Debezium New Record State Extraction SMT doesn't work properly in case of DELETE - apache-kafka

I'm trying to apply Debezium's New Record State Extraction SMT using the following configuration:
"transforms": "unwrap",
"transforms.unwrap.type": "io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState",
"transforms.unwrap.drop.tombstones": true,
"transforms.unwrap.delete.handling.mode": "rewrite",
"transforms.unwrap.add.fields": "db,schema,table,txId,ts_ms"
For INSERT and UPDATE operations I get the messages as expected, but in case of DELETE I get the following as a payload:
"payload": {
"id": 2,
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"__db": "postgres",
"__schema": "schema1",
"__table": "user_details",
"__txId": 5145,
"__ts_ms": 1638760801510,
"__deleted": "true"
As you can see above, both first_name and last_name fields have empty values, though the record I deleted has non-empty values for both of those fields. What I expect to see as a value for those 2 fields is their value at the moment of deletion as it is shown in debezium's before payload chunk in case when New Record State Extraction SMT is not applied.

The reason of empty values for all columns except the PK is not related to New Record State Extraction SMT at all. For postgres, there is a REPLICA IDENTITY table-level parameter that can be used to control the information written to WAL to identify tuple data that is being deleted or updated.
This parameter has 4 modes:
In the case of DEFAULT, old tuple data is only identified with the primary key of the table. Columns that are not part of the primary key do not have their old value written.
In the case of FULL, all the column values of old tuple are properly written to WAL all the time. Hence, executing the following command for the target table will make the old record values to be properly populated in debezium message:
NOTE!! FULL is the most verbose, and as well the most resource-consuming mode. Be careful with it particularly for heavily-updated tables.


1 topic maps to two different db table Kafka Sink Connector

I am currently having trouble mapping my Kafka topic: st_record to two separate database table: 1) gt_school.strecord_1week 2) gt_school.strecord_1semester. My Kafka sink configuration is
"tasks.max": "1",
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector",
"connection.url": " "'"$URL"'",
"": "gt_school.strecord_1week, gt_school.strecord_1semester",
"table.whitelist": "gt_school.strecord_1week, gt_school.strecord_1semester",
"transforms.route.replacement":"gt_school.strecord_1week, gt_school.strecord_1semester"
I tried, table.whitelist, and transform route however everytime I received the following error that both tables are unfound
io.confluent.connect.jdbc.sink.TableAlterOrCreateException: Table "gt_school"."strecord_1week, gt_school"."strecord_1semester" is missing and auto-creation is disabled"
Which is true, it should return in this format, "gt_school.strecord_1week, gt_school.strecord_1semester".
Does anyone know what field it should map the two tables to from 1 topic name. Am I suppose to use I know that in default the topic and table name are suppose to be the same however I route it and still errors
The error only says one table isn't found. Not two. The comma is within quotes... JDBC sink only writes to one table, per topic. Plus, tables cannot contain commas, as far as I know.
RegexRouter doesn't split your topic into two. It only renames the topic to a static string.
If you want to write to two distinct tables, create two separate connectors with
However, this will obviously duplicate data in the database, so I'd recommend creating one table with data from the topic, then two VIEWs instead to do different queries of weeks/semesters

What happens if you update the column of a Delta table by which it is partitioned?

What happens if you update the column of a Delta table by which it is partitioned?
Does it degrade Write performance substantially?
I am trying to find out which I haven't been able to so far from the docs whether lets say if we have underlying parquet, does Delta rebuild new files without the updated rows for the existing partitions OR is it virtually handled through transaction log entries?
You can always get this information from the history. For example, here is the data from operationsMetric column after execution of the update operation on the partition column. As you see, it rewrites files:
"numRemovedFiles": "5",
"numCopiedRows": "0",
"numAddedChangeFiles": "0",
"executionTimeMs": "478",
"scanTimeMs": "34",
"numAddedFiles": "5",
"numUpdatedRows": "5",
"rewriteTimeMs": "444"
and if you check file names, then you see that they are different.

Database calls, 484ms apart, are producing incorrect results in Postgres

We have "things" sending data to AWS IoT. A rule forwards the payloads to a Lambda which is responsible for inserting or updating the data into Postgres (AWS RDS). The Lambda is written in python and uses PG8000 for interacting with the db. The lambda event looks like this:
"event_uuid": "8cd0b9b1-be93-49f8-1234-af4381052672",
"date": "2021-07-08T16:09:25.138809Z",
"serial_number": "a1b2c3",
"temp": "34"
Before inserting the data into Postgres, a query is run on the table to look for any existing event_uuids which are required to be unique. For a specific reason, there is no UNIQUE constraint on the event_uuid column. If the event_uuid does not exist, the data is inserted. If the event_uuid does exist, the data is updated. This all works great, except for the following case.
THE ISSUE: one of our things is sending two of the same payloads in very quick succession. It's an issue with one of our things but it's not something we can resolve at the moment and we need to account for it. Here are the timestamps from CloudWatch of when each payload was received:
As a result of the payloads being received 484ms apart, the Lambda is inserting both payloads instead of inserting the first and performing an update with the second one.
Any ideas on how to get around this?
Here is part of the Lambda code...
conn = make_conn()
event_query = f"""
SELECT json_build_object('uuid', uuid)
FROM samples
WHERE event_uuid='{event_uuid}'
AND serial_number='{serial_number}'
event_resp = fetch_one(conn, event_query)
if event_resp:
update_sample_query = f"""
UPDATE samples SET temp={temp} WHERE uuid='{event_resp["uuid"]}'
insert_sample_query = f"""
INSERT INTO samples (uuid, event_uuid, temp)
VALUES ('{uuid4()}', '{event_uuid}', {temp})

