PowerShell is re-arranging my columns and i cant figure out why - powershell

The code I am using is below:
Import-Csv -Path "E:\CSV\GA.csv" | Group-Object Product | ForEach {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Product = $_.Name
Stockcode = $_.Group[0].Stockcode
QuantityCounted = ($_.Group | Measure-Object -Property QuantityCounted -Sum).Sum
} | Export-Csv "E:\CSV\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation
The Headers should be in this order:
Product | Stockcode | QuantityCounted
If someone could point me in the right direction that would awesome, thank you.

Hash Tables are not ordered by default, if you need your object's properties to preserve their order you need to use an Ordered Dictionary instead.
The [ordered] attribute is introduced in PowerShell 3.0.
New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]#{
Product = 1
Stockcode = 2
QuantityCounted = 3
If you're running an up-to-date version of PowerShell, you can create objects with ordered properties using the [pscustomobject] type accelerator. This is more efficient and straight forward than New-Object.
The [pscustomobject] type accelerator was added in PowerShell 4.0.
Product = 1
Stockcode = 2
QuantityCounted = 3


Powershell - Group-Object PSObject with multiple properties

I'm trying to take an array of PSObjects similar to
#{BakId=27; Name=DB_A; Lsn=123; File=A_01; Size=987}
#{BakId=28; Name=DB_B; Lsn=456; File=B_01; Size=876}
#{BakId=28; Name=DB_B; Lsn=456; File=B_02; Size=765}
#{BakId=28; Name=DB_B; Lsn=456; File=B_03; Size=654}
And create a new grouped object that removes redundant header info.
BakId Lsn Name Files
27 123 DB_A {#{File=A_01.bak;Size=777}}
28 456 DB_B {#{File=B_01.bak;Size=888}, #{File=B_02.bak;Size=999}, ...}
I tried using group-object but can only get it to work for one property. (all grouped properties go into Group.Name as a a string of comma separated values.)
This is the best I've come up with, but feels hacky.
$list | Group-Object -Property BakId | % {
$BakId = $_.Name
$Lsn = $_.Group[0].Lsn # <--- is there a better way than this?
$Name = $_.Group[0].Name # <--- Ditto
$Files = $_.Group | Select-Object -Property SequenceNumber, Size
Write-Output (New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{ BakId=$BakId;Files = $Files })
Is there a better way?
You can simplify the approach to constructing the output objects by using a single Select-Object call with calculated properties, and, relying on the order of the grouping properties, access their group-specific values via the .Values collection:
$list | Group-Object -Property BakId, Lsn, Name |
Select-Object #{n='BakId'; e={ $_.Values[0] }},
#{n='Lsn'; e={ $_.Values[1] }},
#{n='Name'; e={ $_.Values[2] }},
#{n='Files'; e={ $_.Group | Select-Object File, Size }}
$_.Values[<ndx>] takes the place of $_.Group[0].<name> in your approach; note that the latter only makes sense for the actual grouping properties, because any others will not be uniform throughout the group.
The .Values collection ([System.Collections.ArrayList]) on each group object output from Group-Object ([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfo] instance) contains that group's shared grouping-property values as-is (original type), in the order specified.
By contrast, property .Name contains the stringified combination of all grouping-property values: a string containing a comma-separated list.
Unfortunately, such details are currently missing from Get-Help Group-Object.
If you wanted to avoid having to repeat the grouping properties (e.g., in preparation for writing a function wrapper; PSv3+):
$props = 'BakId', 'Lsn', 'Name'
$list | Group-Object -Property $props | ForEach-Object {
$propDefs = [ordered] #{}
foreach ($i in 0..($props.Length-1)) { $propDefs.[$props[$i]] = $_.Values[$i] }
$propDefs.Files = $_.Group | Select-Object File, Size
New-Object PSCustomObject -Property $propDefs

Seeking balanced combination of fast, terse, and legible code to add up values from an array of objects

