How do I (optionally) pipe text into a Turtle shell script? - haskell-turtle

I am working on a Turtle based shell script. I'd like it to be able to, optionally, accept piped in text in place of an argument. After reading the docs and playing with the stdin Turtle function to no avail, I realize I'm stuck.
Is something like this supported by Turtle? If so, how do I do it?

I think the answer is 'no' it is not supported by Turtle. But it is supported by Haskell. Here's how I did it:
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
gotPipedInText <- hReady stdin
case gotPipedInText of
True -> do
message <- getContents
putStr message
False -> putStr "nothing piped in\n"
The key insight for me is that I need to check for the existence of the piped in text before trying to read it, as reading an 'empty' handle blocks while waiting for input, but reading a 'full' handle gets the existing content.


What does if (print) means in Perl?

I got the following code
if (print msgsnd($ipc_msg_to_mppt_id, $msg, 0)) {
what is the purpose of print here? What is returns?
Documentation says it returns true if successful. But how can printing be unsuccessfull?
Printing isn't necessary as simple as dumping the output to a console. It could also be redirected to a file or some other kind of pipe. If it's redirected to a file you don't have write access to, then printing to that file will fail. If it's piped into another program and the latter program terminates, then writing to it will cause a broken pipe error.
As a general principle, I/O operations are outside the control of your program, so you should always assume that they can fail. Reading to or writing from a file, the console, or any kind of socket or pipe, can always, without warning, fail. So if you want your program to do something about it, you'll need to check the return value of functions like print.

Can the MATLAB editor show the file from which text is displayed? [duplicate]

