gitignore pattern with leading double asterisk (without whitelisting) - gitignore

I have the following entry in my .gitignore file (and note that there are no whitelisted entries in my .gitignore):
... but this filename (and hundreds of other) are not ignored as I would expect:
What am I missing?
(Update: I've also tried **.X/.generated_files and **.X/.generated_files/*, but no joy...)

After some googling, I found an MPLAB project on github with the following:
Works like a champ. Thanks, Google! Thanks, Internet! Thanks, github!


How to find files by words inside parentheses in filenames?

I have a bunch of files with filenames like Matroid (bifrons's conflicted copy 2019-11-19).scala due to problems of synchronization. I want to find this files to remove or manually correct the problems (merge the two versions of the file). I tried the command below:
$ find . -iname '*conflicted*'
But it returns nothing! Nada!
I am guessing this is because the word conflicted occurs inside parentheses, but this is just a conjecture. Anyway, why my command do not find the files? How can I find them?
Actually the problem had nothing to do with parentheses at all. It as a (silly) mistake of mine. The directory containing the files with the *conflicted* filename was actually a link and find does not follow links by default. After informing the option -L it worked perfectly.

How to extract archives from dir/subdir/*.* to dir/%zipname%/

I have a bunch of Archives that I want to extract. Problem is, there's a lot of them, and it's a lot of info to move around. I'd like to do it all at once. It's probably taken more time to research than to do it manually, but research is more interesting.
TL;DR: Would like help with 7-zip command line to extract multiple archives into their own directory. Autohotkey, Powershell, and batch files answers would also be nice if you are feeling extra helpful.
Win10, latest update and all that. I've been using 7-zip, so if there's a better extractor for this it might be a helpful suggestion. I have a little experience with coding, so I can usually pars an example and apply it to my project, but I can't come up with code on my own. So with that said, I'm comfortable using cmd, autohotkey, powershell, batch files, and a few others, but I need an example before I can do anything. haha
So, in my research, I found
(7z x -o"...\Stellaris\mod\Examples\" "...\content\281990\*")
for cmd, which works, except that extracts everything to the same dir since the archive files are in the root archive dir (I think that's why; if they were one folder down, it should work like I want right?). I don't think you can use environment variables in the path(?). Not sure what would make it work here...
Powershell: I only recently started tinkering with it so the one script I found didn't make any sense to me. And never found anyone using AutoHotKey for this.
And finally a **batch file* I found here seemed to come closest (normally I'd comment on that thread cause apparently it's still active, but I don't have 50 rep), but I wasn't sure how to modify it for my purposes:
#echo off
SET "filename=%~1" #Where does the working dir path go?
SET dirName=%filename:~0,-4% #How/where would you put in wildcards?
7z x -o"%dirName%" "%filename%"
I don't mind using any method, though I might prefer AHK? I'm probably most experienced there.
If you made it this far, wow, I'm impressed! I hope it was coherent enough to understand (probably not at first?). And maybe a little entertaining? I think I'm funny. Let me know if I should add or remove anything for the future. I know it's probably way too much context, but I would rather have too much than not enough, and I'm never sure what would be relevant and what would not. I'm not happy with my code format here, but I didn't quite understand what the help was saying about whitespace and I'm not familiar enough with Markdown yet (I wanted comments to be in line). Also, I'm honestly not sure about the tags.
EDIT: Added TL;DR at the top, and...
Found an answer via a program that does this. I'll post it in an answer as well: ExtractNow seems to be a bit outdated, last update was in '17, but it did what I wanted it to.
For interactive use at the command prompt:
for %z in ("\path\to\dir\subdir\*.zip") do #echo 7z "-o\path\to\extracted\%~nz" "%~z"
This won't run 7z, but it will print out the commands. Once you are satisfied that the printed commands look fine, remove the #echo to execute them.
In a batch script you must of course duplicate the % signs.
Found an answer via a program that does this. ExtractNow seems to be a bit outdated, last update was in '17, but it did what I wanted it to with only a few settings changes.
So, in my research, I found
(7z x -o"...\Stellaris\mod\Examples" "...\content\281990\*")
for cmd, which works, except that extracts everything to the same dir...
Assuming you were using Windows, 7-zip would have worked fine to do what you wanted. The only thing you were missing is the * character, which 7-zip expands to be the archive name when used with the -o switch:
7z x "dir\subdir\*.*" -o"dir\*"
So 7z x -o"...\Stellaris\mod\Examples" "...\content\281990\*"
7z x -o"...\Stellaris\mod\Examples\*" "...\content\281990\*"
Also be aware that *.* does not mean any file under 7-zip. 7-Zip takes *.* to be name of any file that has an extension. To process all files just use a "dir\subdir\*" without the extra .*.

How to only include some directories in ctags?

there is an --exclude option but that to exclude the directories/files. I work on a big project and want to only include the directories that has source code and not build stuff.
How to do that? What should I include in my .ctags file?
I use:
find FILES | ctags -L -
where FILES is the appropriate arguments to make find return only the files I want to index.
Exuberant Ctags (5.8) is now old and unmaintained, though. It still works for me, so I've not switched; but the last time I checked "Universal Ctags" appeared to be the way forwards, so I would suggest starting there:
n.b. I experienced a curious bug with Exuberant Ctags 5.8 whereby find . resulted in some corrupted tag entries, but find * did not; so you might want to use the latter if using this approach. I didn't need to index any dot files at the root level, so I'm not sure offhand what happens for .* -- I don't think I tried it. Absolute paths were also fine, but then the TAGS file isn't portable. Potentially not an issue in the newer fork.

.gitignore - Ignore everything in a directory except one file

I know there is a lot of questions like this, but no one solved my problem. I want something very simple - ignore all files and folders under specific folder except one file. This is what I try:
...but the file is still ignored.
Any suggestions?
It seems ! only works if the file is in the same folder. A possible workaround would be to nest the same statement till you get to your final file. A bit messy, but it works.
If the file was added in a previous commit before you put it in git ignore, it's possible your .gitignore is not working. I had the same problem few days ago. I solved the problem thanks to this post:
Post int randallkent
I hope this helps you
solution was found here: gitignore directory exception not working
I've been struggling a lot with this subject, let me share a procedure that worked for me:
1) Add the top level folder "abc/" to your .gitignore
2) Let's say that in "abc/" you have also "def/" and "jkl/" folders. If you want to keep the contents of "jkl/" you can just do:
git add -f jkl/*.php
Ok! Now everything inside "jkl/" with .php extension will be tracked by git, even in the next commits, without any headaches!
I've found this to be the right solution for my case, because I was really going insane trying to understand how gitignore does scan files and directories.

Perforce wildcard problem in branch specification

In a branch spec, I have the following view:
//depot/dev/t/a/g/... //depot/dev/t/r/g/...
-//depot/dev/t/a/g/p/o*/... //depot/dev/t/r/g/p/...
Perforce reports an "Incompatible wildcards" for the second rule there.
What I'd like to do is exclude all the directories beginning with "o".
What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix this?
I think you need to have matching wildcards on both sides of each mapping. Try:
//depot/dev/t/a/g/... //depot/dev/t/r/g/...
-//depot/dev/t/a/g/p/o*/... //depot/dev/t/r/g/p/o*/...
While not a direct answer to the question (answered above), I was stumped on the same message and found this post while trying to search for a solution.
In my case, it was because when copy-pasting the workspace mapping from another file, the ellipsis character was placed instead of the Perforce "..." wildcard. To fix this, I deleted the ellipsis and replaced it by typing in three periods.