How can I upgrade the dart sdk from flutter 1.22.4 stable channel? - flutter

I am using flutter 1.22.4 stable channel for a project. In this sdk dart 2.10.0 sdk is integrated. Now i want to upgrade the dart sdk to 2.12.0. How can I do it?

Upgrade to flutter 2.0, the dart version switches to 2.12. Here is How To Upgrade Your Mobile App to Flutter 2.0+ and How to Migrate Your Mobile App to Flutter 2.0
Check out Flutter Version History | Brief Details Of Flutter Version List for more information


How to upgrade flutter project dart sdk version

I have Flutter version 3.3.2 installed.
How do I upgrade flutter project dart sdk version?
Current project sdk version
sdk:">=2.7.0 3.0.0<"
You can run flutter upgrade and normally your project should pick up the most recent version of the SDK.
Refer to the documentation and to this previously asked question.

Not possible downgrade to Flutter 1.22.6

I am trying to downgrade my Flutter version to 1.22.6
I am using Flutter channel stable.
This is the output when I put in the terminal the command
flutter downgrade 1.22.6
There is no previously recorded version for channel "stable"
Yesterday was the last time I could downgrade to Flutter 1.22.6
Are there any changes in Flutter lastly?
Version 1.22.6 is listed in
Should I download the SDK by hand?
It's no more possible to downgrade from flutter 2.xx to 1.xx. However you can use flutter Version Manager fvm its specifically made to control flutter versions plus along with that you can install flutter sidekick as well.Use multiple versions of flutter specific for your projects I am attaching link for you.
FVM Flutter Sidekick

flutter: how to downgrade flutter beta channel version

In order to create a flutter web app, I used the command flutter channel beta and flutter upgrade. The result is that my flutter beta channel version is now 2.1.0-12.2.pre, but my flutter stable channel version remains 1.22.4. The problem is that when I open my flutter android app in beta channel, all my files have errors because of null safety change. So I wanted to downgrade my flutter beta channel by using command flutter downgrade v1.26.0-17.8.pre, but terminal says There is no previously recorded version for channel 'beta'. How can I downgrade my flutter beta channel to v1.26.0-17.8.pre in this case?
You can use Flutter Version Management CLI (fvm) for this. Besides, you can install any Flutter version you want, and switch between them.
Just run fvm use and select a Flutter version you want to use. You can find the documentation on their GitHub repo

How to update Dart SDK in ubuntu without updating Flutter?

So I am working on creating an e-commerce App in flutter. I am using flutter version 1.22.6 for Ubuntu (18.04.5 LTS). I don't want to upgrade my flutter version as it generated lots of issues to my colleagues. For me the problem is that i have to use a lot of packages for my Application which requires most recent Dart SDK. So is it possible to upgrade just the Dart SDK while keeping the same version of Flutter.
Probably not,
The reason for this is flutter is the framework and of course, it depends on dart language version. Why?
For example, If we compare 2 dart sdk between flutter 1.x version and flutter 2, we can see flutter ver 2 depends on dart sdk which supports null safety while flutter ver 1.x does not support null safety.
In the end, if you upgrade somehow the dart sdk without upgrading flutter sdk too, you will see many errors in flutter framework.

is it possible to continue using flutter SDK "1.20.0" and not upgrading anymore? any future problems can arise from that behavior?

every time i get a notification to upgrade to newer flutter SDK and i do the project gets broken...due to incompatibility of packages with each others...i tried to install the packages again one by one...also tried to manipulate the packages version...i tried to migrate to different flutter channels like master, dev, beta..going back to stable...but no luck :(
and i end up in downgrading the flutter SDK to "1.20.0" again...i did that everytime till the newest version of flutter SDK "1.22.4 1aafb3a 13/11/2020"
once i downgrade to "1.20.0"..everything goes fine...
for of the errors am facing right now using the flutter SDK "1.22.4"..when i flutter pub get..i get this:
Because every version of flutter_common_exports depends on flutter_localizations any from sdk which depends on collection 1.15.0-nullsafety.3, every version of flutter_common_exports requires collection 1.15.0-nullsafety.3.
And because dartx >=0.2.0 <0.5.0 depends on collection >=1.14.11 <1.15.0, flutter_common_exports is incompatible with dartx >=0.2.0 <0.5.0.
So, because myApp depends on flutter_common_exports any which depends on dartx ^0.4.1, version solving failed.
pub get failed (1; So, because myApp depends on flutter_common_exports any which depends on dartx ^0.4.1, version solving failed.)
exit code 1
am using:
Flutter 1.22.4 • channel stable •
Framework • revision 1aafb3a8b9 (28 hours ago) • 2020-11-13 09:59:28 -0800
Engine • revision 2c956a31c0
Tools • Dart 2.10.4
so what will happen if i didn't follow any upgrade notifications and continue developing my app using flutter SDK "1.20.0" till i release my app to the store ?!
is there any consequences that will happen?!
thanks in advance
In short, you can’t use the latest SDK on this project yet, not while the packages you’re using don’t get updated and are compatible with the latest SDK.
You can use the old SDK, you're just missing out on new features.
If you work with a team, you should start declaring the compatible SDK on your “pubspec.yaml” file, so that everyone knows which SDK version it was tested for:
version: 1.0.0+1
sdk: ">=2.2.2 <3.0.0"
flutter: "1.9.1+hotfix.6"