In MATLAB, how do you tell where in the code a variable is getting output?
I have about 10K lines of MATLAB code with about 4 people working on it. Somewhere, someone has dumped a variable in a MATLAB script in the typical way:
Unfortunately, I do not know what variable is getting output. And the output is cluttering out other more important outputs.
Any ideas?
p.s. Anyone ever try overwriting Standard.out? Since MATLAB and Java integration is so tight, would that work? A trick I've used in Java when faced with this problem is to replace Standard.out with my own version.
Ooh, I hate this too. I wish Matlab had a "dbstop if display" to stop on exactly this.
The mlint traversal from weiyin is a good idea. Mlint can't see dynamic code, though, such as arguments to eval() or string-valued figure handle callbacks. I've run in to output like this in callbacks like this, where update_table() returns something in some conditions.
uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', 'Callback','update_table')
You can "duck-punch" a method in to built-in types to give you a hook for dbstop. In a directory on your Matlab path, create a new directory named "#double", and make a #double/display.m file like this.
function display(varargin)
builtin('display', varargin{:});
Then you can do
dbstop in double/display at 2
and run your code. Now you'll be dropped in to the debugger whenever display is implicitly called by the omitted semicolon, including from dynamic code. Doing it for #double seems to cover char and cells as well. If it's a different type being displayed, you may have to experiment.
You could probably override the built-in disp() the same way. I think this would be analagous to a custom replacement for Java's System.out stream.
Needless to say, adding methods to built-in types is nonstandard, unsupported, very error-prone, and something to be very wary of outside a debugging session.
This is a typical pattern that mLint will help you find:
So, look on the right hand side of the editor for the orange lines. This will help you find not only this optimization, but many, many more. Notice also that your variable name is highlighted.
If you have a line such as:
foo = 2
and there is no ";" on the end, then the output will be dumped to the screen with the variable name appearing first:
foo =
In this case, you should search the file for the string "foo =" and find the line missing a ";".
If you are seeing output with no variable name appearing, then the output is probably being dumped to the screen using either the DISP or FPRINTF function. Searching the file for "disp" or "fprintf" should help you find where the data is being displayed.
If you are seeing output with the variable name "ans" appearing, this is a case when a computation is being done, not being put in a variable, and is missing a ';' at the end of the line, such as:
In general, this is a bad practice for displaying what's going on in the code, since (as you have found out) it can be hard to find where these have been placed in a large piece of code. In this case, the easiest way to find the offending line is to use MLINT, as other answers have suggested.
I like the idea of "dbstop if display", however this is not a dbstop option that i know of.
If all else fails, there is still hope. Mlint is a good idea, but if there are many thousands of lines and many functions, then you may never find the offender. Worse, if this code has been sloppily written, there will be zillions of mlint flags that appear. How will you narrow it down?
A solution is to display your way there. I would overload the display function. Only temporarily, but this will work. If the output is being dumped to the command line as
ans =
or as
foo =
Then it has been written out with display. If it is coming out as just
then disp is the culprit. Why does it matter? Overload the offender. Create a new directory in some directory that is on top of your MATLAB search path, called #double (assuming that the output is a double variable. If it is character, then you will need an #char directory.) Do NOT put the #double directory itself on the MATLAB search path, just put it in some directory that is on your path.
Inside this directory, put a new m-file called disp.m or display.m, depending upon your determination of what has done the command line output. The contents of the m-file will be a call to the function builtin, which will allow you to then call the builtin version of disp or display on the input.
Now, set a debugging point inside the new function. Every time output is generated to the screen, this function will be called. If there are multiple events, you may need to use the debugger to allow processing to proceed until the offender has been trapped. Eventually, this process will trap the offensive line. Remember, you are in the debugger! Use the debugger to determine which function called disp, and where. You can step out of disp or display, or just look at the contents of dbstack to see what has happened.
When all is done and the problem repaired, delete this extra directory, and the disp/display function you put in it.
You could run mlint as a function and interpret the results.
>> I = mlint('filename','-struct');
>> isErrorMessage = arrayfun(#(S)strcmp(S.message,...
'Terminate statement with semicolon to suppress output (in functions).'),I);
>>I(isErrorMessage ).line
This will only find missing semicolons in that single file. So this would have to be run on a list of files (functions) that are called from some main function.
If you wanted to find calls to disp() or fprintf() you would need to read in the text of the file and use regular expresions to find the calls.
Note: If you are using a script instead of a function you will need to change the above message to read: 'Terminate statement with semicolon to suppress output (in scripts).'
Andrew Janke's overloading is a very useful tip
the only other thing is instead of using dbstop I find the following works better, for the simple reason that putting a stop in display.m will cause execution to pause, every time display.m is called, even if nothing is written.
This way, the stop will only be triggered when display is called to write a non null string, and you won't have to step through a potentially very large number of useless display calls
function display(varargin)
builtin('display', varargin{:});
if isempty(varargin{1})==0
A foolproof way of locating such things is to iteratively step through the code in the debugger observing the output. This would proceed as follows:
Add a break point at the first line of the highest level script/function which produces the undesired output. Run the function/script.
step over the lines (not stepping in) until you see the undesired output.
When you find the line/function which produces the output, either fix it, if it's in this file, or open the subfunction/script which is producing the output. Remove the break point from the higher level function, and put a break point in the first line of the lower-level function. Repeat from step 1 until the line producing the output is located.
Although a pain, you will find the line relatively quickly this way unless you have huge functions/scripts, which is bad practice anyway. If the scripts are like this you could use a sort of partitioning approach to locate the line in the function in a similar manner. This would involve putting a break point at the start, then one half way though and noting which half of the function produces the output, then halving again and so on until the line is located.
I had this problem with much smaller code and it's a bugger, so even though the OP found their solution, I'll post a small cheat I learned.
1) In the Matlab command prompt, turn on 'more'.
more on
2) Resize the prompt-y/terminal-y part of the window to a mere line of text in height.
3) Run the code. It will stop wherever it needed to print, as there isn't the space to print it ( more is blocking on a [space] or [down] press ).
4) Press [ctrl]-[C] to kill your program at the spot where it couldn't print.
5) Return your prompt-y area to normal size. Starting at the top of trace, click on the clickable bits in the red text. These are your potential culprits. (Of course, you may need to have pressed [down], etc, to pass parts where the code was actually intended to print things.)
You'll need to traverse all your m-files (probably using a recursive function, or unix('find -type f -iname *.m') ). Call mlint on each filename:
r = mlint(filename);
r will be a (possibly empty) structure with a message field. Look for the message that starts with "Terminate statement with semicolon to suppress output".

At which lines in my MATLAB code a variable is accessed?