Given the following array of objects:
Email Domain Tally
----- ----- -----
email1#domainA.com domainA.com 4
email1#domainB.com domainB.com 1
email2#domainC.com domainC.com 6
email4#domainA.com domainA.com 1
I'd like to "group by" Domain and add up Tally as I go. The end result would like this:
Domain Tally
------ -----
domainA.com 5
domainB.com 1
domainC.com 6
I have something that works but I feel like it's overly complicated.
$AllTheAddresses = Get-AllTheAddresses
$DomainTally = #()
foreach ($Addy in $AllTheAddresses)
if ($DomainTally | Where-Object {$_.RecipientDomain -eq $Addy.RecipientDomain})
$DomainTally |
Where-Object {$_.RecipientDomain -eq $Addy.RecipientDomain} |
ForEach-Object {$_.Tally += $Addy.Tally }
$props = #{
RecipientDomain = $Addy.RecipientDomain
Tally = $Addy.Tally
$DomainTally += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
In my example, I'm creating the addresses as hashtables, but PowerShell will let you refer to the keys by .Property similar to an object.
If you're truly just summing by the Domain, then it seems like you don't need anything more complicated than a HashTable to create your running total.
The basic summation:
$Tally = #{}
$AllTheAddresses | ForEach-Object {
$Tally[$_.Domain] += $_.Tally
Using this sample data...
$AllTheAddresses = #(
#{ Email = "email1#domainA.com"; Domain = "domainA.com"; Tally = 4 };
#{ Email = "email1#domainB.com"; Domain = "domainB.com"; Tally = 1 };
#{ Email = "email1#domainC.com"; Domain = "domainC.com"; Tally = 6 };
#{ Email = "email1#domainA.com"; Domain = "domainA.com"; Tally = 1 }
And you get this output:
PS> $tally
Name Value
---- -----
domainC.com 6
domainB.com 1
domainA.com 5
Here is a "PowerShellic" version, notice the piping and flow of the data.
You could of course write this as a one liner (I did originally before I posted the answer here). The 'better' part of this is using the Group-Object and Measure-Object cmdlets. Notice there are no conditionals, again because the example uses the pipeline.
$AllTheAddresses |
Group-Object -Property Domain |
ForEach-Object {
$_ |
Tee-Object -Variable Domain |
Select-Object -Expand Group |
Measure-Object -Sum Tally |
Select-Object -Expand Sum |
ForEach-Object {
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
'Domain' = $Domain.Name
'Tally' = $_
} |
Select-Object Domain, Tally
A more terse version
$AllTheAddresses |
Group Domain |
% {
$_ |
Tee-Object -Variable Domain |
Select -Expand Group |
Measure -Sum Tally |
Select -Expand Sum |
% {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
'Domain' = $Domain.Name
'Tally' = $_
} |
Select Domain, Tally
Group-Object is definitely the way to go.
In the interest of terseness:
Get-AllTheAddresses |Group-Object Domain |Select-Object #{N='Domain';E={$_.Name}},#{N='Tally';E={($_.Group.Tally |Measure-Object).Sum}}

Compare-Object Output Format

I have two CSV files I need to compare. Both of which may (or may not) contain an additional delimited field (delimited via a "|" character), like so:
My problem comes in when I attempt to compare the two files...
$fileNew = "new.csv"
$fileOld = "old.csv"
$fileDiffOutputFile = "diff.txt"
$csvNewLog = (Import-CSV ($fileNew))
$csvOldLog = (Import-CSV ($fileOld))
$varDifferences = Compare-Object $csvOldLog $csvNewLog -property Title,Value
$varDifferences | Group-Object -Property Title | % {New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{ NewValue=($_.group[0].Value); Title=$_.name; OldValue=($_.group[1].Value) } } | Out-File $fileDiffOutputFile -Append
Resulting in this output:
OldValue Title NewValue
-------- ----- --------
Hair=Purple|Eyes=Blue Jason Hair=Red|Eyes=Blue
Hair=Purple Ron Hair=Black
Hair=Black|Eyes=Brown|D... Susan Hair=Black|Eyes=Brown|...
Some of the values are inevitably going to extend out past the max length of the column, as it does with Susan above.
So, my question could have a couple of solutions that I can think of:
Is there an easier way to isolate the values so that I only pull out the changed values, and not the entire string of delimited values?
If not, is it possible to get the format to show the entire string (including the unchanged values part of the delimited string) instead?
If you include a format-table -wrap in your last line, like so?
$fileNew = "new.csv"
$fileOld = "old.csv"
$fileDiffOutputFile = "diff.txt"
$csvNewLog = (Import-CSV ($fileNew))
$csvOldLog = (Import-CSV ($fileOld))
$varDifferences = Compare-Object $csvOldLog $csvNewLog -property Title,Value
$varDifferences | Group-Object -Property Title | % {New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{ NewValue=($_.group[0].Value); Title=$_.name; OldValue=($_.group[1].Value) } } | Format-Table -wrap | Out-File $fileDiffOutputFile -Append

