I am new to Solidity and Ethereum. I am at the stage where I have worked with basic HelloWorld and similar examples.
I have created a contract to generate a random number as follows
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
contract RandomNumber {
function generateRandomNumber(uint range) public view returns(uint) {
// As of 1-1-22 this contract is working okay at https://remix.ethereum.org/
// However I am having issues in running it through the Visual Studio Code IDE
return uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp,block.difficulty, msg.sender))) % range;
This contract is working when I deploy and run it at https://remix.ethereum.org/
However, If I try to deploy & run it within Visual Studio Code I get the following error
BN { negative: 0, words: [ 3, <1 empty item> ], length: 1, red: null }
Why should this happen? Any inputs are appreciated. I know I might be missing something basic here
Thanks in advance
It's been a while since I did any solidity coding, but this one is easy.
I believe your contract is working fine.
BN { negative: 0, words: [ 3, <1 empty item> ], length: 1, red: null }
BN is "big number". Since a 256 bit uint doesn't work with a javascript "number" (floating point) type, the result is encoded in a BN data structure. (i.e. your random number is embedded in the words member of your returned object. (I think it's a literal 3 if I read that output right).
In your local javascript that tests your Solidity contract, just invoke toString on the BN object that is returned.
Even though you did not share your javacript code, I can tell that it is because you are not awaiting.
Calling contract code is asynchronous and you either call it with async.await or with then/catch
//in truffle console:
randomContract=await RandomNumber.deployed()
randomNumber=await randomContract.generateRandomNumber(rangeInteger)
// this should print
Try to update the solidity library in Vs
I created a population with objects from a database with individual characteristics.
I am trying that the objects with a specific value are injected into a source for process-modelling.
("ankunftszeit" means "arrival time")
for (mp_lkw l : pop_mp_lkw){
if (l.ankunftszeit == getTime()){
source_mp_lkw.inject(mp_lkw l, 1, false, false);
But somehow an Error occurs and I cannot find any solution...
It says taht the inject() only accepts integers
The method inject(int) in the type Source<mp_lkw> is not applicable for the arguments (mp_lkw, int, boolean, boolean)
Syntax error on token "l", delete this token
Where is my mistake and how can it be corrected?
Not sure I understand your issue, but if the agents already exist, you shouldn't use a source, instead use an enter block, and then change your code to (even though this code seems like a terrible idea... instead you should use dynamic events but I'm not sure your purpose)
for (mp_lkw l : pop_mp_lkw){
if (l.ankunftszeit == getTime()){
Is there a construct that communicates to the type checker a function's post-condition?
For example, in typescript it is possible to say
function assertIsNumber(value: any): asserts value is number {
if (typeof value !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError();
I would like to be able to do something like the following in dart:
class SomeClass {
int? value;
_checkPreconditions() {
if(value == null) {
throw MyPreconditionError()
// ...
somefunc() {
// here we know `value` is a non-null int.
final sum = value + 5;
I understand I could coerce the value to non-null sum = value! + 5, but I would prefer to allow the function to inform the type checker if possible.
It looks like the type system of Dart is not so powerful. The only thing that looks (from first glance) possible is to create a custom code analyzer package (or search for one that already exists).
Dart annotations don't actually do anything. They provide hints to tools such as the Dart analyzer (usually so that it can generate additional warnings), but they cannot change program behavior. Even if you could convince the analyzer to treat some variables as different types, you still wouldn't be able to compile and run your code.
Annotations can be used by code generation tools, so one possibility might be to generate a statement such as final value = this.value!; automatically. However, that would be a lot of trouble to go through (and would mean that code then would need to use this.value = 42; for assignments and would prevent your code from being analyzed directly).
I am using Xamarin Studio 5.2 on Mac OS X 10.9.4 with NUnit 2.6.3 and FakeItEasy 1.23.0.
When I run tests for this code:
using System;
using ValueSet = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>;
using NUnit.Framework;
using FakeItEasy;
namespace SetTest
class TestFixture
public void CallsUsersWithSetAndReducedSet()
var values = new ValueSet { 1, 2, 3 };
var setUser = A.Fake<SetUser>();
ClassUnderTest testInstance = new ClassUnderTest();
using (var scope = Fake.CreateScope())
using (scope.OrderedAssertions())
A.CallTo(() => setUser.Use(A<ValueSet>.That.IsEqualTo(values))).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
A.CallTo(() => setUser.Use(A<ValueSet>.That.Matches(set =>
set.Count == 2 && set.Contains(1)))).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
public class SetUser
public virtual void Use(ValueSet set)
class ClassUnderTest
public static void Main(string[] arguments)
public void RunWith(SetUser setUser)
var values = new ValueSet { 1, 2, 3 };
I get the following error output:
FakeItEasy.ExpectationException: Assertion failed for the following call: SetTest.SetUser.Use(1[System.UInt32]>) Expected to find it exactly once but found it #0 times among the calls:
1. SetTest.SetUser.Use(set: System.Collection.Generic.HashSet1[System.UInt32]) repeated 2 times
I don't understand what is causing this failure and how to fix it.
