Powershell - word.application stop working in scripts - powershell

Write-Output "$Server"
write-output "$username"
Copy-Item $Server -Destination "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures\" -Force
Test-path -path "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures\$username.htm" -PathType Leaf
$MSWord = New-Object -com word.application
$EmailOptions = $MSWord.EmailOptions
$EmailSignature = $EmailOptions.EmailSignature
Catch {
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore,PresentationFramework
[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("A mistake has appears")
Finally {
Clear-variable -Name "Name"
Clear-variable -Name "Username"
Hi ! That code was working just fine last week. But now, can't change the Outlook's setting with it. I can confirm the outputs give the right variables, and the test-path is true. The "Server" variable is were the file .htm is, with the variable "Username" to find the good .htm, and then copy it in the profile. Then, test if the file is in the Outlook profile of the user. Like I say, everything here give True for the test. But the script can't then install the .htm as a default signature. I change nothing, everything was working fine until now.
Any idea what could have happen. The file copy in the good folder, but the script always got stuck in the word.application part.
Thanks for the help.


Calling Script Remotely Does Not Work

I can run this script perfectly on my SharePoint server, and the user's profile picture gets updated:
$siteurl = "http://SHAREPOINTSITE/"
try {
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($siteurl)
} catch {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path C:\Users\admin\Desktop -Name ERROR1.txt -Value $_.Exception.Message -Force
try {
$context = [Microsoft.Office.Server.ServerContext]::GetContext($site)
} catch {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path C:\Users\admin\Desktop -Name ERROR2.txt -Value $_.Exception.Message -Force
#This gets the User Profile Manager which is what we want to get hold of the users
$upm = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($context)
$user = "DOMAIN\user.name"
#Put it in a loop for iterating for all users
if ($upm.UserExists($user)) {
try {
$profile = $upm.GetUserProfile($user)
$profile["PictureURL"].Value = "\\Sharepoint\C$\Users\admin\Desktop\1.jpg";
} catch {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path C:\Users\admin\Desktop -Name ERROR3.txt -Value $_.Exception.Message -Force
New-Item -ItemType File -Path C:\Users\admin\Desktop -Name HELLO.txt -Force
But when I run it from a remote PowerShell session, I am getting some weird errors:
Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s): "The Web application at http://SHAREPOINTSITE/ could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing content, the system administrator may need to add a new request URL mapping to the intended application."
Multiple ambiguous overloads found for "GetContext" and the argument count: "1".
I have checked all of the possibilities here, but still seeing this issue.
This is how I call the above script from the remote machine:
$spfarm = "DOMAIN\admin.username"
$spfarmpw = ConvertTo-SecureString "password123" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $spfarm,$spfarmpw
$session = New-PSSession SharePoint -Authentication Default -Credential $cred
Invoke-Command -Session $session -FilePath "\\SharePoint\C$\Users\admin\Desktop\testremote.ps1"
I have tried calling this in a few different ways (e.g. hosting the script on my machine or hosting it on the SharePoint server, as well as using relative paths to call the script), but I always see these errors.
Can anyone please help me understand why this doesn't work when calling it from a remote PC? The script is clearly being called (HELLO.txt always gets created), but the SharePoint profile picture never gets updated - even though that script definitely should work.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated
Server: dc1.domain.co.uk
Address: xx.xx.x.xx
Name: sharepoint.domain.co.uk
Address: yy.yy.y.yy
Aliases: SHAREPOINTSITE.domain.co.uk
Where yy.yy.y.yy is the correct IP (it's the same address I see when executing ping SHAREPOINTSITE)
Try changing the Authentication method to CredSSP. This is required by the remote PowerShell so that it can pass the credentials on.

Install program remotely using Invoke-Command

The variable at the top of the script defines several commands/variables for New-PSDrive, as well as connection and installation.
After this, a function is created to open a text file and extract information out of it. I know this part works because I use it in 2 other scripts.
Lastly, The script executes the commands in the first variable.
The script will show as running successfully, but checking the remote computer reveals that nothing happened.
Prior to doing any of this activity, the remote computer has a script run against it that:
enables PSRemoting (setting firewall rules and starting WinRM), and
bypasses execution policies.
After those steps, the script below is run to install a piece of software.
$eAudIT2014V2Install = {
$eAudIT2014V2password = ConvertTo-SecureString "PasswordHere" -AsPlainText -Force
$eAudIT2014V2cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('domain\user', $eAudIT2014V2password)
$eAudIT2014V2drive = New-PSDrive -Name eAudIT2014V2 -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\Server\Share" -Credential $eAudIT2014V2cred
$eAudIT2014V2job = Start-Job {"eAudIT2014V2:\Setup.cmd"}
Wait-Job $eAudIT2014V2job
Receive-Job $eAudIT2014V2job
Function Get-OpenFile($initialDirectory) {
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.windows.forms") |
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.InitialDirectory = $initialDirectory
$OpenFileDialog.ShowHelp = $true
$InputFile = Get-OpenFile
if ($InputFile -eq "Cancel") {
Write-Host "Canceled By User"
} else {
$Computers = #(Get-Content -Path $InputFile)
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
Write-Host "Installing eAudIT 2014V2 on Selected Computers"
Invoke-Command $eAudIT2014V2Install
I'm noticing that if I tell this script to run something basic like notepad.exe, a dllhost process starts on the machine, but notepad never does. What am I doing wrong?
The answer is pretty simple here. All of your script is for naught if you don't tell the Invoke-Command cmdlet what computer you want to execute the code on. As it is you are simply iterating a loop and invoking that command X number of times on the local machine. You need to change that second to the last line to specify the machine to execute the code on:
Invoke-Command $eAudIT2014V2Install -ComputerName $computer

