Set-ADUser -Manager entity with Contact - powershell

I have a csv with the following fields:
User | AD_Manager_ID | Dyn_Manager_ID | 1234 | 1455
The Dyn_Manager_ID field is the employeeID of another user.
99% of the time it corresponds to an actual user, but sometimes it corresponds to a contact
I can get the contact like this:
Get-ADObject -Filter "employeeID -eq '1455'"
but when I try to Set-ADUser -Manager with that object, it returns a 'Cannot find an object with idenity" error.
Here is the code for regular users (non contacts):
$csvimport = import-csv -Path C:\Users\ME\Desktop\AccountChangesCSV.csv
foreach ($User in $csvimport)
Get-aduser -filter "employeeID -eq '$($user.DYN_Mgr_ID)'" | select-object samaccountname -
OutVariable ManagersName
Get-ADUser -Filter "employeeID -eq '$($user.AD_ID)'" | set-aduser -Manager

If someone's manager could be either another user or a contact, then do not use Get-ADUser to find the manager object, but Get-ADObject instead.
If this was a contact, there is no SamAccountName property, but instead, you can use the DistinguishedName or the ObjectGUID
$csvimport = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Users\ME\Desktop\AccountChangesCSV.csv'
foreach ($user in $csvimport) {
$manager = Get-ADObject -Filter "employeeID -eq '$($user.DYN_Mgr_ID)'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($manager) {
# now update the users Manager property with the DistinguishedName of the manager object
Get-ADUser -Filter "employeeID -eq '$($user.AD_ID)'" |
Set-ADUser -Manager $manager.DistinguishedName # or ObjectGUID instead of DistinguishedName
This works for both AD user objects and contacts alike

I think this post has the answer: updating an ADUser's Manager with a contact card
This is the code that finally worked for me:
$csvimport = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Users\ME\Desktop\AccountChangesCSV.csv'
foreach ($user in $csvimport) {
$manager = Get-ADObject -Filter "employeeID -eq '$($user.DYN_Mgr_ID)'" -
ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($manager) {
# now update the users Manager property with the DistinguishedName of the
manager object
$aduser = Get-ADUser -Filter "employeeID -eq '$($user.AD_ID)'"
Set-AdUser -Identity $aduser.SamAccountName -replace


Replace AD attribute value with csv file header values

I want to replace AD attribute "userPrincipalName" value according to CSV file header value
here is what csv file(group.csv) contains
below the script
$data = Import-Csv -Path .\group.csv -Header 'sAMAccountName'
foreach($user in $data){
Get-ADUser -Filter {sAMAccountName -eq "$($user.sAMAccountName)"} | Set-ADUser -Replace #{userPrincipalName="$($user.sAMAccountName)#RES.GROUP"}
here I want to replace AD attribute "userPrincipalName" with the value of sAMAccountName from csv file, something like sAMAccountName#RES.GROUP
this script does not work, can anyone please correct it?
Ok, since your comment shows the CSV file indeed does not have a header, I would suggest changing the code to:
$data = Import-Csv -Path .\group.csv -Header 'sAMAccountName'
foreach($user in $data) {
$adUser = Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($user.sAMAccountName)'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($adUser) {
$newUPN = '{0}' -f $user.sAMAccountName
$adUser | Set-ADUser -UserPrincipalName $newUPN
else {
Write-Warning "No user with SamAccountName '$($user.sAMAccountName)' could be found.."
This way, any mistakes in the file will not make the code quit when a user with that samaccountname cannot be found. Instead, in that case you will see a warning about it and the code will continue with the rest of the data.
It might be worth mentioning that you can use parameter -Server on both the Get-ADUser and Set-ADUser cmdlets to make sure you use the same domain server (DC) to set the new UPN. Otherwise, you can set it on one DC, but are looking at another which doesn't show the change immediately because the servers need time to synchronize..
Now that we have cleared up the question about the CSV and to answer your comment:
If you want to do this as a two-script solution, here's how you can do that
step 1: get all users in the search OU that have a UserPrincipalName ending in '*'
$searchBase = "OU=Teams,OU=Prod,DC=RES,DC=TEST,DC=GROUP"
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $searchBase -Filter "UserPrincipalName -like '*'" |
# select ony the SamAccountName and write to CSV with column header
Select-Object SamAccountName | Export-Csv -Path .\group.csv -NoTypeInformation
step 2: read the csv created above and
$searchBase = "OU=Teams,OU=Prod,DC=RES,DC=TEST,DC=GROUP"
$data = Import-Csv -Path .\group.csv
$result = foreach($user in $data) {
$adUser = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $searchBase -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($user.sAMAccountName)'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# if we have a user object AND its UserPrincipalName is not as desired go ahead and change that
if ($adUser) {
if ($adUser.UserPrincipalName -notlike '*') {
$newUPN = '{0}' -f $user.sAMAccountName
$adUser | Set-ADUser -UserPrincipalName $newUPN
# output this user object to be collected in variable $result
else {
Write-Host "User $($user.sAMAccountName) already has UPN '$($adUser.UserPrincipalName)'"
else {
Write-Warning "User with SamAccountName '$($user.sAMAccountName)' not found.."
# now that we have changed some users, create a second csv with all users that were actually changed
if (#($result).Count) {
$result | Select-Object SamAccountName | Export-Csv -Path .\Updatedgroup.csv -NoTypeInformation
else {
Write-Host 'No users needed updating'
It seems a waste writing only the users SamAccountName property to the csv files.. Especially since Get-ADUser by default already returns these properties: DistinguishedName, Enabled, GivenName, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID, Surname, UserPrincipalName

