How to logout with openid_client after authentication via pkce in flutter app with keycloak using openid_client? - flutter

I have the following KeyCloak Client config, to use pkce authentication flow:
Realm: REALM
Client ID: pkce-client
Client Protocol: openid-connect
Access Type: public
Standard Flow Enabled: ON
Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:4200/
Advanced Settings:
Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method: S256
After authenticating with flutter App with iOS Simulator via openid_client at some point I need to log out.
I can do this to get the logout URL:
String localhost = getLocalhost();
var uri = Uri.parse('http://$localhost:8180/auth/realms/REALM');
var clientId = 'pkce-client';
var issuer = await;
var client = Client(issuer, clientId);
String idT = token.idToken.toCompactSerialization();
Credential credential = client.createCredential(
tokenType: token.tokenType,
refreshToken: token.refreshToken,
idToken: idT,
var url;
try {
url = credential.generateLogoutUrl();
} catch (e) {
print("Error during login (refresh) " + e.toString());
urlLauncher(String url) async {
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url, forceWebView: true);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
String callUrl = url.toString();;
This is how the logout url looks like:
I'm not logged out after calling the url. Can someone help with this?
Thanks in advance

Redirect browser (web view) to that logout url (logout URL is not an API call, so you can't use XMLHttpRequest). That terminates existing IdP session. Of course you need to destroy also any local tokens (access/id/refresh token), which your app already has.

the IDP should have a front end logout url that you can call to logout of the current session. it is a call directly from the browser to the IDP endpoint.
the IDP front end logout should terminate the session, clear any cookies but the backend tokens (access token , refresh token etc) need to be cleared by your application.


Sveltekit + Supabase Keycloak Authenticate Error

I use sveltekit, supabase with Keycloak. When I attempt to login, it redirects to keycloak authentication page. After I enter username and password, it returns url like this:
I entered correct Client Secret and Realm URL, and it redirect to my realm correctly.
But it occurs error: Unable to Exchange External Code
I use signInwithKeycloak function to login
async function signInWithKeycloak() {
const { data, error } = await supabaseClient.auth.signInWithOAuth({
provider: 'keycloak',
options: {
scopes: 'openid',

Flutter google sign in serverAuthCode

I'm using this flutter plugin google_sign_in 5.2.1
works good I get the response
{displayName: Mario Mc, email:, id: 117816213074325689769, photoUrl:, serverAuthCode: 4/0AX4XfWiqJ1DMfPaDbgf6gOFVMCfgMicyPqGk25bxjKfA4wq7bJCCu-TWRB8c3rAz_g}
My question is: what is serverAuthCode?
And what's id: 117816213074325689769 used for
And after I send that serverAuthCode to the server, how do I verify that code is legit by calling google servers(as you know any person can send a fake serverAuthCode, so we need to verify it before saving it or do something with it)
I want to use PHP in the server side
What you can do is use this to get the accessToken then send it to the server
// sign In With Google
_googleSignIn.signIn().then((userData) {
userData.authentication.then((googleKey) {
setState(() {
// Retrieve the email from Google auth
googleEmail =;
googleId =;
googlePhotoUrl = userData.photoUrl;
googleServerAuthCode = userData.serverAuthCode;
googleAccessToken = googleKey.accessToken;
googleIdToken = googleKey.idToken;
// call your login function if no errors
}).catchError((err) {
print('inner error');
}).catchError((err) {
print('error occurred');
in the server side, you can verify that access token by calling<access token>
you will get an answer if that token is valid or expired
Also, you can call this to get user info such as name, email, photo etc.<access token>

How to get refresh token after authenticate via pkce flutter app with keycloak using openid_client?

I have the following KeyCloak Client config, to use pkce authentication flow:
Realm: REALM
Client ID: pkce-client
Client Protocol: openid-connect
Access Type: public
Standard Flow Enabled: ON
Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:4200/
Advanced Settings:
Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method: S256
When authenticating with flutter App with iOS Simulator via openid_client like this
authenticate() async {
var uri = Uri.parse('http://$localhost:8180/auth/realms/REALM');
var clientId = 'pkce-client';
var scopes = List<String>.of(['profile', 'openid']);
var port = 4200;
var issuer = await;
var client = new Client(issuer, clientId);
urlLauncher(String url) async {
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url, forceWebView: true);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
var authenticator = new Authenticator(
scopes: scopes,
port: port,
urlLancher: urlLauncher,
var auth = await authenticator.authorize();
var token= await auth.getTokenResponse();
return token;
I get the following response:
How do I get a new access token with the refresh token?
I tried:
POST http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/REALM/protocol/openid-connect/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_id: pkce-client
grant_type: refresh_token
refresh_token: "received refresh token"
but I get:
{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Invalid client credentials"}
How do I need to prepare the request to refresh the access token?
Thanks in advance
One cause of the problem could be that you need to include the client_secret as well in the request. This might be needed if the client is a "confidential" client.
Se the discussion here for further details. Refresh access_token via refresh_token in Keycloak

