Calling external API's in a Go+Gin project - rest

Im using Gin framework with Golang to create a Web App. I created some API's that can reach routes. I tested them in Postman, But how I can call inside my App? I have another Go+Gin project and I want to call those API's from there.
My question is that Gin has a mechanism to call Http requests, or I have to use Go's internal features? Im asking about Gin because it is better to use one approach for this things to have better code base. I searched but I can't find my answer. Gin has this feature?


AngularJS OR BackboneJS from Webservice point of view

We are trying to rebuild an app using Backbone or Angular JS. Main criteria for selecting either of them would be:
The Java script Framework should be able to make calls via SOAP as well as REST.
My question is based on the criteria's which framework should I be choosing? I know angular as well as Backbone are good for REST web service. I am not really sure how well they do when we are trying to make SOAP calls. Not much help online either. Has anyone successfully implemented SOAP calls via Angular or Backbons JS?
Backbone.sync method can be easily overriden to make SOAP calls, but it will fall apart if your SOAP service manages anything else than resources, as REST calls in Backbone are made on behalf of either models or collections of models that support the classic CRUD semantics. As for AngularJS, I haven't used it enought to provide you with an informed answer.

Is Meteor an option, if i need an additional REST API?

I'm, going to write a web app, which should be CRUD accessible from both, the web and native mobile device apps. For the latter i'm definitely committed to a REST API. Is it possible to realize that with ? Would it be an option to use Meteor for just the web and a second REST interface to directly talk to the mongo? Since the meteor client listens for changes in the mongodb this should not cause conflicts, does it?
As of 2015, look at Gadi's answer for the Meteorpedia entry on REST APIs, and at krose's answer comparing REST API packages. Discussion for folding REST APIs into core is on Hackpad. This question is a duplicate of How to expose a RESTful service with Meteor, which has much better answers. -- Dan Dascalescu
Old answer (2012) below.
For adding RESTful methods on top of your data, look into the Collection API written for Meteor:
As for authentication for accessing the database, take a look at this project:
Both are definitely infantile in development, but you can create a RESTful API and integrate it with a mobile native client pretty easily.
There are a lot of duplicates of this question. I did a full write-on on this in Meteorpedia which I believe covers all issues:
The post reviews all 6 options for creating REST interfaces, from highest level (e.g. smart packages that handle everything for you) to lowest level (e.g. writing your own connectHandler).
Additionally the post covers when using a REST interface is the right or wrong thing to do in Meteor, references Meteor REST testing tools, and explains common pitfalls like CORS security issues.
If you are planning to develop a production application, then Meteor is not an option right now. Its under constant change, and there are still many common features it has to support before its ready to use, which will be quite some time.
For your Question, Somebody has already asked and answered the question about support for file uploading in meteor(also contains HTTP handing related information).
How would one handle a file upload with Meteor?

For a Single Page Application: ExpressJS or Restify or both?

I'm working with NodeJS + Mongoose, writing a Single Page Application, so I need to serve some statics and then all the interaction between frontend and backend is done via XHR. Eventually I'm thinking about writing a native mobile app accessing the same backend. Is there any pattern / best practice I should apply here?, I thought that I may need to extract the API to be exposed via Restify, and handle the requests from the webapp only with ExpressJS? or should I just put all the stuff exposed via Restify? I guess my confusion comes from not being worked with Restify before, so any explanation about how is it different from ExpressJS (specially when talking about a Single Page App) is really welcome.
I am implementing a similar solution, mobile app & website with expressjs and backbonejs. I did not use restify because i did not think i needed the extra complexity, there were not that many API endpoints so expressjs handled everything ok for me.
BTW take a look at this post on restify performance, I just saw it today and have not personally validate the contents.
Benchmarking APIs using PerfectAPI vs Express.js vs Restify.js « « PerfectAPI Blog PerfectAPI Blog
Restify is packaging DTrace and various handlers that Express doesn't. If you just have one API endpoint and don't need DTrace, it doesn't make sense to run Restify.
Also, you might want to try express-resource

Ember.js & REST API

From all the various examples of Ember.js, I have not been able to figure out if there is a default method in Ember.js to do REST AJAX calls. Many examples build their own interfaces for CRUD operations. I even tried to sift through the code to find any reference to AJAX calls but came up with nothing.
So, my question is, is there a default implementation of REST API in Ember.js. If yes, how do I use it? Also if, for a specific application, I want to build custom CRUD methods, where do I plug these into Ember.js?
It seems that Ember Data is what you are looking for. It is part of emberjs organiztion in GitHub.
[2014-02-18: Deprecated - I no longer support ember-rest because it is overly simplistic, and would recommend using ember-data for most ember projects. Check out the Ember guides for an overview of ember-data as well as this example project ]
While learning Ember, I decided to create a very simple Ember REST library. I also wrote an example Rails CRUD app.
My goals were to keep this project as simple as possible, while still including error handling and validation. Ember REST is certainly much leaner than Ember Data and Ember Resource, and I hope you'll find the code well commented and accessible.
There is a Ember Resource library aiming REST JSON interfaces. It provides Ember.Resource class with save(), fetch() and destroy() operations that could be easily overriden. Looks like it should be more mature than Ember Data for now.
Ember.js can work nicely with Ember Data. That said, there is a specific format of REST to follow. When followed, you can streamline the process of connecting API with Ember and have so much less work.
In case you use custom REST, the place to adjust is:
adapter - to inform from where you like to get data
serializer - how data should be adjusted for custom REST API

Cocoa library to interact with any web service API

Is there a general Cocoa or Cocoa Touch library for interacting with any web service API, or one which can be used as a basis for creating my own library for a web service? For example, I could add some details about how to interact with the Vimeo API (how to verify user details, what URLs to call). I'm not sure how this would work in reality.
If not, can anyone suggest an web service library which I could alter to change the API calls? It would need to be fairly simple (a small API) and easy to adapt. An example is this Cocoa library for Twitter (although it would probably be too complicated to adapt). Would it be easier just to code it up from scratch?
I don't think there is a library that will automagically work with any web API. In fact I don't even think it's possible to write such a library, since you can define your web API any way you want to. That library would have to be pretty smart in order to figure out how to use an arbitrary API.
I think the closest you'll get is something like ASIHTTPRequest, which is a great library for interacting with web services. If you add a JSON and/or XML parser you'll have everything you need to interact with almost any web API.
Found another library for interacting with RESTful web services. It's called RestKit. From their description:
RestKit is a Cocoa framework for interacting with RESTful web services in Objective C on iOS and Mac OS X. It provides a set of primitives for interacting with web services wrapping GET, POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP verbs behind a clean, simple interface. RestKit also provides a system for modeling remote resources by mapping them from JSON (or XML) payloads back into local domain objects. Object mapping functions with normal NSObject derived classes with properties. There is also an object mapping implementation included that provides a Core Data backed store for persisting objects loaded from the web.