How to execute docker compose run command with ansible? - docker-compose

Is there a way to execute "docker compose run" command with ansible? Here is my command that I want to transform into ansible task:
docker compose --env-file configs/ -f docker-compose.yml -f run --rm artisan migrate:refresh
I know how to use ansible-shell module for that. Also I've used ansible's docker-compose module to execute compose up command, but I haven't found any module parameters to specify the specific command for execution.


docker mechanism that allow container to not intialize postgres server while container starts?

i try to understand why,
by executing this command :
docker run --rm -it postgres bash
container starts well, gives me a bash prompt, without intializing
a postgres server.
In fact, when i only execute this :
docker run --rm -it postgres
container tries to intialize a postgres server and failed
because a non provided '-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD' sequence
which is absolutly normal.
But the question is :
what is the mechanism in 'docker' or 'in the official postgres image'
that tell container to :
not initialize a postgres server when an argument is provided
at the end of 'docker run --rm -it postgres' sequence
(like bash or psql..)
DO initialize a postgres server when NO argument is provided
(docker run --rm -it postgres)
Thanks by advance.
The postgres image Dockerfile is set up as
CMD ["postgres"]
When an image has both an ENTRYPOINT and a CMD, the command part is passed as additional parameters to the entrypoint. If you docker run postgres bash, the bash command overrides the command part but leaves the entrypoint intact.
This entrypoint wrapper script setup is a common and useful technique. The script can do anything it needs to do to make the container ready to use, and then end with the shell command exec "$#" to run the command it got passed as arguments. Typical uses for this include dynamically setting environment variables, populating mounted volumes, and (for application containers more than database containers) waiting for a database or other container dependency to be ready.
In the particular case of the postgres image, its entrypoint script does (simplified):
if [ "$1" = 'postgres' ] && ! _pg_want_help "$#"; then
if [ -z "$DATABASE_ALREADY_EXISTS" ]; then
docker_process_init_files /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*
exec "$#"
Since the entrypoint script is just a shell script and it does have the command as positional parameters, it can make decisions based on what the command actually is. In this case, if [ "$1" = 'postgres' ] – if the main container command is to run the PostgreSQL server – then do the first-time initialization, otherwise don't.

how to get the console output of docker-compose exec of a detached container

I've run in detached mode docker-compose up.
I have then run docker-compose exec container_name command
and i had nothing, so I have then run docker-compose exec -it container_name bash to get the shell and i got nothing either.
I have tried these command but I have no output from the first command and i dont have access to the shell with the second command. Do you know how i can have output or access the shell?
I am under macos x catalina 10.15.7. I have tried to reboot but it's the same.
docker-compose build and docker-compose up are running correctly
note docker ps -a gives me the same container id as docker-compose without the #1 at the end (react-wagtail-blog_web_cont with docker ps -a and react-wagtail-blog_web_cont_1 with docker-compose ps).
I can access my react-wagtail-blog_web_cont container with docker exec -it react-wagtail-blog_web_cont bash...
Thank you
If you just want to see the normal log output you can use docker logs <container> where container is the container name or hash. To find that, just run docker ps
Also if you want to see the logs realtime as they come use `docker logs -f
See docs

What is a -d2 flag in docker run command

I am working with a codebase that has a docker run command as follows (real name and password removed):
docker run -it --rm --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres:11.6 -d2
I know that -d flag is to --detach the container, but what is -d2? I can't figure out the purpose of this flag at the end of the command. I'm also confused why it's at the end of the command and not before the IMAGE name like the other flags.
The docker command line is order sensitive. Once docker sees an option or flag it cannot parse, it treats that as the image name. And everything after the image name is the command to run instead of the default command. In other words:
docker run ${options_to_run} ${image_name} ${command_override}
In the postgres image, the entrypoint is and the default command is postgres. That means docker will run this container by default as postgres (it concatenates the entrypoint and command together into one command with args to run). With the -d2 command override, that becomes -d2 and the entrypoint script may interpret that as an option to change how it will run. The entrypoint has special handling for flags:
if [ "${1:0:1}" = '-' ]; then
set -- postgres "$#"
exec "$#"
Which means the entrypoint arguments are modified from -d2 to postgres -d2 and then the shell in pid 1 is replaced by the command line arguments, postgres running with the -d2 argument.
I found the answer. -d2 is a postgres CLI option for specifying the debugging level. We are executing the postgres container with that postgres CLI option.
From postgres --help:
-d 1-5 debugging level

How can I run localstack in docker-compose with one command on a Mac?

Reading the docs for localstack
I don't understand this line:
"(Note that on MacOS you may have to run TMPDIR=/private$TMPDIR docker-compose up if $TMPDIR contains a symbolic link that cannot be mounted by Docker.)
Following these instructions works, but I'd like to be able to run my docker-compose with one command, and I now have to run docker-compose build then TMPDIR=/private$TMPDIR docker-compose up. Any way to combine the commands successfully?
You could try using the --build switch with the up command:
TMPDIR=/private$TMPDIR docker-compose up --build
--force-recreate might help too:
TMPDIR=/private$TMPDIR docker-compose up --force-recreate
You could even combine the two:
TMPDIR=/private$TMPDIR docker-compose up --force-recreate --build

Running a script from a mongodb docker-container

I have script that restores the database
mongorestore --port 27017 --db myapp `pwd`/db-dump/myapp
I want to run this in a short lived docker-container using the image mvertes/alpine-mongo.
To run a shortlived container the --rmis used:
docker run --rm --name mongo -p 27017:27017 \
-v /data/db:/data/db \
But how do I execute my script in the same command?
Check out the docker run reference:
You can pass in the command you wish to execute. In your case, this could be the restore script. You must consider two things, though.
The script is not part of the container, so you need to mount into the container.
Specifying a command overwrites the CMD directive in the Dockerfile.
If you look at the Dockerfile, you see this as its last line:
CMD [ "mongod" ]
This means the default command that the container executes is mongod. When you specify a command for docker run, you "replace" this with the command you pass in. In your case: Passing in the restore script will overwrite mongod, which means Mongo never starts and the script will fail.
You have two options:
Start one container with the database and another one with the restore script.
Try to chain the commands.
Since you want to run this in a short-lived container, option 2 might be better suited for you. Just remember to start mongod with the --fork flag to run it in daemon mode.
$ docker run --rm --name mongo -p 27017:27017 \
-v /data/db:/data/db \
-v "$(pwd)":/mnt/pwd \
mvertes/alpine-mongo "mongod --fork && /mnt/pwd/"
Hopefully, this is all it takes to solve your problem.