StartsWith not working with integer data type - entity-framework

I am having System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. while running the code below, where lotId is of integer type:
inventories = inventories.Where(u => u.lotId.ToString().StartsWith(param.Lot));
It used to work in netcoreapp2.0 but not working in netcoreapp3.1

The reason it likely worked before was because you were running EF Core 2.x which enabled client-side evaluation by default, where EF Core 3.1+ have it disabled by default. You can enable it for that DbContext instance, or better, consider an approach that doesn't result in a client-side evaluation. For instance if your lot IDs are 7 digit numbers where the first digit denotes a Lot, then calculate a range to compare:
var lotStart = param.Lot * 1000000;
var lotEnd = lotStart + 999999;
inventories = inventories.Where(u => u.lotId >= lotStart && u.lotId <= lotEnd);
This assumes that the first single digit was used to group lots. Client-side evaluation should be avoided where possible because it results in returning far more data to be processed in memory. A client-side eval version as you had it would be returning all inventory records with whatever filtering it might be able to do, then filter out the lot ID check after all of those Lots are loaded.


Entityframework 6.2.0 IQueryable.Count VS IQueryable.ToList().Count

This is a very weird problem
In short
var q = (some query).Count();
Gives my a number and
var q = (some query).ToList().Count();
Gives me entirely different number...
with mentioning that (some query) has two includes (joins)
is there a sane explanation for that???
EDIT: here is my query
var q = db.membership_renewals.Include(i => i.member).Include(i => => w.isDeleted == false).Count();
this gives me a wrong number
and this:
var q = db.membership_renewals.Include(i => i.member).Include(i => => w.isDeleted == false).ToList().Count();
Gives me accurate number..
Wher I wrote my query as linq query it worked perfectly...
var q1 = (from d in db.membership_renewals where d.isDeleted == false join m in db.members on d.mr_memberId equals m.m_id join s in db.sports on d.mr_sportId equals s.s_id select d.mr_id).Count();
I think the problem that entity framework doesn't execute the joins in the original query but forced to execute them in (ToList())...
I Finally figured out what's going on...
The database tables are not linked together in the database (there are no relationship or constraints defined in the database itself) so the code doesn't execute the (inner join) part.
However my classes on the other hand are well written so when I perform (ToList()) it automatically ignores the unbound rows...
And when I wrote the linq query defining the relation ship keys (primary and foreign) it worked alright because now the database understands my relation between tables...
Thanks everyone you've been great....
My guess is IQueryable gives a smaller number cause not all the objects are loaded, kind of like a stream in Java, but IQueryable.toList().count() forces the Iqueryable to load all the data and it is traversed by the list constructor and stored in the list so IQueryable.toList().Count() is the accurate answer. This is based on 5 minutes of search on MSDN.
The idea is the underlying datastore of the IQueryable is a database iterator so it executes differently every time because it executes the query again on the database, so if you call it twice against the same table, and the data has changed you get different results. This is called delayed execution. But when you say IQueryable.ToList() you force the iterator to do the whole iteration once and dump the results in a list which is constant

Does ActiveRecord#first method always return record with minimal ID?

