Clustering algorithm for specificing n points per cluster? - cluster-analysis

I'm looking for a clustering algorithm where you set a number of points, which the algorithm would aim for in the clusters. For example, if I have 10 total data points, n=5, the algorithm would then cluster and group them into 2 clusters. If it total was 11 and n=5, it would group 2 clusters, one with 5 and one with 6.
I was thinking I could use agglomerative clustering and then stop at a certain number of clusters but I was wondering if this is the wrong approach, and I shouldn't be doing clustering at all and using something else to group items? Thanks.

Just so you know, clustering methodologies are unsupervised, so you don't train/test anything. You let the algo tell you the story, based on the data that is fed in. You don't know what will happen in advance. In short, with DBSCAN and also Hierarchical Clustering (but not K-Means), you do not pre-specify the number of clusters. The algo determines the optimal number of clusters for you. If you really want to control the number of clusters (min or max) you need to use a K-Means algo. Take a look at this link when you have a chance.


Clustering in Weka

I have some data collected using an online survey. Therefore, there are no classes/labels in the data to evaluate clustering results. I am trying to do the clustering in order to cluster participants in some groups for another task.
In the data, I have 10 attributes like: Age, Gender, etc., and 111 examples or data-points.
It's my first time to perform clustering and it's been difficult to find potential clusters in the data.
Here are the steps I have performed in Weka:
I have tried to cluster the data using all attributes, all types of clustering in Weka (like cobweb, EM .. etc) and using different cluster numbers (1-10). And When I visualise the clusters, they don't make any sense and the data are widely spread between x and y axis.
I have applied PCA and selected different number of attribute combinations according to the ranks obtained in PCA. The best clustering result was obtained using k-means and with only 2 combinations of attributes and the number of clusters selected was 3, and seed was 7 (sorry, I have no idea what the seed is).
My Questions:
Are the steps I performed to cluster data correct? If not please give me advice/s
Is this considered as a good clustering result?
How can I optimise or enhance my clusters?
What is meant with seed in Weka clustering?

How to identify found clusters in Lumer Faieta Ant clustering

I have been experimenting with Lumer-Faieta clustering and I am getting
promising results:
However, as clusters formed I was wondering how to identify the final clusters? Do I run another clustering algorithm to identify the clusters (that seems counter-productive)?
I had the idea of starting each data point in its own cluster. Then, when a laden ant drops a data point, its gets the same cluster as the data points that dominates its neighborhood. The problem with this is that if clusters are broken up, they share share the same cluster number.
I am stuck. Any suggestions?
To solve this problem, I employed DBSCAN as a post processing step. The effect as follows:
Given that we have a projection of a high dimensional problem on a 2D grid, with known distances and uniform densities, DBSCAN is ideal for this problem. Choosing the right value for epsilon and the minimum number of neighbours are trivial (I used 3 for both values). Once the clusters have been identified, it can be projected back to the n-dimension space.
See The 5 Clustering Algorithms Data Scientists Need to Know for a quick overview (and graphic demo) of DBSCAN and some other clustering algorithms.

How to decide the numbers of clusters based on a distance threshold between clusters for agglomerative clustering with sklearn?

With sklearn.cluster.AgglomerativeClustering from sklearn I need to specify the number of resulting clusters in advance. What I would like to do instead is to merge clusters until a certain maximum distance between clusters is reached and then stop the clustering process.
Accordingly, the number of clusters might vary depending on the structure of the data. I also do not care about the number of resulting clusters nor the size of the clusters but only that the cluster centroids do not exceed a certain distance.
How can I achieve this?
This pull request for a distance_threshold parameter in scikit-learn's agglomerative clustering may be of interest:
It looks like it'll be merged in version 0.22.
EDIT: See my answer to my own question for an example of implementing single linkage clustering with a distance based stopping criterion using scipy.
Use scipy directly instead of sklearn. IMHO, it is much better.
Hierarchical clustering is a three step process:
Compute the dendrogram
Visualize and analyze
Extract branches
But that doesn't fit the supervised-learning-oriented API preference of sklearn, which would like everything to implement a fit, predict API...
SciPy has a function for you:

Result of overlapping clustering

I'm using function fcm from Matlab for overlapping clustering. The output of this function is a matrix of size kxn with k being the number of clusters and n being the number of examples.
Now my problem is that how do I choose clusters for an example? For each example, I have scores for all clusters so I can easily find the best matched cluster, but what about other clusters?
Many thanks.
It depends on the clustering algorithm, but you can probably interpret those soft clustering values as probabilities. This gives two well-founded options for extracting a hard clustering:
Sample each point's cluster from its cluster distribution (a column in your kxn matrix).
Assign each point to its most probable cluster. This corresponds to the MAP (max a posteriori) solution to the clustering problem.
Option 2 is probably the way to go - a single sample may not be a great representation of what's going on; with MAP, you're at least guaranteed to get something probable.

Comparing k-means clustering

I have 150 images, 15 each of 10 different people. So basically I know which image should belong together, if clustered.
These images are of 73 dimensions (feature-vector) and I clustered them into 10 clusters using kmeans function in matlab.
Later, I processed these 150 data points and reduced its dimension from 73 to 3 for my work and applied the same kmeans function on them.
I want to compare the results obtained on these data sets (processed and unprocessed) by applying the same k-means function and wish to know if the processing which reduced it to lower dimension improves the kmeans clustering or not.
I thought comparing the variance of each cluster can be one parameter for comparison, however I am not sure if I can directly compare and evaluate my results (within cluster sum of distances etc.) as both the cases are of different dimension. Could anyone please suggest a way where I can compare the kmean results, some way to normalize them or any other comparison that I can make?
I can think of three options. I am unaware of any well developed methodology to do this specifically with K-means clustering.
Look at the confusion matrices between the two approaches.
Compare the mahalanobis distances between the clusters, and between items in clusters to their nearest other clusters.
Look at the Vornoi cells and see how far your points are from the boundaries of the cells.
The problem with 3, is the distance metrics get skewed, 3D distance vs. 73D distances are not commensurate, so I'm not a fan of that approach. I'd recommend reading some books on K-means if you are adamant of that path, rank speculation is fun, but standing on the shoulders of giants is better.