React Query - refetch on window focus but not otherwise? - react-query

After having this question answered:
React Query - query is not using cache?
I had another question - what if i want to refetch the data on window focus, but not otherwise?
If i change the staleTime to Infinity like suggested in the question above, React Query would never refetch on window focus.
Isn't it possible to never refetch, unless there's a window focus?

staleTime: Infinity,
refetchOnWindowFocus: 'always'
refetchOnWindowFocus defaults to true, which will only refetch stale queries. Set it to always to, well, always refetch.
It's in the api reference for useQuery.


ag-grid-vue: Is there an event which is guaranteed to fire before onGridReady and onFirstDataRendered?

I've just started using ag-grid with vue, and noticed that sometimes onGridReady fires first, and sometimes onFirstDataRendered fires first. I was wondering if there was an event guaranteed to fire before both of those, so that I could set this.gridApi = grid.api once. (I'm currently setting it at the beginning of both as a workaround).
Update: this only seems to happen when the vue component containing the grid is initialized after page load (via a v:if), and not when it is visible on page load.
Actually you missed something I suppose, cuz onFirstDataRendered couldn't be executed before gridReady - cuz only after initialization (exact grid-ready event) - the grid itself would be ready to proceed.
Here is a hierarchy from ag-grid doc, which sais :
GridReadyEvent - will be executed very first.

gwt - history - how to "keep" UI state

I tried the example which is showing how to get data from history to re-generate UI; The thing I see mostly in all "history usage" examples are related to UI re-generation only so it is none-static way...
But what about "each UI state may have its unique url something like JSF does with flows"? For example I have app url like a
the app default UI contains main menu which is helping to navigate through my test catalog; I tried to make possible keep the UI dynamics in history by building url in this way
but when I click internet browser "refresh" button the url keeps the same as http://localhost:8080/myapp/MyApp.html#menu_testcategory_page1 but the UI comes back to its default state :(
So my question is
is there an optimal way in pure gwt to stay in the same UI state even after browser's refresh button is clicked (I mean the unload/load window events occur)?
P.S. gwt 2.3
You should implement Activities and Places pattern:
I am using it for 3 years, and it works very well.
Note, however, that when you reload a page, you lose all of your state, data, etc. If you need to preserve some of it, you can use a combination of a Place (#page1) and a token that tells the corresponding Activity the state of the View representing this Place, i.e. (#page1:item=5).
You probably just forgot to call
from your entry point.

