PDF to DOC using cmd [closed] - libreoffice

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Closed last year.
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How do I convert a pdf file to doc?
I tried the following:
soffice.exe --convert-to doc C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pdfda.pdf
When I hit enter nothing happens, I have libreoffice installed and I'm using Windows 10.

For others landing here the support advice is use soffice NOT soffice.exe since that should on Windows invoke the console command line version soffice.com
see https://ask.libreoffice.org/t/convert-docx-to-pdf-via-the-commandline-on-windows-10/64418/6
Starting from v.6.3, you should not use soffice.exe when working in terminal. You better just omit the extension (like [invoke in folder >] soffice), or explicitly use soffice.com, to use a version specifically created for console, which would output the errors, if any, to the console, instead of silently discarding any output. Also note that you should make sure that LibreOffice is not running in the background when you are launching the command line, because otherwise your command would be redirected to the existing GUI process, and you may again not see the error messages.
Alternatively, specify a separate user profile when calling command line to allow separate processes - see -env command line parameter
Full documentation is at https://documentation.libreoffice.org/en/english-documentation/


Powershell and command line are only running in legacy mode under Windows 10 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How can I solve it? Have no clue why that happens.
Given result
If I uncheck legacy mode the consoles stopped running: after opening the window freezes and nothing more happens (affect either PowerShell and command line):
Expected result
PowerShell and command line can be used in regular mode and are not rely to run in legacy mode.
If it runs in legacy mode but both Powershell and CMD freeze then there's probably something wrong with your windows install.
There's a variety of ways and programs you can use to try and troubleshoot (like Microsoft Sysinternals) but that's beyond the scope of what Stack Overflow is for
Here's a couple Stack Exchange sites you can ask for help troubleshooting the OS:
Super User for end user machines
Server Fault for network admins and servers

Can't open json files in vscode directly form File Explorer? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Can't even open ps1 files in vscode from File Explorer. With both (json and ps1) I get a tone with no message that I can find. Everything opens fine if I open directly from the "open file" menu item in vscode. I don't think it was like this before installing PowerShell.
It sounds like a permission error or a bad installation of vscode.
I recommend you reinstall vscode & make sure to check all these 4 boxes in this image below, we will see how it goes after.

how to fetch data from a unix server to another server in unix? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
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There are two unix servers called HYD13 and HYD25.
I am having a script(in my home dir) in HYD13 which fetches the required data from that server(HYD13) only and all the required data are printed in a text file.
But my requirement is I need to configure the same script in HYD25(in a path) and It will fetch the data from HYD13 server and prints the data in HYD25 server(mentioned path). But the issue is how to connect HYD13 sever from HYD25 inside the script ?
Could you please help me on this ?
You'd usually use something like scp or rsync, depending on how much data you have to move. scp can move files and directories, while rsync is good when you need to sync and update directories.
Both talk over ssh, so to avoid having to type in your password over and over again (or worse, hard code it into the script) be sure to use ssh keys and an ssh-agent. This lets you log into servers without needing to type in your password, instead the stored keys are used, and all that is tied to logging into your account. Github has a good tutorial on creating keys and adding them to an ssh-agent. Ubuntu also has a good tutorial which covers ssh in more detail and how to put the key on the remote machine.
Finally, rather than having to put your private keys on HYD13 and HYD25, you can leave those keys on one machine and use ssh key fowarding to use those credentials when you log into HYD13 or HYD25. Again, Github has a nice tutorial on how to do this.
I hope HYD13 and HYD25 can communicate with each other over internet or LAN or by any other means. If so,
You can execute the script from HYD25 over ssh
ssh username#HYD13 '< bash path-to-script-on-HYD13 >'
This will print the output of that script on HYD25's terminal which you can re-direct to any text file.
If the script by itself writes data to a local file on HYD13, you could simply cat it so that the contents of the file gets printed on HYD25's terminal
ssh username#HYD13 '< bash path-to-script-on-HYD13 >; cat <script's output file>'
Hope this is what you wanted.

How to enable parallel PDF export in emacs org-mode [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Recently I start to write a long article using org-mode. My article contains pounds of images, tables and code. So when I import my org file to pdf, the emacs will freeze for more than one minute to produce the pdf file. However in my opinion, I would like to continue to write or correct my article during the exporting.
So here is the question, can emacs parallelly process the exports with multiple thread or multiple processors?
Of course you can, it's emacs!
(info "(org) The export dispatcher")
Toggle asynchronous export. Asynchronous export uses an external
Emacs process that is configured with a specified initialization
While exporting asynchronously, the output is not displayed. It is
stored in a list called “the export stack”, and can be viewed from
there. The stack can be reached by calling the dispatcher with a
double ‘C-u’ prefix argument, or with ‘&’ key from the dispatcher.
To make this behavior the default, customize the variable
So, you can export asynchronously to PDF like this: C-eC-alp.

How someone can execute my unix file after giving permission? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have already given permission to execute my perl file to group and others(using chmod 711) but what command line I should give them to execute my file.
can someone please help me with this.?
Thank you.
When someone start such a file, it will actually be read by the perl interpreter program, which means that it must allow read access as well.
Suppose your file is called 'myfile.pl', you can then always start it with
perl /path/to/myfile.pl
In that case you start the perl interpreter and tell it to read commands from your file.
If your file is readable and executable, and starts with a line like
#!/usr/bin/env perl
then you can start it with
which, in case the file is in the current directory can be as short as