode(value);
print("checkEmailResp" + dataConvertedToJSON.toString());