How do I fix a role-based problem when my role appears to have the correct permissions? - kubernetes

I am trying to establish the namespace "sandbox" in Kubernetes and have been using it for several days for several days without issue. Today I got the below error.
I have checked to make sure that I have all of the requisite configmaps in place.
Is there a log or something where I can find what this is referring to?
panic: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
I did find this (MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-fcz9j" : object "default"/"kube-root-ca.crt" not registered) thread and have applied the below patch to my service account, but I am still getting the same error.
automountServiceAccountToken: false
In answer to #p10l I am working in a bare-metal cluster version 1.23.0. No terraform.
I am getting closer, but still not there.
This appears to be another RBAC problem, but the error does not make sense to me.
I have a user "dma." I am running workflows in the "sandbox" namespace using the context dma#kubernetes
The error now is
Create request failed: is forbidden: User "dma" cannot create resource "workflows" in API group "" in the namespace "sandbox"
but that user indeed appears to have the correct permissions.
This is the output of
kubectl get role dma -n sandbox -o yaml
kind: Role
annotations: |
creationTimestamp: "2021-12-21T19:41:38Z"
name: dma
namespace: sandbox
resourceVersion: "1055045"
uid: 94191881-895d-4457-9764-5db9b54cdb3f
- apiGroups:
- ""
- apps
- autoscaling
- batch
- extensions
- policy
- pods
- configmaps
- deployments
- events
- pods
- persistentvolumes
- persistentvolumeclaims
- services
- workflows
- get
- list
- watch
- create
- update
- patch
- delete
This is the output of kubectl get rolebinding -n sandbox dma-sandbox-rolebinding -o yaml
kind: RoleBinding
annotations: |
creationTimestamp: "2021-12-21T19:56:06Z"
name: dma-sandbox-rolebinding
namespace: sandbox
resourceVersion: "1050593"
uid: d4d53855-b5fc-4f29-8dbd-17f682cc91dd
kind: Role
name: dma
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: dma
namespace: sandbox

The issue you are describing is a reoccuring one, described here and here where your cluster lacks KUBECONFIG environment variable.
First, run echo $KUBECONFIG on all your nodes to see if it's empty.
If it is, look for the config file in your cluster, then copy it to all the nodes, then export this variable by running export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/config. This file can be usually found at ~/.kube/config/ or /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf` on master nodes.
Let me know, if this solution worked in your case.


Inadvertently deleted admin clusterrole and can't access cluster resources

I deleted my cluster-admin role via kubectl using:
kubectl delete clusterrole cluster-admin
Not sure what I expected, but now I don't have access to the cluster from my account. Any attempt to get or change resources using kubectl returns a 403, Forbidden.
Is there anything I can do to revert this change without blowing away the cluster and creating a new one? I have a managed cluster on Digital Ocean.
Not sure what I expected, but now I don't have access to the cluster from my account.
If none of the kubectl commands actually work, unfortunately you will not be able to create a new cluster role. The problem is that you won't be able to do anything without an admin role. You can try creating the cluster-admin role directly through the API (not using kubectl), but if that doesn't help you have to recreate the cluster.
Try applying this YAML to creaste the new Cluster role
kind: ClusterRole
annotations: "true"
labels: rbac-defaults
name: cluster-admin
- apiGroups:
- '*'
- '*'
- '*'
- nonResourceURLs:
- '*'
- '*'
apply the YAML file changes
kubectl apply -f <filename>.yaml

