Eclipse: control key hovering and control-enter very slow to respond - eclipse

I'm in Eclipse version 2019-06. Every since I installed on this new laptop, I am facing the following problem: using the control key to hover and control-rightmouseclick to drill down is very slow, sometimes to the point of causing the screen to be disabled with the spinning-cursor icon.
I went into Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced, and unchecked everything except "Java Proposals". I've played around with checking different things in this Content Assist section, and none of it makes much difference.
Here's an interesting diagnostic: when I am inside a jar, the problem doesn't happen.

I finally eliminated this problem by upgrading Eclipse to 2021-03 - I had been previously on 2019-06.


Eclipse - compiler errors showing in the code. Looking for preference to remove it

I just installed a new Eclipse version (2020-12 with Wild Web Dev), and now Java compilation errors, in addition to being highlighted, also show up as text in the source file. That makes the lines to jump around, and is pretty annoying. I cannot figure out how to switch that feature off in Preferences.
Thank you very much for help.
It turned out to be a Code Mining setting. This particular one is in General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> 'Show code minings for problem annotations.' Changing it to 'None' removed the problem.

Eclipse Syntax Coloring Not Showing Correctly

I have a bit of a problem with Eclipse. I haven't had any issues with this until now, so I'm willing to be it's some broken settings somewhere. What happened is I moved form Sublime Text 2 to Eclipse. (I REALLY wanted to stay, but couldn't.) I attempted to import the Sublime Text 2 theme into Eclipse, and it seemed to work. But I can make any changes to the settings for Javascript now.
I go to Preferences -> Javascript -> Syntax Coloring and put in all of the colors I want. It works just fine. I close Eclipse and open it and they're all gone. I go back to the preferences and the colors are still there, they're just not showing up. I change one color and it shows up. Close, reopen, repeat. I don't know what's wrong, but I just want the colors I put in to stay. What could possibly be causing this?
EDIT: Completely forgot. Running the latest version of Eclipse (20120614-1722) on Windows 7. I started with Eclipse for Java Developers and installed the Web Page Editor plugin.

Anybody experiences problems in contextual menus behavior?

Dear RubyMine Overflowers,
I downloaded the latest version of RubyMine (3.2.1) on a Mac running SL 10.6.8 and latest apple provided Java.
I am experiencing some problematic behavior regarding the mouse right-click.
I can bring up contextual menus only by double right-clicking. if I single right-click, the menu comes up very instantly and disappears.
After some experimentation, I have concluded that if I right-click and manage to keep the mouse pointer at the exact pixel as before r-clicking, contextual menu disappears. If the pixel before right-click is different than the one after r-click the Contextual menu stays. (Imagine the chaos when this applies to the Project window: i get constant warnings of moving files).
Anybody experiencing such funny stuff in RubyMine? or otherwise, any way to change mouse pointer sensitivity?
Many thanks...
There is similar issue, but it's known to affect only Linux users with Eclipse keymap:
Intellij right click context menu problems in Ubuntu.
I can't reproduce it on Mac, but the question above is worth checking, maybe the suggested workaround will work for you.

