I'm trying to generate RSA public key I have ASN.1 code I need to encode with DER
RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
modulus INTEGER, 7120255303029382831
publicExponent INTEGER 4242026487
My DER code 30 10 08 02 62 D0 3A 79 2F 28 5E AF 02 04 FC D8 2F F7
My DER code is wrong please help me how can I write as correctly
You can/should use a tool to do that.
Compile your spec
Encode a value
Read the result
I am trying to decrypt wm-bus telegram from Kamstrup Multical21 in C1 mode with Extended Link Layer.
The payload together with ELL info is following:
23 44 2D 2C 45 45 71 63 1B 16 8D 20 6A 31 FB 7C 20 39 A3 79 60 4B 90 BD FC BE 8D D8 CB 18 CE 77 DC 41 CE 8C
Analysing CI = 8D I found that there is a ELL with following data:
CI (1 byte) CC(1 byte) ACC(1 byte) SN(4 bytes) CRC(2 bytes)
8D 20 6A 31 FB 7C 20 39 A3
The documentation says that the buffer which should be decrypted shall contain CRC from ELL, i.e:
39 A3 79 60 4B 90 BD FC BE 8D D8 CB 18 CE 77 DC 41 CE 8C
I have got the AES key from the Manufacturer:
B9 7A 6D 4E C2 74 A4 6D 87 0E 31 27 D9 A0 AF 63
Initialization vector for ELL shall be:
M-field A-field CC-field SN-field FN BC
2D 2C 45 45 71 63 1B 16 20 31 FB 7C 20 00 00 00
After decrypting, I get the following result:
08 3a 5f ce b2 8d 51 97 94 a2 5b fb 61 ab 2e c0
e4 20 c8 2a 43 ff 3a 75 6f 93 d0 ac 8c 79 b7 a1
Since there is no 2F 2F in the beginning, something is wrong!
Can somebody help me and tell what I have done wrong?
Thanks in advance.
I had a look in the latest Kamstrup docs ("Wireless M-Bus Communication Kamstrup Water Meters - MULTICAL® 21 and flowIQ® water meters Mode C1 according to EN 13757-4:2013")
When I decrypt your packet I find:
Firstly, it seems the Kamstrup decrypted packets does not start with 2F 2F.
The first 2 bytes of the decrypted packet is supposedly the PLCRC (I can't confirm that right now - don't have immediate access to the standard that defines the crc polynomial algorithm), and then the next byte is 79, which means it is a Compact Frame, then the next 4 bytes are 2 more CRCs, and then the next 2 bytes 0100 is probably the Info, which is manufacturer specific and I don't know how to interpret that yet.
This meter is probably R type 1, right? (on the face place, the "Con.:" parameter's 3rd last digit should be a 1) So its format would be [Info][Volume][Target Volume] - 2 bytes, 4 bytes, 4 bytes - I kind of assume that, since this packet is a compact packet, so I don't get the actual format the long packet would have, e.g. number of decimals - which normally you'd need - but your values are zeroes? so decimals doesn't matter. (the 'long' packet of course is every 6th packet or so?)
The IV I get is:
which is exactly the same as yours.
The encrypted packet I use is:
so I exclude the CE and 8C you had on yours?
When I put them in, the decrypted packet becomes:
which is pretty much the same packet with some more crc stuff at the back, I suspect, so I really do not get what you do to decrypt, since your result is completely different?
Ok, maybe you use AES/CBC/NoPadding, as in OpenMUC.
Kamstrup uses AES/CTR/NoPadding. That is how they don't have to decrypt multiples of 16 byte blocks? The way that looks in my Java code is as follows:
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NoPadding");
the hints here are very helpfull. There's one obstacle I stumbled across with the given message. The Length-Field is wrong and there are 2 bytes of garbage at the end.
I guess the original message was encoded in frame format B. That means the length field includes the frame CRCs and should be corrected after the CRCs are removed. After correcting the length to 0x21 (33 bytes + L-Field), I get the correct message and also can verify that the first 2 bytes of the decoded message contain the CRC16 of the remaining message.
With a smart card Gemalto (IAS ECC), I would to calculate a signature by using private key stored on smart card. For this, I use APDU commands:
// Verify PIN
00 20 00 01 04 31 32 33 34
-> 90 00
// Create a context for security operation
00 22 41 B6 06 84 01 84 80 01 12
-> 90 00
// Set the hash of the document
-> 69 85
// Calculating the signature
00 2A 9E 9A 80
-> 69 85
My problem is the following: the las two commands return the error code "69 85", meaning "Conditions of use not satisfied".
I have already tried several solutions, but I obtain always the same error. How to resolve it? What does this code can mean?
After some tests, I discovered something interesting. When I replace cla "00" by "10", smart card returns a different response:
// Create a context for security operation
00 22 41 B6 06 84 01 84 80 01 12
// Verify PIN
00 20 00 01 04 31 32 33 34
// Calculating the signature (I replace "00" by "10")
10 2A 9E 9A 23 30 21 30 09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00 04 14 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 12 13 14 15
I don't know if it's the good solution because smart card returns "90 00". But, it would return the content of my signature!
Thank you for your help!
Best regards
You are getting SW 6985 for
// Set the hash of the document
-> 69 85
Since you have not set the correct context in current security environment.
