I am new to Sympy, sorry if this question has an obvious answer.
I would like to rewrite an expression containing nothing but constants (i.e., no symbols (?)) in terms of a constant defined earlier.
from IPython.display import display
import sympy
r = sympy.S.GoldenRatio - 1
display(1 - r)
display(1 - r**2) # equals r
Displays the following expressions:
But I would like:
1 - r
(Not sure whether I am actually asking two distinct questions here, one for the first two lines of the result, one for the last line.)
The following kind of gets you there. Printing the expressions with StrPrinter(dict(order='none')).doprint(expr) didn't work well even for unevaluated expressions because of a parenthesizing issue.
>>> sr= Symbol('(GoldenRatio - 1)')
>>> r= S.GoldenRatio - 1
>>> r.subs(r, sr)
(GoldenRatio - 1)
>>> (1-r).subs(r, sr)
1 - (GoldenRatio - 1)
>>> nsimplify(1-r**2).subs(r, sr)
1 v5
- - + --
2 2
>>> nsimplify(1-r**2,r.args).subs(r, sr)
(GoldenRatio - 1)
>>> nsimplify(1-r**2,[S.GoldenRatio]).subs(r, sr)
(GoldenRatio - 1)
Following the precedence operator in java 8 it is clear that the postfix operator (expr++ expr--) has a higher precedence that the unary operator, pre-unary operator (++expr --expr).
However when executing this code:
x = 3; y = ++x - x++;
The value of y is 0
But to me, following the above table, the result should be
y = (5 - 3) as x++ should be evaluated first.
Can anyone explain why this is y = 0 and not y = 2?
When do I use the Operator precedence on the same line in an expression? or why there is an operator precedence order and when is used?
Operator precedence decides which one of several operators is associated with an operand. In the expression ++x - x++ there are two places where precedence comes into play:
++x - … - The two operators ++ and (binary) - could be used on x; ++ has precedence, so this is equivalent to (++x) - …, not to ++(x - …).
… - x++ - The two operators (binary) - and ++ could be used on x; ++ has precedence, so this is equivalent to … - (x++), not to (… - x)++.
I am trying to take the derivative of a function including a boolean variable with sympy.
My expected result:
Two different derivatives, depending on the boolean being either True or False (i.e. 1 or 0).
import sympy as sy
c, x = sy.symbols("c x", positive=True, real=True)
bo = sy.Function("bo")
fct1 = sy.Function("fct1")
fct2 = sy.Function("fct2")
FOC2 = sy.Function("FOC2")
y = 5
a = 2
b = 4
def fct1(x):
return -0.004*x**2 + 0.25*x + 4
# the following gives the smaller positive intercept with the x-axis)
# this intercept is the threshold value for the boolean function, bo
min(sy.solve(fct1(x)-y, x))
def bo(x):
if fct1(x) <= y:
return 1
return 0
def fct2(c, x):
return a + b*c + bo(x)*c
def FOC2(c, x):
return sy.diff(fct2(c, x), c)
print(FOC2(c, x))
The min-function after the comments shows me the threshold of x for bo being True or False would be 4.29..., thus positive and real.
TypeError: cannot determine truth value of Relation
I understand that the truth value depends on x, which is a symbol. Thus, without knowing x one cannot determine bo.
But how would I get my expected result, where bo is symbolic?
First off, I would advise you to carefully consider what is going on in your code the way it is pasted above. You first define a few sympy functions, e.g.
fct1 = sy.Function("fct1")
So after this, fct1 is an undefined sympy.Function - undefined in the sense that it is neither specified what its arguments are, nor what the function looks like.
However, then you define same-named functions explicitly, as in
def fct1(x):
return -0.004*x**2 + 0.25*x + 4
Note however, that at this point, fct1 ceases to be a sympy.Function, or any sympy object for that matter: you overwrite the old definition, and it is now just a regular python function!
This is also the reason that you get the error: when you call bo(x), python tries to evaluate
-0.004*x**2 + 0.25*x + 4 <= 5
and return a value according to your definition of bo(). But python does not know whether the above is true (or how to make that comparison), so it complains.
I would suggest 2 changes:
Instead of python functions, as in the code, you could simply use sympy expressions, e.g.
fct1 = -0.004*x**2 + 0.25*x + 4
To get the truth value of your condition, I would suggest to use the Heaviside function (wiki), which evaluates to 0 for a negative argument, and to 1 for positive. Its implementation in sympy is sympy.Heaviside.
Your code could then look as follows:
import sympy as sy
c, x = sy.symbols("c x", positive=True, real=True)
y = 5
a = 2
b = 4
fct1 = -0.004*x**2 + 0.25*x + 4
bo = sy.Heaviside(y - fct1)
fct2 = a + b*c + bo * c
FOC2 = sy.diff(fct2, c)
Two comments on the line
bo = sy.Heaviside(y - fct1)
(1) The current implementation does not evaluate sympy.Heaviside(0)by default; this is beacause there's differing definitions around (some define it to be 1, others 1/2). You'd want it to be 1, to be in accordance with the (weak) inequality in the OP. In sympy 1.1, this can be achieved by passing an additional argument to Heaviside, namely whatever you want Heaviside(0) to evaluate to:
bo = sy.Heaviside(y - fct1, 1)
This is not supported in older versions of sympy.
