I tried to change default styles (all of them show now 0.2 cm), but arrows (of all types) keep creating with same width as before (0.3 cm).
The status bar shown on the bottom of VSCode is too small as it's hard for me to read vim commands that I'll be typing on there. I don't want to increase the font size of the editor nor the zoom since they're big enough for me.
Basically, I want to increase the size (font, icon, bar size, etc.) of the bottom status bar without changing the size of any other component of VSCode.
Is there a way to do that or an extension I can use to change it?
AFAIK there is no setting to adjust the height of the status bar. A common practice is to set the zoom level and decrease the editor and terminal font size, but this will also increase the activity bar icons and other areas.
In your settings.json add
"window.zoomLevel": 0.5,
"editor.fontSize": 14,
Adjust zoomLevel to your liking, by default is 0 you should increment the value by the decimal, e.g. 0.1, 0.15 ...
Or in your Settings Cmd + , search for window zoom level and change the value there
I am having trouble with label's text alignment. I used workaround to have rows coloured based on a value of certain row (featured in e.g. this tutorial); for example, if the Status is "Cancelled", it colours entire row red, otherwise it is green.
I created AGG(MAX(1)) columns for bar (with fixed range 0 to 1) and AGG(MAX(0)) columns for text (with fixed range 0 to 0), then paired them through dual axis.
However, I found out the text label is automatically aligned to the centre. I looked into text label options and set my alignment to the left (in both Edit Label window and Alignment setting) but it had no effect whatsoever. I changed Format... settings for column but once again, it had no effect.
I even tried changing fixed range on AGG(MAX(0)) columns or changing the zero in MAX(0) to some other number but this only moved centre-aligned text so it was of no use.
Here is a picture to illustrate my point:
I found out what was the issue and also arrived at better way to do it than the one I described in my question.
Here's the tutorial (using Tableau 2021.4):
Create a column MAX(-1). Right-click the column, go to Edit Axis..., set Range to fixed (start at -1, end at 0), delete the Title, and disable all Tick Marks (by setting them to 'None').
In Marks panel, set the Mark to 'Gantt Bar'.
Drop your condition for coloring (e.g. calculated field) on Color in Marks panel.
Create a calculated field MAX(1) and drop it on Size in Marks panel. This will fill out entire column width with a color bar. If needed, increase the bar width by moving the slider under Size to the right.
Drop the text value on Label in Marks panel. Now you should see text labels. If not, increase cell's height (Format > Cell Size > Taller or Ctrl+Up).
If you want a header (just like shown in my picture), create a column MAX(0), set its Range to fixed (start at 0, end at 0), disable all Tick Marks and change the Title.
Right-click the MAX(0) and tick 'Dual Axis'.
In case you'll encounter some challenges when formatting the end result, check formatting hierarchy (this tutorial may help).
I'm trying to set min and max dimensions for some elements on a webpage and for elements near the end of the screen, the tooltip is cut off. Usually I would just look at the computed height and width and guess what it could be rounded to, but the width and height are set to auto.
I can't change the size of the viewport, since the size of most of my elements is dependent on viewport width.
I could try to copy the text inside of the tooltip, but I don't know how to get it to stay frozen in place so that I can select the text.
I saw some answers saying to hold F8, but that only works if you have a tooltip applied to the element you're hovering over, it doesn't freeze the inspect tooltip.
An example of what I'm trying to describe.
Source: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-devtools-75/#A%20detailed%20tooltip.
How can I increase the point size in Meshlab for point clouds? I found how I can show / hide specific PCs, but I do not see where to change their display properties : size, color, symbol ...
If you are using Meshlab 1.3, you have to do 3 steps:
View->Show Layers Dialog to enable the panel at the right.
Render->Show Vertex Dots, to show the vertices as small circles.
There is a Dot size field in the Layer Dialog that let you change the size of the circles.
If you are using Meshlab-2016 or later, it is even easier...
Click on the tab of vertex and choose the option Dot Decorator (1)
Change the size of dots with the Point Size Bar (2)
In MeshLab, you can just use Alt + mouse wheel to control point size.
Or you can find the point size setting in:
Is there a way to change the height of a text field on the whole figure without changing the x and y position?
To change we must use the position, which requires to change the coordinates. I would like to change only the height, without changing x and y.
Just store the current x and y, and use those in your set call like so:
old_pos = get(text_field_handle,'Position');
Well, you can change the FontSize property, this won't change the coordinates, but will increase width as well as height. See Text Properties in the doc for more details.
I am assuming you are working with uicontrol('style','text').
From the uicontrol properties you have:
position rectangle
*Size and location of uicontrol*. The rectangle defined by this property
specifies the size and location of the control within the parent figure
window, uipanel, or uibuttongroup. Specify Position as:
[left bottom width height]
where left and bottom define the distance from the lower-left corner of the
container to the lower-left corner of the rectangle. width and height are the
dimensions of the uicontrol rectangle.
You can then just change the width and height keeping the original left and bottom.
One can set the Margin property of a text object to increase the height of the object without changing the fontsize, but this influences both the height and the width of the text object. I am not sure what it means to make the height smaller than what Matlab thinks is the text height, so I will assume you are interested in increasing the size.
Increasing the height of the text object is relatively easy if you are willing to use the LaTeX interpreter. You just need to add an "empty" box of whatever height you want:
text(0.5, 0.25, 'Hello World\parbox{\textwidth}{\vspace{1in}}', 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX', 'BackgroundColor',[1, 0, 0]);
This won't increase the height by exactly 1 inch, instead it will be more like 1 inch minus a baseline skip. Determining the actual height increase in displayed units adds even more problems. You might be able to change the height with unicode characters, and hence skip the LaTeX interpreter, but I have no idea how.