Remove all groups withen a specific OU

I'm attempting to make an AD cleanup script that will go through a terminated OU and verify all users are removed from specific OU's. currently if I run it it will remove all users in the terminated OU from all OU's. I might just be blind but is there an easy way to have it only remove groups from selected OU's?
$OUs = "OU=Terminated,OU=####,OU=####,DC=####,DC=####"
$results = foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
get-aduser -SearchBase $OU -filter * -properties MemberOf | foreach-object {
? $_.MemberOf -like "*OU I want removed*" | Remove-ADGroupMember -Members $_.DistinguishedName -Confirm:$false -whatif
$results | Export-Csv '.\Users groups have been remoed from.csv' -NoTypeInformation
I thought it would work, however all it gives me is:
Where-Object : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADPropertyValueCollection'.
At C:\###\###\###\accounts script.ps1:8 char:13
+ ? $_.MemberOf -like "*Distrobution Lists*" | <#%{$keep -n ...
Given that you have a separate OU for groups, you can iterate over the groups that a terminated user has and see if any of the groups belong to that specific OU. If thats the case, then remove all those groups.
$results = ""
foreach ($ou in $OUs)
$users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $ou -Filter *
foreach ($user in $users)
$groups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $User | ? {$_.distinguishedName -like "*OU I WANT TO REMOVE FROM*" }
foreach($group in $groups)
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user -MemberOf $group -whatif
results += "$user removed from its Groups: $($groups | % { $ })\r\n"
results | Out-File -Append C:\temp\new.txt
$groups will have members in this format. You can use distinguishedName as a filter type and use something like "OU=Groups,DC=this,DC=com" instead of "OU=Groups" that might be considered broad.
distinguishedName : CN=GroupName,OU=****,DC=****,DC=****
GroupCategory : Security
GroupScope : Global
name : <Name Of The Group>
objectClass : group
objectGUID : <Object Guid>
SamAccountName : <Name Of The Group>
I like to keep the variables so i can use them to log what changes are being performed.
NOTE: I used -whatif to make sure it doesnt do what you intend to for testing reasons. Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership also updates user with one group.
Another Way to go about it
foreach ($ou in $OUs)
$users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $ou -Filter *
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $DecomOUGROUP
foreach($group in $groups) {
Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $users -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Renaming AD user object name in powershell

I am trying to get only AD Objects of type user and then iterate over all them and change AD user object name. So I have done below:
$Users = Get-ADObject -Filter {(ObjectClass -eq "user")} # OR Get-ADObject -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "user"'
$Users | foreach
# Here code to create name based on conditions ($newUserObjectName)
Rename-ADObject -Identity $_ -NewName $newUserObjectName
The problem is that Get-ADObject is returning not only users but also computer objects.... I only want user object classes. Also I am not sure If below line of code is correct by setting identity to $_ in order to update the current user in the iteration:
Rename-ADObject -Identity $_ -NewName $newUserObjectName
Why not use Get-ADUser instead of Get-ADObject and just return the DistinguishedName? Obviously, DON'T just run this code :)
$users = (Get-ADUser -Filter *).DistinguishedName #This gets all the users in AD
Foreach($user in $users){
Rename-ADObject -Identity $user -NewName $newUserObjectName
The Computer objectClass is derived from the User objectClass. Hence, queries for user class will return both Computers and Users. If you want to filter for Users only, you have to specify ObjectCategory as Person
$Users = Get-ADObject -Filter {(Objectclass -eq "user") -and (objectCategory -eq "Person")}
Use that or you can use the goodole Get-ADuser
Use Get-ADUser and Set-ADUser:
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter *
$Users | foreach {
# Naming code
Set-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -SamAccountName $newName
This replaces all user's identities to $newName.
Note you can replace -SamAccountName with any other property of an ADUser. for example if you want to replace the display name instead, you would use -Name $newName

