Import Source Archive in Yocto - yocto

I have received an entire source archive for a Yocto-build. But I can't figure out how to install it.
The archive is a zip file containing three .tar.xz files with names like machine-name-allarch-poky-linux.tar.xz, where each of these files contain a directory structure like sources/allarch-poky-linux/ followed by many different folders with all different source packages.
The file structure is just like what can be found here:
As in above, the final directories contain a .tar.gz with all source code etc for each package, and very often there is also a couple of patches and other miscellaneous files.
Probably the archive was created with the archiver class.
But the manual does not say anything about what the user (in this case, me) shall do to install the created archive.
It seems to be related to the DL_DIR, but the file structure doesn't really comply with what the DL_DIR usually contains (only tarballs, no loose patches etc. and the tarballs are not in sub-directories as in the archive).
How do I go about to get Yocto to use these archives?


Ignore files when publishing packages for Deno

I have done my first package for Deno, and then I publish it to
I would like to know if there is a way to Ignore some files and dires at the time of upload the package, example: [".github",".vim","test_deps.ts"].
Pretty much like .npmignore.
There is not currently a way to ignore files, but if you'd like to only include certain files, you can organize them separately in a subdirectory of your repository, and use that option when publishing your module:
The subdirectory that you choose in this step will become the root of the module's file hierarchy.

JMRTD : Why there is a difference in CAP gererated by build from eclipse and cap file available in JMRTD folder

I have downloaded the JMRTD applet and source files from the following link :-
My issue
There is a difference in CAP file generated by eclipse and CAP file available in from the second link.
I'm using jmrtd-0.5.5.jar (190.8 kB) and Java card 2.0.2 libraries .jar files to build the JMRTD source code.
You shouldn't expect that .cap files are binary comparable. Basically the main .cap files are .zip files (similar to how .jar files are actually .zip files underneath). The main .cap file stores multiple files that also end with .cap. These contain the data that is actually send to the card. For instance Methods.cap will contain most of the code.
However because the main .cap file is a .zip file this also means that it could be re-ordered. Besides that, the .cap file will also contain meta data such as file creation data. And there are of course several options to deal with, such as the inclusion of debugging info. It is therefore to be expected that .cap files will always differ when rebuilding.

Emacs CEDET EDE non-trivial project setups

Trying to understand how EDE works by using it to generate Makefiles for
a project directory that contains several targets under a specific
hierarchy. I'm not having any luck, and the info pages don't seem to
answer my question.
My directory structure looks something like:
(The asterix (*) marks files containing main() functions)
program.cpp *
yuvreader_test.cpp *
I want to create EDE project(s) with one or more subprojects; or maybe I
just want one or more targets...?
flow's program.cpp requires flow/ and utils/ sources, but yuvreader_test
only requires utils/ sources.
I did ede-new in the root directory, and all subdirectories. I also did ede-new-target in the root directory, but when adding source files in subdirectories, it does not recognize the target I created.
I would appreciate it if someone could point me to some more complicated
Project.ede files for something like I'm trying to do. You can guess
that I have more subdirectories containing class code files, some of
which have standalone programs that use that code; also I have more test
code under tests/. Any example files/command workflows would be
The EDE feature that will generate Makefile or Automakefiles has a few more constraints than either Make or Automake. For example, the files belonging to a target must be in the same directory as the project containing the target. In your example, you would probably have no projects in your root directory.
To bring multiple sources together into a single program, a simple mechanism is to have each subdirectory create an archive (.a) or a shared lib (.so) that is linked together in your program.
If that is too constraining, you can also write your own automake files, and EDE will read those directly, so you can have a more complex build procedure as needed.
The CEDET distribution uses EDE as its build process, so you could look at that as a complex example. It doesn't build C++ files though, so it may not be as helpful as you would like.

eclipse projects and compiled data

in my Java Eclipse project that contains JUnit tests, I also have a package "resource" that contains all input data used for the tests. But when compiling JUnit tests, the Java compile also data available in resources, so I find the same data in the "bin" folder. Is there a way to avoid this?
If you have a particular package within the source path you want to exclude (your resources folder for example), you can right click on the package and select: Build Path > Exclude.
This will tell Eclipse that you don't want to include that package as part of the build.
This is making a couple of assumptions: that you're using Eclipse Helios (because the option might be different in older versions), and that the resources are stored in the same folder as your regular java source files (because if resources is in a folder by itself, you can remove that entire folder from the build by using Build Path > Configure Build Path -> Source tab.
After the discussion in the comments regarding why you would or would not want to copy resources into the bin directory:
The contents of your bin directory should be ignored and not checked into to a version control system (when using CVS, bin should be an entry in the .cvsignore file)
The resources are only duplicated on your local machine, which is fast and hard discs are big. I'm not sure you should be worrying about this
If you're using Class.getResource to access those resources, they need to be on the classpath somewhere. The bin directory is as good a place as any
So, realistically (barring some unknown, like the files are hundreds of gigabytes or something), I don't think you need to be concerned about excluding these files from the build.

Move common include files to a separate directory, yet keep them easily editable within eclipse?

We are using Eclipse+CDT+SVN(Linux). How can we have some common header files in a separate include directory, which is also in the SVN, but not in the project specific subdirectory.
The main goal would be to create some common, reusable code for multiple projects and to be able to easily edit/commit that code within eclipse.
We have different directoy structures on the machines, so "simple" links would not work out.
You could use:
an external project (as suggested by Rahul in the comments of your question) with those header files in it: your first project would "depend on" your second one.
The problem is the path of the common project which can be different from machine to machine, while still being stored in full in the .classpath or .project of your CDT project.
a linked directory, which at least use a path variable for linked resources, and would only require to set that variable to the proper path (to the common project) depending on the current machine.