GKE Ingress configuration for HTTPS-enabled Applications leads to failed_to_connect_to_backend - kubernetes

I have serious problems with the configuration of Ingress on a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster for an application which expects traffic over TLS. I have configured a FrontendConfig, a BackendConfig and defined the proper annotations in the Service and Ingress YAML structures.
The Google Cloud Console reports that the backend is healthy, but if i connect to the given address, it returns 502 and in the Ingress logs appears a failed_to_connect_to_backend error.
So are my configurations:
apiVersion: networking.gke.io/v1beta1
kind: FrontendConfig
name: my-frontendconfig
namespace: my-namespace
enabled: false
sslPolicy: my-ssl-policy
apiVersion: cloud.google.com/v1
kind: BackendConfig
name: my-backendconfig
namespace: my-namespace
affinityType: "CLIENT_IP"
enable: true
sampleRate: 1.0
checkIntervalSec: 60
timeoutSec: 5
healthyThreshold: 3
unhealthyThreshold: 5
type: HTTP
requestPath: /health
# The containerPort of the application in Deployment.yaml (also for liveness and readyness Probes)
port: 8001
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
namespace: my-namespace
# If the class annotation is not specified it defaults to "gce".
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
# Frontend Configuration Name
networking.gke.io/v1beta1.FrontendConfig: "my-frontendconfig"
# Static IP Address Rule Name (gcloud compute addresses create epa2-ingress --global)
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "my-static-ip"
- secretName: my-secret
name: my-service
number: 443
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
namespace: my-namespace
# Specify the type of traffic accepted
cloud.google.com/app-protocols: '{"service-port":"HTTPS"}'
# Specify the BackendConfig to be used for the exposed ports
cloud.google.com/backend-config: '{"default": "my-backendconfig"}'
# Enables the Cloud Native Load Balancer
cloud.google.com/neg: '{"ingress": true}'
type: ClusterIP
app: my-application
- protocol: TCP
name: service-port
port: 443
targetPort: app-port # this port expects TLS traffic, no http plain connections
The Deployment.yaml is omitted for brevity, but it defines a liveness and readiness Probe on another port, the one defined in the BackendConfig.yaml.
The interesting thing is, if I expose through the Service.yaml also this healthcheck port (mapped to port 80) and I point the default Backend to port 80 and simply define a rule with a path /* leading to port 443, everything seems to work just fine, but I don't want to expose the healthcheck port outside my cluster, since I have also some diagnostics information there.
Question: How can I be sure that if i connect to the Ingress point with ``https://MY_INGRESS_IP/`, the traffic is routed exactly as it is to the HTTPS port of the service/application, without getting the 502 error? Where do I fail to configure the Ingress?

There are few elements to your question, i'll try to answer them here.
I don't want to expose the healthcheck port outside my cluster
The HealtCheck endpoint is technically not exposed outside the cluster, it's expose inside Google Backbone so that the the Google LoadBalancers (configured via Ingress) can reach it. You can try that by doing a curl against https://INGREE_IP/healthz, this will not work.
The traffic is routed exactly as it is to the HTTPS port of the service/application
The reason why 443 in your Service Definition doesn't work but 80 does, its because when you expose the Service on port 443, the LoadBalancer will fail to connect to a backend without a proper certificate, your backend should also be configured to present a certificate to the Loadbalancer to encrypt traffic. The secretName configured at the Ingress is the certificate used by the clients to connect to the LoadBalancer. Google HTTP LoadBalancer terminate the SSL certificate and initiate a new connection to the backend using whatever port you specific in the Ingress. If that port is 443 but the backend is not configured with SSL certificates, that connection will fail.
Overall you don't need to encrypt traffic between LoadBalancers and backends, it's doable but not needed as Google encrypt that traffic at the network level anyway

Actually i solved it by setting a managed certificate connected to Ingress. It "magically" worked without any other change, using Service of type ClusterIP