Openshift - Run pod only for specific time period

I'm new to Openshfit. We are using openshift deployments to deploy our multiple microservice (SpringBoot application). The deployment is done from docker image.
We have a situation that we need to stop one micro service alone from Midnight till morning 5 AM ( due to an external dependency ).
Could someone suggest a way to do this automatically?
I was able to run
oc scale deployment/sampleservice--replicas=0 manually to make number of pods as zero and scale up to 1 manually later.
I'm not sure how to run this command on specific time automatically. The CronJob in Openshift should be able to do this. But not sure how to configure cronjob to execute an OC command.
Any guidance will be of great help
Using a cronjob is a good option.
First, you'll need an image that has the oc command line client available. I'm sure there's a prebuilt one out there somewhere, but since this will be running with privileges in your OpenShift cluster you want something you trust, which probably means building it yourself. I used:
RUN curl -o /tmp/openshift-client.tar.gz \; \
tar -C /bin -xf /tmp/openshift-client.tar.gz oc kubectl; \
rm -f /tmp/openshift-client.tar.gz
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/oc"]
In order to handle authentication correctly, you'll need to create a ServiceAccount and then assign it appropriate privileges through a Role and a RoleBinding. I created a ServiceAccount named oc-client-sa:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: oc-client-sa
namespace: oc-client-example
A Role named oc-client-role that grants privileges to Pod and Deployment objects:
kind: Role
name: oc-client-role
namespace: oc-client-example
- verbs:
- get
- list
- create
- watch
- patch
- ''
- pods
- verbs:
- get
- list
- create
- watch
- patch
- 'apps'
- deployments
- deployments/scale
And a RoleBinding that connects the oc-client-sa ServiceAccount
to the oc-client-role Role:
kind: RoleBinding
name: oc-client-rolebinding
namespace: oc-client-example
kind: Role
name: oc-client-role
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: oc-client-sa
With all this in place, we can write a CronJob like this that will
scale down a deployment at a specific time. Note that we're running
the jobs using the oc-client-sa ServiceAccount we created earlier:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
name: scale-web-down
namespace: oc-client-example
schedule: "00 00 * * *"
concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
serviceAccountName: oc-client-sa
restartPolicy: Never
- image:
- scale
- deployment/sampleservice
- --replicas=0
name: oc-scale-down
You would write a similar one to scale things back up at 5AM.
The oc client will automatically use the credentials provided to your pod by Kubernetes because of the serviceAccountName setting.
You can use the OC rest api client and write the simple python code which will scale down replicas. Pack this python into a docker image and run it as a cronjob inside the OC cluster.
Simple Curl
Run a simple curl inside the cronjob to scale up & down deployment at a certain time.
Here is a simple Curl to scale the deployment:
API documentation :
If you don't want to run code as docker image in cronjob of K8s, you can also run the command, in that case, use the docker image inside cronjob, and fire the command
OC-cli :
Dont forget authentication is required in both cases either API or running a command inside the cronjob.

Does a Pod use the k8s API Server to fetch spec declarations?

I'm going through this post, where we bind a Role to a Service Account and then query the API Server using said Service Account. The role only has list permission to the pods resource.
I did an experiment where I mounted a random Secret into a Pod that is using the above Service Account and my expectation was that the Pod would attempt to query the Secret and fail the creation process, but the pod is actually running successfully with the secret mounted in place.
So I'm left wondering when does a pod actually needs to query the API Server for resources or if the pod creation process is special and gets the resources through other means.
Here is the actual list of resources I used for my test:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: example-sa
kind: Role
name: example-role
- apiGroups:
- ""
- pods
- list
kind: RoleBinding
name: example-rb
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: example-sa
kind: Role
name: example-role
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: example-secret
password: c3RhY2tvdmVyZmxvdw==
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: example-pod
serviceAccountName: example-sa
- name: webserver
image: nginx
- name: secret-volume
mountPath: /mysecrets
- name: secret-volume
secretName: example-secret
I must admit that at first I didn't quite get your point, but when I read your question again I think now I can see what it's all about. First of all I must say that your initial interpretation is wrong. Let me explain it.
You wrote:
I did an experiment where I mounted a random Secret into a Pod that
is using the above Service Account
Actually the key word here is "I". The question is: who creates a Pod and who **mounts a random Secret into this Pod ? And the answer to that question from your perspective is simple: me. When you create a Pod you don't use the above mentioned ServiceAccount but you authorize your access to kubernetes API through entries in your .kube/config file. During the whole Pod creation process the ServiceAccount you created is not used a single time.
and my expectation was that the
Pod would attempt to query the Secret and fail the creation process,
but the pod is actually running successfully with the secret mounted
in place.
Why would it query the Secret if it doesn't use it ?
You can test it in a very simple way. You just need to kubectl exec into your running Pod and try to run kubectl, query kubernetes API directly or use one of the officially supported kubernetes cliet libraries. Then you will see that you're allowed to perform only specific operations, listed in your Role i.e. list Pods. If you attempt to run kubectl get secrets from within your Pod, it will fail.
The result you get is totally expected and there is nothig surprising in the fact that a random Secret is successfully mounted and a Pod is being created successfully every time. It's you who query kubernetes API and request creation of a Pod with a Secret mounted. **It's not Pod's
So I'm left wondering when does a pod actually needs to query the API
Server for resources or if the pod creation process is special and
gets the resources through other means.
If you don't have specific queries e.g. written in python that use Kubernetes Python Client library that are run by your Pod or you don't use kubectl command from within such Pod, you won't see it making any queries to kubernetes API as all the queries needed for its creation process are performed by you, with permissions given to your user.