Addon SDK way to make a dialog

What is the proper way to use the SDK to make a dialog (which is not anchored to the add-on bar, etc. but shows centered on screen)? It doesn't seem like there is any API for this important capability. I do see windows/utils has open but I have two problems with that:
The dialog opening seems to require "chrome" privs to get it to be centered on the screen (and I'd be expectant of add-on reviewers complaining of chrome privs, and even if not, I'd like to try to stick to the SDK way).
While I can get the DOM window reference of the new window/utils' open() dialog, I'm not sure how to attach a content script so I can respond to user interaction in a way that prompts (and can respond to) privileged behavior ala postMessage or port.emit (without again, directly working with chrome privs).
Ok, this answer should have been pretty obvious for anyone with a little experience with the SDK. I realized I can just use a panel. In my defense, the name "panel" is not as clear as "dialog" in conjuring up this idea, and I am so used to using panels with widgets, that it hadn't occurred to me that I could use it independently!
Unfortunately, as per Bug 595040, these dialogs are not persistent, meaning if the panel loses focus, the "dialog" is gone... So panel looks like it is not a suitable candidate after all... :(
Edit 2
I've since moved on and have gotten things working mostly to my satisfaction with sdk/window/utils and openDialog on whose returned window I add a load listener and then call tabs.activeTab.on('ready', and then set tabs.activeTab.url to my add-on local HTML file so the ready event will get a tab to which I can attach a worker. There is still the problem with chrome privs I suppose, but at least the main communications are using SDK processes.
Update to Edit 2:
Code sample provided by request:
var data = require('sdk/self').data,
tabs = require('sdk/tabs');
var win = require('sdk/window/utils').openDialog({
// No "url" supplied here in this case as we add it below (in order to have a ready listener in place before load which can give us access to the tab worker)
// For more, see
features: Object.keys({
chrome: true, // Needed for centerscreen per docs
centerscreen: true, // Doesn't seem to be working for some reason (even though it does work when calling via XPCOM)
resizable: true,
scrollbars: true
}).join() + ',width=850,height=650',
name: "My window name"
// parent:
// args:
win.addEventListener('load', function () {
tabs.activeTab.on('ready', function (tab) {
var worker = tab.attach({
contentScriptFile: ....
// ...
// Use worker.port.on, worker.port.emit, etc...
tabs.activeTab.url = data.url('myHTMLFile.html');
if the panel loses focus, the "dialog" is gone...
It doesn't get destroyed, just hides, right? If so, depending on why it's getting hidden, you can just call show() on it again.
You'd want to make sure it's not being hidden for a good reason before calling show again. If there's a specific situation in which it's losing focus where you don't want it to, create a listener for that situation, then call if (!panel.isShown);
For example, if it's losing focus because a user clicks outside the box, then that's probably the expected behaviour and nothing should be done. If it's losing focus when the browser/tab loses focus, just register a tab.on('activate', aboveFunction)
Simply adding ",screenX=0,screenY=0" (or any values, the zeroes seem to be meaningless) to the features screen seems to fix centerscreen.

How do you get the Eclipse menubar to update on demand?

I'm working on a plugin aiming to hide a swathe of menu contributions, then slowly reintroduce them to the UI according to how confident/experienced the user is, with help and introductory information given to the user at each step. So far I can happily hide menu contributions using activities. Getting them back has proved to be slightly more difficult, however.
I have menu contributions being hidden and shown via activities, but the problem I've run in to is that the menu isn't instantly updating to reflect the activites. When my provided variable is changed, the activities are being started/stopped appropriately, but the menu doesn't immediately change. That is, until you change view or perspective- actions which cause the menu to be refreshed.
I've tried calling refresh() on the MenuManager, as per this question, to no avail.
Obviously my expression is being evaluated immediately, but how can I get the menu itself to update/refresh immediately?
It turns out there were issues with fireSourceChanged().
Calling: fireSourceChanged(int sourcePriority, Map sourceValuesByName) doesn't work for me.
But calling fireSourceChanged(int sourcePriority, String sourceName, Object sourceValue) does work.
I really don't know why that is - could be an Eclipse bug??

Gtk suppres focus-out

It seems for me that best place for validation of user input is in focus-out-event handler of entry type widgets (but this is only my thinking). I try to return TRUE from focus-out-event with idea that this will avoid to transfer focus to next control and keep focus on current widget, but this is not OK (not work as needed).
Which is proper way to suppress of transfering focus to next control in case when validation don't pass and where to put validation code on such widgets (gtkEntry, gtkSpinButton, etc) to be usable with signals invoked with both - mouse and keyboard actions?
That is hardly a good idea... Focus is (should be) always owned by the user. That is, the users should be able to move the focus wherever they see fit. If you try to direct the focus, or prevent moving it, based on any logic you can imagine, you will likely frustrate them.
It will surely frustrate me! Say for example that I wrote a wrong data in a box, and then I say, "hey, that's wrong! I want to select that data over there, copy it and paste it here". But I cannot do that because the program will not let me leave the box where I am now without writing an acceptable data. I have to delete the wrong data and enter something... just not good.
The best way to validate the user entry is when you actually do something with it. Either when you save it or when you make it effective. Then you can even make a pop-up saying that there is an error, and when it is close, move the focus to the first error.
If you feel that the user can benefit from an early warning that he is doing wrong, you can use colors (paint the box yellow/red if there is an error), or add a small error icon next to the box. That is waaaay less disruptive than moving the focus around.