Adsense GDPR consent message - add logo - adsense

I have enabled the Adsense GDPR consent message on my site - it works fine. However I'd like to customize it by adding my logo.
Google say:
Add a logo to a site message
Sign in to your AdSense account.
Click Privacy & messaging.
Click GDPR.
In the list of messages, click Edit in the row with the message you want to edit.
Click Header in the menu sidebar.
Turn on the Logo toggle to automatically display your site's logo in your message.
Click Apply style to update the message.
If no logo is found, turn off the Logo toggle. Leaving the toggle turned on when there is no logo to display may prevent you from being
able to publish the message.
In my case the site logo is not found and I can't find where or how to add one.

Click: > Privacy & messaging > GDPR > Messages > [message style] Edit > Site settings > edit > Logo > Add


mail merge and outlook causes an error dialogue pop up

Dialog Box comes up in MS-Word that says: "A program is trying to access e-mail address information stored in Outlook....." when I try to send.
I followed these instructions:
In Outlook, go to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center settings.
Click on Programmatic Access from the left pane.
Select Never warn me about suspicious activity and click OK.
BUT it won't let me click anything. It's all in light grey ie: no clickable.
These properties can only be set by an Exchange Admin. See for the list of your options.

Liferay Asset Publisher full content

I'm using Liferay for the first time at work and I'm facing the following issue: I have an Asset Publisher which lists some web contents (abstracts). I want to see full content in another page when clicking one of the content items in the asset publisher. I believe this is a very common functionality but still havenĀ“t been able to find a solution (hopefully it is quite simple). I'm using Liferay CE 6.2 GA5.
From the "Asset Link Behavior" drop down in the Asset Publisher configuration settings (get there by clicking the gear icon on the top right of your AP, choose "Configuration", then click on "Display Settings" tab) you can choose "View in Context". This should allow your content to open in a separate page.
You will also need to set a "Display Page" for your Web content (abstracts). Create the page where you want to display the full content, add an Asset Publisher to that page, and configure that asset publisher to "Set as the Default Asset Publisher for This Page" and "Show only assets with 'your chosen page name' as its display page." - these are checkboxes in the configuration settings.
Here's the documentation from Liferay:
I hope this helps.

facebook page tab - client doesn't appear in the drop down list when add page tab

I was trying to make a facebook page tab for my client and I following the steps in the following link:
EDIT: These are the steps:
Login in as my developer account
Choose "Add New App" -> webpage
Input the App Display name and click "Create App ID"
Choose "Add platform" in the App Dashboard -> settings, then choose "Page Tab"
Input my page content's link in the "Secure Page Tab URL" field - with https
Open an browser and type [facebook_URL]/dialog/pagetab?app_id=MY_APP_ID&next=MY_URL, replace MY_APP_ID with App ID I find in the setting, replace MY_URL with the link in step 5
Then I found I am stuck because there is no option I can choose in the "Facebook Pages" List, as shown in the image below:
Then I did 2 more steps:
In the Dash board, go to settings and input my contact Email
In the Status and Review menu, switch to yes on "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?"
Tried again but the facebook owner still no show up in the list
As far as I know the facebook page owner has granted me a administrator right to their page. What else do I need to set or the page owner need to set and didn't mentioned in the above steps?

Choosing Fax Attachment during DocuSign Embedded Signing results in "cancel" event

I am making API calls to create an embedded signing URL token that enables our end user to see a DocuSign document. One of the tabs on the document is a file attachment. The file attachment appears when the user clicks on the tab, giving the option to "Choose File" or "Send By Fax".
If the user clicks on "Send By Fax", he/she gets a message saying that a cover sheet will be printed at the end of the signing process. The user can click on "OK".
After all of the tabs are validated a "FINISH" button appears. The user clicks on "FINISH" and then a "Send Attachment By Fax" message appears. The user clicks on "Print Cover Page" which downloads the cover page PDF. The user prints the PDF.
Then the user clicks on DONE, to close the dialog. Control is returned to the ReturnURL along with the parameter "event=cancel".
According to the documentation (, the event parameter should be "event=fax_pending".
Is there any way to get the correct event parameter ("event=fax_pending" rather than "event=cancel") when awaiting a fax? Without the correct parameter, when we parse the response parameters we are lead to believe that the user canceled when in fact he/she is just planning to fax the attachment.
I just tried to repro this and was not able to repro. It is possible that you are on the older signing experience and experiencing a bug.
My experience:
1) Send envelope from a template
2) Create recipient view with respective information
3) access recipient view
4) Click Continue
5) Click "Other Actions" dropdown
6) Select "Print & Sign"
7) Click "Fax"
8) Click Download to download the PDF
9) Click "Finish"
10) Get result: default URL &?event=fax_pending appended
My result was:
I did post a support request to, and after a few days got a definitive answer. This event result is a known bug. However support told me of a work-around that is satisfactory for our purposes, which is to suppress the fax option during the attachment process. Here are the steps I followed:
log in to ( for production)
click on preferences (drop-down in upper right)
click on branding (at left)
click on edit (to edit the brand)
click on resources
under signing resource click on Download Master
That downloads an XML file.
Add the following element as the last sub-element of : false
Save the file.
Click on Upload Captive Resource and upload the changed file

Facebook - App url seems odd

Okay, Ive been trying to accomplish a very simple task.
How can get my new custom app url from:
I realize that i have the app assigned to a separate page (i created earlier) but Ive seen on other profiles that the first page you visit contains all the apps on the left side bar. Im just not understanding why facebook has made this so difficult.
My objective is to have a share button in an app. I have been referring to this page:
Thank you!
You must be an administrator of the page you wish to put your application on.
Click your application
Click Edit App (Top right)
Click View App Profile Page (Left hand side)
Click Add to My Page (Left hand side)
In the lightbox which appears click Add to Page next to the one you wish to add it to.
You can't add tab to user's profile, so creating is not possible, sorry. You can only add tab to fan page (like here: This type of page doesn't have friends, it gathers likes and is mostly used to represent companies/celebrities/activities. If you want to add application to this kind of page, you have to go to and click "Add to my page".
You probably want this:
Go to
Click "Edit page" on right top side of page.
Go to "Basic information".
Click "Create username for this page?".
Enter username.