Disabling MVCC in Postgres - postgresql

I've decades of experience with MSSQL but none with Postgres and its MVCC style of concurrency control.
In MSSQL if I had a very large dataset which was read-only, I would set the database to read-only (for safety) and use transaction isolation level read uncommitted, and that should avoid lock contention, which the dataset didn't need anyway.
In Postgres, is there some equivalent? Some way of setting a database to read-only and reassuring PG that is completely safe not to use MVCC, just read without making row copies? Because it seems that MVCC has some considerable overhead which for multiple readers of very large passive data sets seems potentially expensive.
Edit: comments say I misunderstand that copies are only made when writing occurs, not reading as I assumed.

"MVCC" stands for "Multiversion Concurrency Control". Multiple versions of the same table row are only spawned by write activity (mostly UPDATE).
If your database is read-only - enforced or voluntarily, all the same for the purpose of this question - then there cannot be multiple versions of a row, ever. And the question is moot.

No, there is no way to do that, and there is no reason for it either.
Since PostgreSQL, writers will never block readers and vice versa, precisely because of its MVCC implementation that you want to disable. So there is no need for the unsavory crutch of reading uncommitted data.


Is it practical to use one table for reading purpose only in a relational database?

I know this question would not be ideal in a real database world, however, I am building a web REST api to server a result that potentially need to join almost every table(i use normalization for sure).
So is it OK to do have one single table to hold the meta data used for reading API, but the table get updated as well when data updated in other tables? I am using PostgreSQL by the way.
This is not very clear so I will state my understanding of the question and give you what I see are the tradeoffs.
First.... It sounds to me like you want to effectively materialize a metadata table and have it live-updated when other tables update. This is not really what the MATERIALIED VIEW support in PostgreSQL is for.
You can use a trigger to update the data whenever something changes. Because of the way PostgreSQL handles things, this leads to more disk and CPU activity, but will probably add more on the latter than the former. So if you hare heavily CPU-bound that will pose more problems than if you are I/O bound.
Using triggers in this way adds a fair bit of complexity to your database and may reduce write scaling a bit but if the data is seldom written but read frequently it may be a clear win.
So in answer to your question, yes it is practical in at least some cases. Whether it is practical in your case, that will be for you to decide.

Why using Locking in MongoDB?

MoongoDB is from the NoSql era, and Lock is something related to RDBMS? from Wikipedia:
Optimistic concurrency control (OCC) is a concurrency control method for relational database management systems...
So why do i find in PyMongo is_locked , and even in driver that makes non-blocking calls, Lock still exists, Motor has is_locked.
NoSQL does not mean automatically no locks.
There always some operations that do require a lock.
For example building of index
And official MongoDB documentation is a more reliable source than wikipedia(none offense meant to wikipedia :) )
Mongo does in-place updates, so it needs to lock in order to modify the database. There are other things that need locks, so read the link #Tigra provided for more info.
This is pretty standard as far as databases and it isn't an RDBMS-specific thing (Redis also does this, but on a per-key basis).
There are plans to implement collection-level (instead of database-level) locking: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-1240
Some databases, like CouchDB, get around the locking problem by only appending new documents. They create a new, unique revision id and once the document is finished writing, the database points to the new revision. I'm sure there's some kind of concurrency control when changing which revision is used, but it doesn't need to block the database to do that. There are certain downsides to this, such as compaction needing to be run regularly.
MongoDB implements a Database level locking system. This means that operations which are not atomic will lock on a per database level, unlike SQL whereby most techs lock on a table level for basic operations.
In-place updates only occur on certain operators - $set being one of them, MongoDB documentation did used to have a page that displayed all of them but I can't find it now.
MongoDB currently implements a read/write lock whereby each is separate but they can block each other.
Locks are utterly vital to any database, for example, how can you ensure a consistent read of a document if it is currently being written to? And if you write to the document how do you ensure that you only apply that single update at once and not multiple updates at the same time?
I am unsure how version control can stop this in CouchDB, locks are really quite vital for a consistent read and are separate to version control, i.e. what if you wish to apply a read lock to the same version or read a document that is currently being written to a new revision? You will obviously see a lock queue appear. Even though version control might help a little with write lock saturation there will still be a write lock and it will still need to work on a level.
As for concurrency features; MongoDB has the ability (for one), if the data is not in RAM, to subside a operation for other operations. This means that locks will not just sit there waiting for data to be paged in and other operations will run in the mean time.
As a side note, MongoDB actually has more locks than this, it also has a JavaScript lock which is global and blocking, it does not have the normal concurrency features of regular locks.
and even in driver that makes non-blocking calls
Hmm I think you might be confused by what is meant as a "non-blocking" application or server: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-blocking_algorithm