I am defining a variable in the beginning of my source code in MATLAB. Now I would like to know at which lines this variable effects something. In other words, I would like to see all lines in which that variable is read out. This wish does not only include all accesses in the current function, but also possible accesses in sub-functions that use this variable as an input argument. In this way, I can see in a quick way where my change of this variable takes any influence.
Is there any possibility to do so in MATLAB? A graphical marking of the corresponding lines would be nice but a command line output might be even more practical.
You may always use "Find Files" to search for a certain keyword or expression. In my R2012a/Windows version is in Edit > Find Files..., with the keyboard shortcut [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [F].
The result will be a list of lines where the searched string is found, in all the files found in the specified folder. Please check out the options in the search dialog for more details and flexibility.
Later edit: thanks to #zinjaai, I noticed that #tc88 required that this tool should track the effect of the name of the variable inside the functions/subfunctions. I think this is:
very difficult to achieve. The problem of running trough all the possible values and branching on every possible conditional expression is... well is hard. I think is halting-problem-hard.
in 90% of the case the assumption that the output of a function is influenced by the input is true. But the input and the output are part of the same statement (assigning the result of a function) so looking for where the variable is used as argument should suffice to identify what output variables are affected..
There are perverse cases where functions will alter arguments that are handle-type (because the argument is not copied, but referenced). This side-effect will break the assumption 2, and is one of the main reasons why 1. Outlining the cases when these side effects take place is again, hard, and is better to assume that all of them are modified.
Some other cases are inherently undecidable, because they don't depend on the computer states, but on the state of the "outside world". Example: suppose one calls uigetfile. The function returns a char type when the user selects a file, and a double type for the case when the user chooses not to select a file. Obviously the two cases will be treated differently. How could you know which variables are created/modified before the user deciding?
In conclusion: I think that human intuition, plus the MATLAB Debugger (for run time), and the Find Files (for quick search where a variable is used) and depfun (for quick identification of function dependence) is way cheaper. But I would like to be wrong. :-)

What is the difference between the openModelFile and openModel commands in Dymola/Modelica?

In this question, I asked how I can add a custom package to the MODELICAPATH on startup, but there was some ambiguity in the answers. Based on the answers, I can use either
I would like to know how these commands differ, if at all, and when to use one or the other.
EDIT: if you answer please provide sources in the Modelica documentation. I am not sure how to even navigate the documentation to find these commands so this is probably a big handicap.
For any questions related to the "built-in" commands in Dymola, please be aware that you can get some basic documentation by using the document(...) function (apparently, help was too pedestrian and elucidate was too pretentious?). This command can be invoked from the command line on the bottom of the "Simulation" tab in Dymola. It takes a string of the function name as the argument. So, to answer your question:
function openModel "open a Modelica-file"
input String path "File-path to open";
input Boolean mustRead := true "If false we can skip reading the file";
output Boolean result "true if successful";
"Opens a Modelica-file and pops up a window with the model in it"
end openModel;
function openModelFile "open a Modelica-model from a file"
input String model "Model to open";
input String path := "" "File-path to open (can be the empty string)";
input String version := "" "Version to open (can be the empty string)";
output Boolean result "true if successful";
"Opens a Modelica-file and pops up a window with the given model in it"
end openModelFile;
Sadly, I don't think the documentation quite captures the difference here. In fact, I would argue the names are really backward if you think about it. openModel takes a file as an argument and opens the definition contained in that file (typically a package but not necessarily). On the other hand, openModelFile takes a model name as an argument and opens that model in the model browser (searching the MODELICAPATH, if necessary, to find and open the model).
I hope that helps.

How do I run subprocesses that use temp dirs in Haskell?

I've got a Haskell program that needs to execute a separate (third party) binary; this binary will write its output to a file provided as a command-line argument (it does not seem willing to write to STDOUT). I see that System.Cmd will allow me to call this binary, but I'm quite mystified by the type of withTemporaryDirectory. Namely:
withTemporaryDirectory :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
whereas System.Cmd merely gives me:
rawSystem :: String -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
(as well as system, which isn't usefully different in this case).
I'm just stuck figuring out how to wire these up; I want to create a temp directory (this binary likes to vomit all over its CWD), run the binary, read from its output file (I'll know its name as I provide that as an argument to the binary in question) and then blow away the temp directory and its contents.
So, should I be writing a function whose type is (Filepath -> IO a) in order to do all the stuff I described? Are there any good examples anyone can provide to this effect?
In this case, the binary being used is PsiPred (protein secondary structure prediction) and while its source is available, I'd rather not have to modify it. This software we're working on is a computational biology program for remote homology detection in proteins.
FilePath is typdefed as a String. withTemporaryDirectory works as if you called mkdtemp(3) with its first argument, and then used its result to call the second argument (a function taking a path with the template applied, and running an IO action with it). After the inner function terminates, the directory is deleted.
In your case, I would assume you should use withTemporaryDirectory, and then inside the function you pass to it, change directories to the temporary one, actually run PsiPred, and then change back into your old one.
System.Cmd is part of the package process, which also contains the module System.Process which contains more general versions of system, i.e. createProcess and runProcess. Both allow to specify a working directory and much more. See System.Process