What is needed to get this type of test to pass?
#Tim Long is on the right track in his comment.
Here's a little more detail, as well as updates to respond to your comments of 2014-08-11 03:25:56:
The first reason the first MustHaveHappened fails:
According to the FakeItEasy argument constraints documentation, That.IsEqualTo tests for "object equality using object.Equals". That's what's causing the unexpected behaviour.
Not passing values into the method isn't necessarily a problem, or wouldn't be if ValueSet.Equals performed a value comparison, but ValueSet is a HashSet<uint>, so you can see from that class's method documentation that it doesn't—it uses object.Equals, which tests for reference equality. Thus, your IsEqualTo assertion fails. If you use a more sophisticated matcher that performed a value-type comparison for HashSet, perhaps something closer to what you use in your second A.CallTo, or maybe something using That.Contains, I think you'll have better success.
You may think to use That.IsSameSequenceAs, but be careful if doing so: the HashSet doesn't guarantee the order of the elements in the enumeration, so even if the set has the same elements, you may get a failure.
The second reason the first MustHaveHappened fails:
RunWith changes the contents of the values set between calls to setUser.Use. So the same set is used in two calls, first with 3 elements, then when it has only 2 elements. This means that by the time the first MustHaveHappened call is made, the set has only 2 elements, so the comparison fails. You could see this more clearly by writing an argument formatter for the ValueSet. That would provide more information.
The cause of the mismatch is that when a call is made to a faked method, FakeItEasy captures the arguments. However, for reference types, such as ValueSet (HashSet), only the reference to the argument is kept. Thus, if the object is modified later, in particular between the execution and the verification stages of the test, the object will look different than it did at the time of the faked call. See #jimmy_keen's answer to MustHaveHappened fails when called twice on the same object. There's a little more discussion over at FakeItEasy Issue 306 - Verifying multiple method calls with reference parameters.
In this case, the usual approach is to do as he suggests—provide code to capture the important state of the incoming argument at call time, and then query that saved state later.
You might be able to use something like this:
public void CallsUsersWithSetAndReducedSet()
var capturedValueSets = new List<List<uint>>();
var setUser = A.Fake<SetUser>();
A.CallTo(() => setUser.Use(A<ValueSet>._)) // matches any call to setUser.Use
.Invokes((ValueSet theSet) => capturedValueSets.Add(theSet.ToList()));
ClassUnderTest testInstance = new ClassUnderTest();
Assert.That(capturedValueSets, Has.Count.EqualTo(2),
"not enough calls to setUser.Use");
Assert.That(capturedValueSets[0], Is.EquivalentTo(new uint[] {1, 2, 3}),
"bad set passed to first call to setUser.Use");
Assert.That(capturedValueSets[1], Has.Count.EqualTo(2) & Has.Member(1),
"bad set passed to second call to setUser.Use");
You can see that each time Use is called, we add the contents of the ValueSet argument to capturedValueSets. Then at the end we
make sure 2 calls were made, by checking the length of capturedValueSets
make sure that the first time Use was called, the set had the elements 1, 2, and 3. Is.EquivalentTo checks the two lists but ignores order
make sure that the second time Use was called, the set had 2 elements, one of which was 1
By checking the two captured value sets in turn, all the bits about the scopes and ordered assertions became unnecessary.
I am new to Drools and am trying to get the sample program to work.
This sample is given in the drools documentation http://docs.jboss.org/drools/release/5.5.0.Final/drools-expert-docs/html_single/index.html#d0e9542.
This drool rule is expected to sort integers. I just changed the numbers from what are given in the sample and they do not get sorted as expected.
Tried using drools version 5.5.0, 5.5.1 and the master 6.0.0, but got the same wrong results.
Following is the main code:
package com.sample;
public class Example2 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Number[] numbers = new Number[] { wrap(5), wrap(6), wrap(4), wrap(1), wrap(2) };
new RuleRunner().runRules(new String[] { "Example3.drl" }, numbers);
private static Integer wrap(int i) {
return new Integer(i);
The RuleRunner class is the same as given in the example and I do not think I should give that here, since it will clutter the question. It simply creates the KnowledgeBase, stateful session, inserts the facts as given in the 'numbers' array above and then calls fireAllRules method on the session.
The rule file (Example3.drl) is:
rule "Rule 04"
dialect "mvel"
$number : Number()
not Number(intValue < $number.intValue)
System.out.println("Number found with value: " + $number.intValue());
The output I get is as follows:
Loading file: Example3.drl
Inserting fact: 5
Inserting fact: 6
Inserting fact: 4
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 2
Number found with value: 1
Number found with value: 4
Number found with value: 2
Number found with value: 5
Number found with value: 6
Not the correct expected ascending sorted order.
What might I be doing wrong? I cannot imagine that the drools rule engine would be broken at this basic level.
This seems to be a bug that was introduced in 5.5.0 onwards and still exists.
This sorting code works fine with 5.4.0.
Instead of: "not Number(intValue < $number.intValue)" If you use: "not Number(intValue() < $number.intValue)" Then it works.
A non-getter method without telling that it is a function seems to create a problem.