Concurrency, Atomicty, and Isolation in Entity Framework

Based on some periodically and concurrently incoming data, I'm performing an operation that will either insert a new row into a table, or update an existing row in the same table. Whether it inserts or updates a row is dependent on the states of the existing rows. So, the result of this operation will be affected by previous runs of this operation, and affect subsequent runs. I need to ensure atomicity/isolation using transactions, or locks, or something. There seems to be so many options and caveats with Entity Framework (and I'm a complete newbie with database stuff in general too) that I have no idea what direction I should be headed. TransactionScope, BeginTransaction, ambient transactions? Serializable or RepeatableRead? SaveChanges and AcceptAllChanges? Do I even need to do anything special? The fact that a new row can be added makes me worry especially about phantom rows, though I barely understand what that means. Any guidance on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
This tutorial may be helpful to you - http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/getting-started-with-ef-using-mvc/handling-concurrency-with-the-entity-framework-in-an-asp-net-mvc-application
Pessimistic Concurrency (Locking)
If your application does need to prevent accidental data loss in
concurrency scenarios, one way to do that is to use database locks.
This is called pessimistic concurrency. For example, before you read a
row from a database, you request a lock for read-only or for update
access. If you lock a row for update access, no other users are
allowed to lock the row either for read-only or update access, because
they would get a copy of data that's in the process of being changed.
If you lock a row for read-only access, others can also lock it for
read-only access but not for update. Managing locks has some
disadvantages. It can be complex to program. It requires significant
database management resources, and it can cause performance problems
as the number of users of an application increases (that is, it
doesn't scale well). For these reasons, not all database management
systems support pessimistic concurrency. The Entity Framework provides
no built-in support for it, and this tutorial doesn't show you how to
implement it.
Optimistic Concurrency
The alternative to pessimistic concurrency is optimistic concurrency.
Optimistic concurrency means allowing concurrency conflicts to happen,
and then reacting appropriately if they do. For example, John runs the
Departments Edit page, changes the Budget amount for the English
department from $350,000.00 to $100,000.00. (John administers a
competing department and wants to free up money for his own
There are code examples for both models in the in the tutorial.

PostgreSQL temporary table cache in memory?

I want to store some temporary results in some temporary tables. These tables may be reused in several queries that may occur close in time, but at some point the evolutionary algorithm I'm using may not need some old tables any more and keep generating new tables. There will be several queries, possibly concurrently, using those tables. Only one user doing all those queries. I don't know if that clarifies everything about sessions and so on, I'm still uncertain about how that works.
What I would like to do is to create temporary tables (if they don't exist already), store them on memory as far as that is possible and if at some point there is not enough memory, delete those that would be committed to the HDD (I guess those will be the least recently used).
The client will be doing queries for EMAs with different parameters and an aggregation of them with different coefficients, each individual may vary in terms of the coefficients used and so the parameters for the EMAs may repeat as they are still in the gene pool, and may not be needed after a while. There will be similar queries with more parameters and the genetic algorithm will find the right values for the parameters.
Is that what "on commit drop" means? I've seen descriptions about
sessions and transactions but I don't really understand those
concepts. Sorry if the question is stupid.
If it is not, do you know about any simple way to get Postgres to do
In the worst case I should be able to make a guesstimation about how many tables I can keep on memory and try to implement the LRU by myself, but it's never going to be as good as what Postgres could do.
Thank you very much.
This is a complicated topic and probably one to discuss in some depth. I think it is worth both explaining why PostgreSQL doesn't support this and also what you can do instead with recent versions to approach what you are trying to do.
PostgreSQL has a pretty good approach to caching diverse data sets across multiple users. In general you don't want to allow a programmer to specify that a temporary table must be kept in memory if it becomes very large. Temporary tables however are managed quite differently from normal tables in that they are:
Buffered by the individual back-end, not the shared buffers
Locally visible only, and
What this means is that typically you aren't generating a lot of disk I/O for temporary tables. The tables do not normally flush WAL segments, and they are managed by the local back-end so they don't affect shared buffer usage. This means that only occasionally is data going to be written to disk and only when necessary to free memory for other (usually more frequent) tasks. You certainly aren't forcing disk writes and only need disk reads when something else has used up memory.
The end result is that you don't really need to worry about this. PostgreSQL already tries, to a certain extent, to do what you are asking it to do, and temporary tables have much lower disk I/O requirements than standard tables do. It does not force the tables to stay in memory though and if they become large enough, the pages may expire into the OS disk cache, and eventually on to disk. This is an important feature because it ensures that performance gracefully degrades when many people create many large temporary tables.

Script to track Database change

I need to track any changes of data in postgresql database. Is there any option in database or any script to view those data and DML as well.
Sorry - I have no clue. But I do have some different suggestions:
Log /all/ queries and grep for those involving update, delete, insert, alter table etc. Caveats: may cause performance problems if there are lots of queries and the log is on the same RAID as data and/or WAL. Not sure if it's easy to make some regexp that is 100% certain to catch all modifying statements. May be difficult to catch rollbacks etc. To log everything, add this to the configuration file: log_min_duration_statement = 0. Have a look that the other log_* configuration variables are sane as well.
The rules/trigger approach (as hinted by other user) - I believe it involves writing up rules for each and every table - but it's of course doable (and should be possible to create the rules through some external script if you have a lot of tables). You may also look a bit into how slony works - slony is a trigger-based replication system, should be possible to use it to catch all the changes in the DB.
All changes to the database ends up in the WAL-file, maybe it's theoretically possible to extract something out from the WAL, but I suspect that's not practical unless you're already a skilled postgres hacker ... and if you're a skilled postgres hacker, you probably wouldn't ask this question in the first place ;-) (eventually, the WALs may be used to see the rate of changes in the data and spot times of the day when there are more updates than otherwise etc. They may also be used for replication and roll-forward from a binary backup)
Between setting log_statement='all' in the postgresql.conf, you can also use tablelog to capture old data.