Optimal approach for large bulk updates to indexed bit sets

The environment for this question is PostgreSQL 9.6.5 on AWS RDS.
The question is about an optimal schema design and batch update strategy for a table with 300 million rows containing the following logical data model:
id: primary key, string up to 40 characters long
code: integer 1-999
year: integer year
flags: variable number (1000+) each associated with a name, new flags added over time. Ideally, a flag should be thought of as having three values: absent (null), on (true/1) and off (false/0). It is possible, at the cost of additional updates (see below), to treat a flag as a simple bit (on or off, no absent). "On" values are typically very sparse: < 1/1000.
Queries typically involve boolean expressions on the presence or absence of one or more flags (by name) with code and year occasionally involved also.
The data is updated in batch via Apache Spark, i.e., updates can be represented as flat file(s), e.g., in COPY format, or as SQL operations. Only one update is active at any one time. Updates to code and year are very infrequent. Updates to flags affect 1-5% of rows per update (3-15 million rows). It is possible for the update rows to include all flags and their values, just the "on" flags to be updated or just the flags whose values have changed. In the former case, Spark would need to query the data to get the current values of flags.
There will be a small read load during updates.
The question is about an optimal schema and associated update strategy to support the query & updates as described.
Some comments from research so far:
Using 1,000+ boolean columns would create a very efficient row representation but, in addition to some DDL complexity, would require 1,000+ indexes.
Bit strings would be great if there was a way to index individual bits. Also, they do not offer a good way to represent absent flags. Using this approach would require maintaining a lookup table between flag names and bit IDs. Merging updates, if needed, works with ||, though, given PostgreSQL's MVCC there doesn't seem to be much benefit to updating just flags as opposed to replacing an entire row.
JSONB fields offer indexing. They also offer null representation but that comes at a cost: all flags that are "off" would need to be explicitly set, which would make the fields quite large. If we ignore null representation, JSONB fields would be relatively small. To further shrink them, we could use short 1-3 character field names with a lookup table. Same comments re: merging as with bit strings.
tsvector/tsquery: have no experience with this data type but, in theory, seems to be an exact representation of a set of "on" flags by name. Must use a lookup table mapping flag names to tokens with the additional requirement to ensure there are no collisions due to stemming.
Don't store the flags in the main table.
Assuming that the main table is called data, define something like the following:
CREATE TABLE flag_names (
id smallint PRIMARY KEY,
name text NOT NULL
flagname_id smallint NOT NULL REFERENCES flag_names(id),
data_id text NOT NULL REFERENCES data(id),
value boolean NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (flagname_id, data_id)
If a new flag is created, insert a new row in flag_names.
If a flag is set to TRUE or FALSE, insert or update a row in the flag table.
Join flag with data to test if a certain flag is set.

using different avro schema for new columns

I am using flume + kafka to sink the log data to hdfs. My sink data type is Avro. In avro schema (.avsc), there is 80 fields as columns.
So I created an external table like that
CREATE external TABLE pgar.tiz_biaws_fraud
PARTITIONED BY(partition_date INT)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe'
LOCATION '/data/datapool/flume/biaws/fraud'
TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='hdfs://xxxx-ns/data/datapool/flume/biaws/fraud.avsc')
Now, I need to add 25 more columns to avro schema. In that case,
if I create a new table with new schema which has 105 columns, I will have two table for one project. And if I add or remove some columns in coming days, I have to create a new table for that. I am afraid of having a lot of table which use different schema for same project.
If I swap the old schema with new schema in current table, I will have only one table for one project but I can't read and get old data anymore because of schema conflict.
What is the best way to use avro schema in case like that?
This is indeed challenging. The best way is to make sure all schema changes you make are compatible with the old data - so only remove columns with defaults, and make sure you give defaults in the columns you are adding. This way you can safely swap out the schemas without a conflict and keep reading old data. Avro is pretty clever about that, it's called "schema evolution" (in case you want to google a bit more) and allows reader and writer schemas to be a bit different.
As an aside, I want to mention that Kafka has a native HDFS connector (i.e. without Flume) that uses Confluent's schema registry to handle these kinds of schema changes automatically - you can use the registry to check if the schemas are compatible, and if they are - simply write data using the new schema and the Hive table will automatically evolve to match.
I added new columns to avro schema like that
{"name":"newColumn1", "type": "string", "default": ""},
{"name":"newColumn2", "type": "string", "default": ""},
{"name":"newColumn3", "type": "string", "default": ""},
When I use default property, if that columns doesn't exist in current data it returns default value, if that columns does exist in current data it returns the data value as expected.
For setting null value as default, you need that
{ "name": "newColumn4", "type": [ "string", "null" ], "default": "null" },
{ "name": "newColumn5", "type": [ "null", "string" ]},
The position of null in type property, can be first place or can be second place with default property.