Powershell script making swf extension open with internet explorer

I am trying to figure out how to write a powershell script that will set all .swf extensions to open up on Internet Explorer. I was trying to do this with a command prompt similar to the example below. Unfornately my boss is requiring this to be done through powershell. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated since I have a txt file that will loop through about 400 computers and need to make these changes on.
C:\>ASSOC .swf
C:\>FTYPE ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash
ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash="C:\bin\FlashPlayer.exe" %1
What I am Trying:
Function Get-FileName{
[String]$Filter = "|*.*",
[String]$InitialDirectory = "C:\")
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $InitialDirectory
$OpenFileDialog.filter = $Filter
$file = Get-FileName -InitialDirectory $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop -Filter "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
ForEach ($item in (Get-Content $file)) {
$sitem = $item.Split("|")
$computer = $sitem[0].Trim()
$user = $sitem[1].Trim()
cmd /c assoc .swf=InternetExplorer.Application
### Will the above line automatically install on every pc? ###
Any help with trying to insert how to change the FTYPE in powershell so that $computer can cycle through would be greatly appreciated!
ASSOC and FTYPE are CMD.exe built-in commands, not executables, which means they can only be run in the context of CMD. The easiest way to run them is to invoke CMD from PowerShell.
cmd /c assoc .swf
cmd /c ftype ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash
If you need a "pure" PowerShell implementation, then you need to go to the registry. ASSOC and FTYPE merely write to the registry under theHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT hive. PowerShell does not have a default PSDrive for HKCR:, but that hive is also accessible under HKLM:\Software\Classes.
$ext = '.swf'
$HKCR = 'HKLM:\Software\Classes'
$ftype = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$HKCR\$ext" | select -expand '(default)'
$commandLine = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$HKCR\$ftype\shell\open" | select -expand '(default)'
To update these values, you simply use Set-ItemProperty on the same path.
Set-ItemProperty -Path "$HKCR\$ext" -Name '(default)' -Value 'ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'
This requires you to run with Admin privileges. This also assumes that the key already exists. If not, you will have to create it with New-Item
if (-not (Test-Path "$HKCR\$ext")) {
New-Item -Path "$HKCR\$ext"
However, if all you want to do is set .swf files to open in iexplore.exe, then retrieving the values is unnecessary, as is modifying the FTYPE key. You need only change the extension association to InternetExplorer.Application instead of ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash. The following full scripts will do this:
In Batch file:
assoc .swf=InternetExplorer.Application
In PowerShell:
cmd /c assoc .swf=InternetExplorer.Application
In "pure" PowerShell, by modifying the registry:
$key = "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.swf"
$defaultName = '(default)'
$newValue = 'InternetExplorer.Application'
if (-not (Test-Path $key)) {
New-Item -Path $key
Set-Itemproperty -Path $key -Name $defaultName -Value $newValue
Note that modifying the registry doesn't take effect immediately. You need to also send a WM_SETTINGCHANGE event, or simply restart explorer.exe (eg: by logging off). You can find code to send the event here, but usually this isn't a problem for automated scripts because they force the user to re-login anyway.

