YCSB differences between Workload F and workload A - nosql

I don't understand what the difference between workload A (50% read, 50% update) and workload F(50% read, 50% read-modify-write)
update isn't read-modify-write ?
what the difference between read operation and scan operation ?
i don't understand exactly what the signification of thread ? (number of request or number of client ?)
please help.

You have multiple questions. I am answering the first one, which is the one described in the title.
Update modifies a record without reading it first (though it may read it first by chance, as part of the read operations in the workload). Read-modify-update, as the name indicates, reads the value of a record, modifies it and writes the new value. They are both updates indeed, but the access pattern is different.
Ref: https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Core-Workloads


GCloud Storage Rewrite operation performance/latency

What is the average time that a rewrite API operation takes to complete rewrite for different sizes of objects?
Assume: rewrite of the same object, same source and destination but with different CMEK (of KMS).
There is no documentation regarding this. I need this information to estimate how much time a batch re-write job takes to complete when there are many objects.
I understand that latency might be a hard question to answer, but I'm only interested in whether it finishes in seconds or minutes etc(for example for an object that is couple of GBs say 3GB).
Since all of rewrite happens inside google components itself, I'm unable to figure this out. Any help or documentation related to this would be of great help.
If the source and destination buckets are in the same location and storage class, rewrite will be a fast (metadata-only) operation.
Otherwise the bytes have to be copied by the service, so time grows with object size and also will be slower if the source and destination are far apart (e.g., across an ocean). You can try doing some benchmarking experiments if you want a more precise answer than that.

Efficient way to check if there are NA's in pyspark

I have a pyspark dataframe, named df. I want to know if his columns contains NA's, I don't care if it is just one row or all of them. The problem is, my current way to know if there are NA's, is this one:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
if (df.where(F.isnull('column_name')).count() >= 1):
print("There are nulls")
print("Yey! No nulls")
The issue I see here, is that I need to compute the number of nulls in the whole column, and that is a huge amount of time wasted, because I want the process to stop when it finds the first null.
I thought about this solution but I am not sure it works (because I work in a cluster with a lot of other people so the execution time depends on the multiple jobs other people run in the cluster, so I can't compare the two approaches in even conditions):
(df.where(F.isnull('column_name')).limit(1).count() == 1)
Does adding the limit help ? Are there more efficient ways to achieve this ?
There is no non-exhaustive search for something that isn't there.
We can probably squeeze a lot more performance out of your query for the case where a record with a null value exists (see below), but what about when it doesn't? If you're planning on running this query multiple times, with the answer changing each time, you should be aware (I don't mean to imply that you aren't) that if the answer is "there are no null values in the entire dataframe", then you will have to scan the entire dataframe to know this, and there isn't a fast way to do that. If you need this kind of information frequently and the answer can frequently be "no", you'll almost certainly want to persist this kind of information somewhere, and update it whenever you insert a record that might have null values by checking just that record.
Don't use count().
count() is probably making things worse.
In the count case Spark used wide transformation and actually applies LocalLimit on each partition and shuffles partial results to perform GlobalLimit.
In the take case Spark used narrow transformation and evaluated LocalLimit only on the first partition.
In other words, .limit(1).count() is likely to select one example from each partition of your dataset, before selecting one example from that list of examples. Your intent is to abort as soon as a single example is found, but unfortunately, count() doesn't seem smart enough to achieve that on its own.
As alluded to by the same example, though, you can use take(), first(), or head() to achieve the use case you want. This will more effectively limit the number of partitions that are examined:
If no shuffle is required (no aggregations, joins, or sorts), these operations will be optimized to inspect enough partitions to satisfy the operation - likely a much smaller subset of the overall partitions of the dataset.
Please note, count() can be more performant in other cases. As the other SO question rightly pointed out,
neither guarantees better performance in general.
There may be more you can do.
Depending on your storage method and schema, you might be able to squeeze more performance out of your query.
Since you aren't even interested in the value of the row that was chosen in this case, you can throw a select(F.lit(True)) between your isnull and your take. This should in theory reduce the amount of information the workers in the cluster need to transfer. This is unlikely to matter if you have only a few columns of simple types, but if you have complex data structures, this can help and is very unlikely to hurt.
If you know how your data is partitioned and you know which partition(s) you're interested in or have a very good guess about which partition(s) (if any) are likely to contain null values, you should definitely filter your dataframe by that partition to speed up your query.

When's the time to create dedicated collections in MongoDB to avoid difficult queries?

