Export to CSV w/o Header or Quotes - powershell

I need to create a new CSV from an existing table, but I need to add a column before and have no headers, or quotes around the data within the cells. I noticed if I open the file, save it, quotes are removed but this file will be going external at 1AM nightly
Example Example in Windows Explorer
$NewCSV = '\\server2\export.csv'
$Assets = (import-csv '\\server1\PCList.csv' | Where-Object {$_.PCNumber -ne ''}).PCnumber | ForEach-Object {
'h1' = 'IT Support'
'h2' = $_+'.acme.net'
} | Export-Csv $NewCSV
I have seen usage of Outfile but that breaks my columns

If you're running PowerShell (Core) 7+:
... |
ConvertTo-Csv -UseQuotes Never |
Select-Object -Skip 1 |
Set-Content $NewCSV
If you're running Windows PowerShell:
... |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |
Select-Object -Skip 1 |
ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '"' } |
Set-Content $NewCSV
ConvertTo-Csv is the in-memory equivalent of Export-Csv, which therefore allows skipping the first output object, representing the CSV header, via Select-Object.
Set-Content can then be used to save the results to a file. Use its -Encoding parameter to control the character encoding.
In Windows PowerShell only, -NoTypeInformation is additionally needed to suppress the usually undesired type-annotation line that is emitted before the header line; the same goes for Export-Csv.
The following applies to both ConvertTo-Csv and Export-Csv:
In Windows PowerShell, all CSV column values are invariably double-quoted (enclosed in "..."), but in PowerShell (Core) 7+ you can control the double-quoting behavior via the -UseQuotes parameter. Additionally, you can choose to selectively double-quote columns (fields), via the -QuoteFields parameter.


Remove blank space from text file

I have a script to import the names of the virtual machines from hyper-v to a txt file.
The problem is that sometimes the names have blank spaces on the back, and when I try to turn them off or on with the script it does not find those machines because of the blank spaces.
Any way to remove the blank spaces from the file?
$vm = Get-VM | select name | Out-File -FilePath $ListVM
(Get-Content $ListVM | Select-Object -Skip 3) | ? {$_.trim() -ne ""} | Set-Content $ListVM
Withstanding Santiago's relevant alternate comment/approach. the cause of your issue may be:
Generally the Out-* cmdlets will force objects through PowerShell's for-display formatting system. You can use Set-Content from the start to avoid this, however you cannot simply select the name property doing so will create objects with the single property named "name". When Set-Content sees that it will write hash/object syntax to the file trying to represent the object, like:
To avoid this simply expand the property you want to store in the file:
Get-VM |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
Set-Content -FilePath $ListVM
(Get-VM).Name | Set-Content -FilePath $ListVM
Note: you are assigning $VM to the output, however that will result in $VM being null. I'm not sure what the intent is, but if you want the resulting list stored in the variable add the -PassThru parameter like:
$vm = (Get-VM).Name | Set-Content -FilePath $ListVM -PassThru

How do I export these Active Directory User Properties to CSV? [duplicate]

I'm seriously sleep deprived and stressed so it is probably extremely simple yet I still can't manage to figure it out.
I want to get an export of various things like services, processes, firewallrules, local users, whatever I need as a CSV but whenever I export it as such the csv only has 1 column in Excel when I open it.
I just want the output to be separated by columns so I can have a simple overview in Excel.
Get-Service | Sort-Object Status | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 10000 | Out-File -Append "C:\temp\Test.csv"
But this is the output I get:
This is what happens if I use a Export-CSV CMD: Services
PowerShell's default CSV delimiter is a comma. To make Excel read the CSV properly, change it to a semicolon using the -Delimiter parameter:
Get-Service | sort Status | Export-Csv "C:\temp\Test.csv" -NoTypeInfo -Delim ";"
Or use the -UseCulture switch (thanks #JosefZ), which uses the same region-based ListSeperator-setting as Excel:
Get-Service | sort Status | Export-Csv "C:\temp\Test.csv" -NoTypeInfo -UseCulture
Why not just export to csv then?
Get-Service | Select Name,DisplayName,Status | Sort-Object Status | Export-Csv "C:\temp\Test.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Query regarding the format of a csv file when using the export-csv command in powershell

