How to pass multiple secret nicknames in the ecs annotation - kubernetes

I am using SCDF UI to launch pods on ECS cluster and I am passing all the required parameters from the task itself. My application uses two secrets , one for oracle and one for mongo.
I need to pass both the secret nicknames in job annotation.
I tried below approach but none of them worked.
Please suggest how to do that using annotation.

for me having same issue, trying to get two different secrets, i've used the following annotation:
ecs.o2c.secretsnicknames: "${SECRET1}, ${SECRET2}"
It should work. You only need to define the variables in the parameters section, such as:
- name: SECRET1
required: true
- name: SECRET2
required: true
For your example, providing you have defined the MONGO_NICKNAME and the ORACLE_NICKNAME in the parameters section, you should have the following syntax:
ecs.o2c.secretsnicknames: "${MONGO_NICKNAME},${ORACLE_NICKNAME}"
If you inject somehow the strings directly, you should have:
ecs.o2c.secretsnicknames: "MongoNicknameString, OracleNicknameString"


Custom resource outputs not found

I've written a custom resource in Go using cloudformation-cli-go-plugin, it's failing when I try and use it in a stack with
Unable to retrieve Guid attribute for MyCo::CloudFormation::Workloads, with error message NotFound guid not found.
The stack:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Sample MyCo Workloads Template
Type: 'MyCo::CloudFormation::Workloads'
APIKey: ""
AccountID: ""
Workload: >-
workload: {entityGuids: "", name: "CloudFormationTest-Create"}
Value: !GetAtt Resource1.Guid
If I remove the Outputs stanza the stack runs successfully and I can see the created resource.
Running with SAM locally I've verified that Guid is in fact always returned. FWIW the resource passes all of the contract tests, Guid is the primaryIdentifier, and is a readOnlyProperties.
I've tried several tests playing with the !GetAtt definition, all of which fail with schema errors so it appears the CF is aware of the format of the resource's properties.
Suggestions and/or pointers would be appreciated.
The issue here is Read failing due to CloudFormation behaving differently than the Contract Tests. The Contract Tests do not follow the CloudFormation model rules, they are more permissive.
There are a number of differences in how the Contract Tests and CloudFormation behave- passing the Contract Tests does not guarantee CloudFormation compatibility. Two for instances:
The contract tests allow returning a temporary primaryIdentifier that can change between handler.InProgress and handler.Success
The contract tests pass the entire model to all events. CloudFormation only passes the primaryIdentifier to Read and Delete.

Config server with Vault backend - fetch secrets from multiple paths

We are using config server with Vault backend to fetch application secrets.
Config server project is using spring-vault-core dependency and spring-vault-dependencies dependency management for Vault.
Vault related config in application yml file is as follows:
order: 0
uri: <complete URI>
connection-timeout: 5000
read-timeout: 15000
kvVersion: 2
backend: secret
defaultKey: config
This works fine and fetches me the Vault secrets in secret/config.
I am unable to add secret fetching from multiple paths in Vault (secret/config + secret/customFolder). I have tried adding comma separated application-name etc as suggested across various posts but does not work. Has anyone tried something similar?
You can take a look to the composite profile.
There are a lot of additional questions - what exactly you are trying to do, and why do you want to have this?
For us, for example, it was important to split infra services configurations and also split, actually, microservices configurations by itself. And, important requirement, to be able to "overwrite" it (in case of migrations, for instance).
We have achieve that with two things:
on config server side we are using composite configuration (with exactly the same type and uri, but little bit different backend and keys),
on config client's side we are specifying several values for property (coma separated list).

How to Include/Reference Multiple Resource files in CloudFormation?

I am new to cloud formation templates. I am trying to organize the templates based on AWS services so that I can easily manage it. For example, iam-roles in one file, dynamodb tables on another, s3, lambda resources in individual files. When I try to make a master file from these partials I am able to include only one partial in the resource section on Fn::Transform. I need two suggestions, am I going in the right direction? and how to include all the partials into my main.yml?
Name: 'AWS::Include'
Fn::Sub: "s3://s3url/iam-roles.yml"
Name: 'AWS::Include'
Fn::Sub: "s3://s3url/ddbtables.yml"
The above code definitely throws an error. How to merge these partials?
From the images you have shared in the question, the templates you have created have to be included using AWS::CloudFormation::Stack.
Fn::Transform is a macro which is used to do preprocessing of a cloudformation templates. For example, we can do search and replace of some strings in the cloudformation templates using Macros.

Have a fallback for ImportValue on a CloudFormation template?

I've got two projects (backoffice and frontoffice) deployed using CloudFormation.
In the frontoffice, I import some DynamoDB table names from the backoffice stack as Environment variables for my Lambdas.
To run some acceptance tests I need to sometimes deploy the frontoffice withtout deploying the backoffice. Therefore, the frontoffice will try to do an ImportValue of an Export that doesn't exists.
Is there any pattern that would allow me to get the Frontend deployed anyway - and then handle the lack of value in my code ?
You could pass an additional Parameter to frontoffice indicating whether you are going to deploy with backoffice or not.
Based on the value of the parameter, you could use DependsOn and/or Fn::If to either import or not the DynamoDB table names.
For a fully automated solution without any extra Parameter, you would have to use custom resource. The resource would be a lambda function, which would use AWS SDK to query CloudFormation stacks and check for backoffice.

Specify postgresql database name in cloud foundry manifest.yml

Is there a way to specify a postgresql database name to connect to in the cloud foundry manifest.yml file? I've been raking through the documentation and haven't yet found this specific information.
I'm imagining something like this:
- name: my-app
- route:
- postgres
dbname: database2
With that approach, a postgresql connection can be made by just the connection string provided by VCAP_SERVICES parsing modules (cfenv in the case of node).
If this is not possible, I will just set a dbname environment variable and build my own connection string.
There is nothing like that in a Cloud Foundry application manifest.yml.
The manifest.yml only takes a list of service instance names and the services with those names will be bound to your app. It does not allow you set other metadata.
I don't know if these will help, but when you cf bind-service directly there are two additional provisions you can make use of (these are not supported by manifest.yml as of me writing this):
Arbitrary bind parameters. These probably won't help unless your service broker supports them, but it's a way to pass additional info to the service broker. If your broker supported it, you could in theory say give me a database named XYZ by passing it some config this way.
Named service bindings. This provides what amounts to a second name. The intent is that you can create the service with a name of X, but your application can look for a service binding with name Y. You can use this to swap in differently named services, but still expose the same binding name to the application so it will always find the service.
If you are trying to pass in some other service instance related metadata to your application, you'd need to do it some other way. Like if you want to tell it the database name or the connection pool size, etc.. Using environment variables like you mentioned is one option. You could use a config file or cli arguments passed to your application. What you pick is probably a matter of preference/support in the library/framework you're using.
For what it's worth, most service brokers I've seen pass in and tell you a specific database name to use. If the broker said connect to db XYZ and you made your connection to myCoolDb, the connection would fail. Just wanted to mention this. Your mileage may vary.