handle sql exception for large data insert - spring-data-jpa

I have a Spring 2.5 application that takes a large (275K) file and parses it. Each record is then inserted into a Postgres db. There is a unique column (not the primaryKey/#Id) that will kick out the attempted record insert. This results in a DataContraintViolationException, which seems natural enough.
The problem I have is this kills the process. Is there a good way to continue processing the entire file, and just log the exception and move onto the next record for insert? I tried wrapping the respository.save(record) in a try/catch, but it still kills the process with a transaction rollback.

A ConstraintViolationException will be wrapped in a PersistenceException and Hibernate will generally mark the transaction for rollback - even if the exception was registered to not cause a rollback at the spring transaction handling level, e.g. via #Transactional(noRollbackFor = PersistenceException.class).
So there needs to be a different solution. Some ideas:
explicitly look whether a corresponding row is already present (one additional select per item)
try every insert in a dedicated transaction (e.g. annotating a corresponding service method with #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) (one additional transaction per item)
handle the constraint violation in a custom DB statement (e.g. ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING / other "upsert" / "merge" behavior the DB offers)
The 1st and the 2nd option should offer some potential for parallelization, since selects / inserts can be issued independently from each other and there is no need to wait for unrelated DB roundtrips.
The 3rd option could be the fastest, as it requires no selects, the least amount of DB roundtrips, and statements could be batched; however it probably also needs the most amount of custom setup: Spring JPA bulk upserts is slow (1,000 entities took 20 seconds) (Reporting back which number or even which entities were actually inserted would likely even increase the complexity: How can I get the INSERTED and UPDATED rows for an UPSERT operation in postgres)


How do transactions work in the context of reads to the database?

I am using transactions to make changes to a SQL database. As I understand it, this means that changes to the database will happen in an all-or-nothing fashion. What I want to know is, does this have any guarantees for reads? For example, suppose I have some (pseudo)-code like this:
2) INSERT INTO users ... // insert some data
3) count = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ... // count something in the database
4) if count > 10: // do something based on the read
5) INSERT INTO other_table ... // write based on the read
In this code, I'm doing an INSERT, followed by a SELECT, and then conditionally doing another INSERT based on the outcome of the SELECT.
So my question is, if another process modifies the database between steps (3) and (5), what happens to the count variable, and to my transaction?
If it makes a difference, I am using PostgreSQL.
As Xin pointed out, it depends on the isolation level.
At the default READ COMMITTED level, records from other sessions will become visible as they are committed; you would see the same records if you didn't start a transaction at all (though of course, other processes would see your inserts appear at different times).
With REPEATABLE READ, your queries will not see any records committed by other sessions after your transaction starts. But while you don't have to worry about the result of SELECT COUNT(*) changing during your transaction, you can't assume that this result will still be accurate by the time you commit.
Using SERIALIZABLE provides the strongest guarantee: if your script does the right thing when given exclusive access to the database, then it will do the right thing in the presence of other serialisable transactions (or it will fail outright). However, this means that all transactions which might interfere with yours must be using the same isolation level (which comes at a cost), and all must be prepared to retry their transaction in the event of a serialisation failure.
When serialisable transactions are not an option, you generally guard against race conditions by explicitly locking things against concurrent writes. It's often enough to lock a selection of records, but you can't exactly lock the result of a COUNT(*); in your case, you'd probably need to lock the whole table.
I am not working on postgreSQL, but I think I can answer your question. Think of every query is parallel. I am saying so, because there are 2 transactions: when you insert into a; others can insert into b; then when you check b; whether you can see the new data depends on your isolation setting (read committed or just dirty read).
Also please note that, in database, there is a technology called lock: you can lock a table so that prevent altering it from others before committing your transaction.

How to wait during SELECT that pending INSERT commit?

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.2 in a Windows environment.
I'm in a 2PC (2 phase commit) environment using MSDTC.
I have a client application, that starts a transaction at the SERIALIZABLE isolation level, inserts a new row of data in a table for a specific foreign key value (there is an index on the column), and vote for completion of the transaction (The transaction is PREPARED). The transaction will be COMMITED by the Transaction Coordinator.
Immediatly after that, outside of a transaction, the same client requests all the rows for this same specific foreign key value.
Because there may be a delay before the previous transaction is really commited, the SELECT clause may return a previous snapshot of the data. In fact, it does happen sometimes, and this is problematic. Of course the application may be redesigned but until then, I'm looking for a lock solution. Advisory Lock ?
I already solved the problem while performing UPDATE on specific rows, then using SELECT...FOR SHARE, and it works well. The SELECT waits until the transaction commits and return old and new rows.
Now I'm trying to solve it for INSERT.
SELECT...FOR SHARE does not block and return immediatley.
There is no concurrency issue here as only one client deals with a specific set of rows. I already know about MVCC.
Any help appreciated.
To wait for a not-yet-committed INSERT you'd need to take a predicate lock. There's limited predicate locking in PostgreSQL for the serializable support, but it's not exposed directly to the user.
Simple SERIALIZABLE isolation won't help you here, because SERIALIZABLE only requires that there be an order in which the transactions could've occurred to produce a consistent result. In your case this ordering is SELECT followed by INSERT.
The only option I can think of is to take an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock on the table before INSERTing. This will only get released at COMMIT PREPARED or ROLLBACK PREPARED time, and in the mean time any other queries will wait for the lock. You can enforce this via a BEFORE trigger to avoid the need to change the app. You'll probably get the odd deadlock and rollback if you do it that way, though, because INSERT will take a lower lock then you'll attempt lock promotion in the trigger. If possible it's better to run the LOCK TABLE ... IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE command before the INSERT.
As you've alluded to, this is mostly an application mis-design problem. Expecting to see not-yet-committed rows doesn't really make any sense.

