Powershell: loop for equivalent - powershell

Currently, I'm performing this command on linux shell:
for binary in $(curl -s -X GET "${FHIR_SERVER}/\$export-poll-status?_jobId=${JOB_ID}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" | jq -r ".output[].url"); \
do wget --header="Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" ${binary} -O ->>patients-pre.json;
Is there any way to get this on powershell?

While not knowing exactly the format of your incoming json, I'd use something like this in powershell / pwsh:
curl ... | % { wget (convertto-json $_).output.url } >> patients-pre.json
The % is an alias for ForEach-Object which will iterate over objects (or lines of text) sent from the left side of the pipe. Powershell is interesting because when using the pipe symbol, there's an implicit for / do / done operation going on.
curl is on all modern versions of windows, so you don't need to change that. wget isn't, but you could install it, or use curl again.
If you want to go full powershell, look at invoke-restmethod ( https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/invoke-restmethod?view=powershell-7.2 ). This can do the jobs of both curl and wget in your example, and also automatically handle json returns to give you a structured object instead of text (which is what convertto-json is doing above.)


Convert Powershell command to curl

I am trying make the following API calls with a curl command and run it on Linux:
This what I got:
curl -X POST https://YourServerUrl -H "X-Octopus-ApiKey"="API-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "#jsonBody"
I am not sure how to convert this script to a json in curl
$jsonBody = #{
PackageId = "twerthi/xCertificatePermission"
Version = "1.0.0"
OctopusBuildInformation =
BuildEnvironment = "Jenkins"
VcsCommitNumber = "2350881a389517288b31432d469c5c4199a1fba9"
VcsType = "Git"
VcsRoot = "https://github.com/twerthi/xCertificatePermission.git"
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
The curl command -d (--data) is the specified data in the POST request. So you should be able to just enter valid JSON data as part of the call. i.e. something like this:
curl -X POST https://YourServerUrl -H "X-Octopus-ApiKey"="API-XXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "PackageId":"twerthi/xCertificatePermission", "Version":"1.0.0", "OctopusBuildInformation":{ "BuildEnvironment":"Jenkins", "VcsCommitNumber":"2350881a389517288b31432d469c5c4199a1fba9", "VcsType":"Git", "VcsRoot":"https://github.com/twerthi/xCertificatePermission.git"}}'
Note, if you are testing this in cmd/bash etc, you can split the command over multiple lines by using an escape character. Windows: ^ Linux/MacOS: \
Example in Windows:
curl -X POST https://YourServerUrl ^
-H "X-Octopus-ApiKey"="API-XXX" ^
Also, assuming that's valid PS, you can just run it and check the result in $jsonBody to see how its formatted.
Assuming you want to call the external curl utility from PowerShell (note that on Windows, in Windows PowerShell, you'll have to call it as curl.exe):
curl -X POST https://YourServerUrl `
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' `
-d ($jsonBody -replace '([\\]*)"', '$1$1\"')
Note the unfortunate need for a -replace operation on the $jsonBody variable containing your JSON string, which - as of PowerShell 7.1 - is needed to work around a long-standing bug, discussed in this answer.

Trouble downloading ADYEN report

I'm using this script:
wget -O C:\FlairnetLab\output\x.csv --http-user='[My User]' --http-password='[Password]' --no-check-certificate https://ca-test.adyen.com/reports/download/MerchantAccount/FlairnetECOM/payments_accounting_report_2021_06_10.csv
But i get no file found response. But if i type the url in the browser using the same credential i can download the file.
Can some help me?
The problem is likely to be the encoding of the credentials (both Adyen-generated username and password include several special characters).
An option is to generate the base64-encoded string username: password with a command line (or with an online generator)
# example on Mac
$ echo -n '<username>:<password>' | openssl base64
then pass it in the Authorization header
# example with wget
wget --header "Authorization: Basic cmVwb3J0.......5LX4=" https://ca-test.adyen.com/reports/download/MerchantAccount/MyMerchantAccount/payments_accounting_report_2021_01_01.csv
# example with curl
curl -H "Authorization: Basic cmVwb3J0.......5LX4=" -X GET https://ca-test.adyen.com/reports/download/MerchantAccount/MyMerchantAccount/payments_accounting_report_2021_01_01.csv

Filtering on labels in Docker API not working (possible bug?)

