Want to delete all rows of records containing null values in DolphinDB - sql-delete

I have a table where a record may contain null values in one or more columns. I want to delete these records as long as it contains a null value. I'm wondering if there is any suggested way to do that in DolphinDB?

Try DolphinDB function rowAnd to specify the output conditions.
The following script is for your reference. It outputs rows of data only when the columns meet the set conditions (delete the records if NULL contained):
sym = take(`a`b`c, 110)
id = 1..100 join take(int(),10)
id2 = take(int(),10) join 1..100
t = table(sym, id,id2)
t[each(isValid, t.values()).rowAnd()]
The output can be found in the screenshot:


Postgres Query to delete duplicated rows by many parameters

I have a table with fields: Guide, FileSource, CodeName. All these fields are of text type. Some fields have the same values, and sometimes the values are NULL. I made query which deletes duplicate rows with the same parameters, however, when some values equal NULL there is nothing deleted rows. How could I change the query that will delete rows with the same parameters include values equal NULL?
DELETE FROM public.TableName as T1
USING public.TableName as T2
WHERE T1.ctid > T2.ctid
AND T1."Guide" = T2."Guide"
AND T1."FileSource" = T2."FileSource"
AND T1."CodeName" = T2."CodeName";
NULLs cannot be compared directly (with "="). You can handle NULLs using the coalesce statement like this:
DELETE FROM public.TableName as T1
USING public.TableName as T2
WHERE T1.ctid > T2.ctid
AND COALESCE(T1."Guide",'') = COALESCE(T2."Guide",'')
AND COALESCE(T1."FileSource",'') = COALESCE(T2."FileSource",'')
AND COALESCE(T1."CodeName",'') = COALESCE(T2."CodeName",'');

Update column with multiple values Postgres

Sample data:
I am trying update a column with values from multiple columns in another table if two columns match.
Consider the following query:
UPDATE application_table
SET asset_list = asset_table.asset_name
FROM asset_table
WHERE application_table.application_name = asset_table.applications;
My table structure is:
"asset_list"; "text[]"
"application_name"; "character varying"
"asset_name"; "character varying"
"applications"; "character varying"
I get the following error:
ERROR: column "asset_list" is of type text[] but expression is of type character varying
Line 12 SET asset_list = asset_table.asset_name
What you need to do is aggregate the asset_name per applications value and set asset_list to that aggregated value.
Problem is you can't do something like
SET asset_list = ARRAY_AGG(asset_name)
FROM ...
because aggregate functions are not allowed in updates like that.
So here's two other ways to do it:
UPDATE app_table
SET asset_list = _asset_list
SELECT applications, ARRAY_AGG(asset_name ORDER BY asset_name) AS _asset_list
FROM asset_table
GROUP BY applications
) AS a
WHERE app_name = applications;
This first builds a result set of distinct application names and an array of all the asset_names for each of the app names. Then it updates the table as usual with that array value.
Another way is:
UPDATE app_table
SET asset_list = (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(asset_name ORDER BY asset_name)
FROM asset_table
WHERE applications = app_name)
This will update every record in app_table, and calculates the array value on the fly for every record.

Postgres Update Using Select Passing In Parent Variable

I need to update a few thousand rows in my Postgres table using the result of a array_agg and spatial lookup.
The query needs to take the geometry of the parent table, and return an array of the matching row IDs in the other table. It may return no IDs or potentially 2-3 IDs.
I've tried to use an UPDATE FROM but I can't seem to pass into the subquery the parent table geom column for the SELECT. I can't see any way of doing a JOIN between the 2 tables.
Here is what I currently have:
UPDATE lrc_wales_data.records
SET lrc_array = subquery.lrc_array
SELECT array_agg(wales_lrcs.gid) AS lrc_array
FROM layers.wales_lrcs
WHERE st_dwithin(records.geom_poly, wales_lrcs.geom, 0)
) AS subquery
WHERE records.lrc = 'nrw';
The error I get is:
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "records"
LINE 7: WHERE st_dwithin(records.geom_poly, wales_lrcs.geom, 0)
Is this even possible?
Many thanks,
Realised there was no need to use SET FROM. I could just use a sub query directly in the SET:
UPDATE lrc_wales_data.records
SET lrc_array = (
SELECT array_agg(wales_lrcs.gid) AS lrc
FROM layers.wales_lrcs
WHERE st_dwithin(records.geom_poly, wales_lrcs.geom, 0)
WHERE records.lrc = 'nrw';

Finding if values in two columns exist

I have two columns of dates and I want to run a query that returns TRUE if there is a date in existence in the first column and in existence in the second column.
I know how to do it when I'm looking for a match (if the data entry in column A is the SAME as the entry in column B), but I don't know know how to find if data entry in column A and B are in existence.
Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks!
If data in a column is present, it IS NOT NULL. You can query for that on both columns, with and AND clause to get your result:
SELECT (date1 IS NOT NULL AND date2 IS NOT NULL) AS both_dates
FROM mytable;
So, rephrasing:
For any two entries in table x with date columns a and b, is there some pair of rows x1 and x2 where x1.a = x2.b?
If that's what you're trying to do, you want a self-join, e.g, presuming the presence of a single key column named id:
SELECT x1.id, x2.id, x1.a AS x1_a_x2_b
FROM mytable x1
INNER JOIN mytable x2 ON (x1.a = x2.b);

how to retrieve the column values which are aggregated(like count) using groupby column

I want to display the contents of the aggregated columns that is part of group by sql statement.
SELECT Shippers.ShipperName,COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders FROM Orders
WHERE Orders.ShipperID=Shippers.ShipperID
GROUP BY ShipperName
In the above example the output gives me count as one of the result, whereas i need the aggregated orders.orderID actual values even. So say if one result count shows me 2. I need to know what are those two values which have been grouped. This result should be as another column in the same table.
try this with GROUP_CONCAT
SELECT Shippers.ShipperName,COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders , array_agg(Orders.OrderID) as which_are_those FROM Orders
WHERE Orders.ShipperID=Shippers.ShipperID
GROUP BY ShipperName
array_agg returns an array, but you can CAST that to text and edit as needed (see clarifications, below).
Prior to version 8.4, you have to define it yourself prior to use:
CREATE AGGREGATE array_agg (anyelement)
sfunc = array_append,
stype = anyarray,
initcond = '{}'
or simply this:
SELECT Shippers.ShipperName,COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders , string_agg(Orders.OrderID, ',') as which_are_those FROM Orders
WHERE Orders.ShipperID=Shippers.ShipperID
GROUP BY ShipperName