hook on_route_exception => sub {
# This code is not executed
hook on_handler_exception => sub {
# This code is not executed
hook after => sub {
# This code is not executed
hook after_error_render => sub {
# This code is not executed
hook before => sub {
if ($some_condition) {
# This code is not executed :
get '/' => sub {
"hello there";
I can find this piece of documentation:
Thus, any code after a halt is ignored, until the end of the route.
But hooks are after the end of route, so should not be ignored. Should be?
Why hooks are ignored too?
I would think that the reason is that the processing was halted. The
would essentially return that content in the response object and no further events are required. The halt effectively halted all processing for that request/response.
That is a guess based on how it is behaving and the description.
A closer look at :https://metacpan.org/release/BIGPRESH/Dancer-1.3513/source/lib/Dancer.pm#L156
shows that after the Response Content is set to "Unauthorized" it calls:
which dies:
sub throw { die shift }
At least that's how I read that code. Since it dies there is nothing else to do.
Likely a deliberate design decision based on the intention to halt.
The nutshell:
When I do a hot deployment of Hypnotoad sometimes the new server immediately processes a slew of HTTP requests that were already handled by the previous server.
If a response has been rendered but the thread is still doing some processing does Mojo/Hypnotoad retain the request until the processing has stopped? Do I need to tell the server that the HTTP request is resolved?
The long version:
I have a Mojolicious::Lite app running under Hypnotoad.
The app's function is to accept HTTP requests from another service.
We are processing jobs that progress through a series of states.
At each job state change the app is notified with an HTTP request.
This is a busy little script - recieving more than 1000 req/hour.
The scripts job is to manipulate some data .. doing DB updates, editng files, sending mail.
In an effort to keep things moving along, when it recieves the HTTP request it sanity checks the data it recieved. If the data looks good it sends a 200 response to the caller immediately and then continues on to do the more time consuming tasks. (I'm guessing this is the underlying cause)
When I hot deploy - by rerunning the start script (which runs 'localperl/bin/hypnotoad $RELDIR/etc/bki/bki.pl') - some requests that were already handled are sent to the new server and reprocessed.
Why are these old transactions still being held by the original server? Many have been long since completed!
Does the need to tell Mojolicious that the request is done before it goes off and messes with data?
(I considered $c->finish() but that is just for sockets?)
How does Hypnotoad decide what requests should be passed to it's replacement server?
Here is some psuedo code with what I'm doing:
get '/jobStateChange/:jobId/:jobState/:jobCause' => sub {
my $c =shift;
my $jobId = $c->stash("jobId");
return $c->render(text => "invalid jobId: $jobId", status => 400) unless $jobId=~/^\d+$/;
my $jobState = $c->stash("jobState");
return $c->render(text => "invalid jobState: $jobState", status => 400) unless $jobState=~/^\d+$/;
my $jobCause = $c->stash("jobCause");
return $c->render(text => "invalid jobCause: $jobCause", status => 400) unless $jobCause=~/^\d+$/;
my $jobLocation = $c->req->param('jobLocation');
if ($jobLocation){ $jobLocation = $ENV{'DATADIR'} . "/jobs/" . $jobLocation; }
unless ( $jobLocation && -d $jobLocation ){
app->log->debug("determining jobLocation because passed job jobLocation isn't useable");
$jobLocation = getJobLocation($jobId);
$c->stash("jobLocation", $jobLocation);
# TODO - more validation? would BKI lie to us?
return if $c->tx->res->code && 400 == $c->tx->res->code; # return if we rendered an error above
# tell BKI we're all set ASAP
$c->render(text => 'ok');
handleJobStatusUpdate($c, $jobId, $jobState, $jobCause, $jobLocation);
sub handleJobStatusUpdate{
my ($c, $jobId, $jobState, $jobCause, $jobLocation) = #_;
app->log->info("job $jobId, state $jobState, cause $jobCause, loc $jobLocation");
# set the job states in jobs
app->work_db->do($sql, undef, #params);
if ($jobState == $SOME_JOB_STATE) {
... do stuff ...
... uses $c->stash to hold data used by other functions
if ($jobState == $OTHER_JOB_STATE) {
... do stuff ...