How can I close an empty pane in Eclipse

I often end up with lots of empty panes in Eclipse that can only be minimized but not destroyed. How do I close these?
In this screenshot you can see two minimized on the upper left and several on the right hand side. In the center are four more. They only seem to be restorable in the Debug mode.
this happened to me, too. What worked for me (based on FilmJ and douncon's comments) was to open a class file, then drag that tab over the top of the empty pane.
Select Window -> Reset Perspective. That should reset the current perspective (what you call "mode") to its' initial state, (hopefully) closing all irrelevant views.
Something seems terribly wrong with your Eclipse. Maybe you should reinstall it. It is possible that you installed a buggy plugin.
First of all, what do you mean by pane? Eclipse has:
Windows (Eclipse itself, e.g. instance)
Documents (tabs)
Views (properties, tasks, explorer, etc)
If by 'pane' you mean document editors, you have problems either with your Eclipse version or most likely one of the installed plugins.
Each View also can be closed (except maybe some project types (perspectives) of which I'm not aware). For CDT (C/C++) you can close practically everything.
I'll recommend you download latest Eclipse version with no plugins, extract it to different folder, and check if that happens again. If yes, please explain more in details (like Eclipse version, perspective you are using, any side plugins, etc).
Also a good places are Eclipse community forum, mailing list and bugz :-)
I had the same problem. For me it helped to go into the right perspective and activate the functionality that caused the window in the first place. Once I reactivated the functionality, in my case "QNX Memory Analysis perspective", I was able to close all the windows one by one.
The conclusion is you have to refill the empty windows with content and then you will be able to close them properly.
So, it's really very easy for this to happen, if you open an editor that's incompatible with the existing editor, you can often end up having to place it outside of the tab list in one of your editor panes, then you might clear or copy that, typically while trying to add that view to a tab list.
In any case, what it's done is create a new editor, and all you need to do is drag some file to that empty editor window giving it some form of context, then close it.
I had the same issue. I followed #zvikico, but instead of just resetting, I first reset and then closed all the perspectives. Please follow the following to fix the problem. It worked for me:
Window -> Perspective -> Reset perspective..
After resetting follow below:
Window -> Perspective -> Close All Perspectives

Eclipse hang when copying / pasting code

I have a big problem. Eclipse is hanging up when I do any copy/paste with Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V keys.
Is it due to the Eclipse validation code system?
Do I mess something in my Eclipse setting?
Here is my conf :
Eclipse 3.4.2
Plugin RSE
Windows XP pro Service Pack 2
Java VM version = 1.5.0_11-b03
Disabling Hyperlinking fixed this for me. You could also just change the Default modifier key to something other than CTRL if you still want to use hyperlinking.
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Hyperlinking and either uncheck Enable on demand hyperlink style navigation or change Default modifier key.
I had the same issue, and was able to solve it by going to:
Preferences -> Javascript -> Editor -> Typing -> "When pasting" heading
... then turning "Update imports" off.
That one change on its own completely eliminated it, when I was previously getting hangs of 2 seconds or more on almost every copy or paste.
I solved this issue with these steps:
Identify which "editor" is causing the problem. I detected that, in my case, the java script editor was the one causing it, but when copy/pasting in a simple text editor, (no high light, no color , no nothing) there was no such problem.
Note:Eclipse loads the file in different "editor windows/ plugins" depending on the file extension, this is configured in General > Editors > File Associations
As my case was caused by the JavaScript editor, went to Preferences > Java Script > Editor > Typing, and disabled all the "Automatically" boxes. This made the trick.
I solved unchecking all bound to CTRL + C except Copy in Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys
THE solution!! For me at least.
If CTRL + C works for some editor, not for other, then some plugin settings must have re-affected them to another command.
So you have to go to:
Window->Preferences->General->Startup and Shutdown
and try to disable, one by one the plugins activated on startup:
in my case, was "Dynamic Languages Toolkit Core UI"
I think I have found a beginning of a solution here.
Starting Eclipse with -clean option seems to be better but this not enough.
this is because my "workspace building is hanging up on some flash file"
I faced the problem when editing java code. Every time I typed CTRL + C the editor freezes for a short period of time.
In my case I only turned of the Go to declaration that is available in textual editors. SeeWindow -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Hyperlinking.
In my case it seemed to be related to remote connection to the PC (working directly on the PC was not freezing it, while working remotely via Remmina it was).
My fix was to unbind ALL commands on Ctrl+C (Window > Prefs > General > Keys), including the basic Copy (!!!). The operating system (or Eclipse core functionality) seems to handle clipboard keys correctly by default, no need to bind the additional "Copy" command to it.
Now it's not freezing anymore, enjoy!
Just wanted to share my observations here as a pebble in the ocean, I had tried with all most all of the above options but it didn't solve my issues.
Actually, in my case the main culprit was the java file size, as lines of code increased encountering this hanging while copy & paste actions.
So quick workaround which I made to have a temp file for development and once all done, moving the code to respective java file, get me out of this hurdle. (I am a selenium + Java guy, so this workaround worked for me).