A debilitating problem that reduces the confidence in the product in the evaluation phase.
I'm writing some special purpose data structures in Java, intended for use in the browser, (compiled to JavaScript with GWT).
I'm trying to match the performance of some of the built-in JDK classes I'm noticing things run reasonably fast, but when I compare my code trace to some of the emulated JDK code, mine has lots of calls to dynamicCast and canCastUnsafe, while the JDK emulated classes do not. And it just about accounts for the difference in performance too...
Any GWT gurus out there know how to avoid this? It's amounting to a 20% overhead :-(
Here's the profile output (captured in Firebug) for 10,000 insertions of random integers, between 0 and 100,000 into two different data structures:
Google's TreeMap implementation for java.util.TreeMap (a red-black tree):
Profile (4058.602ms, 687545 calls)
Function Calls Percent Own Time
$insert_1 129809 41.87% 1699.367ms
$compare_0 120290 16% 649.209ms
$isRed 231166 13.33% 540.838ms
compareTo_0 120290 8.96% 363.531ms
$put_2 10000 6.02% 244.493ms
wrapArray 10000 3.46% 140.478ms
createFromSeed 10000 2.91% 118.038ms
$TreeMap$Node 10000 2.38% 96.706ms
initDim 10000 1.92% 77.735ms
initValues 10000 1.49% 60.319ms
$rotateSingle 5990 0.73% 29.55ms
TreeMap$Node 10000 0.47% 18.92ms
My Code (An AVL tree):
Profile (5397.686ms, 898603 calls)
Function Calls Percent Own Time
$insert 120899 25.06% 1352.827ms
$compare 120899 17.94% 968.17ms
dynamicCast 120899 14.12% 762.307ms <--------
$balanceTree 120418 13.64% 736.096ms
$setHeight 126764 8.93% 482.018ms
compareTo_0 120899 7.76% 418.716ms
canCastUnsafe 120899 6.99% 377.518ms <--------
$put 10000 2.59% 139.936ms
$AVLTreeMap$Node 9519 1.04% 56.403ms
$moveLeft 2367 0.36% 19.602ms
AVLTreeMap$State 9999 0.36% 19.429ms
$moveRight 2378 0.34% 18.295ms
AVLTreeMap$Node 9519 0.34% 18.252ms
$swingRight 1605 0.26% 14.261ms
$swingLeft 1539 0.26% 13.856ms
Additional observations:
Same problem for another data structure I made (SkipList).
dynamicCast is being applied in the compare function:
cmp = dynamicCast(right.key, 4).compareTo$(key);
dynamicCast goes away if the class does not implement Map (ie: just removing " implements Map" from the class. Doesn't matter if it's accessed through the interface or directly. This results in the same line compiling to:
cmp = right.key.compareTo$(key);
This is the relevant section of Java source from SkipList:
private int compare(Node a, Object o) {
if (comparator != null)
return comparator.compare((K) a.key, (K) o);
return ((Comparable<K>) a.key).compareTo((K) o);
public V get(Object k) {
K key = (K) k;
Node<K, V> current = head;
for (int i = head.height - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Node<K, V> right;
while ((right = current.right[i]) != null) {
int cmp = compare(right, key);
Unfortunately I'm still not exactly clear on the cause, but from my experience, it seems from explicit casts, like:
((Comparable) obj).compareTo(other)
The Javascript generated looks like:
dynamicCast(obj, 1).compareTo(other);
Where 1 is a generated typeId representing the target of the cast. dynamicCast in turn calls canCastUnsafe and if false, it throws a ClassCastException. The value of this has been debated, since this would already be caught in hosted mode.
It can be sidestepped with JSNI:
public static native int compare(Object a, Object b) /*-{
return a.#java.lang.Comparable::compareTo(Ljava/lang/Object;)(b);
Dunno if you've seen this thread in the GWT Contributor's forum...
Basically, it starts with the same problem you've identified, proposes some new compiler flags, and goes on to show how to use some JSNI to get around the casts.
Edit In the GWT trunk there's a new compiler flag. See the wiki...
An updated answer for GWT version 2.1 and later:
Since GWT 2.1 (at least that's the first mention), the GWT compiler has a new compiler argument called -XdisableCastChecking that disables all runtime checking of casts.
Note, this option is marked as experimental (probably because this would make class cast exceptions very hard to debug).
In my app dynamicCast was called thousands of times in a short profile run, and were the the 3rd most time consuming method in the Firebug profiler. Using this compiler argument significantly reduced the number of "Long Duration Events" messages in the Chrome Speed Tracer.
See GWT Compiler Options for this and other Compiler arguments.
It's definitely a compiler problem: I have the problem on the following line:
final DefaultIconedSuggestBox<SuggestValueProxy, IconedValueHolderItem<SuggestValueProxy>> fieldValueWidget = getCategoryWidget().getFieldValueWidget();
I don't really know how I can workaround it: this line happens in a moment I'm changing from a module to another (it is maybe related to the code splitter issue: even though I'm not using code split: I'm just loading another page with another module)
Does the use of java 1.5 generics and wildcards could avoid this ?