How to update the stock that already exists in the table - eloquent

I have two tables in my database that I have created through migration say products and product_variations and the corresponding model is Product and ProductVariation.
In products table I have three columns say id,name and price and in product_variations table I have the variations of the product that have id,variation,stock and one foreign key(Product_id) column references to the id column of the products table. now I want to display a table in such a way that it will mention the product,price ,variation and stock and also the logic is that If a product laready exist in the table it will skip and new products will be added and similarly it will scan the variations table .If a variation not exist it will add and at the same time if a variation already exist it will update the stock and also for a new variation the lowest price will be saved.


PostgreSQL: Table that points to other Tables?

Just getting started in PostgreSQL and wanted to ask some questions.
Suppose that I have a table of Vendors. Each Vendors has an attribute called Sales Record, which is a time series data about their sales. For each Vendors, I want to be one associated Sales Record Table that has the timeseries sales data for that specific vendor.
How might I want to code that?
You shouldn't have a table per vendor.
Rather, create one big table for all. The table contains a column like vendor_id that is a foreign key to vendors and identifies to which vendor a record belongs.
If you create an index on vendor_id, searching the big table for the data of a vendor will be efficient.

Handle Changes in multiple tables used in creation of dimension

I am working on data warehousing project, Need help with below
OLAP Table:
Product Dimension Table:
Product_id, category_id, category_name,brand_id, brand_name ,manufacturer_id, manufacturer_name
OLTP Tables:
Each table contains create_ts and update_ts for tracking creation & update in tables.
**Product_info, id, product_name,category_id,brand_id,manufacturer,create_ts, update_ts
Product_category_mapping: id,product_id,category_id,create_ts, update_ts
brand: id, name,create_ts, update_ts
manufacturer:id, name,create_ts, update_ts**
Looking to track all the changes in any of the tables, should reflect in the dimension table.
For Example:
Current OLAP Snapshot
Product_id, category_id, category_name,brand_id, brand_name ,manufacturer_id, manufacturer_name
1,33,Noodles,45, Nestle,455,nestele_pvt_ltd
Suppose brand name changes from nestle to nestle-us, How will we track this as we are capturing changes based on only product_info update_ts??
Should we consider all the 4 table changes??
Please suggest.
if data changes in any table that is a source for your DW then you need to include it in your extract logic.
For reference data like this where you can have a number of tables that contribute to a single "target" table, an approach I often take is to create a View across these tables in your source DB, include all the columns you need to take across to the DW but only have a single update_ts column that is calculated using the SQL GREATEST function where you pass in the update_ts columns from all the tables in the View. Then you only need to compare this single column to your "last extracted date" to determine if there are any changes that you may need to process

Creating a temp table inside a PostgreSQL function creates conflicts between different function calls?

I want to use a temporary table (let's call it temp_tbl) created in a PostgreSQL function in order to SELECT into it just some rows and columns from a table (let's call it tbl) as follows:
One of the columns that both temp_tbl and tbl have is order_date of type DATE and the function also takes a start_date DATE argument. I want to SELECT in temp_tbl just the rows from tbl that have an order_date later than the function's start_date.
My question is: if this function gets called concurrently 2 or more times in the same session, won't the calls use the same instance of the temporary table temp_tbl ?
More specifically, when using psycopg2 in the backend of a webserver, different clients of the webserver might require calling our function at the same time. Will this generate a conflict over the temp_tbl temporary table declared inside the function?
EDIT: my actual context
I'm building (for education purposes) an online shop. I have 3 tables for 3 kinds of products that all use a common sequence for their ids. I have another table for orders that includes a column which is an array of product ids and a column which is an array of quantities (associated with the product ids of the ordered products).
I want to return a table of common product details (columns common to all 3 tables like id, name, price etc) and their associated number of sales.
My current method is to concatenate all the arrays of ids and quantities from all order entries, then create a temporary table out of the 2 arrays and sum the number of orders for each product id so I have a table with one entry for each ordered product.
Then, I create 3 temporary tables in order to join each product table with the temporary product orders figures table and SELECT only the columns that are common to all 3 tables.
Finally, I UNION the 3 temporary tables.
This is kind of complicated for me so I think that maybe there were better design decisions I could have made ?

How to Carry over a Table into a Column PostgreSQL

This May be a dumb question as I am a beginner in postgreSQL but what I'm trying to do is
I have a Table called Products and inside products there is 3 columns Name, Price, Expiry Date. Now I have a second table called orders with 4 columns. Product, purchasePrice, Amount, and CountryRecieved.
All I want is to reference the Product column to the product table so it has all the Information of the product table?
Is this do able?
The key concepts you need to read up on are:
"normalisation": the process of breaking down data into multiple related entities
"foreign keys": pointers from one database table to another
"joins": the query construct used to follow that pointer and get the data back together
In your case:
You have correctly determined that the information from Products should not just be copied manually into each row of the Orders table. This is one of the most basic aspects of normalisation: each piece of data is in one place, so updates cannot make it inconsistent.
You have deduced that the Orders table needs some kind of Product column; this is your foreign key. The most common way to represent this is to give the Products table an ID column that uniquely identifies each row, and then have a ProductID column in the Orders table. You could also use the product's name as the key, but this means you can never rename a product, as other entities in the database might reference it; integer keys will generally be more efficient in storage and speed, as well.
To use that foreign key relationship, you use a JOIN in your SQL queries. For example, to get the name and quantity of products ordered, you could write:
Products as P
Orders as O
-- This "ON" clause tells the database how to look up the foreign key
On O.ProductId = P.ProductId
Here I've used an "inner join"; there are also "left outer join" and "right outer join", which can be used when only some rows on one side will meet the condition. I recommend you find a tutorial that explains them better than I can in a single paragraph.
Assuming the name column is key in Products table and product column in Orders table refers to it, you can join the two table on related column(s) and get all the information:
o.*, p.*
from orders o
join products p on o.product =;

Update all tables using trigger

My customer table is (customer_id, customerName). Almost all the tables have customerName column. I need to make a trigger that will update all the customerNames' in Database when the customerName in customer table is updated or changed.
A better approach is to normalise your database, so that other tables do not hold a customer name, rather they hold a reference to the customer_id. This way customer details only need to be updated in the customer table.