Import video file into vscode - visual-studio-code

I have converted a m4v file type into a mp4 file type with Currently in my Visual Studio Code set up I have assests/video/videoName.mp4. When I click on the mp4 file I get a message saying "The file is cannot be displayed in the editor because it is binary or uses unsupported text encoding". Any tips? I may be overlooking a small detail.

you need to download the MPEG-4 PREVIEW extension, and then it will open normally


VSCode pdf-editor extension

I would like to develop an extension to VSCode that would auto-detect *.pdf files (By PDF filename extension or by reading magic bytes)
The extension will then know the PDF file format and will allow the opening the "binary" pdf file and allow for simple text editing
What is the way in vs code to "auto-detect" file by types?
And, Once detected what is the proper way to open a binary file for editing purposes?

Is it possible to write a binary file import extension for vs code?

I want to display some informations of a binary file in vs code.
Is it possible to write an extension for vs code, such that when selecting that file in the Explorer (or opening it directly) you see some text extracted from the binary file by that extension?
So the core functionality of that extension would be (simplified) a binary to text converter.
Any suggestions?
The VS Code team member has confirmed they do not have support for registering content providers for binary files in my issue.
I've inspected the workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument and window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor APIs, but neither seems to be called when opening binary files.
Is there a way to display fallback content using registerTextDocumentContentProvider (or otherwise) for binary files?
That's why these types all carry Text in their names, TextEditor, TextDocument, etc. They can only handle textual, not binary data ;-)
No explanation as to why this works for PDFs, probably special-cased.

PDF-Express Error: Font symbol is not embedded

I am not sure it is the right place to ask such a question, sorry.
I have libre office, and a paper, which is written using a IEEE format.
Now when i try to export to PDF, and try to pass pdf-express it fails with error
Font Symbol is not embedded 10x
I do not know where is the problem, there is only 1 font: Times New Roman, of course different sizes.
I tried "Export as PDF..." and checked "Embed Fonts", but no chance so far.
A month ago, i tried the same paper with OpenOffice, and i do not remember such error, now i become to a situation that i have to change paper a bit, and try the same paper with LibreOffice i get this error. Is this error about LibreOffice?
Look at this answer, really simple!
How to repair a PDF file and embed missing fonts
Also, my comment as follows :)
On win32, if you have installed ghostScript, the command may look like:
gswin32c -sFONTPATH=C:\Windows\Fonts -o output-pdf-with-embedded-fonts.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress input-pdf-where-some-fonts-are-not-embedded.pdf
(find the exe file on your system, maybe add it to PATH -- the environment variable, if necessary)
Open this PDF file with Adobe acrobat, then choose file->print. Use adobe PDF as the printer to print the file and save it as pdf file. All fonts will be embedded.
I also faced the same problem and I think simply by creating the PDF file using PDF express using your source file is the simplest and easiest solution. If you are using latest then just zip or rar your source file (dvi file, eps etc.) and then just build the pdf file using PDF Express. This will solve your problem. I have found one article IEEE PDF Express Error Message – Font is not Embedded Solution which can help you in this regard.
Generate ps from pdf using pdftops, using Xpdf.
Use Ghostscript to embed fonts:
gsWin64 -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true
-dEmbedAllFonts=true -sOutputFile=d:\Output_filename.pdf

creating a full html file out of webloc in a batch mode

I've got over 400 bookmarks saved as .webloc files. I'd like to move them to the iPhone's goodReader app. goodReader cannot open webloc files. It can sork with pdf, html but not webloc.
Do you know of a way or a program that would take a folder as its input, and convert every single .webloc file in it into a PDF version or a html version - so I can grab the converted files and move them onto iPhone.
Thank you
Try this, it should be able to convert the files to pdf

how to read .rtf file from the FTP server?

I know how to read text file from the ftp server.I have used this logic for rtf file.But it gives wrong out put.Is it possible to read rtf file from the server?If possible then please help me.
You need software that understands the rtf file format. Microsoft Word does. Most plain text editors will not be able to show you the contents of a file in rtf format.
Google for rtf format
Added: didn't notice that you're on an iPhone platform. Google for "rtf iphone" and you'll see several choices including