I am asking a question that I assume does not have a simple black and white question but the principal of which I'm asking is clear.
Sample situation:
Lets say I have a collection of 1 million books, and I consistently want to always pull the top 100 rated.
Let's assume that I need to perform an aggregate function every time I perform this query which makes it a little expensive.
It is reasonable, that instead of running the query for every request (100-1000 a second), I would create a dedicated collection that only stores the top 100 books that gets updated every minute or so, thus instead of running a difficult query a 100 times every second, I only run it once a minute, and instead pull from a small collection of books that only holds the 100 books and that requires no query (just get everything).
That is the principal I am questioning.
Should I create a dedicated collection for EVERY query that is often
Should I do it only for complicated ones?
How do I gauge which is complicated enough and which is simple enough
to leave as is?
Is there any guidelines for best practice in those types of
Is there a point where if a query runs so often and the data doesn't
change very often that I should keep the data in the server's memory
for direct access? Even if it's a lot of data? How much is too much?
Is there a way in MongoDB to cache results?
If so, how can I tell it to fetch the cached result, and when to regenerate the cache?
Thank you all.
Before getting to collection specifics, one does have to differentiate between "real-time data" vis-a-vis data which does not require immediate and real-time presenting of information. The rules for "real-time" systems are obviously much different.
Now to your example starting from the end. The cache of query results. The answer is not only for MongoDB. Data architects often use Redis, or memcached (or other cache systems) to hold all types of information. This though, obviously, is a function of how much memory is available to your system and the DB. You do not want to cripple the DB by giving your cache too much of available memory, and you do not want your cache to be useless by giving it too little.
In the book case, of 100 top ones, since it is certainly not a real time endeavor, it would make sense to cache the query and feed that cache out to requests. You could update the cache based upon a cron job or based upon an update flag (which you create to inform your program that the 100 have been updated) and then the system will run an $aggregate in the background.
Now to the first few points:
Should I create a dedicated collection for EVERY query that is often used?
Yes and no. It depends on the amount of data which has to be searched to $aggregate your response. And again, it also depends upon your memory limitations and btw let me add the whole server setup in terms of speed, cores and memory. MHO - cache is much better, as it avoids reading from the data all the time.
Should I do it only for complicated ones?
How do I gauge which is complicated enough and which is simple enough to leave as is?
I dont think anyone can really black and white answer to that question for your system. Is a complicated query just an $aggregate? Or is it $unwind and then a whole slew of $group etc. options following? this is really up to the dataset and how much information must actually be read and sifted and manipulated. It will effect your IO and, yes, again, the memory.
Is there a point where if a query runs so often and the data doesn't change very often that I should keep the data in the server's memory for direct access? Even if it's a lot of data? How much is too much?
See answers above this is directly connected to your other questions.
Is there any guidelines for best practice in those types of situations?
The best you can do here is to time the procedures in your code, monitor memory usage and limits, look at the IO, study actual reads and writes on the collections.
Hope this helps.
Use a cache to store objects. For example in Redis use Redis Lists
Redis Lists are simply lists of strings, sorted by insertion order
Then set expiry to either a timeout or a specific time
Now whenever you have a miss in Redis, run the query in MongoDB and re-populate your cache. Also since cache resids in memory therefore your fetches will be extremely fast as compared to dedicated collections in MongoDB.
In addition to that, you don't have to keep have a dedicated machine, just deploy it within your application machine.

Drools is very slow when we integrate with Talend ETL and process millions of records

we have used around 30 rules with multiple conditions in it. we are under the assumption that Drools takes one record and compares it against the records then will give the output for each one.So the time taken for processing 1 million record is around 4 hours. Cant we not process the records in batches. I mean to say in big numbers and reducing time for processing. Pls help me this issue. Thanks for the response.
Inserting 1M facts in one batch is a very bad strategy (unless you need to find combinations out of the lot). The documentation makes it clear that all work (at least in 5.x) is done during inserts and modifications. (6.x is reportedly different, but it's still bad practice to needlessly fill your memory up with objects galore.)
Simply insert, and after some suitable number, call fireAllRules() and process (transmit,...) the results. Make sure that no "dead stock" remains in Working Memory from such a batch - this would also slow you down.

NoSQL databases: what about read consistency?

From what I can make out NoSQL databases might be a good option for high intensity data read applications, but are a less good fit if you need to do also do a lot data updates and transactionality is very important to you (what with there being no ACID compliance). Right? Too simplistic maybe.
But anyway, supposing I'm partly right at least I'm now concerned about how NoSQL databases maintain a "read consistent" view of the data that you're either reading or writing. Or do they? And if they don't, isn't that a really big problem?
I mean, if the data that you're reading (or updating) is changing as you read it then you're potentially going to get an inconsistent/dirty result set. Coming from an Oracle rdbms background, where all this is just handled for you, I find it confusing how the lack of read consistency is anything but a big problem. Could well be though that I'm missing some key point about all this. Can someone set me straight?
I am a developer on the Oracle NoSQL Database and will answer your question relative to that particular NoSQL system.
The Oracle NoSQL Database API allows the programmer to specify -- with each API call -- the level of read consistency. The four possible values, ranging from strictest to loosest, are Absolute, Time, Version, and None. Absolute says to always read from the replication master so that the most current value is returned. "Time" says that the system can return a value from any replica that is at least within a certain time delta of the master (e.g. read the value from any replica that is within 2 seconds of the master). Every read and write call to the system returns a "version handle". This version handle may be passed into any read call when Consistency.Version is specified and it tells the system to read from any replica which is at least as up to date as that version. This is useful for Read Modify Write (aka CAS) scenarios. The last value, Consistency.None says that any replica can be used (i.e. there is no consistency guaranteed).
I hope this is helpful.
Charles Lamb
A NoSQL database can be read-consistent, although it's generally not a big problem if it's not strictly so, check out the CAP theorem. There's been quite a lot of research done in this area, I recommend reading Amazon's Dynamo paper for a quick view of some of the problems and solutions faced by distributed systems like NoSQL databases.
MongoDB allows the application to select the desired level of read consistency using "write concern". This concept allows your application to block until a certain condition is met for a given write.
By way of example, you can consider any write successful so long as the operation is communicated to a master server. Alternatively, you can block until a write has been propagated to a majority of nodes in your replica set. In this way, you can mix performance/consistency to taste.
It depends on the NoSQL database you are using as each implements a different strategy. You can read, for example, Riak's explanation of their "eventual consistency" model or Lars Hofhansel's writeup on ACID in HBase