Is there any way to change displayed username on fossil scm timeline - version-control

Some users were created with the wrong name and these users have been using the fossil for a long time. Is there any way to modify just the name that is displayed on the timeline? I know I can create a new user, but I would prefer to just change the name that is displayed.
I would like "maMaco" to be displayed as "maLaco"

(A long-time fossil contributor here.)
The user name is baked into the checkin manifest but a checkin can be "amended" at any point, in which case that name will be used for the timeline entry of that checkin:
fossil amend --author maLaco A_CHECKIN_HASH
All artifacts in fossil are immutable, so amending does not change the checkin. Rather, it effectively adds a note which says, "this is an amendment to the given checkin." (The amendment itself is also an immutable artifact.)
Changing the name long-term requires using the desired name when you check in.
Edit: for future reference: you'll get more much timely responses over in the fossil's own forum (just follow the forum link on the home page). Posting may be done anonymously, it doesn't require creating an account, but anonymous posts must await approval from a moderator.


Change git account root folder, i.e mine is to

I started my github account and I used a chat room handle for the root folder so that when you go to it's my stuff. I'd now like to change this caverdude to something more professional. Like my business name, or my name or something.
A google search turned up something totally different like changing the root folder in a repository.
Man, I've been there. I believe once you change your github username it will effectively change your repo root url.
fyi - I believe they will create redirects from the old urls to the new ones but only so long as another caverdude account isn't created. If another user named caverdude comes along at a later time the redirects from the old name to your new name will stop working.
Recently on a project I followed but hadn't really bookmarked or forked changed their name to something mysterious and it was a brief mystery as their old profile showed Github's custom 404/ not found. Eventually I tracked it back to their new, not-very-obvious name. All this to say, the whole "old redirects to new account" seems a might bit tenuous.
You can change your username in your account settings:
Click profile picture
Change username
This will change your root folder on your profile page to the new username, and any links with your old name will show 404 error. So, you’ll need to update your links, but your repos will be updated with your new username. Here is the article from GitHub docs which gives you the steps and what happens after changing usernames :). Hope that helps, take care!

GitHub public link format for accessing my website

I made a GitHub account. Ex:
I made a repository (for a website) Ex:
I'm new to GitHub, and initially, I thought the public access link to the website must, but that doesn't work! All I'm getting is 404 no matter what I try.
I've tried the following examples:
but nothing works.
Finally, after an hour's worth of stumbling around, I realized that I would have to change my website's name to so that will work as the public link, Which I, obviously, don't want. I want ideally or at least
So, how do I make it work? How do my visitors access my website? Is it even possible to have it my way? If not, then do I have to make a new account for every new project? Won't that just defeat the purpose of a GitHub account?
So, how do I make it work? works for me, where username is of course my user name and projectname is the name of the repository. HTTP would probably be fine, but I checked the box to require HTTPS.
I want ideally
There's a "custom domain name" setting that purports to let you use your own domain, so you could something like
or at least
If mywebsite1 is the name of your project, you should be good to go -- that's the same format that worked for me above, except you're allowing http instead of just https.
Am I missing something crucial due to my day-0 newness on github?
It's possible that you've missed a step, or that you've restricted access to the project. It might help to go back to basics: forget everything you think you know and just follow their guide.
To create a website using GitHub pages you need to create an index.html file into any repository (No matter what name your repository is).
Then you need to publish your repository to be able to have your website.
First, go to your repository
Then go to Settings tab
Scroll down until you reach GitHub Pages
Then in source, you need to select your branch, in your case master branch
Then click on save and you are ready to go!!
Your repository will be online at
If your repository name is your website will be live at
Also, you need to know that you can only public static websites.
Understand GitHub Pages reading this.

Is it possible to automatically redirect a Redmine wiki page to another page?

Is it possible to automatically redirect a Redmine wiki page to another page?
I mean a mechanism similar to Wikipedia's "redirected from..." so I can assign different titles to the same page (with one of them being the main one).
I've just tried it with Redmine 3.1.0. You need access to the database. It's not that complicated, though it is not official.
Insert one line per redirect into the table wiki_redirects. You need the wiki id, which is the project id in normal cases. To find the id look into the wikis table.
id: (should be set by the database system)
wiki_id: From which wiki should be redirected (is likely the same as wiki_id if redirecting takes place in a single wiki, and not across projects)
title: The not existing page name from which will be redirected
created_on: some date (I wouldn't use one which is in the future...)
redirects_to: the target page name
redirects_to_wiki_id: the target wiki id
Since your working in the database you have to maintain the entries there. Modifications and deletions have to be done there as well.

How to Setup Github Pages for account?

I am trying to figure out how to setup github pages for account rather than for a repository.
I want the blog address to be like this: rather than Therefore when i go to xxx.github.iothe static markdown pages should appear rather than a 404 page.
You're looking for Pages' user / organization sites. The official site has a good getting started guide, but the first bit is the most important one:
Create a repository
Head over to GitHub and create a new repository named, where username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub.
If the first part of the repository doesn’t exactly match your username, it won’t work, so make sure to get it right.
So, instead of creating a gh-pages branch as you would for a project site, you must create a repository that matches your user name.

Creating an RSS feed for Github Stars

Is there some way to get an RSS feed for one's github stars list?
I want to get it into Pinboard via IFTTT.
The current answer here gives the stars as JSON rather than RSS. Here's how I get my GitHub stars through the IFTTT RSS service:
Use the "New feed item matches" trigger
Enter your GitHub user RSS feed:
Set the "Keyword or simple phrase" that IFTTT will use to match items to:
[your username] starred
For example, my filter is set to csu starred (the word "starred" alone would probably work, but then the trigger might also fire on some false positives, like if a repository name or something else includes the word "starred").
Add whatever action you want to happen whenever this trigger fires. The link to the starred repository is in the {{EntryUrl}} variable and the title is in {{EntryTitle}}.
Your Github stars are available in JSON at a URL like this: (sub in your own username of course)
I found this Yahoo! Pipes thing to turn your stars into an RSS feed.
The Yahoo Pipes service has shut down, and IFTTT apparently dropped the stars trigger from their Github channel. So I went and created the same thing in my own Huginn instance, using a Website Agent and a Post Agent.
IFTTT now has this option. All you have to do is create a recipe.
Just put the "New Starred Repository" for THIS. And then do the appropriate steps for Pinboard for THAT.
So apparently it might not work anymore, maybe, however on browsing the recipies I found this, which probably does work so try it, just remember to edit it for your github username
I've combined the SiftRSS service ( with activity feed the OP mentioned. On SiftRSS I filter the activity feed with a /\bstarred\s\w+\/\w+/ regex on the title attribute. Works flawlessly but is dependend on a third party service, if one needs to self-host, I would also recommend using Huginn as #larcher already mentioned.