PostgreSQL resource consumption, segregation and scheduling - postgresql

How does PostgreSQL protect sessions from each other from the
resource consumption perspective?
For example, I write some stored procedures:
a stored procedure that executes a highly cpu-bound tight loop, how does PostgreSQL keep it from sucking up a big portion of the available cpu?
a stored procedure that triggers a lot of IO, how does PostgreSQL keep it from sucking up most of the IO bandwidth?
a stored procedure that reads widely scattered pages that no other session references, how does PostgreSQL keep it from filling up the buffer pool?
Also, as I understand it that each PostgreSQL session corresponds to a different OS process, so I also wonder what resource consumption segregation that PostgreSQL deals with explicitly and what it relies on for the OS to perform (as part of the OS's scheduling mechanisms).
Thanks much.

There is no resource throttling for processes in PostgreSQL, each process will consume as much CPU and I/O as it can.
This is somewhat mitigated by the fact that PostgreSQL backends run single-threaded, so a single backend cannot consume all the resources of the database server. Note, however, that PostgreSQL has parallel query, so (with the default configuration) up to three processes can work on a single statement. You can reduce that by setting max_parallel_workers_per_gather to 0.
There is also no limit of how many pages a statement can evict from shared buffers. But unless the statement touches a single page multiple times, the usage count of the pages read in by the statement will remain low, and the buffers can get evicted from the cache again. There is also an optimization for large sequential scans: if the table is estimated to blow out more than a quarter of shared buffers, it is scanned using a "ring buffer" consisting of only a small part of shared buffers.


PostgreSQL limits itself to a single core CPU usage (debugging lock issue?)

Update after some research, it seems this question was incorrect - the 100% was representing all cores, not a single core, making the whole question moot. My sincere apologies to the community.
On PostgreSQL 10, PostGIS 2.5.2, without any data modifications (SELECT queries only), I have 40 identical GIS queries running in parallel (with different params), each taking ~20-500ms. Server has lots of RAM, NVME SSDs.
The CPU usage consistently shows 100% of a single core, implying that all queries are stuck waiting for something that cannot execute in parallel, but I am not sure how to find it.
Examining pg_stat_activity multiple times shows that all queries are active, and their wait_event could be one of these cases:
wait_event is NULL for all
a few ClientRead and lock_manager, NULL everything else
a lot of lock_manager, and a few ClientRead and NULLs.
Is there a way to figure out what may be causing this?
That is surprising, as reading queries never lock on anything short of an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock that is required by operations like DROP TABLE, TRUNCATE, ALTER TABLE and similar statements.
Perhaps the locks are “light-weight locks” on internal PostgreSQL data structures, which are usually only held for a very short time. I don't know what in a PostGIS query could have high contention on such internal locks, but then you didn't show the statement or its execution plan, nor did you show the exact lock events.
If you have several concurrent queries that each take a long time like 500ms, the definitely should be running in parallel.
Apart from the possibilities of some internal lock contention, I can think of two explanations:
Most of the queries are short enough that a single core suffices to process all the queries. Each connection spends most of its time waiting for the client.
The system is I/O bound, so that most of the CPUs just twiddle their thumbs. That would be indicated by a CPU iowait% of 10 or more.

