PS error when enforcing Smartcard attribute - powershell

I am receiving error message when running the following script, any idea why?
PS C:\Users\npevltdisdddtda_1> $userList = Import-Csv C:\temp\Text.csv
foreach ($user in $userList) {
# Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($user.SamAccountName)'" | {Set-ADUser -SmartCardLogonRequired:$true}
Get-ADUser -filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($user.SamAccountName)'" | {Set-ADUser -SmartcardLogonRequired:$true}
At line:5 char:77
+ ... ($user.SamAccountName)'" | {Set-ADUser -SmartcardLogonRequired:$true}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Expressions are only allowed as the first element of a pipeline.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpressionsMustBeFirstInPipeline


Get-aduser issue

hope you are doing well
I normally use this script to return the value of extensionattribute1
$a = read-host "enter badge"
get-aduser -Filter {extensionattribute1 -eq $a } -Properties * -server "Server" | format-list extensionattribute1,Title,AccountExpirationDate,DistinguishedName,SamAccountName,enabled,Description,Orginizations,extensionattributeies
and i get the results. but sometimes i get this strange error
get-aduser : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
At line:2 char:1
get-aduser -Filter {extensionattribute1 -eq $a } -Properties * -serve ...
CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-ADUser], NullReferenceException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:System.NullReferenceException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADUser
normally it will be solved after a restart, but I want to fix it without restarting if possible.

Update Active Directory (On-Prem) User Attribute via Powershell

I tried to not bug you all, but I'm at a loss. I'll preface with, I'm still relatively new to PS, so my apologies for any ignorance.
Need: To update users' attribute (extensionAttribute1 to be precise) to "First.Last" (or rather, "givenName.Surname") for all users in AD.
Problem: When I try to run the Powershell below (I was trying 2 different methods for update, hence the commented out portion), I get the outputs below.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'ou=Users,ou=Test,dc=Sample,dc=Com' |
Select SamAccountName |
Export-Csv -Path 'c:\Scripts\AllUsersSamaccountname.CSV' -NoTypeInformation
(gc $file | select -Skip 1) | sc $file
$Users = Import-Csv -Path "c:\Scripts\AllUsersSamaccountname.CSV" -Header "AccountName"
foreach($User in $Users){
$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.AccountName -Properties extensionAttribute1
$ADUserG = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.AccountName -Properties givenName
$ADUserS = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.AccountName -Properties Surname
#$ADUser.extensionAttribute1 = [Array]$ADUserG + '.' + $ADUserS
Set-ADUser -Instance $ADUser -replace #{extensionAttribute1=([Array]$ADUserG + '.' + $ADUserS)}
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'ou=Users,ou=Test,dc=George,dc=Com' |
Select extensionAttribute1 |
Export-Csv -Path 'c:\Scripts\new-AllUserinfo6.CSV' -NoTypeInformation
Output for Set-ADUser -Instance $ADUser -replace #{extensionAttribute1=([Array]$ADUserG + '.' + $ADUserS)
Set-ADUser : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Replace'. All values in the argument collection should be of
the same type.
At line:17 char:44
+ ... er -replace #{extensionAttribute1=([Array]$ADUserG + '.' + $ADUserS)} ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Set-ADUser], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.Set
Output for #$ADUser.extensionAttribute1 = [Array]$ADUserG + '.' + $ADUserS
Exception setting "extensionAttribute1": "The adapter cannot set the value of property "extensionAttribute1"."
At line:16 char:6
+ $ADUser.extensionAttribute1 = [Array]$ADUserG + '.' + $ADUserS
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], SetValueInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CatchFromBaseAdapterSetValue
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated...
You are casting the givenName to an array. More than likely that's causing the whole expression to return an array, which isn't acceptable for extensionAttribute1.
I didn't test this but rewriting the loop to something like below should work:
foreach($User in $Users)
$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.AccountName -Properties extensionAttribute1
$ADUserG = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.AccountName -Properties givenName
$ADUserS = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.AccountName -Properties Surname
$extensionAttribute1 = ($ADUserG.givenName + '.' + $ADUserS.Surname)
$ADUser.extensionAttribute1 = $extensionAttribute1
Set-ADUser -Instance $ADUser
Note: that you must reference the properties for givenName & Surname in order to concatenate them as strings. Otherwise you are trying to add 2 user objects together and will get an error.
Additional Info:
If this were me I would write this to be more concise. However, considering you are relatively new to PowerShell, I'd just make one recommendation. In the loop you don't need to get the user account multiple times, something like the below should work and be a little faster.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'ou=Users,ou=Test,dc=Sample,dc=Com' |
Select-Object SamAccountName |
Export-Csv -Path 'c:\Scripts\AllUsersSamaccountname.CSV' -NoTypeInformation
(Get-Content $file | Select-Object -Skip 1) | Set-Content $file
$Users = (Import-Csv -Path "c:\Scripts\AllUsersSamaccountname.CSV" -Header "AccountName")
foreach($User in $Users)
$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.AccountName -Properties 'extensionAttribute1','givenName','Surname'
$extensionAttribute1 = ($ADUser.givenName + '.' + $ADUser.Surname)
$ADUser.extensionAttribute1 = $extensionAttribute1
Set-ADUser -Instance $ADUser
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'ou=Users,ou=Test,dc=George,dc=Com' |
Select-Object extensionAttribute1 |
Export-Csv -Path 'c:\Scripts\new-AllUserinfo6.CSV' -NoTypeInformation