Env: Rails 4.2.4, Postgres
Is there a guarantee that ActiveRecord#first method will always return a record with minimal ID and ActiveRecord#last - with maximum ID?
I can see from Rails console that for these 2 methods appropriate ORDER ASC/DESC is added to generated SQL. But an author of another SO thread Rails with Postgres data is returned out of order tells that first method returned NOT first record...
ActiveRecord first:
2.2.3 :001 > Account.first
Account Load (1.3ms) SELECT "accounts".* FROM "accounts" ORDER BY "accounts"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
ActiveRecord last:
2.2.3 :002 > Account.last
Account Load (0.8ms) SELECT "accounts".* FROM "accounts" ORDER BY "accounts"."id" DESC LIMIT 1
So, I did my own investigation (based on D-side answer) and the Answer is NO. Generally speaking the only guarantee is that first method will return first record from a collection. It may as a side effect add ORDER BY PRIMARY_KEY condition to SQL, but it depends on either records were already loaded into cache/memory or not.
Here's methods extraction from Rails 4.2.4:
# Find the first record (or first N records if a parameter is supplied).
# If no order is defined it will order by primary key.
# ---> NO, IT IS NOT. <--- This comment is WRONG.
def first(limit = nil)
if limit
find_nth_with_limit(offset_index, limit)
find_nth(0, offset_index) # <---- When we get there - `find_nth_with_limit` method will be triggered (and will add `ORDER BY`) only when its `loaded?` is false
def find_nth(index, offset)
if loaded?
#records[index] # <--- Here's the `problem` where record is just returned by index, no `ORDER BY` is applied to SQL
offset += index
#offsets[offset] ||= find_nth_with_limit(offset, 1).first
Here's a few examples to be clear:
Account.first # True, records are ordered by ID
a = Account.where('free_days > 1') # False, No ordering
a.first # False, no ordering, record simply returned by #records[index]
Account.where('free_days > 1').first # True, Ordered by ID
a = Account.all # False, No ordering
a.first # False, no ordering, record simply returned by #records[index]
Account.all.first # True, Ordered by ID
Now examples with has-many relationship:
Account has_many AccountStatuses, AccountStatus belongs_to Account
a = Account.first
a.account_statuses # No ordering
# Here is a tricky part: sometimes it returns #record[index] entry, sometimes it may add ORDER BY ID (if records were not loaded before)
Here is my conclusion:
Treat method first as returning a first record from already loaded collection (which may be loaded in any order, i.e. unordered). And if I want to be sure that first method will return record with minimal ID - then a collection upon which I apply first method should be appropriately ordered before.
And Rails documentation about first method is just wrong and need to be rewritten.
1.1.3 first
The first method finds the first record ordered by the primary key. <--- No, it is not!
If sorting is not chosen, the rows will be returned in an unspecified
order. The actual order in that case will depend on the scan and join
plan types and the order on disk, but it must not be relied on. A
particular output ordering can only be guaranteed if the sort step is
explicitly chosen. (emphasis mine)
So ActiveRecord actually adds ordering by primary key, whichever that is, to keep the result deterministic. Relevant source code is easy to find using pry, but here are extracts from Rails 4.2.4:
# show-source Thing.all.first
def first(limit = nil)
if limit
find_nth_with_limit(offset_index, limit)
find_nth(0, offset_index)
# show-source Thing.all.find_nth
def find_nth(index, offset)
if loaded?
offset += index
#offsets[offset] ||= find_nth_with_limit(offset, 1).first
# show-source Thing.all.find_nth_with_limit
def find_nth_with_limit(offset, limit)
relation = if order_values.empty? && primary_key
order(arel_table[primary_key].asc) # <-- ATTENTION
relation = relation.offset(offset) unless
it may change depending of your Database engine, it returns always the minimal ID in mysql with first method but it does not works the same for postgresql, I had several issues with this when I was a nobai, my app was working as expected in local with mysql, but everything was messed up when deployed to heroku with postgresql, so for avoid issues with postgresql always order your records by id before the query:
The above ensures minimal ID for mysql, postgresql and any other database engine as you can see in the query:
SELECT `accounts`.* FROM `accounts` ORDER BY `accounts`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
I don't think that answer you reference is relevant (even to the question it is on), as it refers to non-ordered querying, whereas first and last do apply an order based on id.
In some cases, where you are applying your own group on the query, you cannot use first or last because an order by cannot be applied if the grouping does not include id, but you can use take instead to just get the first row returned.
There have been versions where first and/or last did not apply the order (one of the late Rails 3 on PostgreSQL as I recall), but they were errors.

Add leading zeros with LINQ and Entity Framework

I try to add leading zeros in my ASP MVC application via Linq:
int length = 4;
IEnumerable<object> query = [...]
select new
Seq = a.Seq.ToString("D" + length),
}).OrderBy(a =>a.Seq).ToList();
.. but I receive the following error:
Additional information: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
What is the correct method to do this?
I think String.PadLeft is supported (at least in Linq-To-Sql it works):
Seq = a.Seq.PadLeft(length, '0')}
If that doesn't work (i cannot test it) you can use SqlFunctions.Replicate:
Seq = SqlFunctions.Replicate("0", length - a.Seq.ToString().Length) + a.Seq
(the length calculation needs to be revised, i hope you get the idea)
From the error you are using LINQ to Entities (with Entity Framework).
Therefore the LINQ expression is being translated into SQL for execution on your database. And there is no directly translation of ToString(string format) into SQL.
You have two options:
Make use of SqlFunctions: LINQ to Entities knows how to convert these to SQL.
Do that part of the processing on the client (perhaps in LINQ to Objects).
However, it appears you are padding a numeric value with zeros and then sorting on it. Why not just sort numerically on the server, and then do the formatting on the client: padding with leading zeros is done to allow digits strings to sorted as if they are numbers, but you already have numbers.
Just a simple workaround for cases when you know that the Seq number can't be huge.
For example, if Seq is Int32 and you know that the Seq number is less than 1000000000 than you can use .OrderBy(a => 1000000000 + a.Seq) in your LINQ query.
PS. The value 1000000000 is used because of Int32.MaxValue = 2147483647