Cannot authenticate via pkce flutter app with keycloak using openid_client

I have the following KeyCloak Client config, to use pkce authentication flow:
Realm: REALM
Client ID: pkce-client
Client Protocol: openid-connect
Access Type: public
Standard Flow Enabled: ON
Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:4200/
Advanced Settings:
Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method: S256
I try to authenticate in a flutter App with iOS Simulator via openid_client like this
authenticate() async {
var uri = Uri.parse('http://$localhost:8180/auth/realms/REALM');
var clientId = 'pkce-client';
var scopes = List<String>.of(['profile', 'openid']);
var port = 4200;
var redirectUri = Uri.parse(http://localhost:4200/);
var issuer = await;
var client = new Client(issuer, clientId);
urlLauncher(String url) async {
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url, forceWebView: true);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
var authenticator = new Authenticator(
scopes: scopes,
port: port,
urlLancher: urlLauncher,
redirectUri: redirectUri,
var auth = await authenticator.authorize();
var token= await auth.getTokenResponse();
return token;
But it only gives me this web view:
The Terminal where KeyCloak is running gives me the following lines:
INFO [org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.endpoints.AuthorizationEndpointChecker] (default task-34) PKCE enforced Client without code challenge method.
WARN [] (default task-34) type=LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=REALM, clientId=pkce-client, userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_request, response_type=code, redirect_uri=http://localhost:4200/, response_mode=query
When using Postman it worked and it provided me the Login page:
But I have additional parameters there, which I do not know where to add them in Authenticator(..) when using openid_client, state is automatically added.
state: <state>
code_challenge: <code-challenge>
code_challenge_method: S256
Do I need to add these code_challenge parameters somewhere in the openid_client method?
Or do I need to change the redirect URL when using an App? I tried with the package_name like proposed here (, but it did not work either.
See the source code:
: flow = redirectUri == null
? Flow.authorizationCodeWithPKCE(client)
: Flow.authorizationCode(client)
You have specified redirectUri, so authorizationCode flow was used. But you want authorizationCodeWithPKCE flow in this case. So just make sure redirectUri is null and correct PKCE flow (with correct url parameters, e.g. code_challenge) will be used.
You need to send the redirectUri:null and set the port to 3000 ( you can use your port ).
after that you need to add the redirect uri in keycloak like this http://localhost:3000/ .it will do the trick
(what happening is when you send the redirect uri as null value, open_id client use the pkce flow and use the default url)

How to specify redirectUrl after logout for Ambassador OAuth2 Filter with Keycloak?

I'm using the Ambassador OAuth2 Filter to perform OAuth2 authorization against Keycloak.
For the logout I use the the RP-initiated logout as described in the Docs of Ambassador
The logout works fine. However I could not figure out how to provide the redirect url needed for Keycloak to redirect to the Login page after successfully logged out. As a result the user stays on the blank logout page of keycloak.
The RP-initiated logout looks as follows
const form = document.createElement('form');
form.method = 'post';
form.action = '/.ambassador/oauth2/logout?realm='+realm;
const xsrfInput = document.createElement('input');
xsrfInput.type = 'hidden'; = '_xsrf';
xsrfInput.value = getCookie("ambassador_xsrf."+realm);
I expected that Ambassador provides a way to add the redirect url as a query param or something, but I couldn't find a solution.
Are there any suggestions or workarounds?
I found this in the Ambassador documentation that could be overlooked as I did several times:
Ambassador OAuth2 Settings
protectedOrigins: (You determine these, and must register them with your identity provider) Identifies hostnames that can appropriately set cookies for the application. Only the scheme (https://) and authority ( parts are used; the path part of the URL is ignored.
You will need to register each origin in protectedOrigins as an authorized callback endpoint with your identity provider. The URL will look like {{ORIGIN}}/.ambassador/oauth2/redirection-endpoint.
So it looks like ambassador hard codes the redirection-endpoint (redirect_uri) that you need add to your OAuth2 client in Keycloak.
I found a solution for that, is not the best solution but you will logout using a button.
async function logout() {
const data = new URLSearchParams("realm=keycloak-oauth2-filter.ambassador")
data.append('_xsrf', getCookie("ambassador_xsrf.keycloak-oauth2-filter.ambassador"));
fetch('/.ambassador/oauth2/logout', {
method: 'POST',
body: data
.then(function (response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text()
} else {
throw "err";
.then(function (text) {
.catch(function (err) {