Nginx ingress sends private IP for X-Real-IP to services

I have created a Nginx Ingress and Service with the following code:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myservice
type: ClusterIP
name: my-app
- port: 8000
targetPort: 8000
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: myingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
name: myingress
- host: mydomain.com
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/"
name: my-service
number: 8000
Nginx ingress installed with:
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx.
I have also enabled proxy protocols for ELB. But in nginx logs I don't see the real client ip for X-Forwarded-For and X-Real-IP headers. This is the final headers I see in my app logs:
X-Forwarded-For:[] X-Forwarded-Port:[80] X-Forwarded-Proto:[http] X-Forwarded-Scheme:[http] X-Real-Ip:[] X-Request-Id:[1bc14871ebc2bfbd9b2b6f31] X-Scheme:[http]
How do I get the real client ip instead of the ingress pod IP? Also is there a way to know which headers the ELB is sending to the ingress?
One solution is to use externalTrafficPolicy: Local (see documentation).
In fact, according to the kubernetes documentation:
Due to the implementation of this feature, the source IP seen in the target container is not the original source IP of the client.
service.spec.externalTrafficPolicy - denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints. There are two available options: Cluster (default) and Local. Cluster obscures the client source IP and may cause a second hop to another node, but should have good overall load-spreading. Local preserves the client source IP and avoids a second hop for LoadBalancer and NodePort type services, but risks potentially imbalanced traffic spreading.
If you want to follow this route, update your nginx ingress controller Service and add the externalTrafficPolicy field:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx-ingress-controller
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
A possible alternative could be to use Proxy protocol (see documentation)
The proxy protocol should be enabled in the ConfigMap for the ingress-controller as well as the ELB.
L4 uses proxy-protocol
For L7 use use-forwarded-headers
# configmap.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: nginx-configuration
namespace: ingress-nginx
app.kubernetes.io/name: ingress-nginx
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: ingress-nginx
use-forwarded-headers: "true"
use-proxy-protocol: "true"
Just expanding on #strongjz answer.
By default, the Load balancer that will be created in AWS for a Service of type LoadBalancer will be a Classic Load Balancer, operating on Layer 4, i.e., proxying in the TCP protocol level.
For this scenario, the best way to preserve the real ip is to use the Proxy Protocol, because it is capable of doing this at the TCP level.
To do this, you should enable the Proxy Protocol both on the Load Balancer and on Nginx-ingress.
Those values should do it for a Helm installation of nginx-ingress:
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-proxy-protocol: "*"
use-proxy-protocol: "true"
real-ip-header: "proxy_protocol"
The service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-proxy-protocol: "*" annotation will tell the aws-load-balancer-controller to create your LoadBalancer with Proxy Protocol enabled. I'm not sure what happens if you add it to a pre-existing Ingress-nginx, but it should work too.
The use-proxy-protocol and real-ip-header are options passed to Nginx, to also enable Proxy Protocol there.

Nginx Ingress Failing to Serve

I am new to k8s
I have a deployment file that goes below
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: jenkins-deployment
replicas: 3
component: web
component: web
- name: jenkins
image: jenkins
- containerPort: 8080
- containerPort: 50000
My Service File is as following:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: jenkins-svc
type: ClusterIP
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
name: http
component: web
My Ingress File is
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: jenkins-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
- host: jenkins.xyz.com
- path: /
serviceName: jenkins-svc
servicePort: 80
I am using the nginx ingress project and my cluster is created using kubeadm with 3 nodes
nginx ingress
I first ran the mandatory command
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/master/deploy/static/mandatory.yaml
when I tried hitting jenkins.xyz.com it didn't work
when I tried the command
kubectl get ing
the ing resource doesnt get an IP address assigned to it
The ingress resource is nothing but the configuration of a reverse proxy (the Ingress controller).
It is normal that the Ingress doesn't get an IP address assigned.
What you need to do is connect to your ingress controller instance(s).
In order to do so, you need to understand how they're exposed in your cluster.
Considering the YAML you claim you used to get the ingress controller running, there is no sign of exposition to the outside network.
You need at least to define a Service to expose your controller (might be a load balancer if the provider where you put your cluster supports it), you can use HostNetwork: true or a NodePort.
To use the latest option (NodePort) you could apply this YAML:
I suggest you read the Ingress documentation page to get a clearer idea about how all this stuff works.
In order to access you local Kubernetes Cluster PODs a NodePort needs to be created. The NodePort will publish your service in every node using using its public IP and a port. Then you can access the service using any of the cluster IPs and the assigned port.
Defining a NodePort in Kubernetes:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx-service-np
name: nginx-service-np
type: NodePort
- port: 8082 # Cluster IP, i.e.
targetPort: 8080 # Application port
nodePort: 30000 # (EXTERNAL-IP VirtualBox IPs) i.e.
protocol: TCP
name: http
app: nginx
See a full example with source code at Building a Kubernetes Cluster with Vagrant and Ansible (without Minikube).
The nginx ingress controller can be replaced also with Istio if you want to benefit from a service mesh architecture for:
Load Balance traffic, external o internal
Control failures, retries, routing
Apply limits and monitor network traffic between services
Secure communication
See Installing Istio in Kubernetes under VirtualBox (without Minikube).