Get-ADGroup - Group Name, ManagedBy Name and Email

I'm looking to get the the Group Name, Managed By Name and Managed by Email in a PowerShell query similar to this.
Get-ADGroup -filter {Name -like "*Admins" }
The output would look something similar to:
Group Name | Managed By Name | Managed By Email
The issue I'm having is with joining Get-ADGroup and Get-ADUser. In SQL this "join" would happen on get-adgroup.managedby = get-aduser.distinguishedname. I know that's not how it works in Powershell, just thought I'd throw out an example of what I'm trying to do.
Any help would both be welcomed and appreciated.
I see #Mathias R. Jessen beat me to it, but here's what I had:
Get-ADGroup -filter {Name -like "*IT*" } -Properties managedBy |
ForEach-Object {
$managedBy = $_.managedBy;
if ($managedBy -ne $null)
$manager = (get-aduser -Identity $managedBy -Properties emailAddress);
$managerName = $manager.Name;
$managerEmail = $manager.emailAddress;
$managerName = 'N/A';
$managerEmail = 'N/A';
Write-Output $_; } |
Select-Object #{n='Group Name';e={$_.Name}}, #{n='Managed By Name';e={$managerName}}, #{n='Managed By Email';e={$managerEmail}}
You can do it like this:
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter { Name -like "*Admins" } -Properties managedBy,mail
$Groups |Select-Object Name,#{Name='ManagedBy';Expression={(Get-ADUser $_.managedBy).Name}},Mail
The #{} syntax after Select-Object is known as a calculated property.
You could also pipe the groups to ForEach-Object and call Get-ADUser inside the process scriptblock:
Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like "*Admins"} -Properties managedBy,mail |ForEach-Object {
# Find the managedBy user
$GroupManager = Get-ADUser -Identity $_.managedBy
# Create a new custom object based on the group properties + managedby user
New-Object psobject -Property #{
Name = $_.Name
ManagedBy = $GroupManager.Name
Email = $_.mail
I would something do like this:
# Get all groups into a variable
$Group = Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like "*Admin*"} | Select-Object -expandProperty Name
foreach ($Groups in $Group){
# Get ManagedBy name for each group (If ManagedBy is empty group wil not be listed)
$User = Get-ADGroup $Groups -Properties * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ManagedBy
foreach ($Users in $User){
# Get Name and EmailAddress for each User
$Name = Get-ADUser $Users | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$Email = Get-ADUser $Users -Properties * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EmailAddress
# Write output
Write-Host $Groups "," $Name "," $Email
Hope this helps.

Custom Object multiple lines

I created a script to pull some info from AD, the problem I'm having is the Secondary SMTP address field has more then one line. I'd like to show each secondary SMTP in a new line. My Script output looks like {smtp:joe.rodriguez#con...
$searchBase = 'OU=Users,DC=Contoso,DC=LOCAL'
$users = Get-ADUser -filter 'enabled -eq $true' -SearchBase $searchBase |select -expand samaccountname
Foreach ($user in $users){
$Secondary = get-recipient -Identity $user -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| select Name -ExpandProperty emailaddresses |? {$_.Prefix -like "SMTP" -and $_.IsPrimaryAddress -like "False"} |select -ExpandProperty $_.Smtpaddress
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Name = Get-ADUser -Identity $user -Properties DisplayName |select -ExpandProperty DisplayName
"Login ID" = Get-ADUser -Identity $user -Properties SamAccountName |select -ExpandProperty SamAccountName
Primary = get-recipient -Identity $user -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| select Name -ExpandProperty emailaddresses |? {$_.Prefix -like "SMTP" -and $_.IsPrimaryAddress -like "True"} |select -ExpandProperty Smtpaddress
Secondary = $Secondary
Personally I'd make an array, pull your user list, and then iterate through the secondary SMTP addresses for each user adding your custom object to the array for each entry.
$Userlist = #()
$searchBase = 'OU=Users,DC=Contoso,DC=LOCAL'
$users = Get-ADUser -filter 'enabled -eq $true' -SearchBase $searchBase -Properties DisplayName
Foreach ($user in $users){
$Recip = get-recipient -Identity $user.samaccountname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| select Name -ExpandProperty emailaddresses |? {$_.Prefix -like "SMTP"}
$Recip|? {$_.IsPrimaryAddress -like "False"} |select -ExpandProperty Smtpaddress |%{
$UserList += New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Name = $User.DisplayName
"Login ID" = $User.SamAccountName
Primary = $Recip|? {$_.IsPrimaryAddress -like "True"} |select -ExpandProperty Smtpaddress
Secondary = $_
This script (based off your script above) also reduces the number of server queries by 3 per user I think, so it should run a ton faster.