... uses $c->stash to hold data used by other functions
Your request will not be complete until the request handler returns. This little app, for example, will take 5 seconds to output "test":
# test.pl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/test' => sub { $_[0]->render( text => "test" ); sleep 5 };
The workaround for your app would be to run handleJobStatusUpdate in a background process.
get '/jobStateChange/:jobId/:jobState/:jobCause' => sub {
my $c =shift;
my $jobId = $c->stash("jobId");
my $jobState = $c->stash("jobState");
my $jobCause = $c->stash("jobCause");
my $jobLocation = $c->req->param('jobLocation');
$c->render(text => 'ok');
if (fork() == 0) {
handleJobStatusUpdate($c, $jobId, $jobState, $jobCause, $jobLocation);
Whenever I POST something to a page with Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI I notice that my old CGI script doesn't get any POST data.. Data inside the body of the HTTP request. What am I doing wrong and how do I fix this?
In my case, this was because I was using Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI v0.35 and Catalyst::Controller::REST. This created a problem.. My configuration looked like this,
package MyApp::Controller::REST;
__PACKAGE__->config(namespace => '');
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' }
package MyApp::Controller::Root;
__PACKAGE__->config(namespace => '');
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI' }
However, Catalyst::Controller::REST installs a begin action on line 298
sub begin : ActionClass('Deserialize') { }
And, that -- in my case -- was delegating to Catalyst::Action::Deserialize::JSON which is smart enough to seek($body,0,0) but too dumb and inconsiderate to do that for the next guy down the chain.... Code below from here
if(openhandle $body) {
seek($body, 0, 0); # in case something has already read from it
while ( defined( my $line = <$body> ) ) {
$rbody .= $line;
And, to make matters even worse, the next guy down the chain in this example is Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI which not just fails to clean up for the next guy, but fails to set it up for itself (code from here),
if ($body) { # Slurp from body filehandle
local $/; $body_content = <$body>;
That should look like (at the very least)
if ($body) { # Slurp from body filehandle
local $/;
$body_content = <$body>;
That's why we can't have nice things... I opened a bug in C:C:WrapCGI to get this resolved.
in my stage server I would like to activate the debug so the clients can find errors for themselves before the app goes to the production server.
BUT I only want the first part of the message, not the Request, or the Session Data.
For example: Couldn't render template "templates/home.tt2: file error - templates/inc/heater: not found".
The message is enough for me and for my client to see that the "header" call is misspelled.
The Request has a lot of irrelevant information for the client, but also has A LOT of internal developing information that should be hidden all the time!!
What you want is to override Catalyst's dump_these method. This returns a list of things to display on Catalyst's error debugging page.
The default implementation looks like:
sub dump_these {
my $c = shift;
[ Request => $c->req ],
[ Response => $c->res ],
[ Stash => $c->stash ],
[ Config => $c->config ];
but you can make it more restrictive, for example
sub dump_these {
my $c = shift;
return [ Apology => "We're sorry that you encountered a problem" ],
[ Response => substr($c->res->body, 0, 512) ];
You would define dump_these in your app's main module -- the one where you use Catalyst.
I had a similar problem that I solved by overriding the Catalyst method log_request_parameters.
Something like this (as #mob said, put it in your main module):
sub log_request_parameters {
my $c = shift;
my %all_params = #_;
my $copy = Clone::clone(\%all_params); # don't change the 'real' request params
# Then, do anything you want to only print what matters to you,
# for example, to hide some POST parameters:
my $body = $copy->{body} || {};
foreach my $key (keys %$body) {
$body->{$key} = '****' if $key =~ /password/;
return $c->SUPER::log_request_parameters( %$copy );
But you could also simply return at the beginning, if you don't want any GET/POST parameters displayed.
Well, I didn't think of the more obvious solution, in your case: you could simply set your log level to something higher than debug, which would prevent these debug logs from being displayed, but would keep the error logs:
# (or a similar condition to check you are not on the production server)
if ( !__PACKAGE__->config->{dev} ) {
__PACKAGE__->log->levels( 'warn', 'error', 'fatal' ) if ref __PACKAGE__->log;
I'm writing a script to assist people who'll scan a barcode and get a response to keep or dispose the scanned sample. I want to have a message, similar to tk's messagebox or Win32::MsgBox but one that requires no user interaction to go away after three seconds.
My thought was to create the messages in a child process, using alarm to kill the process after a delay. In Tk:
sub tmpMsgBox {
my ($message,$delay) = #_;
if (fork() == 0) {
my $topWin = MainWindow->new;
my $label = $topWin->Label();
my $ok = $topWin->Button();
$label->pack(-side => 'top');
$ok->pack(-side => 'bottom');
$label->configure(-text => $message);
$ok->configure(-text => 'Ok', -command => sub {exit});
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {exit};
alarm $delay || 1;
for (3..10) {
tmpMsgBox("This window will disappear in $_ seconds", $_);
I don't think Tk plays nicely with fork, though, so this idea probably won't work so well if you are also using Tk in your main process.
