Kafka Streams Apps Threads fail transaction and are fenced and restarted after Kafka broker restart - apache-kafka

We are noticing Streams Apps threads fail transactions during rolling restarts of our Kafka Brokers. The transaction failure causes stream thread fencing which in turn causes a restart of the thread and re-balancing. The re-balancing causes some delay in processing. Our goal is to make broker restarts as smooth as possible and prevent processing delays as much as possible.
For our rolling Broker restarts we use the controlled.shutdown=true configuration, and before each restart we wait for all partitions to be in-sync across all replicas.
For our Streams Apps we have properly configured group.instance.id and an appropriate session.timeout.ms so that rolling restarts of the streams apps themselves are smooth and without re-balances.
From the Kafka Streams app logs I have identified a sequence of events leading up to the fencing:
Broker starts shutting down
App logs error producing to topic due to NOT_LEADER_OR_FOLLOWER
App heartbeats failing because coordinator is restarting broker
App discovers new group coordinator (this bounces a a bit between the restarting broker and live brokers)
App stabilizes
Broker starting up again
App fails to do fetch request to starting broker due to FETCH_SESSION_ID_NOT_FOUND
App discovers starting broker as transaction coordinator
App transaction fails due to one of two reasons:
InvalidProducerEpochException: Producer attempted to produce with an old epoch.
ProducerFencedException: There is a newer producer with the same transactionalId which fences the current one
Stream threads end up in fatal error state, get fenced and restarted which causes a rebalance.
What could be causing the two exceptions that cause stream thread transactions to fail? My intuition is that the broker starting up is assigned as transaction coordinator before it has synced its transaction states with the in-sync brokers. This could explain old epochs or different transactional ids to be known by that broker.
How can we further identify what is going wrong here and how it can be improved?

you can set request.timeout.ms in kafka streams which will make stream API wait for a longer period of time. if kafka broker is not up in a given period of time then only it will throw an exception which can be handled by using ProductionExceptionHandler as described in Handling exceptions in Kafka streams


Weired Kafka Consumer Group Re-balancing

My kafka topic has two partitions and single kafka consumer. I have deployed my consumer application(spring kafka) in the AWS. In logs I see kafka consumer re-balance in time to time. This is not frequent. As per the current observation when consumer is listening to the topic and idle this re-balancing occurs. Appreciate if someone can explain me this behavior. I have posted some logs here.
[Consumer clientId=consumer-b2b-group-1, groupId=b2b-group] Request joining group due to: group is already rebalancing
[Consumer clientId=consumer-b2b-group-1, groupId=b2b-group] Revoke previously assigned partitions order-response-v3-qa-0, order-response-v3-qa-1
[Consumer clientId=consumer-b2b-group-1, groupId=b2b-group] Revoke previously assigned partitions order-response-v3-qa-0, order-response-v3-qa-1
b2b-group: partitions revoked: [order-response-v3-qa-0, order-response-v3-qa-1
[Consumer clientId=consumer-b2b-group-1, groupId=b2b-group] (Re-)joining group
Re-balancing is a feature that automatically optimizes uneven workloads as well as topology changes (e.g., adding or removing brokers). This is achieved via a background process that continuously checks a variety of metrics to determine if and when a to rebalance should occur.
you can go through the below link for further knowledge:
Kafka starts a rebalancing if a consumer joins or leaves a group. Below are various reasons why that can or will happen.
A consumer joins a group:
Application Start/Restart — If we deploy an application (or restart it), a new consumer joins the group
Application scale-up — We are creating new pods/application
A consumer leaves a group:
max.poll.interval.ms exceeded — polled records not processed in time
session.timeout.ms exceeded — no heartbeats sent, likely because of an application crash or a network error
Consumer shuts down
Pod relocation — Kubernetes relocates pods sometimes, e.g. if nodes are removed via kubectl drain or the cluster is scaled down. The consumer shuts down (leaves the group) and is restarted again on another node (joins the group).
Application scale-down
If you would like to understand more in depth. Here is one of the amazing article I have read

