Generic Programming: How can I access a class "fromMap" factory constructor from a Generic class - flutter

How to access a class "fromMap" factory constructor from a Generic class.
For example, Here is a very simplified class and method:
abstract class DBbase<T> {
dynamic convert(dynamic input) {
T u = T.fromMap(input.toMap());
return u;
class DB<UserModel> extends DBbase {}
The **"T.fromMap" ** doesn't work a although the "UserModel" does have the method within.
If I change that line to:
UserModel u2 = UserModel.fromMap(input.toMap());
then it works, but this defeats the purpose of defining the type as a generic.


Dart - Limit generic constrained type to sub type

i am currently working with Flutter/Dart. I want to implement a generic helper class, which puts a received input value into a generic wrapper, depending on the type.
Here the example code:
class ClassA {}
class ClassB<T> {
final T t;
class ClassC<T extends ClassA? {
final T t;
class ClassD<T> {
final T t;
Object getWrapper(){
final t = this.t;
return T == ClassA?
? ClassC<T>(t) //<--fails
: ClassB<T>(t);
'T' doesn't conform to the bound 'ClassA?' of the type parameter 'T'.
ClassD is the helper which produces the wrappers. For the wrapper ClassB there is no isdue, but i could not get it to work for the wrapper ClassC. As it constrains its generic type it conflicts with the generic type of the wrapper itself, although i also included a type check there to limit the type to the constrained one.
I am wondering why this won't work and how it could be adjusted to make it work.
I tried to add a type check and adjusted it in various ways like
T == ClassA
T is ClassA
also including the local variable t
T == ClassA && t is ClassA

generics not able to use functions of superclass in dart/flutter

I have a problem with the syntax in Dart. I want to be able to use a constructor on a generic class. So I let the generic class extend an abstract class which has the specified constructor. But the Code still shows me that it's not working. Does anyone have an idea?
T fetchItem<T extends JsonModel>(){
return T.fromJson();
// This line shows the error
// The method 'fromJson' isn't defined for the type 'Type'.
abstract class JsonModel {
The following solution works, but I think it's extremly ugly:
T fetchItem<T extends JsonModel<T>>(T t){
return t.fromJson();
abstract class JsonModel<T> {
T fromJson();
Constructors are not inherited. Just because a base class has a certain constructor, does not mean the derived class has that constructor.
It doesn't have anything to do with generics. If you extended a class X from your JsonModel, it simply would not have a constructor of that name.

"'Class.field=' isn't a valid override" when overriding a field with a more specific type