Is there a way to configure an EKS service to use HTTPS?

Here is the config for our current EKS service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: main-api
name: main-api-svc
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: nlb
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- name: http-port
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
app: main-api
sessionAffinity: None
type: LoadBalancer
is there a way to configure it to use HTTPS instead of HTTP?
To terminate HTTPS traffic on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service and pass it to a backend:
1.    Request a public ACM certificate for your custom domain.
2.    Identify the ARN of the certificate that you want to use with the load balancer's HTTPS listener.
3.    In your text editor, create a service.yaml manifest file based on the following example. Then, edit the annotations to provide the ACM ARN from step 2.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: echo-service
# Note that the backend talks over HTTP.
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: http
# TODO: Fill in with the ARN of your certificate.
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert: arn:aws:acm:{region}:{user id}:certificate/{id}
# Only run SSL on the port named "https" below.
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-ports: "https"
type: LoadBalancer
app: echo-pod
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
- name: https
port: 443
targetPort: 8080
4.    To create a Service object, run the following command:
$ kubectl create -f service.yaml
5.    To return the DNS URL of the service of type LoadBalancer, run the following command:
$ kubectl get service
Note: If you have many active services running in your cluster, be sure to get the URL of the right service of type LoadBalancer from the command output.
6.    Open the Amazon EC2 console, and then choose Load Balancers.
7.    Select your load balancer, and then choose Listeners.
8.    For Listener ID, confirm that your load balancer port is set to 443.
9.    For SSL Certificate, confirm that the SSL certificate that you defined in the YAML file is attached to your load balancer.
10.    Associate your custom domain name with your load balancer name.
11.    Finally, In a web browser, test your custom domain with the following HTTPS protocol:
You should use an ingress (and not a service) to expose http/s outside of the cluster
I suggest using the ALB Ingress Controller
There is a complete walkthrough here
and you can see how to setup TLS/SSL here

How to expose a Ingress for external access in Kubernetes?