How to manage foreign key errors from insert for the purpose of data validation (t-sql)

I am building a database in SQL Server 2000 and need to perform data validation by testing for foreign key violations. This post is related to an earlier post I made (Trigger exits on first failed insert and cant set xact_abort OFF in SQL Server 2000) which focussed on how to port from a working SQL Server 2005 implementation to a server 2000 implementation. Following the advice received on this post indicating wholesale recoding was required, i am now re-considering the design itself - hence this post. To recap on my application, my
I receive a daily data feed containing ~5k records into a Staging table. When this insert is done a single record is then added to a table called TRIGGER_DATA.
I have created a trigger ‘on insert’ on this table which then attempts to insert the data therein into a FACT_data table one record at a time.
The FACT_data table is foreign keyed to many DIM tables which define the acceptable inputs the field can take.
If any record violates a foreign key constraint the insert should fail and the record should instead be inserted into a Load_error table (which has no foreign key and all fields are Nullable).
Given the volume of records in each insert i thought it would be a bad idea to create the trigger on the Stage_data table since this would result in ~5k trigger firing in one go each day. However since i cannot set xact_abort off in a trigger under SQL Server 2000 and therefore on the first failure it aborts in the trigger i am wondering if it might be actually be a half decent solution.
The basic question i am now asking myself is what is the typical approach for doing this - it seems to me that this kind of data validation through checking for FK violations must be common and therefore a consensus best practise may have emerged (although i really cant find any for server 2000 platform!)
Am i correct that the trigger on the stage_data table would be bad practise given the volume of records in each insert or is it acceptable?
Is my approach of looping through each record from within the trigger and testing the insert ok?
What are your thoughts on this alternative that i have just thought of. Stop using triggers altogether and, after the Stage table is loaded, update a 'stack' table with a record saying that data had been received and was ready to be validated and loaded to the FACT table (perhaps along with a priority level indicating order in which order tasks must be processed). This stack or 'job' table would then be a register of all requested inserts along with their status (created/in-progress/completed). I would then have a stored procedure continually poll this table and process the top priority record. This would mean that all stored proc calls would happen outwith the trigger.
Many thanks
You don't need a trigger at all. Unless there is some reason that you need split-second timing of this daily data load, just schedule a job (stored proc) that runs as often as necessary to look for data in the staging table.
When it finds any, process the records one at a time and load the ones that are OK and do whatever you do with the ones that have broken FKs (delete, move to a work queue, etc.).
If you use a schedule frequency that is often enough that there is some risk of the next job starting while the last one is still running, then you should create a sentinel table that your stored proc can write in to say that the job is running. This could work one of two ways. Either you just have one record that says "running" or "not running" or, you could have one record per job (like a transaction log) that has a status code indicating whether the job is complete or not.

concurrent transaction management in EJB/JPA

I am working on EJB 3.0 where entity beans are managed by JPA.My question is if two or more user will try to insert in same table using same form same time, how JPA will handle that situation.
It will manage it just fine, by using database transactions. If two threads try to create the same row (i.e. with the same primary key) at the same time, one will succeed, and the other will get an exception from the database, which will cause a rollback of its transaction. That means that all the other inserts, updates and deletes made in the same transaction will also be rollbacked, or cancelled if you prefer, leaving the database in a coherent state. That's the A in ACID.
If two threads insert two different rows at the same time in the same table, then the database will handle that just fine, and both rows will be inserted.

How can I be sure that a row, or series of rows returned in one select statement are excluded from other queries to the database in separate threads

I have a PostgreSQL 9.2.2 database that serves orders to my ERP system. The database tables contain boolean columns indicating if a customer is added or not among other records. The code I use extracts the rows from the database and sends them to our ERP system one at a time (single threaded). My code works perfectly in this regard; however over the past year our volume has grown enough to require a multi-threaded solution.
I don't think the MVCC modes will work for me because the added_customer column is only updated once a customer has been successfully added. The default MVCC modes could cause the same row to be worked on at the same time resulting in duplicate web service calls. What I want to avoid is duplicate web service calls to our ERP system as they can be rather heavy, although admittedly I am not an expert on MVCC nor the other modes that PostgreSQL provides.
My question is: How can I be sure that a row, or series of rows returned in one select statement are excluded from other queries to the database in separate threads?
You will need to record the fact that the rows are being processed somehow. You will also need to deal with concurrent attempts to mark them as being processed and handle failures with sending them to your ERP system.
You may find SELECT ... FOR UPDATE useful to get a set of rows and simultaneously lock them against updates. One approach might be for each thread to select a target row, try to add it's ID to a "processing" table, then remove it in the same transaction you update added_customer.
If a thread fetches no candidate rows, or fails to insert then it just needs to sleep briefly and try again. If anything goes badly wrong then you should have rows left in the "processing" table that you can inspect/correct.
Of course the other option is to just grab a set of candidate rows and spawn a separate process/thread for each that communicates with the ERP. That keeps the database fetching single-threaded while allowing multiple channels to the ERP.
You can add a column user_is_proccesed to the table. It can hold the process id for the back end, that updates the record.
Then use a small serializable transaction to set the user_is_proccesed to "lock row for proccesing".
Something like:
UPDATE user_table
SET user_is_proccesed = pg_backend_pid()
WHERE <some condition>
AND user_is_proccesed IS NULL; -- no one is proccesing it now
The key thing here - with SERIALIZABLE only one transaction can successfully update the record (all other concurrent SERIALIZABLE updates will fail with ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update).