abstract class Ainterface {
String? name;
List<Binterface?>? list;
abstract class Binterface {
String? age;
int? len;
class ObjA extends Ainterface {
String? name;
List<ObjB?>? list;
ObjA({, this.list});
class ObjB extends Binterface {
String? age;
int? len;
ObjB({this.age, this.len});
I used objb as the type of each item in the list, but the editor gave an error 'obja. List =' ('void function (list < objb? >?)) isn't a valid override of 'Ainterface.list=' ('void Function(List<Binterface?>?)').
How I can solve this problem?
Fields (data members) in Dart implicitly provide getters and setters as part of the interface. Therefore when you write:
abstract class Ainterface {
List<Binterface?>? list;
The interface is implicitly:
abstract class Ainterface {
List<Binterface?>? get list;
set list(List<Binterface?>? value);
The problem is that your derived class wants to provide an interface:
class ObjA extends Ainterface {
List<ObjB?>? get list;
set list(List<ObjB?>? value);
Even though List<ObjB?>? is substitutable for List<Binterface?>?, the reverse is not true: List<Binterface?>? is not substitutable for List<ObjB?>?, and that's the direction that matters for the setter.
The list setter in ObjA is not a safe override of the corresponding setter from Ainterface because it would allow callers to violate its contract. Ainterface.list advertises that it allows being set to any instance of a Binterface, but ObjA.list expects only an instance of ObjB. As a concrete example, if the override were allowed, then the following code would compile without error:
class AnotherB extends Binterface {}
void main() {
Ainterface a = ObjA();
a.list = [AnotherB()]; // This error would not be caught at compile-time.
And now a.list contains a List<AnotherB> even though ObjA.list expects List<ObjB>, and you'd eventually get an error at runtime if you try to use a.list as a List<ObjB>.
If you can logically guarantee that the above scenario will never happen, then you can use the covariant keyword to relax static type-checking and allow the override:
abstract class Ainterface {
covariant List<Binterface?>? list;
but I re-emphasize that the above code removes some type-safety. By using the covariant keyword, you take responsibility for ensuring that you do not violate the contract in practice.
Reconsider if your abstract base class needs to expose setters as part of its interface, and expose only getters if possible.
Make Ainterface a generic class parameterized on the concrete type of Binterface:
abstract class Ainterface<DerivedB extends Binterface> {
List<DerivedB?>? list;
class ObjA extends Ainterface<ObjB> {
List<ObjB?>? list;
I'll also point out that overriding fields is usually a bad idea, and you usually should be explicitly overriding getters and setters anyway.
In the Ainterface abstract class you declared that a list should be declared of type Binterface so any class extending that class should do that. so when you want to declare a class extending this class you should consider that. if you want to also declare a list from type ObjB you can do it after that. it will be like this:
class ObjA extends Ainterface {
String? name;
List<Binterface?>? list;
List<ObjB ?>? list2;
ObjA({, this.list, this.list2});

How do you perform inheritance with abstract classes in dart? error : superclass SpanishData doesn't have a zero argument constructor

I'm trying to create an abstract class called SpanishData
And then I want to create another class called alphabet that extends Spanish data
I'm getting an error: the superclass SpanishData doesn't have a zero-argument constructor. How do I fix this?
Here is my code:
abstract class SpanishData{
String englishWord;
String spanishWord;
String mp3;
void getList (){
//the alphabet class
import '../SpanishDataAbstract.dart';
class Alphabet extends SpanishData{
void getList(
You need to refer to the properties of the parent class your class is extending. You can do this using the super keyword.
The super() method on a class constructor allows a subclass to pass arguments and execute the constructor of its superclass.
The code below works:
abstract class SpanishData{
String englishWord;
String spanishWord;
String mp3;
void getList (){
class Alphabet extends SpanishData{
// create a constructor of the alphabet class and call the parent constructor
Alphabet(String englishWord, String spanishWord, String mp3) : super(englishWord, spanishWord, mp3);
void getList(){}

Haxe java.lang.Object Equivalent

Haxe allows class inheritance hierarchies
class Honda extends Car {
is there a common inheritance hierarchy root for all objects? I have a generic container class that could contain any object and I want to be able to declare
var _contents:Object; //Any class instance in _contents
How can I do this?
You can also use {} as a type, which will accept class instances as well as anonymous objects :
var _contents:{};
We also have Dynamic, which basically means "anything" (not only objects, but also primitives like Bool, Int, etc).
If your class is a generic container, you may want to type its content, though, using type parameters:
class Container<T> {
var _contents:T;
public function new(contents:T):Void {
_contents = contents;
And then:
var arrayContainer = new Container([]);
var stuffContainer = new Container({foo:"bar"});
var classContainer = new Container( new Stuff() );
The inheritance root for classes is Class<T> so the following should work:
var _contents:Class<T>;
However, to store an Enum, you would have to use Enum<T> instead.
From the manual:
There is a special type in Haxe which is compatible with all classes:
Define: Class<T>
This type is compatible with all class types which means that all classes (not their instances) can be assigned to it. At compile-time, Class<T> is the common base type of all class types. However, this relation is not reflected in generated code.
This type is useful when an API requires a value to be a class, but not a specific one. This applies to several methods of the Haxe reflection API.