Duplicate message consumption in Kafka due to auto-downscaling/deletion of pods

We have a simple producer/consumer style application with Kafka as the message broker and Consumer Processes running as Kubernetes pods. We have defined two topics namely the in-topic and the out-topic. A set of consumer pods that belong to the same consumer group read messages from the in-topic, perform some work and finally write out the same message (key) to the out-topic once the work is complete.
Issue Description
We noticed that there are duplicate messages being written out to the out-topic by the consumers that are running in the Kubernetes pods. To rephrase, two different consumers are consuming the same messages from the in-topic twice and thus publishing the same message twice to the out-topic as well. We analyzed the issue and can safely conclude that this issue only occurs when pods are auto-downscaled/deleted by Kubernetes.
In fact, an interesting observation we have is that if any message is read by two different consumers from the in-topic (and thus published twice in the out-topic), the given message is always the last message consumed by one of the pods that was downscaled. In other words, if a message is consumed twice, the root cause is always the downscaling of a pod.
We can conclude that a pod is getting downscaled after a consumer writes the message to the out-topic but before Kafka can commit the offset to the in-topic.
Consumer configuration
props.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "true");
props.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, "3600000");
props.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "latest");
Zookeeper/broker logs :
[2021-04-07 02:42:22,708] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Preparing to rebalance group PortfolioEnrichmentGroup14 in state PreparingRebalance with old generation 1 (__consumer_offsets-17) (reason: removing member PortfolioEnrichmentConsumer13-9aa71765-2518-
493f-a312-6c1633225015 on heartbeat expiration) (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator)
[2021-04-07 02:42:23,331] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Stabilized group PortfolioEnrichmentGroup14 generation 2 (__consumer_offsets-17) (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator)
[2021-04-07 02:42:23,335] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Assignment received from leader for group PortfolioEnrichmentGroup14 for generation 2 (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator)
What we tried
Looking at the logs, it was clear that rebalancing takes place because of the heartbeat expiration. We added the following configuration parameters to increase the heartbeat and also increase the session time out :
props.put(ConsumerConfig.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, "10000")
props.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "latest");
props.put(ConsumerConfig.SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, "900000");
props.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES_CONFIG, "512");
props.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, "1");
However, this did not solve the issue. Looking at the broker logs, we can confirm that the issue is due to the downscaling of pods.
Question : What could be causing this behavior where a message is consumed twice when a pod gets downscaled?
Note : I already understand the root cause of the issue; however, considering that a consumer is a long lived process running in an infinite loop, how and why is Kubernetes downscaling/killing a pod before the consumer commits the offset? How do I tell Kubernetes not to remove a running pod from a consumer group until all Kafka commits are completed?
"What could be causing this behavior where a message is consumed twice when a pod gets downscaled?"
You have provided the answer already yourself: "[...] that a pod is getting downscaled after a consumer writes the message to the out-topic but before Kafka can commit the offset to the in-topic."
As the message was processed but not committed, another pod is re-processing the same message again after the downscaling happens. Remember that adding or removing a consumer from a consumer group always initiates a Rebalancing. You have now first-hand experience why this should generally be avoided as much as feasible. Depending on the Kafka version a rebalance will cause every single consumer of the consumer group to stop consuming until the rebalancing is done.
To solve your issue, I see two options:
Only remove running pods out of the Consumer Group when they are idle
Reduce the consumer configuration auto.commit.interval.ms to 1 as this defaults to 5 seconds. This will only work if you set enable.auto.commit to true.
If you want your consumer to commit message/s before exiting you would need to handle exit signal to your consumer. A lot of languages do support this. Have a look at this thread on how to do this in java - How to finish kafka consumer safety?(Is there meaning to call thread#join inside shutdownHook ? ).
That being said, please note that there is no 100% guarantee to achieving exactly once. Your process can be killed forcefully by OS before even given time to run any exit clean up (kill -9 <process_id>.

"Aborting producer batches due to fatal error" in Kafka streams after killing broker

During a test where we simulate the failure of a single Kafka broker in a cluster of 6, there were warnings with ProducerFencedExceptions in all our Streams apps (all of which are running in exactly_once_beta mode), which is fair enough. In one of those apps however, there also was also an error:
"2021-03-02 11:03:13.690","ERROR","kafka-producer-network-thread | my-kafka-streams-c29c733a-4838-4787-9bce-7c83c31710e9-StreamThread-2-producer","org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender","[Producer clientId=my-kafka-streams-c29c733a-4838-4787-9bce-7c83c31710e9-StreamThread-2-producer, transactionalId=my-kafka-streams-c29c733a-4838-4787-9bce-7c83c31710e9-2] Aborting producer batches due to fatal error","e5d2ab183d14","my-kafka-streams-5636eaa5-a956-35b9-6f6e-b3418918e74b","my-kafka-streams","HOST123","3193","1614650593690536","0","2021-03-02 11:03:13.690","org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ProducerFencedException: Producer attempted an operation with an old epoch. Either there is a newer producer with the same transactionalId, or the producer's transaction has been expired by the broker.
So is this in fact what it looks like - data loss?
How can this be avoided?

KafkaStreams stop consuming partitions after partition leader rebalance

We have experimented an issue that could be caused by the parameter auto.leader.rebalance.enable, which is set to true by default on brokers.
In detail, when the automatic rebalance occurs, for example after a broker restart, some partition leaders are moved to match the preferred leader.
After this event, some stateful Kafka Streams applications blocks on the source partitions whose leader has been moved and the consumer lag start to grow.
Is it a known issue? Why don't applications receive the information regarding the change of leader?
The tactical solution we found in case we need to execute a rolling restart of brokers is:
Stop stateful applications
Perform brokers rolling restarts.
Wait 5 minutes (default value) untile the automatic leader rebalance occurs
Start stateful applications.
We are using Confluent Platform Community 5.2.2, deployed on a 3 node on prem cluster.
We are trying to recreate what happened in the test environment but without success. is it possible that it is influenced by the load of the cluster, much lower in test?
Thanks in Advance!

Kafka Streams app does NOT fail when the Kafka cluster goes down

I have a Kafka Streams app running ( When I shut down the Kafka cluster the streams app continues to wait for the next message, when the cluster is brought back up, it will resume consuming messages. For the duration that the cluster is down the app appears to be working fine. I have tested this for over 45 minutes.
I would expect Kafka to throw an exception or stop. I have configure a StateListener to log when KafkaStreams shuts down, however it is never invoked.
kafkaStreams.setStateListener((newState, _) => {
if (newState == KafkaStreams.State.NOT_RUNNING) {
Log.error("Kafka died unexpectedly.")
How do I get Kafka to throw an exception or shutdown when it cannot connect to the cluster?
Note: this assumes that cluster goes down after the app has started
Why would you want the Kafka Streams app to go down?
The app should be resilient to broker failures, that is, keep going patiently until the broker recovers and it seems that this is what it's doing. If you have multiple instances of the Kafka Streams application and one of them loses connectivity to the broker, the load will be re-balanced onto the remaining instances. If each instance that lost connectivity just shut itself down, you would be losing instances and with them losing redundancy and parallelism even if the broker connectivity recovered. The way it is now Kafka Streams is designed for resilience. I'd argue that this is the correct behaviour.
IMHO if you want to detect broker (or connectivity) failures, that's a use case for monitoring, not for introducing failures into Kafka Streams applications.