KDB: parallel insertion to table

I created a multi-threaded connections from Java to KDB then have records inserted to a single table concurrently.
But it seems that the sum of the individual duration and the overall duration is almost the same as if no concurrent insertion happened.
Would you know if KDB supports parallel insertion?
If so, is there any setting I should do?
Does it have a record-level or table-level locking?
kdb does not support parallel inserts into in-memory tables. In fact updates to in-memory data may only be made from the q main thread. This means that tables are 'locked' (can't be amended) essentially to all clients if a q server is started with a negative port, and the issue is irrelevant if the q session is in single threaded mode (as most sessions tend to be). The situation is a little different for tables stored on disk (I can expand on that later if required).
In order to accelerate your inserts I would suggest looking at the following:
a) Are the inserts batched, rather than as a series of single inserts? One insert of 1k rows will take much less time that 1k inserts of one row.
b) Are the inserts sent async or sync? Changing between these two may speed up insertion rates but at the cost of knowing if the inserts executed correctly.
Can you share more about your use case? Is your Java client sending market data? if so would a TP style setup be more appropriate? See kdb+ tick and its derivatives such as TorQ (note that TorQ is developed by my employer).
A KDB process is a single-threaded process in general (except when running in multiple slave thread/process mode)
Though you have multiple java threads writing data to q process, the data is getting written in KDB in a sequential manner, hence it is not giving any performance benefit. it does not need the table/row level locking due to this
though I would recommend that you stream the data in async mode (negative handle), this will let your java threads come quickly rather than waiting for KDB to complete the operation, this will definitely improve the performance at the writing side.
While using parallel processing mode(slave threads - positive number), the slave threads are not allowed writing to the global tables/variables; you would need to use multi-process mode to achive that(negative number while launching the q process)

Read from mongodb without lock

We're using MongoDB 2.2.0 at work. The DB contains about 51GB of data (at the moment) and I'd like to do some analytics on the user data that we've collected so far. Problem is, it's the live machine and we can't afford another slave at the moment. I know MongoDB has a read lock which may affect any writes that happen especially with complex queries. Is there a way to tell MongoDB to treat my (particular) query with the lowest priority?
In MongoDB reads and writes do affect each other. Read locks are shared, but read locks block write locks from being acquired and of course no other reads or writes are happening while a write lock is held. MongoDB operations yield periodically to keep other threads waiting for locks from starving. You can read more about the details of that here.
What does that mean for your use case? Because there is no way to tell MongoDB to access the data without a read lock, nor is there a way to prioritize the requests (at least not yet) whether the reads significantly affect the performance of your writes depends on how much "headroom" you have available while write activity is going on.
One suggestion I can make is when figuring out how to run analytics, rather than scanning the entire data set (i.e. doing an aggregation query over all historical data) try running smaller aggregation queries on short time slices. This will accomplish two things:
reads jobs will be shorter lived and therefore will finish quicker, this will give you a chance to assess what impact the queries have on your "live" performance.
you won't be pulling all old data into RAM at once - by spacing out these analytical queries over time you will minimize the impact it will have on current write performance.
Depending on what it is you can't afford about getting another server - you might consider getting a short lived AWS instance which may be not very powerful but would be available to run a long analytical query against a copy of your data set. Just be careful when making it a copy of your data - doing a full sync off of the production system will place a heavy load on it (more effective way would be to use a recent backup/file snapshot to resume from).
Such operations are best left for slaves of a replica set. For one thing, read locks can be shared to allow many reads at once, but write locks will block reads. And, while you can't prioritize queries, mongodb yields long running read/write queries. Their concurrency docs should help
If you can't afford another server, you can setup a slave on the same machine, provided you have some spare RAM/Disk headroom, and you use the slave lightly/occasionally. You must be careful though, your disk I/O will increase significantly.