Spring Cloud Kubernetes: What are cluster-reader permissions?

According to Spring Cloud Kubernetes docs, in order to discover services/pods in RBAC enabled Kubernetes distros:
you need to make sure a pod that runs with spring-cloud-kubernetes has access to the Kubernetes API. For any service accounts you assign to a deployment/pod, you need to make sure it has the correct roles. For example, you can add cluster-reader permissions to your default service account depending on the project you’re in.
What are cluster-reader permissions in order to discover services/pods?
Error I receiving is:
io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: GET at: https://x.x.x.x/api/v1/namespaces/jx-staging/services.
Message: Forbidden!Configured service account doesn't have access.
Service account may have been revoked. services is forbidden:
User "system:serviceaccount:jx-staging:default" cannot list services in the namespace "jx-staging"
Read endpoints and services seems to be a bare minimum for Spring Cloud Kubernetes to discover pods and services.
Example adds permissions to default service account in default namespace.
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-read-role
- apiGroups:
- ""
- endpoints
- pods
- services
- configmaps
- get
- list
- watch
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: cluster-read-rolebinding
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: default
namespace: default
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-read-role
Kubernetes generally categorizes roles into two types:
Role: This are specific to the namespace to which they are granted
ClusterRole: Applies to the whole cluster, meaning that it applies to all namespaces
So what the Spring Cloud Kubernetes docs mean there is that in order to be able to read properly discover services/pods across all namespaces, the ServiceAccount which will be associated with the application should have a ClusterRole that allows it to read Pods, Services etc.
This part of the Kubernetes docs (which also contains great examples) is a must-read for a general understanding of Kubernetes RBAC.

Kubernetes log, User "system:serviceaccount:default:default" cannot get services in the namespace

Forbidden!Configured service account doesn't have access. Service account may have been revoked. User "system:serviceaccount:default:default" cannot get services in the namespace "mycomp-services-process"
For the above issue I have created "mycomp-service-process" namespace and checked the issue.
But it shows again message like this:
Message: Forbidden!Configured service account doesn't have access. Service account may have been revoked. User "system:serviceaccount:mycomp-services-process:default" cannot get services in the namespace "mycomp-services-process"
Creating a namespace won't, of course, solve the issue, as that is not the problem at all.
In the first error the issue is that serviceaccount default in default namespace can not get services because it does not have access to list/get services. So what you need to do is assign a role to that user using clusterrolebinding.
Following the set of minimum privileges, you can first create a role which has access to list services:
kind: ClusterRole
namespace: default
name: service-reader
- apiGroups: [""] # "" indicates the core API group
resources: ["services"]
verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
What above snippet does is create a clusterrole which can list, get and watch services. (You will have to create a yaml file and apply above specs)
Now we can use this clusterrole to create a clusterrolebinding:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding service-reader-pod \
--clusterrole=service-reader \
In above command the service-reader-pod is name of clusterrolebinding and it is assigning the service-reader clusterrole to default serviceaccount in default namespace. Similar steps can be followed for the second error you are facing.
In this case I created clusterrole and clusterrolebinding but you might want to create a role and rolebinding instead. You can check the documentation in detail here
This is only for non prod clusters
You should bind service account system:serviceaccount:default:default (which is the default account bound to Pod) with role cluster-admin, just create a yaml (named like fabric8-rbac.yaml) with following contents:
# NOTE: The service account `default:default` already exists in k8s cluster.
# You can create a new account following like this:
#apiVersion: v1
#kind: ServiceAccount
# name: <new-account-name>
# namespace: <namespace>
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: fabric8-rbac
- kind: ServiceAccount
# Reference to upper's ``
name: default
# Reference to upper's `metadata.namespace`
namespace: default
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
Then, apply it by running kubectl apply -f fabric8-rbac.yaml.
If you want unbind them, just run kubectl delete -f fabric8-rbac.yaml.
Just to add.
This can also occur when you are redeploying an existing application to the wrong Kubernetes cluster that are similar.
Ensure you check to be sure that the Kubernetes cluster you're deploying to is the correct cluster.