In Moodle How do I allow a single student a second attempt on a quiz? - moodle

I am working in the moodle right now How do I allow a single student/Candidate/individual user a second attempt on a quiz?
Is there any possible way to do that because if I allow a quiz retake it may apply on a group level and every user can attempt quiz.

This is a support question rather than a developer question.
But you can find the answer in the documentation.
Go to the quiz admin menu and select "User overrides"
Then select a user and change the number of attempts.


Ban a User in a particular firebase firestore group chat for predefined time

I am very new to coding. but i managed to build a group chat app using a low code platform called flutterflow. i managed to spend significant amount of time on it and was able to build a public group chat app except few functionalities. I am hoping to find help from here. for the following questions.
I have chat mods appointed on a group level. like if you create a group, you are a founder and you can assign mods to that perticular group chat. now i want these mods to be able to ban a user in that particular group chat.
I have tried created a subcollection in groups called "banned user" and created two feilds. one is "banned users" document reference to users. and another is "banned_till" to record a time stamp until the user gets banned.
Problem with this is when i ban a user twice, it creates two documents in the user reference with the same user. and two documents has different "banned_till" times. which one it is supposed to pick?
i tried to do this and put a conditional visibility to the chat that "if current time is less than or equal to banned_till time" it wont let user type in the textfield to chat. but this is giving me gray screen.
I am very new to this. any help would be appreciated.
there is specific way to do so. you have to set custom logic. like save all banned users in a firebase database object with thier max time and procced next.

Request payment part way through course

I'd like students to be able to access the first couple of lessons in Moodle before being presented with a request for payment. I've searched for ages on Google and found nothing, and also searched for all the possible terms I could think of here, and again come up short. Apologies therefore for the lack of contributing research/evidence.
I'm using Paypal as the chosen method of payment at the moment. Moodle is version 3.2.
Is there a way to add this kind of option to the 'access restrictions' in the courses themselves?
There isn't an existing way to restrict activity access based on the users enrolment type.
Without writing some custom code, the easiest way to do this is probably to have a separate course containing the pay-walled content, with paypal enrolment set up.
Add an activity to the free course with a link to the paid course. Use access restrictions to hide it until the other activities are complete.
When a user completes the free course content, the link to the paid course will be revealed, and they can click to enrol using paypal.

"Ask to join" a Facebook group

For an interactive kiosk project I need to add the functionality for the user to "Ask to join" a certain group.
I was imagining this would be pretty straight forward, but I can't really find any trace of this functionality in the Graph API...
Does this functionality exist at all?
Unfortunately as far as I know you can't programatically make a user join a group (due to security and privacy issues), same goes with liking a page (you have to ask a user to do that manually).
However what I can suggest doing is checking if a given user is already a member of that group (using the group_member table) and if not, redirecting him to the group and asking him to join it.

Dynamics CRM 2011 custom code

I'm struggling to find much documentation on Dynamics CRM 2011 and have a problem. I'm not looking for code more a pointer as to the correct method of approach (workflow, dialog, custom HTML web resource etc)
I basically want something that does the following:
Go to Contact list
Select some contacts
Ribbon action opens a box that allows me
to select a custom role from a drop down list (source is a dynamics
Select a radio box for either add or remove role
Save the changes, this will add or remove a role from the contact and also send an email to that contact
I know how to get a list of selected recordIDs but I am not sure if I should be calling a dialog or a custom HTML page with JS.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This may not work at all for your scenario but it is worth thinking out of the box sometimes. This would only work if you have a small number of roles and the roles don't change that often.
Add checkboxes on the Contact, one for each role. Build workflows that fire on update of those checkboxes that send your emails. Now users can quickly edit lots of Contact Roles by using the Multi-Edit feature.
The benefit of this approach is it is a "no code" solution and it is very easy for the User since it uses out-of-the-box functionality. The downside is that you need to maintain those checkboxes. But it may be easier than writing a bunch of web resources and javascript!
I have assembled a list of bookmarks on the subject here. I hope the link works.
Gareth Tucker's site is specially interesting.
In the end the solution was to create a Ribbon item that accepted the selected Guids from the contact list.
Then read those in from a web resource (Silverlight) which called into the sdk and created / removed the records accordingly

Can we move Google Analytics data to other account?

Started a webpage that now contains a lot of analytic data. Now that I have the client GA Tracking ID I would like to move the data I already have to that account.
Is this possible?
I get the Google Analytics API, I can always fetch all the data I want, but my problem is, upon I have the data how can I send / push this data to other account
in other words, How can I transfer data?
The domain is the same, only the account Id in use was a different one (my own, instead of the client's)
It is not possible:
You cannot currently transfer profiles or account data from one account to another account.
Google Analytics does not provide any flexibility with importing, exporting, or modifying any past data. Any data you have in one account cannot be moved to another.
With GA, the only way to get data in to an account is directly via __utm.gif requests, usually through their JavaScript snippet, but that doesn't allow for any way to import past data, since the date is fixed according to when the data is sent in.
Further, the Google Analytics API is read-only, and doesn't provide any way to import or move data.
(This answer is slightly less true for Universal Analytics is a good alternative, open source analytics system, not unlike Google Analytics, but without some of the constraints like this.
I think now it's possible to move data from one account to another.
Check out this article:
If you need to reorganize your properties in Analytics, you can move them (and their views) from one account to another.
Moving properties lets you keep your Analytics implementation current with your business. You might be reorganizing after a merger, after an internal restructuring, after hiring a new agency, or you might be developing a new Roll-Up strategy.
This was not possible in 2011 when the question was originally asked. Google added this capability to GA in 2016 (source). In addition to Google's documentation which engray provided, there are several blog posts which discuss how.
How to transfer a Google Analytics property from one Google Account to another
How to Move a Property to Another Account in Google Analytics
How to move a property:
Sign in to Google Analytics & navigate to Admin section.
In the ACCOUNT column choose the account that contains the property you want to move.
In the PROPERTY column, select the property you want to move.
Click Property Settings, then click Move property.
Select the destination account.
Choose your permissions settings.
Click Move.
Confirm data processing, then click Save.
Might be possible to do this as i was curious and found a few forum posts mentioning it:
Log into GA.
Goto the Account List.
Find your web property, you can't click the 'property' itself but a profile under it...
Then click on Admin on top-right side.
Go 'Up' a Level.
For example the breadcrumb says:
'Account list' › 'FOO (' › 'FOO ( - (Default Profile)'
and now the breadcrumb should say when you click 2nd breadcrumb link:
'Account list' › 'FOO ('
Now you have an option to add other users to this whole web property by going to the Users tab.
Add an Administrator user to this specific property. You can setup this user for them on gmail that they can change the password later after you set it up (or use their Google Account email they provide and maybe walk through with them to make sure they do it correctly).
Then login as that user, and delete the old user. Then that should 'transfer' to a new account.
What I do in this situation - export all data from Google account and import it into Tableau or QlickView. And use desktop analysis. In any case these data will be actual no more than 2 years.