PostgreSQL consuming large amount of memory for persistent connection

I have a C++ application which is making use of PostgreSQL 8.3 on Windows. We use the libpq interface.
We have a multi-threaded app where each thread opens a connection and keeps using without PQFinish it.
We notice that for each query (especially the SELECT statements) postgres.exe memory consumption would go up. It goes up as high as 1.3 GB. Eventually, postgres.exe crashes and forces our program to create a new connection.
Has anyone experienced this problem before?
EDIT: shared_buffer is currently set to be 128MB in our conf. file.
EDIT2: a workaround that we have in place right now is to call PQfinish for every transaction. But then, this slows down our processing a bit since establishing a connection every time is quite slow.
In PostgreSQL, each connection has a dedicated backend. This backend not only holds connection and session state, but is also an execution engine. Backends aren't particularly cheap to leave lying around, and they cost both memory and synchronization overhead even when idle.
There's an optimum number of actively working backends for any given Pg server on any given workload, where adding more working backends slows things down rather than speeding it up. You want to find that point, and limit the number of backends to around that level. Unfortunately there's no magic recipe for this, it mostly involves benchmarking - on your hardware and with your workload.
If you need more connections than that, you should use a proxy or pooling system that allows you to separate "connection state" from "execution engine". Two popular choices are PgBouncer and PgPool-II . You can maintain light-weight connections from your app to the proxy/pooler, and let it schedule the workload to keep the database server working at its optimum load. If too many queries come in, some wait before being executed instead of competing for resources and slowing down all queries on the server.
See the postgresql wiki.
Note that if your workload is read-mostly, and especially if it has items that don't change often for which you can determine a reliable cache invalidation scheme, you can also potentially use memcached or Redis to reduce your database workload. This requires application changes. PostgreSQL's LISTEN and NOTIFY will help you do sane cache invalidation.
Many database engines have some separation of execution engine and connection state built in to the core database engine's design. Sybase ASE certainly does, and I think Oracle does too, but I'm not too sure about the latter. Unfortunately, because of PostgreSQL's one-process-per-connection model it's not easy for it to pass work around between backends, making it harder for PostgreSQL to do this natively, so most people use a proxy or pool.
I strongly recommend that you read PostgreSQL High Performance. I don't have any relationship/affiliation with Greg Smith or the publisher*, I just think it's great and will be very useful if you're concerned about your DB's performance.
* ... well, I didn't when I wrote this. I work for the same company now.
The memory usage is not necessarily a problem. PostgreSQL uses shared memory for some caching, and this memory does not count towards the size of the process memory usage until it's actually used. The more you use the process, the larger parts of the shared buffers will be active in it's address space.
If you have a large value for shared_buffers, this will happen. If you have it too large, the process can run out of address space and crash, yes.
The problem is probably that you don't close the transaction,
In PostgreSQL even if you do only selects without DML it runs in transaction which need to be rollback.
By adding rollback at the end of the transaction will reduce your memory problem

Can a shared ready queue limit the scalability of a multiprocessor system?

Can a shared ready queue limit the scalability of a multiprocessor system?
Simply put, most definetly. Read on for some discussion.
Tuning a service is an art-form or requires benchmarking (and the space for the amount of concepts you need to benchmark is huge). I believe that it depends on factors such as the following (this is not exhaustive).
how much time an item which is picked up from the ready qeueue takes to process, and
how many worker threads are their?
how many producers are their, and how often do they produce ?
what type of wait concepts are you using ? spin-locks or kernel-waits (the latter being slower) ?
So, if items are produced often, and if the amount of threads is large, and the processing time is low: the data structure could be locked for large windows, thus causing thrashing.
Other factors may include the data structure used and how long the data structure is locked for -e.g., if you use a linked list to manage such a queue the add and remove oprations take constant time. A prio-queue (heaps) takes a few more operations on average when items are added.
If your system is for business processing you could take this question out of the picture by just using:
A process based architecure and just spawning multiple producer consumer processes and using the file system for communication,
Using a non-preemtive collaborative threading programming language such as stackless python, Lua or Erlang.
also note: synchronization primitives cause inter-processor cache-cohesion floods which are not good and therefore should be used sparingly.
The discussion could go on to fill a Ph.D dissertation :D
A per-cpu ready queue is a natural selection for the data structure. This is because, most operating systems will try to keep a process on the same CPU, for many reasons, you can google for.What does that imply? If a thread is ready and another CPU is idling, OS will not quickly migrate the thread to another CPU. load-balance kicks in long run only.
Had the situation been different, that is it was not a design goal to keep thread-cpu affinities, rather thread migration was frequent, then keeping separate per-cpu run queues would be costly.