Unable to Set AD Attributes using Set-ADUser?

I need to change multiple AD Attributes value as per:
Therefore I have created this simple script snippet below:
$properties = 'Name,sAMAccountName,msExchRemoteRecipientType,msExchRecipientDisplayType,msExchRecipientTypeDetails,proxyAddresses' -split ','
$ADUserAttributesValues = Get-ADUser -identity $Input -Properties $properties |
Select-Object Name,
# Set The attributes value for Remote Shared Mailboxes
$replace = #{
msExchRemoteRecipientType = 100
msExchRecipientDisplayType = -2147483642
msExchRecipientTypeDetails = 34359738368
Set-ADUser -Identity $ADUserAttributesValues.sAMAccountName -Replace $replace
However, I get this error:
Set-ADUser -Identity $ADUserAttributesValues.ToString() -Replace $replace
Set-ADUser : Cannot find an object with identity: '' under: 'DC=Domain,DC=com'.
At line:47 char:9
+ Set-ADUser -Identity $ADUserAttributesValues.ToString() -Repl ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:ADUser) [Set-ADUser], ADIdentityNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.SetADUser
changing it into sAMAccountName
Set-ADUser -Identity $ADUserAttributesValues.sAMAccountName -Replace $replace
Set-ADUser : Cannot find an object with identity: '' under: 'DC=Domain,DC=com'.
At line:47 char:9
+ Set-ADUser -Identity $ADUserAttributesValues.sAMAccountName -Repl ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:ADUser) [Set-ADUser], ADIdentityNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.SetADUser
also not working either.

Script to add users of particular AD OU to another AD group

Running Powershell as an admin
I would like to have a script that I can run daily to add users from "cn=users,dc=costco,dc=com" to an AD group "groupname" "CN=groupname,OU=Groups,DC=costco,DC=com"
$When = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).Date
Get-ADUser -SearchBase 'cn=users,dc=costco,dc=com' -Filter { whenCreated -ge $When } | add-adgroupmember -MemberOf 'groupname'
it errors out with
Add-ADGroupMember : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter
name 'MemberOf'. At line:2 char:111
+ ... ilter { whenCreated -ge $When } | add-adgroupmember -MemberOf 'groupname ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Add-ADGroupMember], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.AddADGroupMember
I have also tried with the help of a redditor
When = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).Date
Get-ADUser -SearchBase 'CN=users,dc=costo,dc=com' -Filter { whenCreated -ge $When } | ForEach-Object { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Groupname' -Members $_ }
Add-ADGroupMember : Insufficient access rights to perform the
operation At line:2 char:109
+ ... ach-Object {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity ‘groupname’ -Members $_ } ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (groupname:ADGroup) [Add-ADGroupMember], ADException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryServer:8344,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.AddADGroupMember
To make your first example work, you need to supply the pipeline value to the command, instead of trying to pass it in on the actual pipeline.
$group = "NewUsers"
Get-ADUser -SearchBase 'cn=users,dc=costco,dc=com' -Filter { whenCreated -ge $When } | %{ Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members $_.samaccountname }

How to update user attributes?

I'm trying to write a script that updates every user's msIIS-FTPRoot attribute where the user's description = ‘FTPuser’.
import-module activedirectory
$users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase "dc=NAME,dc=com" -Filter {Description -eq "FTPUser"}
Set-ADUser $users -Replace #{msIIS-FTPRoot='NewTEXT'}
I get the following error:
Missing '=' operator after key in hash literal.
At line:1 char:60
+ Set-ADUser $users -Replace #{msIIS-FTPRoot='\\SOMETEXT\' <<<< }
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEqualsInHashLiteral
Using quotation marks on the attribute name solves your problem.
Set-ADUser $users -Replace #{'msIIS-FTPRoot'='NewTEXT'}