I have a kubernetes cluster on a private network(private server, not aws or google cloud) and I created a Service to be able to access, however, I need to be able to access from outside the cluster and for this I created an Ingress and added ingress-nginx in the cluster.
This is the YAML I'm using after making several attempts:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: demo-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false"
- host: k8s.local
- path: /
serviceName: nginx
servicePort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
type: ClusterIP
name: nginx
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
protocol: TCP
# selector:
# app: nginx
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
replicas: 1
app: nginx
- name: echoserver
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
I ran yaml like this: kubectl create -f file.yaml
In the /etc/hosts file I added k8s.local to the ip of the master server.
When trying the command in or out of the master server a "Connection refused" message appears:
$ curl -H 'Host: k8s.local'
I do not know if it's important, but I'm using Flannel in the cluster.
My idea is just to create a 'hello world' and expose it out of the cluster!
Do I need to change anything in the configuration to allow this access?
YAML file edited:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: demo-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false"
# nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
- host: k8s.local
- path: /teste
serviceName: nginx
servicePort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
type: LoadBalancer # NodePort
app: nginx
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
protocol: TCP
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
replicas: 1
app: nginx
- name: echoserver
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
You can deploy the ingress controller as a daemonset with host port 80. The service of the controller will not matter then. You can point your domain to every node in your cluster
You can do a NodePort type service but that will force you to use some port in the 30k vicinity, you will not be able to use port 80
Of course the best solution is to use a cloud provider with a load balancer
You can make it work with a plain nginx pod but the recommended method is to install a Kubernetes ingress controller, in your case you are using nginx, so you can install an nginx ingress controller.
Here is some information on how to install it.
If you want to allow external access you can also expose the nginx ingress controller as a LoadBalancer service. You can also use NodePort but you will have to manually point a load balancer to the port on your Kubernetes nodes.
And yes the selector on the 'Service' needs to be:
app: nginx
In this case NodePort would work. It will open a high port number in every node (same port in every node) so you can use any of these nodes. Place a Load Balancer if you want, and point the backend pool to those instances you have running. Do not use ClusterIP, it is just for internal usage.
If you run your cluster baremetal you need to tell the nginx-ingress controller to use hostNetwork: true, to be added in template/spec part of the mandatory.yml
That way the pod running the ingress controller will listen to Port 80 and 443 of the host node.
Is the easiest way of doing what you want.
Note: encryption requires wss:// which requires TLS certs, If you want fully automated encryption + the ability to use Inlets as a Layer 4 LB, you should use Inlets Pro, it's very cheap compared to other cloud alternatives.
I've also been able to setup the oss /non-kubernetes-operator version of Inlets with encryption / wss (web sockets secure), using the open source version of Inlets as a Layer 7 LB. (it just took some manual configuration/wasn't fully automated like the pro version)
I was able to get public internet HTTPS + nginx ingress controller to minikube + tested 2 sites routed using ingress objects. In ~3-4 hours with no good guide to doing it / being new to Caddy/Websockets, but expert on Kubernetes Ingress.
Step 1.) Create a $0.007/hour or $5/month VPS on Digital Ocean with a public IP
Step 2.) Point mysite1.com, *.mysite1.com, mysite2.com, *.mysite2.com to the public IP of the VPS.
Step 3.) SSH into the machine and install Inlets + Caddy v1.0.3 + Caddyfile here's mine:
mysite1.com, *.mysite1.com, mysite2.com, *.mysite2.com
proxy / {
proxy /tunnel {
tls {
max_certs 10
Step 4.) deploy 1 inlets deployment on kubernetes cluster, use wss to your VPS, and point the inlets deployment to an ingress controller service of type Cluster IP.
The basics of what's happening are:
1.) Caddy leverages Lets Encrypt Free to auto get HTTPS certs for every website you point at the Caddy Server.
2.) Your inlets deployment starts a bidirection VPN tunnel using websockets with the VPS that has a public IP. (Warning the VPN tunnel will only be encrypted if you specify wss, and that requires the server have a TLS cert, which it gets from "LEF")
3.) Caddy is now a public L7 LB/Reverse Proxy that terminates HTTPS, and forwards to your ingress controller over an encrypted websockets VPN tunnel. Then it's normal-ish ingress.
4.) Traffic Flow: DNS -(resolves IP)-> (HTTPS)VPS/L7 ReverseProxy - encrypted VPNtunnel-> Inlets pod from Inlets Deployment -L7 cleartext in cluster network redirect to -> Ingress Controller Service -> Ingress Controller Pod -L7 redirect to-> Cluster IP services/sites defined by ingress objs.