(2) You will get your FOC2, again involving a Heaviside term. What I like about this, is that you could keep working with this expression, say if you wanted to take a second derivative and so on. If, for the sake of readability, you would prefer a piecewise expression - no problem. Just replace the according line with
bo = sy.Heaviside(y - fct1)._eval_rewrite_as_Piecewise(y-fct1)
Which will translate to a piecewise function automatically. (note that under older versions, this automatically implicitly uses Heaviside(0) = 0.5 - best to use (1) and (2) together:
bo = sy.Heaviside(y - fct1, 1)._eval_rewrite_as_Piecewise(y-fct1)
Unfortunately, I don't have a working sympy 1.1 at my hands right now and can only test the old code.
One more noteconcerning sympy's piecewise functions: they are much more readable if using sympy's latex printing, by inserting
early in the code.
(Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert in sympy, and there might be other, preferable solutions out there. Just trying to make a suggestion!)
I need to compute some fairly long expressions that contain common subexpressions. For example, consider the following two expressions:
double dfdx1 = 2 * (-x2 + x1 - sin(b2)*n34 + cos(b2)*sin(c2)*n24 - cos(b2)*cos(c2)*n14 + sin(b1)*m34 - cos(b1)*sin(c1)*m24 + cos(b1)*cos(c1)*m14);
double dfdx2 = -2 * (-x2 + x1 - sin(b2)*n34 + cos(b2)*sin(c2)*n24 - cos(b2)*cos(c2)*n14 + sin(b1)*m34 - cos(b1)*sin(c1)*m24 + cos(b1)*cos(c1)*m14);
Aside from eliminating all the trigonometric functions, one obvious elimination is dfdx2 = -dfdx1. The question is whether the compiler will recognise this. I found that using MATLAB's MuPad generate::optimize() function does not, which rather surprised me.
More generally, will the compiler recognise that f2 = -f1 in the example below:
double f1 = a*a + b*b - c*a - c*b;
double f2 = c*a + c*b - a*a - b*b;
Or will it just eliminate the terms a*a, b*b, c*a and c*b?
I am using the MSVC compiler, but I guess that they all do pretty much the same thing.
Normally compilers should recognize this and carry out the asked transformation if you enable "fast math" (-ffast-math for gcc). The reason is that floating point operations are not perfectly exact and the order of the evaluation of an expression might matter.
Example (for doubles, all constants are actually considered being results of other operations):
"1e100"+"1.0"-"1e100" results in 0.0
"1e100"-"1e100"+"1.0" results in 1.0
So the compiler will only reorder expressions if you explicitly allow such transformations.
I have an optimization problem (1d) coded in 2 ways - one using a for loop and an other using numpy arrays. The for loop version works fine but the numpy one fails.
Actually it is a bit more complicated, it can work with different starting points (!!) or if I choose an other optimization algo like CG.
The 2 versions (functions and gradients) are giving the same results and the returned types are also the same as far as I can tell.
Here is my example, what am I missing?
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
# local params
v1 = np.array([1., 1.])
v2 = np.array([1., 2.])
# local functions
def f1(x):
s = 0
for i in range(len(v1)):
s += (v1[i]*x-v2[i])**2
return 0.5*s/len(v1)
def df1(x):
g = 0
for i in range(len(v1)):
g += v1[i]*(v1[i]*x-v2[i])
return g/len(v1)
def f2(x):
return 0.5*np.sum((v1*x-v2)**2)/len(v1)
def df2(x):
return np.sum(v1*(v1*x-v2))/len(v1)
x0 = 10. # x0 = 2 works
# tests...
assert np.abs(f1(x0)-f2(x0)) < 1.e-6 and np.abs(df1(x0)-df2(x0)) < 1.e-6 \
and np.abs((f1(x0+1.e-6)-f1(x0))/(1.e-6)-df1(x0)) < 1.e-4
# BFGS for f1: OK
o = minimize(f1, x0, method='BFGS', jac=df1)
if not o.success:
print('FAILURE', o)
print('SUCCESS min = %f reached at %f' % (f1(o.x[0]), o.x[0]))
# BFGS for f2: failure
o = minimize(f2, x0, method='BFGS', jac=df2)
if not o.success:
print('FAILURE', o)
print('SUCCESS min = %f reached at %f' % (f2(o.x[0]), o.x[0]))
The error I get is
A1 = I - sk[:, numpy.newaxis] * yk[numpy.newaxis, :] * rhok
IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable.
but I doesn't really helps me since it can work with some other starting values.
I am using an all new fresh python install (python 3.5.2, scipy 0.18.1 and numpy 1.11.3).
The solver expects the return value of jacobian df2 to be the same shape as its input x. Even though you passed in a scalar here, it's actually converted into a single element ndarray. Since you used np.sum, your result became scalar and that causes strange things to happen.
Enclose the scalar result of df2 with np.array, and your code should work.
When I add a line to the middle of a file, all following lines have their number incremented.
Is there a utility that generates the list of equivalent line numbers between two files?
The output would be something like:
1 1
2 2
3 4 (line added)
4 5
One can probably create such utility by using dynamic programming in a way similar to the diff algorithm. Seems useful, hasn't already been done?
I found out it is pretty easy to do with python's difflib:
import difflib
def seq_equivs(s1, s2):
equiv = []
s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=s1, b=s2)
for m in s.get_matching_blocks():
if m[2] == 0:
for n in range(1, 1+m[2]):
equiv.append((m[0]+n, m[1]+n))
return equiv
Example usage:
f1 = open('file1.txt').read().split('\n')
f2 = open('file2.txt').read().split('\n')
for equivs in seq_equivs(f1, f2):
print('%d %d' % equivs)