I'm familiar with exporting data to csv with Powershell, but a particular vendor wants to receive the data in a file that is specific type 'CSV'. If I use the following example command, the data looks fine in the raw csv format (i.e via notepad), where you see it's comma separated ...
... but when the same file is opened in Excel all the data is in one row and therefore is failing on the vendors side. The code I'm using is below.
$Table | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | ForEach-Object {$_-replace "`"", ""} | select -skip 1 | out-file -filepath ("$dir_opr\LVT\Export\CTO\ForJefferies\GMO_Jefferies_Trade_Data_" + $Date+ ".csv")
If I use the below code, then it looks fine in Excel (tabbed correctly), but the raw file is also tabbed and not comma separated which the vendor has issues with.
$Table | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation | ForEach-Object {$_-replace "`"", ""} | select -skip 1 | out-file -filepath ("$dir_opr\LVT\Export\CTO\ForJefferies\GMO_Jefferies_Trade_Data_" + $Date+ ".csv")
X JVF1032244 Test BY 450.0000 BYM41J3 10.00000000 43001843 Test 08/11/2020 08/13/2020 T 3.00 JPY 0 XTKS 0.00
X JVF1032245 Test BY 200.0000 BYM41J3 250.00000000 43001843 Test 08/11/2020 08/13/2020
Is it possible to create a comma separated and tabbed raw file, that also is delimited in Excel so not all in one column?
As far as I can tell with testing locally, it might be due to the default encoding that out-file uses - i.e utf8NoBOM. (See the description for the -Encoding parameter for details: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/out-file?view=powershell-7)
Try out-file -filepath $myfile -encoding utf8 - that seems to fix it on my machine.

Formatting tables in PowerShell to export as CSV

I'm seriously sleep deprived and stressed so it is probably extremely simple yet I still can't manage to figure it out.
I want to get an export of various things like services, processes, firewallrules, local users, whatever I need as a CSV but whenever I export it as such the csv only has 1 column in Excel when I open it.
I just want the output to be separated by columns so I can have a simple overview in Excel.
Get-Service | Sort-Object Status | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 10000 | Out-File -Append "C:\temp\Test.csv"
But this is the output I get:
This is what happens if I use a Export-CSV CMD: Services
PowerShell's default CSV delimiter is a comma. To make Excel read the CSV properly, change it to a semicolon using the -Delimiter parameter:
Get-Service | sort Status | Export-Csv "C:\temp\Test.csv" -NoTypeInfo -Delim ";"
Or use the -UseCulture switch (thanks #JosefZ), which uses the same region-based ListSeperator-setting as Excel:
Get-Service | sort Status | Export-Csv "C:\temp\Test.csv" -NoTypeInfo -UseCulture
Why not just export to csv then?
Get-Service | Select Name,DisplayName,Status | Sort-Object Status | Export-Csv "C:\temp\Test.csv" -NoTypeInformation

How do I remove carriage returns from text file using Powershell?

I'm outputting the contents of a directory to a txt file using the following command:
Get-ChildItem "$SearchPath" -Recurse | where {!$_.psiscontainer} | Format-Wide -Column 1'
| Out-File "$OutPath\Contents.txt" -Encoding ASCII -Width 200
What I end up with when I do this is a txt file with the information I need, but it adds numerous carriage returns I don't need, making the output harder to read.
This is what it looks like:
name of file.txt
name of another file.txt
c:\searchpath\another directory
name of some file.txt
That makes a txt file that requires a lot of scrolling, but the actual information isn't that much, usually a lot less than a hundred lines.
I would like for it to look like:
c:\searchpath\another directory
another file.txt
This is what I've tried so far, not working
$configFiles=get-childitem "c:\outpath\*.txt" -rec
foreach ($file in $configFiles)
(Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "'n", ""} |
Set-Content $file.PSPath
I've also tried 'r but both options leave the file unchanged.
Another attempt:
Select-String -Pattern "\w" -Path 'c:\outpath\contents.txt' | foreach {$_.line}'
| Set-Content -Path c:\outpath\contents2.txt
When I run that string without the Set-content at the end, it appears exactly as I need it in the ISE, but as soon as I add the Set-Content at the end, it once agains carriage returns where I don't need them.
Here's something interesting, if I create a text file with a few carriage returns and a few tabs, then if I use the same -replace script I've been using, but uset to replace the tabs, it works perfect. Butr and n do not work. It's almost as though it doesn't recognize them as escape characters. But if I addr and `n in the txt file then run the script, it still doesn't replace anything. Doesn't seem to know what to do with it.
Set-Content adds newlines by default. Replacing Set-Content by Out-File in your last attempt in your question will give you the file you want:
Select-String -Pattern "\w" -Path 'c:\outpath\contents.txt' | foreach {$_.line} |
Out-File -FilePath c:\outpath\contents2.txt
It's not 'r (apostrophe), it's a back tick: `r. That's the key above the tab key on the US keyboard layout. :)
You can simply avoid all those empty lines by using Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name:
Get-ChildItem "$SearchPath" -Recurse |
Where { !$_.PSIsContainer } |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
Out-File "$OutPath\Contents.txt" -Encoding ASCII -Width 200
... if you don't need the folder names.