Let me explain this below
First you performed VERIFY PIN command which was successful
// Verify PIN
00 20 00 01 04 31 32 33 34
-> 90 00
Then you performed MSE SET command,Where you set the security context.For this you have to understood how SE works(Please refer to section 3.5 fron IAS ECC v1.01).
At the time of personalisation, the Personaliser agent create SDO(Secure Data Object) inside the card.The reference to this SDO are mentioned in SE(Security Environment) in form of CRT(Control reference template).
// Create a context for security operation
00 22 41 B6 06 84 01 84 80 01 12
-> 90 00
Generally speaking, MSE SET command will always return SW 900 even if the SDO reference is wrong. Since it only return SW 6A80 when the template is wrong not when the reference is wrong.(The SDO reference is passed in tag 84)
After that you performed PSO HASH command
// Set the hash of the document
-> 69 85
where the card return SW 6985(Condition of use not satisfied), This indicate the algorithm and SDO reference used for calculating Hash may wrong. Which is probably happening since the SDO reference which was sent during the time of MSE SET command is not available
Detecting error coming from MSE SET could be tricky since it return SW 9000.
For these type of situation you have to check the personalisation file carefully and need to match the MSE SET command with regard to SDO reference and supported ALGOs.
It may be useful to put the default context (e.g., cryptographic algorithms or
security operations) into the current SE in order to have few exchanges of MSE set commands.
I try to get into cipher, mutual authenticate and such and figured it might be good to see what is "on" the market. Now, cipurse states in its specifications a term like this to generate the session key:
k0 = AES (key = PAD2 (kP) XOR PAD (rT), kID) XOR kID
where k0 is the session key, kP is an on-card calculated key, rT is the response from the terminal. PAD stands for padding (leading zeroes), PAD 2 for double padding (leading zeros) and kID is the secret key from the card.
Now as far as I am aware I create a key this way:
AESKey k0_pre = (AESKey) KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_AES_TRANSIENT_DESELECT, KeyBuilder.LENGTH_AES_128, false);
k0_pre.setKey(key, (short) 0);
Now the one question I have is concerning just a little comma nameingly
key = PAD2 (kP) XOR PAD (rT), kID
setKey takes a byte[] and an offset, kID is not an offset cleary - should this comma be and "AND" or should those two expressions should be concatenated or something completely different?
The example kID in the guidelines is
53 45 43 5f 4d 45 4d 4f 52 59 20 4b 45 59 20 31
The result after for PAD2 (kP) XOR PAD (rT) is
00 00 00 00 b7 a0 d2 cb 01 15 25 3f c4 0d 43 8f
and the k0_pre is then to be:
72 4b e3 3e 05 47 b5 99 9c 78 13 9d 8b 25 94 e6
I just don't know how this AES Key is generated out of "2" input keys
I found the answer some place else:
The encryption of a 128-bit message block m using a 128-bit key k using the advanced encryption standard
AES is denoted by c := AES (key = k, m).
So, for my question the secret key kID is the message block, now it all makes sense!
1)I am generating a Key file and a CSR with the help of openssl commands.
When displaying the CSR information with command “ openssl req -in test_csr.pem -noout –text” I get the following printings:
Certificate Request:
Version: 0 (0x0)
Subject: C=GB, O=Test
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
Modulus (2048 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
Now when I edit the key file in DER format with an Hex editor, I get the following data
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
I observe that in addition to the Key (from byte 33) as is it displayed in the previous step, there is extra data before the key (32 first bytes) and after the key (5 last bytes).
Does somebody know where the extra information comes from and how to decrypt it?
2)I have to test a configuration where the pair of the Keys (private and public) and the hash signature are generated in a smart card with the help of vendor API’s. With a first API I get the Public Key and Length from the smart card. With a second API I a get the hash signature data and length.
I guess that the Public key can be inserted in the CSR with openssl X509_REQ_set_pubkey API (is it correct?).
The question is: Is there an existing openssl API I can use to insert the hash signature in the CSR (something like X509_REQ_sign but without hashing and signature process that has already been done by the smart card).
First 256 bytes should be structure describing certificates owner (Subject, algorithm, etc).
Last 5 bytes is the RSA public exponent - 65537 in ASN.1 encoding.
To get more information use ASN.1 decoder (or openssl asn1parse command).
Unfortunately I don't know about such function on OpenSSL and don't have time to dig into their sources, but at least it is possible to form CSR ASN.1 structure manually, that's not that hard.
I tested the Unicode conversion with a UNICODE MFC dialog app, where I can input some Chinese in the edit box. After reading in the characters using
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_strUnicode)
the m_pszdata of m_strUnicode shows "e0 65 2d 4e 1f 75 09 67". Then I used the following code to convert it to char*:
char *psText; psText = new char[dwMinSize];
WideCharToMultiByte (CP_OEMCP, NULL, m_strUnicode,-1, psText,
dwMinSize, NULL, FALSE);
The psText contains "ce de d6 d0 c9 fa d3 d0", nothing similar with the m_pszdata of m_strUnicode. Would anyone please explain why it is like that?
ce de d6 d0 c9 fa d3 d0 is 无中生有 in GBK. You sure you're manipulating Unicode?
CP_OEMCP instructs the API to use the currently set default OEM codepage.
So my guess here is that you're on a Chinese PC with GBK as default codepage.
无中生有 in UTF16LE is e0 65 2d 4e 1f 75 09 67 so basically you are converting a UTF-16-LE string to GBK.