Powershell popup while file is being moved

When my script starts it moves a file from one directory to another. After the file is completely downloaded I launch an application.
This all works, but what I would like is a popup window to appear while the file is being moved (Large files).
When I debug my code once it hits the Move-Item Cmdlet it waits until that command is completed before it moves on. What I want to do is while the Move-Item Cmdlet is running, popup an information window.
I know how to do the popup and the Move-Item, I just don't know how to get it to work the way I want. Any ideas?
Popup code
#pop up window letting mechanic know we are waiting for the files to be downloaded before opeing the SMT application
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$wshell.Popup("The EAFR file is still being moved to the correct directory, please wait.",0,"SMT Status",0)
$MLMoveDir = "C:\move\data\AutoUpload\"
Move-Item -LiteralPath ($filePath) $MLMoveDir
One option is to use WinForms to display a Please Wait dialog, rather than a Popup that has to be dismissed by the user. Something like:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
$Label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label.Text = "Copying file, please wait."
$Label.AutoSize = $True
$Form.Visible = $True
$MLMoveDir = "C:\move\data\AutoUpload\"
Move-Item -LiteralPath ($filePath) $MLMoveDir
#Hide popup
So what you could do is start the Move-Item as a job, and then do a While((get-job "jobname").state -ne completed){do popup}. I would look something like this:
$MLMoveDir = "C:\move\data\AutoUpload\"
$MoveJob = Start-Job -scriptblock {Move-Item -LiteralPath ($filePath) $MLMoveDir}
#Show Popup
While($movejob.state -ne "Completed"){
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$wshell.Popup("The EAFR file is still being moved to the correct directory, please wait.",1,"SMT Status",0)
That way the popup shows for 1 second, and if the move is still happening it shows it again. I don't know that it would even appear to disappear/re-show so it would likely be seamless.

How to test writing to a file share path using credential?

I have an array of Credential objects and I would like to test that these credentials have permissions to write a file to a file share.
I was going to do something like
$myPath = "\\path\to\my\share\test.txt"
foreach ($cred in $credentialList)
"Testing" | Out-File -FilePath $myPath -Credential $cred
but then I discovered that Out-File doesn't take Credential as a parameter. What's the best way to solve this?
You can use New-PSDrive:
$myPath = "\\path\to\my\share"
foreach ($cred in $credentialList)
New-PSDrive Test -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $myPath -Credential $Cred
"Testing" | Out-File -FilePath Test:\test.txt
Remove-PSDrive Test
Here is asituation where an old exe (net.exe) seems to do better than powershell...
I guess you could try to map a network drive with the credential provided then test to write a file to that drive :
net use q: \\servername\share $pass /user:$cred.username
Use this script taken from Microsofts TechNet Script Center : http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Lists-all-the-shared-5ebb395a
It is a lot easier to alter to fit your needs then to start completely from scratch.
Open up ListSharedFolderPermissions.ps1, and find the three $Properties vars. add a line at the top of each one so you can tell which user your looking at, so it should now look like this:
$Properties = #{'Username' = $Credential.UserName
'ComputerName' = $ComputerName
. . . . . }
Next, add your new Username property to the select-object line (3 times) :
$Objs|Select-Object Username,ComputerName,ConnectionStatus,SharedFolderName,SecurityPrincipal, `
Once youve added those small pieces in the six appropriate places your script is ready to use:
cd c:\Path\where\you\put\ps1\file
$permissions = #()
$myPath = "computername"
foreach ($cred in $credentialList)
$permissions += .\ListAllSharedFolderPermission.ps1 -ComputerName $myPath -Credential $cred
$permissions += " "
$permissions | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Permission.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Try using the Invoke-Command function. It will take a credential object and allow you to run an arbitrary script block under that command. You can use that to test out writing the file
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { "Testing" | Out-File $myPath } -Credential $cred
I think the Invoke-command approach should work. But if nothing works you can try the powershell impersonation module. It successfully impersonates a user for most Powershell commands without the -Credential switch.
A few ideas:
Create your own PowerShell Provider
Impersonate a user and then write to the share (not sure if possible in powershell)
Use net use d:... as #Kayasax has suggested
Use WScript.Network
I'm very interested in the PowerShell provider myself, but I decided to make something real quick so I went with using the WScript.Network library. I used a hash table to track whether a user would be "authenticated" or not.
$credentials = #() # List of System.Net.NetworkCredential objects
$authLog = #{}
$mappedDrive = 'z:'
$tmpFile = $mappedDrive, '\', [guid]::NewGuid(), '.tmp' -join ''
$path = [io.path]::GetPathRoot('\\server\share\path')
$net = new-object -comObject WScript.Network
foreach ($c in $credentials) {
if ($authLog.ContainsKey($c.UserName)) {
# Skipping because we've already tested this user.
try {
if (Test-Path $mappedDrive) {
$net.RemoveNetworkDrive($mappedDrive, 1) # 1 to force
# Attempt to map drive and write to it
$net.MapNetworkDrive($mappedDrive, $path, $false, $c.UserName, $c.Password)
out-file $tmpFile -inputObject 'test' -force
# Cleanup
Remove-Item $tmpFile -force
$net.RemoveNetworkDrive($mappedDrive, 1)
# Authenticated.
# We shouldn't have reached this if we failed to mount or write
$authLog.Add($c.UserName, 'Authorized')
catch [Exception] {
# Unathenticated
$authLog.Add($c.UserName, 'Unauthorized')
# Output
Name Value
---- -----
desktop01\user01 Authorized
desktop01\user02 Unauthorized