How to solve the problem that can't select project using Omni Sharp on VS Core? - select

When I use the Omni Sharp to choose a project on VS Code, it occurs an error as follow:
Command 'OmniSharp: Select Project' resulted in an error (Extension 'ms-dotnettools.csharp'CANNOT use API proposal: quickPickSeparators.
lts packagejson#enabledApiProposals-property declares: [] but NOT quickPickSeparators.The missing proposal MUST be added and you must start in extension development mode or use the following command line switch:--enable-proposed-api ms-dotnettools.csharp)
How can I fix the error?

Have you already found this ticket?
This must be caused by a bug related to the OmniSharp extension.
For the moment, you can either down grade VS code to 1.62 or try to use pre release version of the extension mentioned in the ticket.
Please note that you can install the downloaded vsix file inside VS code.


Can't Find certain extensions in CODE-OSS(Open source variant of Visual Studio Code)

I have been using Code-OSS in manjaro linux for some months now and this is the first time I am encountering this. (After I reinstalled manjaro) When I search for e.g, Java Extension Pack or Intellisense I don't get any result in the extension marketplace. I don't know if it's the problem of my setup or everyone is experiencing this. If you know of a solution please tell me.
Thanks in advance
This can be fixed by adding following to product.json:
"extensionsGallery": {
"serviceUrl": "",
"cacheUrl": "",
"itemUrl": ""
This can also be fixed by copying product.json from an official build (in the .zip archvie, product.json is under /usr/share/code/resources/app/product.json which contains above lines). Depending on your distribution, exact location may vary.
More information:
As an alternative to manually editing product.json or building whole visual-studio-code-bin from AUR you can use different AUR package - code-marketplace - that patches product.json from Code OSS package (code)
Thank you #Clay for responding. I saw that post prior to me posting this question. Those bits of json code were already in my product.json file but still I was not able to get the extensions. Then I built the VISUAL STUDIO CODE (visual-studio-code-bin) from AUR and now its working normally as expected. I don't know what's the reason behind this,but that's how I fixed it.
Also if someone is reading this and wanna know about the different variants of VSCode then here is the archWiki page for VSCode.
For anyone using the docker container like me, the .json is located at /app/code-server/lib/vscode/product.json.
I've encountered this using OSS Code on Manjaro as well, trying to install the Azure Resource Manager Tools extension. Not sure if this was an option when this question was posted, but you can download the extension (.vsix) file if possible, then bring up 'quick open' in OSS Code using Ctrl+Shift+P, search for "VSIX" and choose "Extensions: install from VSIX" to locate and install the downloaded .vsix file.
After this, the extension was installed and usable in OSS Code, and is also configurable in the extension manager panel.

Compilation of Postgresql using pycparser- header files not found

I have installed pycparser that parses C code.
Using pycparser I want to parse an open source project, namely PostgreSQL(version-11.0). I have build it using Visual Studio Express 2017 compiler suite. However, during compilation it cannot find some header files, namely windows.h and winsock2.h.
While looking at the directory structure of the build PostgreSQL, I find that it does not have these header files. How to fix this issue?
Also a strange error occurred as:
postgresql/src/include/c.h:363:2: error: #error must have a working
64-bit integer datatype
Note: I am using Windows 10 64-bit platform and postgresql-11.0
The steps are as follows:
I downloaded visual studio 2017, Windows-10 SDK, Active Perl as described in the steps to build from source in PostgreSQL.
After this I open the developer command prompt of Visual Studio and navigate to the folder postgresql-11.0/src/tools/msvc
Use command "build" to build postgresql. The build process was successful, but still windows.h and winsock2.h was not found in directory structure of PostgreSQL.
I don't know pycparser, but your problem probably has two aspects to it:
You didn't give pycparser the correct list of include directories. The header files you mention are not part of PostgreSQL.
Maybe you can get the list from the environment of the Visual Studio prompt. I don't have a Windows here to verify that.
The error message means that neither HAVE_LONG_INT_64 nor HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT_64 are defined.
Now pg_config.h.win32, which is copied to pg_config.h during the MSVC install process, has the following:
#if (_MSC_VER > 1200)
#define HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT_64 1
Since you are not using MSVC, you probable don't have _MSC_VER set, which causes the error.
You could define _MSC_VER and see if you get to build then.
Essentially you are in a tight spot here, because pycparser is not a supported build procedure, so you'll have to dig into the source and fix things as you go. Without an understanding of the PostgreSQL source and the build process, you probably won't get far.

VS Code - Unable to find and install C++ extension

I have been trying to install C++ extension in Visual Studio Code (latest version). But I am keep getting "No extension found".
I have tried to search a possible cause for this error but so far, I have not found any useful results.
What is the issue and how to resolve it ?
As mentioned in the comments,
Sometimes, marketplace get offline and thus cause these issues.
However, there is a easy hack for this,
Create a *.c file and VS Code will show you that there is a recommended Extension "C/C++"

Getting "Error: Failed to connect to OmniSharp"

I'm trying to get VSCode working with my Unity projects, and every time I select the Project icon (the little fire at the bottom) I get the following error:
Error: Failed to connect to OmniSharp
Is anyone else getting this?
You need to download the most recent version of "mono". Open up terminal and pass in brew install mono. Then "Pick a project" and select the ..-csharp.sln file and you should be up and running.
Ok, made some progress and gotten a few Unity projects working. It seems that you need some prerequisites installed, a clean up of your Unity project folder, and possibly some hand editing of your .sln and .csproj files.
I posted a (possibly) better answer over on Reddit. Hope that's not breaking stack etiquitte.
i get this on windows when my project directory has a space in it
i removed the space and removed the error
i expect it will be fixed soom
I have a completely different answer: it's the runtime that VSCode is using. It doesn't match up with what it thinks it needs. I have to remember that we're still in beta and that things are changing rapidly. I had my dnvm running beta 7, but VSCode (and OmniSharp, by extension) is looking for beta 6, so it was failing. I updated my runtime using this this post as a clue. Now I have VSCode 0.7.0 using the beta 6 runtime. I have no idea how to tell what it's looking for...I just guessed based on when they were both released. HTH

TFSBranchToolVsExtension Exection of Action ConnectSourceControl Fails

I downloaded the TFSBranchTool VS Extension Project.
Rebuilt and Installed, but when I try to apply Initial Structure I get the following Error:
Exection Error:
Exection of Action 'ConnectSourceControl' Failed. Details: Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.AlLMRangers.BranchTool.SourceControlWrapper......
Any idea what might be causing the problem ? I tried on 2 different Servers! , I got the latest Update of VS2012.
I got VS2012 SDK installed and Vs2012 ObjectModel too, not sure what I'm missing!
We have posted an update to the sample code on, which addresses this bug.
The issue was that Microsoft.ALMRangers.BranchTool.SourceControlWrapper.dll was missed in VSIX package. As action execution engine using MEF to load actions, it has no direct references to actions implementation assembly.
Vladimir from the team fixed the issue by specifying assembly as the MEF asset in the VS extension’s manifest file. Now it’s redistributed inside the extension package.
Can you verify that you have the file Microsoft.ALMRangers.BranchTool.SourceControlWrapper.dll
in the following folder:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\Extensions\Microsoft. ALM Rangers\TfsBranchToolVSExtension\1.0
If its not there - try deleting the TfsBranchToolVSExtension and re-install the VSIX.