Cannot open unity project normally, error message: openProject projectPath:xxx current editor:',\n undefined - unity3d

I use 2020.1.5lc1 version to open my unity project, but after I click the project in unity hub, there is no response, unity IDE didn't open. I checked log file find message:
{"moduleName":"LocalProject","level":"info","message":"[ 'openProject projectPath: "xxx", current editor:',\n undefined ]","timestamp":"2021-12-17T05:33:26.666Z"}.

This looks like a known, and for now, unresolved issue that can occur when using the Unity Hub.
There's a bunch of suggested fixes from users:
using a wifi connection only (unplug ethernet cable)
reissuing the license
reinstalling the hub
using Unity without the hub - just as a standalone
And Unity is promising an update somewhere in the undefined future.
If you have a working older version you are upgrading from I would stick with that for now. But you can try any of the suggested fixes and work arounds.


Google Play games Unity plugin error: "Invalid classname"

I'm getting an error when I try to setup the Google Play Games in Unity.
Google Play Games plugin version: 0.10.12
I have two versions of a single game project. One is with Unity version 2019.4.15f1. Other is with 2021.3.2f1.
The new version has some changes and fixes to the game and different ads provider, so I can't just use the older version just for the Google Play Games plugin.
When I use this plugin with Unity version 2019, I am able to save the configuration, but when I use the same plugin with Unity version 2021, I keep getting this error:
Invalid classname: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I tried downgrading to 0.9.53 but that causes the same issue in 2021, and I also tried upgrading to 0.11.01 which seems to save the configuration, but doesn't have the option to sign out of google play games which is necessary for me.
I also got that error but now I solved it.
Using Unity version "2020.3.23f1.
It will be okay.
If you do, the error comes out then reboot your computer.

Unity - Bug in Unity Hub : Unity is already in list. You cannot locate the same version

When I launch a project via Unity Hub, the following message is printed : Unity is already in list. You cannot locate the same version.
unity hub error
And when I want to access my project via Assets -> Scenes.
I get this : error message
If I said "continue", my project is broken with a lot of errors to fix.
Have you a solution ?
From what I see in your screenshot, you are trying to open a project with an older unity version than the project's version. As it is written in the message, the operation is not supported and you should open it with at least the same version, or an older one. Make sure you have such a version installed in Unity Hub and to open the scene with this version.
You can still try to get everything to work by reimporting all you assets in Assets -> Reimport All but this will probably fail.

Hololens2 Azure Spatial Anchors Tutorial Crash

Trying to follow the Microsoft Azure Spatial Anchors tutorial (even after it was recently updated) but the Release build of the project crashes on launch on the device (just after the Unity splash screen). Interestingly a Debug build of the same project seems to launch ok.
I've been able to build, deploy, test both the basic Hololen2 tutorials and the ASA Samples as well as some custom projects so don't think this is a general development or deployment issue.
Have others been able to follow this tutorial and successfully deploy to a device recently and/or is there any suggestions to diagnose the issue further?
Setup and Unity packages used (as per the tutorial and linked instructions):
Hololens OS (up to date): 19041.1136
Unity 2019.4.19f1
MRTK Foundation - 2.5.3 from the basic tutorial series (MRTK Package Tool)
AR Foundation: 3.1.3
Windows Mixed Reality: 4.2.1 (downgrade from 4.2.3?)
Note: MRTK.HoloLens2.Unity.Tutorials.Assets.AzureSpatialAnchors.2.4.0.unitypackage listed in the tutorial actually links to a new 2.5.3 package ( however the version file in this package still has 2.4.0??
Exception thrown at 0x00000226E0FBCC40 in Workspace Hololens2 MRTK.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00000226E0FBCC40.
Have you tried to upgrade the ASA SDK to version 2.7.2 (
They have recently fixed an error exactly like the one you're reporting:
"The first bug was specific to ARM32 builds running on HoloLens 2 and was manifesting as an access violation crash in SDK during anchor creation or query."
I have the same Problem. Running it without the Debug Window worked for me!

Weaver failure: unable to locate assemblies (no matching project) for: Temp/Assembly-CSharp.dll

I opened Unity for the first time in a while today and I'm unable to create new scripts of any type. Both the normal and right click menus are missing the option:
Adding a script through the inspector creates a file, but yields these errors:
Although the file is created, it does not appear in either the project browser, or inspector panels.
Googling various parts of these errors actually gets a lot of posts, but almost all of them come down to "restart Unity", which isn't doing anything.
All of this is reproducible for me on a fresh project file. I've tried restarting Unity and my computer, as well as reinstalling Unity from scratch. I've also double checked that I have .NET installed properly (reinstalled, and dotnet command works in terminal).
Unity: 5.4.5p5
Mac OS 10.13.3
This is a bug present in versions between Unity 5.1 and 5.4. It has been fixed in Unity 5.5.0 and an update to 5.5.0 and above should fix it.
If updating to Unity 5.5.0 which has the fix did not fix it then it's better to upgrade Unity to the latest version which is currently Unity 2017.4 at the time of posting this answer. This version should be able to get ride of that error.

Google VR - Unity - Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/x86_64/audioplugingvrunity.dll'

I am using Unity 5.3.5f1 Personal and I am trying to integrate Unity with Google VR SDK. Everything works great with stereoscopic rendering and I can add models to it. But console shows an error:
Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/x86_64/audioplugingvrunity.dll' with error 'The specified module could not be found.'
Everything else works fine.
Background Information: I am using Windows 10 Pro edition
As you can see, I have the file audioplugingvrunity.dll in the desired folder but it still gives me a warning message.
Does the file exist at the stated path in your project? Note that in the prior version of the SDK, the filename was very slightly different (old: audiopluginvrunity.dll, new: audioplugingvrunity.dll, i.e. "vr" -> "gvr"). If the old file is still there, delete it in Windows explorer (with Unity closed), reopen Unity, and reimport the SDK.