I'm using the Docker API to get info on containers in JSON format. Basically, I want to do a filter based on label values, but it is not working (just returns all containers). This filter query DOES work if you just use the command line docker, i.e.:
docker ps -a -f label=owner=fred -f label=speccont=true
However, if I try to do the equivalent filter query using the API, it just returns ALL containers (no filtering done), i.e.:
curl -s --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http:/containers/json?all=true&filters={"label":["speccont=true","owner=fred"]}
Note that I do uri escape the filters param when I execute it, but am just showing it here unescaped for readability.
Am I doing something wrong here? Or does this seem to be a bug in the Docker API? Thanks for any help you can give!
The correct syntax for filtering containers by label as of Docker API v1.41 is
curl -s -G -X GET --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/containers/json" \
--data 'all=true' \
--data-urlencode 'filters={"label":["speccont=true","owner=fred"]}'
Note the automatic URL encoding as mentioned in this stackexchange post.
I felt there was a bug with API too. But turns out there is none. I am on API version 1.30.
I get desired results with this call:
curl -sS localhost:4243/containers/json?filters=%7B%22ancestor%22%3A%20%5B%222bab985010c3%22%5D%7D
I got the url escaped string using used above with:
python -c 'import urllib; print urllib.quote("""{"ancestor": ["2bab985010c3"]}""")'

Passing API key with HTTP header in cURL

I have an API Proxy in Apigee which is authenticated with an API key. I'm passing the key with my HTTP request header using cURL, with this command:
curl -v -H "apikey: my_key" http://api_org-test.apigee.net/v1/helloapikey
I get this error:
Invoke-WebRequest : Cannot bind parameter 'Headers'. Cannot convert the
"apikey: my_key" value of type "System.String" to
type "System.Collections.IDictionary".
When I modify my policy to look for the key in query parameter rather than the header, it works fine. Am I missing something here?
Try this:
curl -v -H #{'apikey' = 'my_key'} http://api_org-test.apigee.net/v1/helloapikey
curl is an alias for the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet:
Get-Alias curl
CommandType Name
----------- ----
Alias curl -> Invoke-WebRequest
You could install curl:
Remove existing curl alias by executing this command:
Remove-item alias:curl
Then your command will work:
curl -v -H "apikey: my_key" http://api_org-test.apigee.net/v1/helloapikey
None of the above answers worked for me (I got an error -- parse error near }).
This worked:
curl -X GET \
'http://api_org-test.apigee.net/v1/helloapikey' \
-H 'apikey: my_key'
PowerShell simply does not resolve the variable within your URL. You are trying to query the service at the URI http://$serverHost:1234/service which won't work. You could do
$serverHost = "myHost"
$service = "http://$serverHost`:1234/service"
Invoke-WebRequest $service -Method Get
Just to add this to the discussion, I had to both hash the api key, but leave the token call key phrase rather than change it to 'apikey'. That's just what worked for me!
curl -v -H #{'X-API-TOKEN' = '[*insert key here*]'} '*datacenter_url*)'
Also noteworthy to PowerShell newcomers, -v stands for verbose. This switch gives you a Cyan-colored text under the command in PowerShell ise about the command PS is running. Almost like a play-by-play commentary. Useful enough I thought I'd mention it.

POST request with Powershell 2.0 using cURL

Among other things, Powershell 2.0 doesn't have the useful cmdlet Invoke-RestMethod.
I can't upgrade to version 3 and most examples I've found use version 3.
I have found this article, which seems, however, too complicated for my simple scenario.
I need to write a Powershell script that POSTs data in Json format, e.g.
What I've tried
I am able to GET data. This is one of the scripts I have tried.
curl -v --user username:password https://api.dotmailer.com/v2/account-info
But, when I try to POST, I can't figure out where to put the body of the message in the script. This is what I've got so far:
curl -v -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u username:password -d '{"Id":5,"Email":"test#com","OptInType":0,"EmailType":0, "DataFields":null,"Status":0}' https://api.dotmailer.com/v2/contacts
which returns the following error:
{"message":"Could not parse the body of the request based on the content type \"application/json\" ERROR_BODY_DOES_NOT_MATCH_CONTENT_TYPE"}*
Can anyone advise on how to POST Json data from Powershell using cURL?
Any pointers to why I get the error I mentioned in the Waht I've tried section would be much appreciated.
Note that the question is about the curl.exe external program, not about PowerShell's Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet (which, unfortunately, is aliased to curl in later PowerShell versions, preempting calls to the external program unless the .exe extension is explicitly specified (curl.exe ...).
Unfortunately and unexpectedly, you have to \-escape embedded " instances in a string you pass as an argument to an external program.
Therefore, even though:
should work, it doesn't, due to a long-standing bug; instead, you must use:
See this answer for more information.
From curl's man page it appears you need to use -d switch:
curl -v --user username:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"Id":5,"Email":"test#com","DataFields":null,"Status":0}' https://api.dotmailer.com/v2/contacts