value update in firestore using cloud function show before and after update documents in flutter - flutter

you need to replace before value with after update value.
however my scenario is:
the following ui is from flutter. if you use cloud function to update a given document. The following scenario occur.
below lines of code is what i have used to show values in ui like in image above.
// .where("userId", isEqualTo: userID)
//? not required coz userDoc has it
/* .doc(userID)
.collection("note") */
// .orderBy('serverTimeStamp', descending: true)
.where("buyerUserId", isEqualTo: userID)
.orderBy('createdAt', descending: true)
.snapshots(includeMetadataChanges: true)
above is flutter code is what i have used for firestore in flutter
below is cloud function javascript used to update.
.doc( + "-" +
total: FieldValue.increment(
if you want to recreate what i have built you have to use ListView.builder.
the document takes 25 as total. other field wont be required to recreate the scenario.
however you will need to trigger update function from cloudfunciton. you can use onCreate wehre your document will be updated as soon as its created.
You will see the peculiar behaviour occur.
the replacement need to make user interface without repeated values. only then user can experience a normal behaviour from the application.


Can't get one document from flutter cloud firestore

I'm trying to get one document by user id from firebase cloud firestore using flutter.
I tried firstly to fetch the data then added a condition to it, but i'm not able to display the data or even print it in the console!
Here is what i've tried so far:
Future<DocumentSnapshot?> getFileByUser(String userId) async {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where('cartUserId', isEqualTo: FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!.uid)
.then((value) { {
ui page:
User? user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser;
showFile() {
final files = DatabaseMethods().getFileByUser(user!.uid);
and then made the call in a button so I can print the result only! it's returning the documents of the actual user, but I couldn't map the result in order to get the latest in timestamp order!
I appreciate any kind of help, thanks in advance!
If you want to get the most recent document for the user, you should order on the field that has the timestamp and the limit to a single result:
.where('cartUserId', isEqualTo: FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!.uid)
.orderBy('timestamp', descending: true)
See the Firestore documentation on ordering and limiting data for more on this.

how to delete document by field inside collection inside document inside collection on firestore

I have Doctor collection when each doctor (represent by his email ) has a collection called patients_waiting.
Now, what I'm trying to do is delete one document from the paitents_waiting collection by field calls patients containing his email.
but I tried many solutions and none of them works for me now.
what I have tried to do :
now it's not good because the document is saved in uid and not by email but I tried to play with the where function but with no success.
how do I found this document by email and delete him?
I will mention that I'm doing it on flutter, but I think it doesn't matter.
as long as you have the patient's email address you can search with and delete it
. document(doctorEmail)
.where('patient', isEqualTo:paitentEmail )
.get().then((value) =>
Nb: you are using an old version of firestore
Inside your paitents_waiting collection, the documents are NOT named according to patient email, they are randomly generated Firebase IDs. Take a closer look.
.document(paitentEmail) //this in your Firebase isn't an email, it's "xaErf43Asd..etc"
If you want to follow this approach, which should be working otherwise, when you want to create a patient waiting document, use .set instead of .add, and set the document id to your pateint's email, like this:
.set({your patient data here});
This should get things working for you.
To delete all patients for a doctor by the email you can use a combination of Firestore query and batch updates. The first one we need to get all patients with the same email and the other to delete them. A function for that would look like this:
Future<void> deletePatiensForDoctor(String docEmail, String patEmail) async {
WriteBatch batch = FirebaseFirestore.instance.batch();
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await Firestore.instance
.where('email', isEqualTo: patEmail)
.get(); {
return batch.commit();

Deleting a Firestore entry based on FIFO

I'm trying to create a script that deletes a record from a Firestore collection using a FIFO (First In First Out approach).
So if there are three matching results in the collection, the script should take the first one added and just delete that one (leaving the remaining two). My code is:
isEqualTo: _auth.currentUser.uid)
isEqualTo: widget.field)
.orderBy('Posted', descending: false)
.then((querySnapshot) {
.forEach((documentSnapshot) {
(Just to note: 'Posted' is the date the entry was added) Unfortunately this doesn't work, and all three results remain in the collection.
If though I use this script instead, then all three results are removed from the collection:
isEqualTo: _auth.currentUser.uid)
isEqualTo: widget.field)
.then((querySnapshot) {
.forEach((documentSnapshot) {
An example of an entry in my collection is as follows:
So I know the logic, connection, fields etc... are all correct, but why does the first example not work?
Have you check you logs? I am pretty sure that Firebase is throwing an error saying that your collection need indexes with a link.
Just follow the link and the instruction to build the indexes. Once complete you should be able to do what you are looking for.
More info about Indexes:
and Simple queries / Coumpound queries:

How to update a Firestore document after querying in Flutter

I am trying to figure out how to update my document after I query the one I want to update. Here is the code I came up with:
Firestore.instance.collection("Social_Posts").where(data["postTitle"], isEqualTo: "postTitle").where(data["postContent"], isEqualTo: "postContent")
.listen((event) {print("hh");});
Whenever I perform this query to find the correct document, I would like to update the document by adding a number to it.
It is possible to update the document from inside, The easier way to do that would definitely be to use the documentID and to increment the value Firestore has a special property, FieldValue.increment(1). Using this you can easily increment a field.
Lets say the field in the document you want to increment by 1, is "numberField".
Updated code using async/await style:
onTap: () async {
setState(() {
_title = data["postTitle"];
_content= data["postContent"];
QuerySnaphot snapshot = await Firestore.instance.collection("Social_Posts")
.where("postTitle" , isEqualTo: _title)
.where("postContent", isEqualTo: _content)
doc.reference.updateData({"views" : FieldValue.increment(1),});
The numberField will be incremented without needing to make an extra call to know the present value.
EDIT : You were making a mistake in the .where() method
You can do that by using the document id you quired from inside the listen function in your case by using the event.documents[0].documentID assuming that your query returns one document only and then you can call the updateData method from Firestone package
Your code might looks like this:
.where(data["postTitle"], isEqualTo: "postTitle")
.where(data["postContent"], isEqualTo: "postContent")
.listen((event) {
updateEvent) //Add here the new object you want to
.whenComplete(() {
// You can add your desire action after the row is updated
You can check package page for more information
And if you want to check a sample on how to perform CRUD functionalities you can check this repository:

CollectionReference to DocumentReference

I'm trying to perform a firestore transaction in Flutter.
Therefore I need to pass the documentReference.
There is no problem, when accessing the "lesson" document based on the identifier.
The issue is when fetching the active user pass. The where I'm trying to use returns the Query, and the .reference() returns the CollectionReference (which is not accepted by the transaction method).
How can I get the reference to the document basing on the value of its field.
To spice it up: DB rules don't allow me to read ALL the passes. I've got only access to those, that have my UserID (double checked - working).
DocumentReference lessonRef =
await _db.collection('lessons').document(lesson.identifier);
CollectionReference passRef = await _db
.where('userID', isEqualTo: user.identifier).reference();
You can get the DocumentReference of the Queried documents like so:
.where('userID', isEqualTo: user.identifier)
.listen((reference) =>
data.documents.forEach((doc) => /*do what you want with doc.reference*/));
(I'm not an expert in Flutter and I could't test the code, but I based the answer in the API reference)