In Unreal Engine how to simulate a key press? - unreal-engine4

Unreal Engine 4.
I want to press a key within a bp automatically.
How to simulate a key press in unreal for example "Left alt" ?
The Ue4 does not have a blueprint for this.

RAMA's Victory plugin has a bp for this


where's the subtractive in new unreal engine 5

Hy guys, does someone know where is the subtractive mode in unreal engine 5?
I'm trying to transform a simple box from additive to subtractive but it's different from Unreal engine 4.
Just click on your geometry,
In the Detail section.
you can find Brush Type By default it must be set on Additive .
Now you can change.
select ue4 layout
create shape
select su

how to enable mouse to move object in play mode in unreal engine 4

I am new to unreal engine. I am trying to make a magnet in an unreal engine. using this tutorial I am Stuck at testing I have made as he shows and then I tried to move the magnet in play mode but It is complete not showing me any mouse cursor to move the magnet I tried shift+fn+f1 but not result. I am Having Lenovo ideapad320 I5ISK laptop. In the editor, I am able to move Object.
for reference check out the video at 19:33 like he's able to move the magnet in playmode I don't know what I am missing.

How to update runtime scene via the editor

Is it possible to update the' position/rotation of an object in a running game by setting its properties in the editor. In other words, when I change something in Unreal editor I'd like to see it change immediately in a running instance of the game.
Yes, it is possible. Steps to do so (tested in 3rd person template, UE 1.17)
Play in editor
Hit Shift + F1 to show mouse cursor and unlock from viewport
Click on Eject button (it is on upper toolbar where Compile, Play and Launch buttons are.
Click on mesh on scene and edit it's properties
Hit Posses button (now instead of Eject)
Play in modified world
Be aware that editor will show some warnings if you move Mesh with Static Mobility. Also, shadows could be off (especially if you are using pre-built lighting).
EDIT: there is another procedure: instead of PIE, you can start Simulate (Alt + S). Then you don't need to do Unposses / Posses actions, just edit properties. There is a catch - your game needs to be playable in Simulate mode. From my experience, due to various reasons I couldn't run one of my game in Simulate, so I had to repeat that 6 steps I mentioned earlier.

Google Cardboard Unity VR- remove the need for alt key on mouse up/down

Could anyone please tell me how to remove having to press alt-mouse up/down in unity google cardboard VR when testing on a PC ? I need my PC test VR app just to use the mouse in the regular FPS way. The mouse works fine for left and right but up down is mapped to pressing the alt-up/down key.
found the answer in EditorDevice.cs:
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt))
comment this out and it works fine

Simulation like in the fps without flying in the Unreal Engine

When I start the simulation, I want to be able walk on my scene like in the real game, but the player is flying. He is not walking through the walls, but he is flying and not walking. How can I solve it?
When you use "Simulate In Editor" (by pressing Alt+S or pressing the play symbol with a cog next to it) the engine generates a default Pawn and PlayerController which move about in the way you described (i.e. flying with collision).
If you want to use the normal player controller and pawn (i.e. how the player would move about in the level), you just need to use "Play in Editor" (by pressing the Play symbol without the cog).
You can read about different ways of testing your game in the editor here.