Istio Egresses with Kubernetes Services

(Using Istio 0.5.1, kubectl 1.9.1/1.9.0 for client/server, minikube 0.25.0)
I'm trying to get Istio EgressRules to work with Kubernetes Services, but having some trouble.
I tried to set up EgressRules 3 ways:
An ExternalName service which points to another domain (like
A Service with no selector, but an associated
Endpoint object (for services that have an IP address but no DNS
(for comparison) No Kubernetes service, just an EgressRule
I figured I could use the FQDN of the kubernetes service as the HTTP-based EgressRule destination service (like ext-service.default.svc.cluster.local), and this is what I attempted for both an ExternalName service as well as a Service with no selectors but an associated Endpoints object.
For the former, I created the following yaml file:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: ext-service
type: ExternalName
externalName: www.google.com
apiVersion: config.istio.io/v1alpha2
kind: EgressRule
name: ext-egress-rule
service: ext-service.default.svc.cluster.local
- port: 443
protocol: https
For the latter, I created this yaml file (I just pinged google and grabbed the IP address):
kind: Endpoints
apiVersion: v1
name: ext-service
- addresses:
- ip:
- port: 443
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: ext-service
- protocol: TCP
port: 443
targetPort: 443
apiVersion: config.istio.io/v1alpha2
kind: EgressRule
name: ext-service-egress-rule
service: ext-service.default.svc.cluster.local
- port: 443
protocol: https
In both cases, in the application code, I access:
My assumption is that the traffic will flow like:
[[ app -> envoy proxy -> (tls origination) -> kubernetes service ]] -> external service
where [[ ... ]] is the boundary of the service mesh (and also the Kubernetes cluster)
The ExternalName Service almost worked as expected, but it brought me to Google's 404 page (and sometimes the response just seemed empty, not sure how to replicate one or the other specifically)
The Service with the Endpoint object did not work, instead printing this message (when making the request via Golang, but I don't think that matters):
Get http://ext-service.default.svc.cluster.local:443: EOF
This also sometimes gives an empty response.
I'd like to use Kubernetes services (even though it's for external traffic) for a few reasons:
You can't use an IP address for the EgressRule's destination service. From Egress Rules configuration: "The destination of an egress rule ... can be either a fully qualified or wildcard domain name".
For external services that don't have a domain name (some on-prem legacy/monolith service without a DNS name), I'd like the application to be able to access them not by IP address but by a kube-dns (or Istio-related similar) name.
(related to previous) I like the additional layer of abstraction that a Kubernetes service provides, so I can change the underlying destination without changing the EgressRule (unless I'm mistaken and this isn't the right way to architect this). Is the EgressRule meant to replace Kubernetes services for external traffic entirely and without creating additional Kubernetes services?
Using https:// in the app code isn't an option because then the request would have to disable TLS verification since the kube-dns name doesn't match any on the certificate. It also wouldn't be observable.
If I use the following EgressRule (without any Kubernetes Services), accessing Google via http://www.google.com:443 works fine, getting the exact html representation that I expect:
apiVersion: config.istio.io/v1alpha2
kind: EgressRule
name: google-egress-rule
service: www.google.com
- port: 443
protocol: https
I saw there's a TCP EgressRule, but I would rather not have to specify rules for each block of IPs. From TCP Egress: "In TCP egress rules as opposed to HTTP-based egress rules, the destinations are specified by IPs or by blocks of IPs in CIDR notation.".
Also, I would still like the HTTP-based observability that comes from L7 instead of L4, so I'd prefer an HTTP-based egress. (With TCP Egresses, "The HTTPS traffic originated by the application will be treated by Istio as opaque TCP").
Any help getting a Kubernetes service as "destination service" of an EgressRule (or help understanding why this isn't necessary if that's the case) is appreciated. Thanks!
The solution is:
Define a Kubernetes ExternalName service to point to www.google.com
Do not define any EgressRules
Create a RouteRule to set the Host header.
In your case, define an ExternalName service with the port and the protocol:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: ext-service
type: ExternalName
externalName: www.google.com
- port: 80
# important to set protocol name
name: http
Define an HTTP Rewrite Route Rule to set the Host header:
apiVersion: config.istio.io/v1alpha2
kind: RouteRule
name: externalgoogle-rewrite-rule
#namespace: default
name: ext-service
authority: www.google.com
Then access it with curl, for example: curl ext-service
Without the Route Rule, the request will arrive to google.com, with the Host header being ext-service. The web server does not know where to forward such a request since google.com does not have such a virtual host. This is what you experienced:
it brought me to Google's 404 page