Slick: Filtering all records which have a joda DateTime date equal to today

One way to achieve it would be like this:
val now =
val today = now.toLocalDate
val tomorrow = today.plusDays(1)
val startOfToday = today.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(now.getZone)
val startOfTomorrow = tomorrow.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(now.getZone)
val todayLogItems = logItems.filter(logItem =>
logItem.MyDateTime >= startOfToday && logItem.MyDateTime < startOfTomorrow
Is there any way to write the query in a more concise way? Something on the lines of:
logItems.filter(_.MyDateTime.toDate ==
I'm asking this because in LINQ to NHibernate that is achievable (Fetching records by date with only day part comparison using nhibernate).
Unless the Slick joda mapper adds support for comparisons you are out of luck unless you add it yourself. For giving it a shot these may be helpful pointers:
I create a ticket to look into it in Slick at some point:
You're confusing matters by working with LocalDateTimes instead of using LocalDates directly:
val today =
val todayLogItems = logItems.filter(_.MyDateTime.toLocalDate isEqual today)
A Major clarification is needed on the question here, Slick was only mentioned in passing, by way of a tag.
However... Slick is central to this question, which hinges on the fact that filter operation is actually into an SQL query by way of PlainColumnExtensionMethods
I'm not overly familiar with the library, but this must surely mean that you're restricted to just operations which can be executed in SQL. As this is a Column[DateTime] you must therefore compare it to another DateTime.
As for the LINQ example, it seems to recommend first fetching everything and then proceeding as per my example above (performing the comparison in Scala and not in SQL). This is an option, but I suspect you won't want the performance cost that it entails.
UPDATE 2 (just to clarify)
There is no answer.
There's no guarantee that your underlying database has the ability to do an equality check between dates and timestamps, slick therefore can't rely on such an ability existing.
You're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either do the range check between timestamps as you already are, or pull everything from the query and filter it in Scala - with the heavy performance cost that this would likely involve.
To refer to the Linq/NHibernate question you referenced, here are a few quotes:
You can also use the date function from Criteria, via SqlFunction
It depends on the LINQ provider
I'm not sure if NHibernate LINQ provider supports...
So the answers there seem to be either:
Relying on NHibernate to push the date coercion logic into the DB, perhaps silently crippling performance (by fetching all records and filtering locally) if this is not possible
Relying on you to write custom SQL logic
The best-case scenario is that NHibernate could translate date/timestamp comparisons into timestamp range checks. Doing something like that is quite a deep question about how Slick (and slick-joda-mapper) can handle comparisons, the fact that you'd use it in a filter is incidental.
You'd need an extremely compelling use-case to write a feature like this yourself, given the risk for creating complicated bugs. You'd be better off:
splitting the column into separate date/time columns
adding the date as a calculated column (maybe in a view)
using custom SQL (or a stored proc) for the query
sticking with the range check
using a helper function
In the case of a helper:
def equalsDate(dt: LocalDate) = {
val start = dt.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay()
val end = dt.plusDays(1).toDateTimeAtStartOfDay()
(col: Column[DateTime]) => {
col >= start && col < end
val isToday = equalsDate(
val todayLogItems = logItems.filter(x => isToday(x.MyDateTime))

Entity Framework: Convert.ToDecimal not supported, any ideas? EF gives an error

I have been doing queries in EF and everything working great but now i have in the db 2 fields that are actually CHAR.. They hold a date but in the form of a number, in SQL Management Studio i can do date1 >= date2 for example and i can also check to see if a number i have falls in between these 2 dates.
Its nothing unusual, but basically a field that represents a date (the number grows as the date does)...
Now in EF when i try to do >= it states you can't do this on a string, ok understand its c# so i tried doing Convert.ToDecimal(date1) but it gives me an error saying that its not supported.
I have no option of changing the db fields, they are set in stone :-(
the way i got it to work was request of details and do a .ToList and then use the .ToDecimal and it works but of course this is doing it in memory! and this defeats the object of EF i.e. for example adding to the query using iqueryable.
Another way i got it to work was to pass the SQL query to SqlQuery of the dbcontext but again i lose a lot of ef functionality.
Can anyone help?
I am really stuck
As you say that you tried >= I assume that it would work for you if you could do that in plain SQL. And that is possible by doing
String.Compare(date1, date2) >= 0
EF is smart enough to translate that into a >= operator.
The advantage is that you do not need to compare converted values, so indexes can be used in execution plans.
First of all, you can at least enable deferred execution of the query by using AsEnumerable() instead of ToList(). This won't change the fact that the database would need to return all the records when you do in fact execute the query, however.
To let the database perform the filtering, you need your query to be compatible with SQL. Since you can't do ToDecimal() in SQL, you need to work with strings directly by converting your myvar to a string that is in the same format as dateStart and dateEnd, then form your query.