Desktop::Notify is the standard-compliant interface to the desktop's passive notification pop-ups.
perl -MDesktop::Notify -e'
body => q{why hello there},
timeout => 3000
What you want to do is to send a destroy message to the window after your timeout (remembering to cancel the sending of the message if the user does choose something!) Tk's certainly capable of doing this.
# Make the timeout something like this...
$id = $widget->after(3000, sub {
# To cancel, just do...
You also need to make sure that you don't block when the widget is forced to go away, of course. This also prevents trouble if someone kills the widget by other means too, so it's a double-bonus.
I'm a newbie in Perl.
I have a JSON-RPC server running at http://localhost:19000 and I need to call checkEmail() method.
use JSON::RPC::Client;
my $client = new JSON::RPC::Client;
my $url = 'http://localhost:19000';
my $callobj = {
method => 'checkEmail',
params => [ 'rprikhodchenko#gmail.com' ],
my $res = $client->call($url, $callobj);
if($res) {
if ($res->is_error) {
print "Error : ", $res->error_message;
else {
print $res->result;
else {
print $client->status_line;
When I try to launch it it tells following:
perl ./check_ac.pl
Not a HASH reference at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/JSON/RPC/Client.pm line 193.
Full stack-trace:
perl -MCarp::Always ./check_ac.pl
Not a HASH reference at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/JSON/RPC/Client.pm line 193
JSON::RPC::ReturnObject::new('JSON::RPC::ReturnObject', 'HTTP::Response=HASH(0x9938d48)', 'JSON=SCALAR(0x96f1518)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/JSON/RPC/Client.pm line 118
JSON::RPC::Client::call('JSON::RPC::Client=HASH(0x944a818)', 'http://localhost:19000', 'HASH(0x96f1578)') called at ./check_ac.pl line 11
This error means that your JSON-RPC server is not actually one, inasmuch as it does not satisfy requirement 7.3. The error is triggered when JSON::RPC::Client assumes the document returned by the JSON-RPC service is well-formed (i.e., a JSON Object), and this assumptions turns out to have been in error. A bug report to the author of JSON::RPC::Client would be an appropriate way to request better error messaging.
I would attack this sort of problem by finding out what the server was returning that was causing JSON::RPC::Client to choke. Unfortunately, JRC fails to provide adequate hookpoints for finding this out, so you'll have to be a little bit tricky.
I don't like editing external libraries, so I recommend an extend-and-override approach to instrumenting traffic with the JSON-RPC server. Something like this (in check_ac.pl):
use Data::Dumper qw();
package JSON::RPC::InstrumentedClient;
use base 'JSON::RPC::Client';
# This would be better done with Module::Install, but I'm limiting dependencies today.
sub _get {
my ($self, #args) = #_;
return $self->_dump_response($self->SUPER::_get(#args));
sub _post {
my ($self, #args) = #_;
return $self->_dump_response($self->SUPER::_post(#args));
sub _dump_response {
my ($self, $response) = #_;
warn Data::Dumper::Dump([$response->decoded_content], [qw(content)]);
return $response;
package main;
my $client = JSON::RPC::InstrumentedClient->new();
my $url = 'http://localhost:19000';
... # rest of check_ac.pl
This wraps the calls to _get and _post that JSON::RPC::Client makes internally in such a way as to let you examine what the web server actually said in response to the request we made. The above code dumps the text content of the page; this might not be the right thing in your case and will blow up if an error is encountered. It's a debugging aid only, to help you figure out from the client code side what is wrong with the server.
That's enough caveats for now, I think. Good luck.
It seems to be a bug in method new of JSON::RPC::ReturnObject.
sub new {
my ($class, $obj, $json) = #_;
my $content = ( $json || JSON->new->utf8 )->decode( $obj->content );
# line 193
$content->{error} ? $self->is_success(0) : $self->is_success(1);
$content's value will be something returned from a JSON::decode() call. But looking at the documentation, it seems that JSON->decode() returns a scalar which could be a number, a string, an array reference, or a hash reference.
Unfortunately, JSON::RPC::ReturnObject->new() doesn't check what sort of thing JSON->decode() returned before trying to access it as a hashref. Given your error, I'm going to go ahead and assume what it got in your case was not one. :-)
I don't know if there's a way to force a fix from your code. I'd recommend contacting the author and letting him know about the issue, and/or filing a bug.