Find matches in two different Powershell objects based on one property

I am trying to find the matching names in two different types of Powershell objects
$Object1 has two properties - Name (string), ResourceID (uint32)
$object2 has one noteproperty - Name (system.string)
This gives me a list of the matching names but I also want the corresponding resourceID property from $object1.
$computers = Compare-Object $Object1.name $WSD_CM12 | where {$_.sideindicator -eq "=>"} | foreach {$_.inputobject}
These are big objects with over 10,000 items so I'm looking for the most efficient way to accomplish this.
If I'm understanding what you're after, I'd start by creating a hash table from your Object1 collection:
$object1_hash = #{}
Foreach ($object1 in $object1_coll)
{ $object1_hash[$object1.Name] = $object1.ResourceID }
Then you can find the ResourceID for any given Object2.name with:
Test bed for creating hash table:
$object1_coll = $(
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Name = 'Name1';ResourceID = 001}
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Name = 'Name2';ResourceID = 002}
$object1_hash = #{}
Foreach ($object1 in $object1_coll)
{ $object1_hash[$object1.Name] = $object1.ResourceID }
Name Value
---- -----
Name2 2
Name1 1
Alternative method:
# Create sample list of objects with both Name and Serial
$obj1 = New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property:#{ Name = "Foo"; Serial = "1234" }
$obj2 = New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property:#{ Name = "Cow"; Serial = "4242" }
$collection1 = #($obj1, $obj2)
# Create subset of items with only Name
$objA = New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property:#{ Name = "Foo"; }
$collection2 = #($objA)
#Everything above this line is just to make sample data
# replace $collection1 and $collection2 with $Object1, $WSD_CM12
# Combine into one list
($collection1 + $collection2) |
# Group by name property
Group-Object -Property Name |
# I only want items that exist in both
Where { $_.Count -gt 1 } |
# Now give me the object
Select -Expand Group |
# And get the properties
Where { $_.Serial -ne $null }

Change order of columns in the object

How can I change the column ordering of the output my code produces:
$apps = Import-CSV apps.csv
$computers = Import-CSV compobj.csv
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$computerLob = $computer.lob
$lobApps = $apps | ? {$_.lob -eq $computerLob }
foreach ($app in $lobApps) {
$computerHostname = $computer.hostname
$appLocation = $app.location
$installed=Test-Path "\\$computerHostname\$appLocation"
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Currently it's producing the columns in the following order: Installed,App,Computer.
I'd like to have it in the following order: Computer,App,Installed.
Powershell V3 added a type accelerator for [PSCustomObject] that creates objects using an ordered hash table, so the properties stay in the order they're declared:
[PSCustomObject] #{
If you want to ensure the output of an object occurs in a certain order i.e. formatted a certain way then use PowerShell's formatting commands.
$obj = [pscustomobject]#{Computer=$computer.hostname;App=$app.appname;Installed=$installed}
$obj | Format-Table Computer,App,Installed
What's more you can better control the output e.g.:
$obj | Format-Table Computer,App,Installed -AutoSize
Or control field width & alignment:
$obj | Format-Table #{label='Computer';expression={$_.Computer};width=20;alignment='right'},App,Installed
Frankly I think it is a better practice to use the formatting commands to get the output order you want rather than to rely upon the order in which the properties are created.
The problem is that you're adding the properties using a hashtable, and hashtables don't preserve order. You can do one of two things:
1. Add the properties in a manner that will set the order (the last line is to output the object to the pipeline):
$obj = New-Object PSObject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $computer.hostname
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name App -Value $app.appname
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Installed -Value $installed
2. Determine the order at the time you output the object to the pipeline using Select-Object:
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
} | select Computer,App,Installed
Which one is preferable depends on how much you'll be working with the object. If, as your question implies, you're only using the PSObject in order to display the information in tabular format, the second method is quicker. If you're going to output the object multiple times in different parts of the script, the first method allows you to simply output it as $obj rather than having to pipe to select every time.
Note also that the second method can be split up like this if you don't want to output the object immediately after populating it:
$obj = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
[...do other stuff...]
$obj | select Computer,App,Installed
Format-Table it's a good solution when you need to display your object fields in a specific order, but it will change the obect and you won't be able to pipe your object, for example when exporting to csv (Export-Csv).
In the case you just want to change "the order of the fields in the object" use Select-Object. This will preserve object type and fields, and still you will be able to pipe the object to other cmdlets.
A more universal way to change the order is using the Select-Object cmdlet with the list of properties in the required order.
See the example:
PS> $ObjectList = 1..3 |
% {New-Object psobject -Property #{P2="Object $_ property P2"; P1="Object $_ property P1"}}
PS> $ObjectList
P2 P1
-- --
Object 1 property P2 Object 1 property P1
Object 2 property P2 Object 2 property P1
Object 3 property P2 Object 3 property P1
PS> $ObjectList | Select-Object P1,P2
P1 P2
-- --
Object 1 property P1 Object 1 property P2
Object 2 property P1 Object 2 property P2
Object 3 property P1 Object 3 property P2
The full form of these commands is the following:
$ObjectList = 1..3 |
ForEach-Object -Process {New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{P2="Object $_ property P2"; P1="Object $_ property P1"}}
$ObjectList | Select-Object -Property P1,P2